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MARCH 2025

U.S. Needs To Develop New Sea-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missile To Deter Russia

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U.S. Needs To Develop New Sea-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missile To Deter Russia

The US Department of Defense concluded that it needs to develop a new sea-launched nuclear cruise missile (SLCM).

According to the statement it is necessary to deter Russia.

This was also underlined by a paper released by the US Department of State on July 23rd. [pdf]

The paper concludes that it wasn’t right for the Obama administration to abandon development of a SLCM.

“Accordingly, as noted in the National Defense Strategy, U.S. prioritization has also had to evolve with the times.  Whereas the Obama Administration had, as noted, downplayed great-power strategic threats in order to focus upon nuclear terrorism and nonproliferation –and had, inter alia, eliminated TLAM-N on this basis–developments in the PRC and Russia have driven the Trump Administration once again to the conclusion that “inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.” As the attached DOD paper makes clear, our renewed pursuit of a nuclear-armed SLCM grows out of the duty that every U.S. Administration has, as a steward of the safety and security of the American people, to preserve deterrence in light of prevailing threats.  As the security environment has deteriorated, the United States must approach its nuclear posture differently than it did when it believed the world was becoming a steadily safer place.”

The United States retired its last nuclear sea-launched cruise missile in 2010 — one of only two remaining U.S. theater or tactical (“non-strategic”) nuclear weapons.

Russia, however, hasn’t. It continued its “comprehensive program” to modernize and expand its low-yield theater and tactical nuclear weapons.

The need to develop a new nuclear-capable SLCM is needed because of one disturbing fact: “Russian strategy actually contemplates the use of these nuclear capabilities in conflict.”

Russia, however, according to the State Department, is wrong in thinking that using a low-yield nuclear weapon could provide it with a “coercive advantage.”

“Russia may have pursued this strategy because the United States, unlike Russia, retired most of its non-strategic nuclear systems. Russia may believe it can use theater or tactical weapons, the paper says, because the United States could not effectively respond and might be reluctant to escalate further by responding with strategic nuclear weapons.”

As such the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review needs an update since it is simply outdated now.

“A nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missile would address alarming developments in the forces and doctrine of nuclear competitors, the posture review says, adding that Russia and China both are investing significant sums to improve and expand their nuclear forces with no clear indication as to where that expansion will stop.”

According to the US, there are entirely credible concerns that Russia’s approach to a regional conflict (not global) could include using low-yield nuclear weapon first.

“This approach may be premised on Russia’s belief that its expanding anti-access/area denial networks will be able to neutralize the airborne nuclear deterrent forces of the United States and NATO,” the 2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review concluded. “In the future, it is possible that China could adopt a similar doctrine. Developing and fielding (sea-launched cruise missile-nuclear) signal the leaders of nuclear competitors in a concrete way that the United States has the capability and will to maintain operationally effective nuclear options to deter regional aggression.”

As such, developing a new nuclear-ready SLCM could help put any concerns to sleep.

Since if the US would have such a capability, any adversary (Russia) would “think twice” before employing their own.

Without requiring nuclear testing or violating any treaty, the SLCM “will lower the risks of nuclear conflict, bolster the confidence of allies and restore a degree of balance in non-strategic nuclear weapons that could create conditions more conducive to addressing this category of forces through arms control,” the posture review said.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

The U.S. needs to realize it is bankrupt.


Why don’t you explain them?


Hi’s Dutch.

He grows tulips and makes cheese.

He doesn’t have time to explain to those that never listen. Anyways his Tweeter account would be blocked by Trump immediately so why bother.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Pro-Kremlin-Russia Brit with a pathological dislike of the U.S./UK, Anglo-Zionist, Euro-Atlantic political system and foreign policy, actually.


Good for you mate….that was only joke you understand of course. If you are pro-Russia than we will get along just nicely.

Антон С

I chocked after that.) Can’t name myself as pro-Kremlin even after some liberal idiots called me a kremlin-bot.) I support some things, but criticize another.


He’s as active au us, bud. I think he has plenty if time to hate the rich.

Zionism = EVIL

The rich are parasites.


