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MARCH 2025

U.S. Now Considering to Invade Russia: NYT

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U.S. Now Considering to Invade Russia: NYT

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Written by Eric Zuesse

An obliquely-written news-report in the New York Times on January 18th headlined “U.S. Warms to Helping Ukraine Target Crimea” and subheaded “The Biden administration is considering the argument that Kyiv needs the power to strike at the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.” It reported that, “the Biden administration is finally starting to concede that Kyiv may need the power to strike the Russian sanctuary, even if such a move increases the risk of escalation, according to several U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive debate. Crimea, between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, is home to tens of thousands of dug-in Russian troops and numerous Russian military bases.” It goes on to say that this “would be one of its boldest moves yet, helping Ukraine to attack the peninsula that President Vladimir V. Putin views as an integral part of his quest to restore past Russian glory.” This news-story omitted to mention that according to Russian law, Crimea (which was part of Russia throughout 1783-1954 when the Soviet Union’s dictator, a Ukrainian, arbitrarily transferred it to Ukraine) was restored to Russia on 16 March 2014, when a vote by Crimea’s residents supported by over 90% the return of Crimea to being a part of Russia, and Russia accepted that application by the Crimean people, for Crimea to become again a part of Russia. None of this was mentioned in the NYT’s news-report, nor was the fact mentioned there that even U.S. polling of the residents of Crimea, both before and after the 2014 plebiscite there, found over 90% of respondents to want restoration of Crimea as being a part of Russia. All of that crucial information has been kept secret from the American people, and from the people in U.S.-allied countries — they don’t know it. The NYT’s article says only that Crimea is “the peninsula that President Vladimir V. Putin views as an integral part of his quest to restore past Russian glory.”

Furthermore, the NYT’s news-report fails to mention that on 8 June 2020, Russia published from Putin’s office, “Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence”, which presented four circumstances, lettered “a” through “d”, under which “the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation” would exist; and letter “a” there is: “arrival of reliable data on a launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territory of the Russian Federation and/or its allies.” In other words: “the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation” would exist if America and Ukraine carry out “a launch of ballistic missiles attacking” Crimea. According to Russian law, Crimea is, again, a part of Russia; it certainly is part of “the territory of the Russian Federation and/or its allies.” It falls under Russia’s stated nuclear umbrella, Russia’s protection up to and including the use of nuclear weapons — the four official conditions under which Russia MIGHT respond by means of nuclear weapons. (And: it falls under “circumstance” “a” — the first one that is listed.)

Russia might not employ nuclear weapons in the event of such an attack against Crimea — it might instead respond without nuclear warheads, but only with non-nuclear ones; and, since the invasion of Crimea would have been carried out by both Ukraine and America, Ukraine and/or America would be targeted. If Ukraine would be targeted, then America might defend Ukraine by further attacking Russia — perhaps only in Crimea, but perhaps not. In any case: Washington and Kiev would jointly have violated the top condition in which Russia might respond with nuclear weapons; and, so, a second attack by America and Ukraine against Russia would almost certainly result in a nuclear response by Russia; and, as Scott Ritter has already noted, any circumstance in which one or more of Russia’s red lines have already been crossed by America and/or by one of America’s alies would precipitate a launch by Russia of its entire nuclear stockpile of thousands of nuclear weapons, from land, sea, and air, which would mean, within pehaps 30 minutes to an hour, game-over for everyone, and the end of life on Earth — not by some delayed “nuclear winter,” but immediately by the direct blast-effects and the intense nuclear radiation then spread throughout the entire atmosphere of the planet.

Though the NYT hid this crucial additional information, I don’t, though perhaps the hundreds of U.S.-and-allied news-media that I am submitting this news-report to might all decide not to publish it. Anyway: they all are receiving it on January 22nd. We’ll see which ones publish it, and whether ONLY ones that Google bans do publish it, in which case this news-report still will appear here, even if that turns out to be the only place that does.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

U.S. Now Considering to Invade Russia, because it’s desperate and hopes to stop the Russian advances with empty talk. Empty talk because the USA will NEVER EVER send boots on the ground on Ukraine. And if they do, this would be the immediate (well they got some minutes thou) end of the USA as we know it. Say my name.

Florian Geyer

I would argue that most citizens of NATO countries would welcome a non-nuclear response to a De Facto NATO invasion of Russia, such a Russian response might be to destroy all NATO parliament buildings of hostile the NATO ‘terrorists’.

Such a response would also be the death of all the Green nonsense.

Slava Rossiya.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

Im on the other hand quite fine with a nuclear response from the RF.


If Russia is not prepared to share all its resources with the free and civilised world to improve Western economy, there is no reason to live more on this planet. We are better off to die all together.

This is reality and there is only one to blame for this situation: Putin, and he know it!


the Western economy is not worth improving. I am curious to see how bad things can get here, maybe we can reach a point where there is political violence and we can receive Russian weapons to hunt down the heads of ideology here, that would be a lovely and democratic “spring”


you want share or grab :P


I didn’t know Dr. Zuesse wrote for the “Onion”?… But I certainly knew that the NYT “is” comedy!…

… And if it was “believable” I’ll tell any member of the U.$. MIC that they are doing the gene pool the biggest favor by sacrificing what life they have left in the 21st Centurt version of “Charge of the Light Brigades” which will see their imminent deaths far worse than the 19th Century version!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The US is very squeamish about risking itself. It is going to considerable lengths to convince other countries to take risks for it, such as Poland and Germany. It is worried that if NATO loses in Ukraine, Russia will take unspecified revenge against the US, which could include dedicating funds and arms towards causing casualties among US troops in another conflict zone. So the US wants to win to avoid shedding its own blood, but is at the same time afraid it will end up shedding blood or even being nuked and destroyed if it escalates in Ukraine.


