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MARCH 2025

U.S. Offers $10 Million Reward For Information On Senior Hezbollah Commander

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The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program has offered a reward of up to $10 million for information on Muhammad Kawtharani, a senior commander of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Kawtharani is Hezbollah’s most senior official in Iraq. He is known to be responsible for promoting the group’s interests there.

In an official statement, the U.S. accused Kawtharani of undertaking some of the tasks of Iran’s Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani, who was assassinated earlier this year. Another US claim is that Kawtharani works to support pro-Iranian armed groups in Iraq.

“As a member of Hezbollah’s Political Council, Kawtharani has worked to promote Hezbollah’s interests in Iraq, including Hezbollah efforts to provide training, funding, political, and logistical support to Iraqi Shi’a insurgent groups,” the statement, that was released on April 11, reads.

Kawtharani has citizenships of both Lebanon and Iraq. He is reportedly registered under two names – Mohamad and Jafar – and has three different birth dates; 1945, 1959 and 1962.

Kawtharani was designated as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” by the U.S. Department of the Treasury back in August of 2013.

The U.S. ramped up its sanctions on Hezbollah last year, offering rewards for information on senior commanders of the group and on its financial network. However, these measures have yielded no known results, thus far.


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Peter Jennings

10 million, soon to be next to worthless, and only to be accepted in america, dollars! That’s very generous.

It does seem that the trillions spent on US intelligence agencies has had little affect on the productivity of US spooks. Maybe the world is just sick of US spooks abusing their positions to the extent that not even bribes will work. Have they tried Craigslist? The worm has turned.


LOL…you’re confusing the US Dollar for your already near worthless Ruble, Igor. Try to get the simplest things correct.

Peter Jennings

I got you correct, you’re simple.

Hang around a little longer and we will see which currency outlasts the other. Not long now, as financial analysts have speculated the end of April as not the end of the beginning, but the beginning of the end for the US stock market, to quote a drunkard.

Once that freefalls from its dead cat bounce, goodbye reserve currency and hello El Presidente. Order the banana seeds whilst they’re cheap.


LOL…you have such delusional wet dreams, Igor. But you do know a lot from drunkards. It is your favorite pastime in Russia. Anyway, I just noticed that your near worthless Rubles that are supposedly backed by your failing government and economy, are worth only about 20% of the Rubles I have that are NOT backed by your government. They are the Czarist Rubles I have from granddad who also thought Russia was such a big bad powerful country it’s currency could never fail. Well, as you know it did and did it again a couple of times. But still, these Czarist Rubles with NO Russian government backing them are worth some 5 times your Putz Putin Rubles. But look on the bright side. When you run out of toilet paper you will always have your Rubles close to hand.


You lol,is proof (ignorusupyeanus) demented nocando trypical soros/assfloggs! Jokes on you spastic liar,MEDIC!!!!!!


Dumb flog,the ruble is 100% gold backed,with proven infastructure + success storys to back that fact,unlike you packa pathedic lame,absolute 100% nocando assfloggeds, well you obviously have been destroyed by the truth as have been all your low iq demented lieing kweers with all your big talk fake heros,zeros and nocando trillions!


Another ugly shia piece of shit, I hope the U.S finds him in Iraq.

good american

He looks like a nice guy, actually. You’d think they could have found a more sinister looking photo of the fellow.


Well, the one they will take after the US or Israeli drone finds him sure won’t be very pretty.


They picked up from the former,won’t happen not unless god gets what god wants,in the formers,that fake was imfact a cia/deep state asset,oh well! Bottom line,deep state losing on all fronts no matter how,why or when,they lose!


He is a well educated cleric and highly respected in Iraq and has the potential to be Hassan Nasrallah of Lebanese Hezbollah, who has been on Zionist and US personnel non grata list for over 30 years and emerged as the most respected leader in the region. US designations normally works as a badge of honor.

Rafik Chauhan

you r a dog shit . and soon hot iron rod will put in your back and in Zionist scum ass by this same shia fighters. your CIA and Mossad dint able to do anything. all this years US dint able to touch Hezbollah. infect they run away from lebnon like pussy. even your dog master was chase away like street dog in 2000 from lebanon

good american

Thumbs down for language.


The hasbara teenagers are prone to use the standard vulgarities so people respond to them in robust language. The Zionist regime feels cornered now as the US is going down the tubes and exposed as an emperor without any clothes or ventilators.

good american

I think he edited the comment afterwards, which makes it a bit more readable now. Even though all of you all downvoted me, my comment had him clean his comment for the better. Using trashy language makes a trash comment even when people have something valuable to say. It is bad writing and is very unpleasant to read.


Lame!Maybe you ought to focus more on the truth,than judge (Not Lame)

good american

Refer to underneath.


Chill down Arab, we hope to meet with you again so we can end your country once and for all. The U.S will find and kill that bastard just like we will kill the rat Nasrallah in the next war, all the rockets in the world won’t save you.


You seem to be a very boastful and angry little petulant child, much prone to teenage bombast. Try to make some rational comments. No wonder the Zionist regime is hiring locked-down teenagers in the US for totally counter-productive propaganda.


I’m way past my teenage time, and I owe you no explanations on what I’ve done. We hate Hezbollah to the bone, I don’t see them as humans at all just as roaches that need to die.