You still kiss their asses.


By hating rich, he obviously hates you Bacon. Be a man and accept that.


Sorry I can’t lose an argument to someone more poor than me.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not really required when the country is recording $6 trillion deficit and a debt to GDP ratio that will be over 130% all too soon.

They already know.

Ashok Varma

US is decline is quite self-evident even to the blind, deaf and dumb.


The world is declining, economy genius, it’s pandemic times. China is doing very well but because of the economic war USA will be the last to be purchased, so learn Chinese.

Zionism = EVIL

200,000 of the stupid cunts are dying in the streets like rabid dogs and they are spending more deadbeat dollars on a fat lardass losers arseholes military that is begging in the streets and lost to the Taliban, no less ROFLMAO.



You care sooo much of other people money


The above photo of the so-called “Iraq Veteran” says it all. You wonder if he ever asked himself why he went to Iraq in the first place?

Антон С

Soldiers don’t ask such questions, they just fulfill orders.


Only those soldiers that are ignorant, without conscience and uninformed would go to any war, unfortunately most US soldiers are like that. Have you ever heard the word “conscientious objector”? A conscientious objector is an individual with conscience who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion and there are thousands who did that during the Vietnam war and fewer numbers in Iraq. The question every soldier should ask themselves before going to war is: Is this a Just war or is it just a war?

Harry Smith

Hey bacon, 2nd quarter 2020 China’s GDP growth was at 11.5%, while USA GDP fall was 32%. And USA has biggest unemployment since WW2.


My data says China’s 3.2% not 11.5%. Anyway what do you predict, Smith?

Harry Smith

Do not mix annual growth and quarter growth, please. I can’t make any strategical predictions. If I could I were Warren Buffet 2.0. :) But as I can see, all will depend on who win the POTUS race.


Huh? http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-07/16/c_139217127.htm

Harry Smith

“The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 3.2 percent year on year in the second quarter” Year to year means China GDP in 2nd quarter 2020 is bigger by 3.2% then 2nd quarter 2019. If you take China’s GDP in 1st quarter and compare with China’s GDP in 2nd quarter it will show you 11% growth.


So you compared the second quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of of the same year. Understood. I think the first quarter of this year was pretty bad for China, maybe the worst in 30 years. That pumps up the numbers when compare consecutive quarters.

Harry Smith

Yep. The 1st quarter was devastating for the most of G20. And comparisons of year by year does not reflects the gap of the 1st quarter.


Ah sorry if I missunderstood you. I didn’t realize you wat to reflect the 1st quarter gap.


what about “blind, deaf , dumb”sclerotic and

having only one shoe?

Ashok Varma

It is astonishing to see a bankrupt imploding US spending more on weapons and wars as its economy falters and even the masks to deal with its worst virus are made in China and it wants to spend trillions on new weapons and wars.

Lone Ranger

What a load of BS they try to dish up? The Tomahawk can be nuke tipped. So they didn’t retire jack squat. But its archaic compared to Russian cruise missiles. U.S. doesnt even have supersonic cruise missiles let alone hypersonic.

Zionism = EVIL


Антон С

It could be false veteran like “viet vet” from “Falling down” with Michael Douglas.

Mocha Latte



U.S. is already left to far behind in missile technology. Starting now cruise missile project would be 10 years late, specially because China is fielding already first rail guns and both Russia and US are introducing first lasers with very limited purpose but still. It shows that laser tech is near future arriving immediately after hyper sonic missiles.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly as I predicted it.


So since you are so far in front of everybody what do you see now? What do you see ooooo divine Oracle we common mortals are listening to you now.

Tommy Jensen

Space! War coming from weapons in space.


you got me there you old swindler snake salesman,

I wasn’t expecting that as an answer

oooo thank you mighty Oracle we mortals salute you.


“U.S. Needs” only to go home now and stay there, to evade riots and civil war.

Harry Smith

They can’t. Falling down could be delayed for couple of years if Biden wins the presidential but only by final oppressing the conservative part of USA population.


That “delay” is critical time necessary to react on situation.