Hey Mr. Putin and Lavrov, your western partners want to invade – if you didn’t noticed yet. BTW do you remember how USA invaded former Yugoslavia just after collapse of USSR ? There were not any humanitarian questions, they just bombed it from strategic bombers and they hit Chinese embassy as a “message”. I remember it quite OK. Seems like the scenario repeats – color revolution – false flag – small war with limited support – full scale war. This time full scale war means nuclear/biological/chemical Armageddon and possibly the end of lower 8billions on this planet. But lower 8 billions are distracted and hardly heard on TV what nuclear war looks like.

The Crunge

We’re too busy looking at our cell phones, smoking pot, drinking beer, watching sports and chasing hoes, no time for serious war here in America .


The last time the US experienced the realities of war was 162 years ago.


What could go wrong? Americanz got electrolytes


It’s hard to understand what NATO is thinking even floating these ideas. A cursory look at WWII will show that the Germans suffered horrific casualties trying to capture Crimea and it went on for something like a year. Does anyone really believe the Russians would let this go easily or that NATO armies have the stomach for that kind of commitment in blood?


Meh, I think the ukranian army will get smashed, ukraine will get divvied up between russia and poland, and that will be the end of it. zelesky needs to surrender, first the war and his army, then himself to russian authorities.


Why Poland? Poland never invaded neighbours unless attacked first. Poland needs free Ukraine and Ukraine as a part of bigger EU


I wouldn’t be surprised if Hungary would also grab the Zakarpattia Oblast back as it is after all sovereign Hungarian territory that was stolen.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

Well, the Americans are not very combative, with mediocre generals, and we saw it with Japan, Germany and Italy in the Second World War. The Amerian dead are of a tremendous disproportion, compared to the losses of the enemy. From a strategic point of view, Germany, Italy and Japan had minor losses of the Anglo-Saxons, since the latter lost a much higher percentage of their population. The wealth of a nation is its DNA. And to lose it for the sake of low-level merchants is stupid.




” low-level merchants” Oy vey.


Yes, the masters of the West who think they are geniuses are of poor extraction, inferior merchants.

cuckoo 40

Yes Armin you are right they are no more than salesman who will not dirty there hands. Total coward’s, ive seen these s scum all my life.


Let them try….


Darebácky štát USA bude toľko provokovať až sa nakoniec dočká. Verím, že RF je schopná a aj má na to silu a prostriedky aby uzemnila USA!!! Uvidíme!!!


Russia with their robust civil defense and S-400 and S-500 antiballistic missile systems would survive as a nation. The US would not.


lol, nobody would survive, you dumb fuck

Hans Richardt

Time to blow bridges over the Dniepr river is reaching urgent levels.


NAZI USA would NEVER HAVE THE GUTS TO INVADE RUSIA, NAZI USA ONLY pick fights against 3rd world military as they are afraid of casualties and would run at first casualties happening PLUS RUSSIA WOULD NUKE the NAZI USA IMMEDIATELY, so that will never happen they will get others to fight for them as the NAZI USA cannot even beat sandal wearing poppy farmers and goat herders. =Z=

The Objective

Bullshit. This is 100% bluff. Russia won’t even contemplate using nukes on U.S. soldiers because even if it doesn’t provoke a U.S. response, it will be very very bad for Russian troops in Ukraine. The U.S. will go full throttle and help Ukraine target them throughout the country. In fact, even the Russian people won’t tolerate Putin detonating a nuke without being attacked first. But if Russia uses the nukes on Ukriane’s soldiers imagine the international isolation and sanctions. Russia will become a pariah state. Nobody will listen to its case on the world stage. Really bad idea.


So many movies about doomsday may not have been made in vain.

They put this into our minds because they knew what they have in storage.


In such case Russia should consider nuke Poland and Germany and prepare nuke USA, if you USA continues aggressive moves. Putin need cut the snake head now .


Vamos deixar de mentira, a península ucraniana da Crimeia faz parte da Ucrânia. Espero que EUA derrote a Rússia, e desarme a Rússia para que haja paz na Rússia e seus vizinhos. Se a Rússia usar armas de destruição em massa na Ucrânia, com certeza a Rússia vai sofre um grande bombardeio do ocidente com armas de destruição em massa e milhões de russos morreram. Putin destruiu a Rússia, acabou com um país próspero.

Madam Defarge

So, the Biden Dictatorship thinks they can “invade” Russia? What a laugh. Apparently, the US military is so diverse there’s a question of which will be picked up first, a weapon or a compact.


Russia should use the father of all bombs in Bakhmut


Better to use on Tel Aviv, City of London and Washington.


You forget Basil Switzerland and Vatican City.

mike l hutchings

go for it assholes….


US look like a man high on drugs while sitting on thousand of nuclear warheads.


No one can be that stupid.


I see already Red Star banner with hammer and sickle hanging above Capitol Hill.

Sgt. Based

We couldn’t even successfully invade Afghanistan

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