Speaking of pieces of shit, I present to you the Zion_Moron.


He is a desperate hasbara teenager with this alter ego account Jake 321 who tend to proliferate comments to obfuscate issues.


Go suck a shia dick.

good american

I think I saw that guy on the Simpsons.

Bobby Twoshoes

Wouldn’t surprise me, most of the drek the US produces is CIA cultural programming.

klove and light

hahaha………yeah here we go ..satanic Moral bankrupt america…..if the jew cries out “jump”….america screams back “how high masters?”

Maduro on bounty hezbollah on bounty IRGC wanted terrorists and and and and sanctions Bounty and bombings……way to go Yankees….fastest route to hell


Yep, that is the idea. Send those SOB’s to Hell real fast. Israel is also doing a great job of doing the same. They may have to build an Islamist Shi’a annex in Hell.


Us oil prices not good,fake,phoney and false treasury bonds exposed now=not good!

Rhodium 10

Better spend that money to fight vs Covid before half of USA get infected


Just another way for the US to get money to Israel since Israel bumps these guys off with impunity all the time anyway.


So nice to be by far the wealthiest country in the whole World. If you missed it, unemployment you those unemployed is being gigantically increased already. $10 million is way less than spare change in the US Budget and Economy.


No spare change left bud,each man for himself,the lagger would be wiped,because they are all simply too greedy,desperate and all boken up nowadays,no more hegemon

Zionism = EVIL

Dumb Jew cunt living off US deadbeat taxpayers and posting with multiple hasbara accounts, dumbass welfare leech, the Americunts are deadbroke and dying in the streets with a now a $75 TRILLION deficit and an fourth world locked down economy that can’t even produce cloth masks, let alone ventilators. You Jew scum are ignorant and evil fucks.


it’s nothing better than a dead or alive notice where the dead alternative is the preferred outcome. this is regardless of the fact that there is a law in force in the disintegrating states of A which forbids assassinations on behalf of the american government. I think the law came about about 1950/60 when cia had a tendency to assassinate a leader of say a central american country that failed to bow to the american united fruit or some such group. that’s the law and now they have breached it twice, once with Maduro and once with this Hezbollah guy not forgetting general Soleimani murdered at the behest of the white house and the idiot dunny the dunce actually bragged about it..

Must be someone out there with the wherewithal to put up a 10 to 20 to 30 million bucks bounty for say Dunny the dunce or anyone of his family, dead or alive, or pompeo or anyone of his immediate family, dead or alive and so on and so forth. the world can’t and should not accept that one country is running wild and setting off kill lists for anyone that doesn’t suit the mood of the quickly disintegrating states of America – trust covid-19 will do the work which the world seem incapable of doing.


Well said, Verner.


I suppose the tit for tat should also include netanyahu and family and gantz and family and lieberman and family, all those that have made crimes against humanity and engage in war crimes on a regular and repeated manner and from all perspectives are enemies of mankind – no reason to allow them to continue to live!


Stick to your Hummus and Olive Oil, Abdul. You don’t know US law. He was officially given a Terrorist designation that makes him fair game anyplace in the world. His days are numbered in double digits. Bye bye.


Maduro is not a teorrist,this is proof you demented incest spawn cia wannabes are finished,incumbent,all broken up,over and out (period) Maduro is 100% legit leader!


I see idiot joke321 is out again – please note that he is of the leper colony out to spoil any rational and anti-jewish comments on southfront’s threads. he’s solely working for the jews in tel aviv, soon to be evicted from palestine, and his agenda is pitiful and unintelligent and he should be brandished leper whenever he turns up!

Zionism = EVIL

Both his accounts Iron Zion too, are from occupied Palestine. Hasbara is triggered by over 100,000 key words like Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Palestine etc. These BOTS come out with canned one dimensional posts and post after every comment. Usual desperate pattern fools no one and works against them. This arsehole BOT is the most downvoted cunt on the site, despite posting over 70,000 comments now. All useless.


No matter what,the floggeds don’t have the reward money as they are all stingers,even if the odd flogged had the coin,it will refute to part with it,this put elcheapo contract on the lagger, bottom line you cam’y yake the word of any of those desperato creeps,so much for intelligence


The add says “UP to $10M” which could be $1 or nothing.


After their hitman fks the lagger,tosses a dollar coin to its beggotten corpse = The done deal!


No brainer really,deep state cannot be trusted,even if one gave any such information,they would rather pay a pittance for the contract killing to the poor bugger who trusted these lowlife scumbags, in essense better the $1000 dollar deals without rist than the fake,phoney and false 10 million(period)


It is quite hypocritical for the US which is a rogue regime to post rewards for freedom fighters. It is the US and its NATO vassals that are occupying Iraq and fanning terrorism and conflicts in the region. US destroyed Iraq and is an illegal occupation force, resistance is a natural and necessary by-product.

Zionism = EVIL

Muhammed Kawtharani is a respected Iraqi cleric with mass following in Nejaf and Kerbala and has regional influence. He is more of a moderate political figure in the same vein as General Soleimani, but he like every Iraqi wants an end to the murderous Americunt and NATO fucktards occupation and plunder of their country.

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