I am not talking about evading inevitable just having less dramatic and tragic consequence. If we fall down we need time to prepare for that if not we can get hurt badly.

Harry Smith

“We” are fat cats from old families, at my point. Nothing good in delay for ordinary Americans, I think. You already have precedents when the key stone right of self defense is sacrificed for BLM. Anarchy is good for those who have needed links in USA juridical system, money for security contractors and money for lawyers. Maybe I am wrong, but I do remember what was USSR fall like.

johnny rotten

Failed state propaganda, MAD is insured by ICBM and the like, cruise missiles would add nothing, the advantage is only on the side of additional spending but only for producers who pay lobbyists in the city of the swamp, for Americans it is only tears and blood to see how they are already reduced, while for the [imaginary] enemies that fill your mouth the Yankee, would change little or nothing on a practical level, in summary it is only ink wasted to print other dollars that soon no one will want to buy.

Антон С

Don’t underestimate cruise missiles. As you know, there are installations in Poland and Romania with vertical launchers. The same type as mark 41 VLS on ships. Shafts can be loaded with missile-interceptors or with cruise missiles. And none can check what type of missiles is on duty.

johnny rotten

Sorry, but if they launch a single nuclear warhead within the borders of Russia with either a cruise missile or something else the Yankees will be wiped off the face of the earth, there is no way to win a nuclear war and it will not be the cruise missiles that change on the contrary, this fact is precisely the cruise missiles currently the easiest to shoot down, we have recently seen it in Syria if I remember correctly, I think these announcements are only for home politics.

Антон С

The thing is you don’t know if this cruise missile nuclear or not. It looks the same on radars.

johnny rotten

But when explodes the difference we see and consequently the nuclear retaliation starts, it is enough that only one cruise missile passes and the consequences are known.

Антон С

The bet is on first disarming strike. Anyway it’s dangerous to have nuclear CMs that can reach the capital in 1 hour.

johnny rotten

In reality, the article refers to missiles launched by ships, but if we consider the launchers from the ground, Poland or other, you must also consider that they would be blown away within a few tens of seconds by an Iskander rain, therefore the possible attack it would be useless and counterproductive because it would bring the nuclear conflict directly on the two American coasts, in any scenario a nuclear attack carried by cruise missiles would result in a clash at a strategic level, for this reason I would categorically exclude that these are substantial threats as well as empty declarations and publications by the Yankee administration.


The rest of the world needs to sanction the US to curb its aggression.


mosquito raping elephant?! now that would be a true kinky porno movie!

Tommy Jensen

Precisely what I said. I recommended sea born hypersonic nukes in a 3-step first strike. Firts mini-nukes all over Moscow, the Russians are chocked and surprised and start EW and S-500 defense. Second wave over strategic points in St. Petersborg. Surprise surprise, the Americans are bombing an unexcpected target, confusion. Finally carpet bombing Kalingrad with sea born mini-nukes from all angles. Surprise again, they were defending Moscow but now realize Kaliningrad was the real target in an intelligent tactical maneuvre from US. We won and take over Kaliningrad, and after that Crimea is piece of cake. Back to where it belongs, to America……………………………LOL. When you break something you own it…………………………LOL.

cechas vodobenikov

while US offensive and defensive weapons r inferior trash, they spend more on their military than the next 14 largest military nations combined according to Univ Mich professor Juan Cole—this corrupt cultural desert produces bad burgers and petroleum “milk shakes”….their bumbling attempts at hybrid war convince only a few idiots that an actual direct war could defeat Russia or China…these incompetents were unable to produce regime change in Cuba…. amerikan turkey disadvantage regards imperialism—they cannot sustain their cowardice for more than a few years…after 20 years they control zero territory in Afghanistan….US/UK/Danish troops huddle in fortresses in Kabul and Bagdad….then they return home become drug addicts and commit suicide—22 US vets suicide on a daily basis…..the US version of population control….since the US occupations of Colombia and Afghanistan cocaine and heroin have become cheaper and more widely available in many nations….for Americans—“pure pleasure is coke, heroin, meth, marijuana, hallucinogens (they consume more per capita than any other peoples on the planet)

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