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MARCH 2025

U.S. Officially Threatens To Strike Syrian Army If It Continues Operation In Eastern Ghouta

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U.S. Officially Threatens To Strike Syrian Army If It Continues Operation In Eastern Ghouta

Abdulmonam Eassa / AFP

The US is furious over the collapse of terrorists in the Syrian capital’s subrub of Eastern Ghouta.

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley just threatened that the US will strike Syrian government forces if they don’t halt their operation against terrorists in the area.

“We also warn any nation that is determined to impose its will through chemical attacks and inhuman suffering, most especially the outlaw Syrian regime, the United States remains prepared to act if we must,” Haley said.

The comment was made after the US diplomat said that the previous UN ceasefire resolution on Syria had “failed” accusing the Syrian government, Russia and Iran of this.

Haley also proposed a new UN ceasefire resolution:

“We have drafted a new ceasefire resolution that provides no room for evasion,” Haley said. “It is simple, straightforward and binding. It will take effect immediately upon adoption by this Council. It contains no counterterrorism loopholes for Assad, Iran and the Russians to hide behind.”

According to Haley, the previous resolution “failed” because it had allowed the Syrian Army and its allies to conduct operation in Eastern Ghouta against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), which was excluded from the ceasefire.

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia accused militants in Eastern Ghouta of using chlorine gas.

“According to information at our disposal, on March 5, Al-Nusra [Hayat Tahrir al-Sham] militants used chorine substance in Eastern Ghouta, which injured 30 civilians. All this is done to prepare the grounds for unilateral military actions against sovereign Syria,” Nebenzia stated. “The suburbs of Damascus cannot remain a hotbed of terrorism. And it is being used for continued attempts by terrorists to undermine the cessation of hostilities.”

Nebenzia went further and said that the Syrian government has every right to eliminate terrorists near Damascus.

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Daniel Miller

Just try and then get shot down

Michał Hunicz

Simply shoot down some aircraft and they will calm down.

Heby Jazz

They will receive also a response from SAA.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

Americans are raving mad. But maybe this time they will find on their path a Russia ready to stop their madness.

Pave Way IV

Russia doesn’t really have to do much, here. They could just sit back and give the US/UK/France the opportunity to wipe out whatever remaining legitimacy they have left in the eyes of the world. “Never interfere with an enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself”

It’s not like the west is ever going to put boots on the ground to stop the SAA Ghouta offensive. A few cruise missiles and JSOWS, and plenty of bellicose rhetoric about Assad and CWs. Maybe some help for future Israeli attacks by taking out a few more of the Syrian air defenses. The west can beat up on Syria and kill plenty of SAA and allied troops in an effort to protect Ghouta, but they have already lost the war.

bernie garland

wondered when the US would wheel that loud mouthed Zionist slag out again

andy l

They need to protect their proxy jihadis from total defeat. As if we didnt know they have been supporting them all along. Hypocrites


They have plenty Proxy Jihadis…… there could be hidin’ some intel peeps in these tunnels…….. and them is desperate for a Burger & a Shake……

jerry hamilton

America is more likely to walk away and pretend they know nothing about their proxy army.

Zainab Ali

ameritards are the biggest/total losers in the 21st century – their fake superiority has gone down into the drains

AresXtremE Nemesis

Fucking American terrorist shits and world destroyeders!


All this points to some serious NATO assets being trapped in Ghouta I think :)

Ghouta is within the main missile defence zone and part of Damascus, so I would suggest that the US flyboys check their parachutes are working.

I would also think that Russian missiles will be used to defend the SAA in Ghouta.


I was thinking the same Thing…… there must be some BIG Treasures running around in Ghouta… and they are In Panick…..


… as they were when about 9 thousand of western soldiers were trapped in Debaljcevo, Donbas, Eastern Ukraine.


As always, Russia won’t do anything in the event US & NATO start obliterating SAA positions in Eastern Ghouta: looks like the Russian military has never been prepared for such fight or simply they do not care about the fate of their Syrian partners…seems also that the “Almighty” president Vladimir Putin is more concerned on how to protect the areas surrounding Khmeimim airbase and Tartus naval facility since they have proven to be easy targets despite being equipped with “sophisticated” weaponry (useless military equipment while dealing with home-made drones which are indeed a true embarrassment to Putin’s strategy in Syria).


First, they were not home made drones. Second, not a single damage has been made on these basis due the sophisticated equipment that Russia has. I really do not see your point. Yes, Russia may allow USA to attack Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia ground troops, but I am not sure about that. Let us see what will happen after all.


Don’t waste your breath on the lord of wank. It’s tough living in granny’s basement.

HighLord Gaz

Nah, he’s sharing grannies bed…




Nuff said.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

But… but … but I thought she was dead!


She is dead


She is :)


This crazy Sikh woman is just showing US desperation as the SAA and Hezbollah whack the Wahhabi headchoppers, the darlings of US losers.


Especially, when it is flooded with diarrhea


Yeah, from it’s pathetic mouth.

Ray Douglas

Another reason the west is pushing so hard now is that this is interference in the Russian election. If attacked and Russia does nothing because of perhaps losing votes then he will be attacked for being weak. If Russia is attacked and he retaliates then he will be attacked for being belligerent. Either way he loses. The west has to push hard this week as this is the last time Putin will be vulnerable for a few years.


I doubt Russian voters care much American foreign po!icy delusions.

Rex drabble

They assume the Russian people are as easily fooled as their own citizens.

Muriel Kuri

What they don’t understand is that when Russia or her leader is attacked in any way, it just binds the Russian people together. Just like in WWII they came together against the common foe, now they will do so again for their country, which is constantly being attacked. Many in the west wish Putin would lose the election – I don’t think they’d like his replacement who would be a much less patient man than he is.


I can’t imagine Russian women stooping so low as to wear the astonishing hats and, um, costumes that some American “women” do. When we put imbeciles like Haley in the U.N. and leave our borders wide open, you have to say that we are not a serious people. Putin must seem like a rock to Russians. All he has to say is “See. I am not like the Americans” and he is re-elected!

jerry hamilton

Is he as wise as Putin? I don’t know of a statesman to match him.

Muriel Kuri

There ARE NONE to match him, anywhere on earth. Vladimir Zhirinovski is the only other one with a brain.

jerry hamilton

I do apologise for not knowing him. I don’t read newspapers and I do not watch television. I am 100% internet. I never follow the Main Stream Media because they lie. I happen to think Putin is on the verge of saving humanity from a jewish American evil. All I can do is apologise for my evil leaders in Britain. What they do, they do not do for the British people. They do it for Israel.

Muriel Kuri

I’m 100% internet as well – haven’t owned a TV for about 20 years. We are in the crosshairs of neocons next (and last) war. No more news after that – no world after that!

jerry hamilton

I think the jews who control America will back off. They must know it would be game over for them too. Yes there are DUMBS Deep Underground Military Bases but that would be more like a prison sentence.

Muriel Kuri

I saw a video of one of those DUMBS bases. They really think they’d survive there and be able to return to and rule the world, don’t they? Russia probably knows where each of them are and has the weapons to go deep down to reach them, so they’re only fooling themselves and spending massive amounts of money for nothing.

jerry hamilton

They are all Superman or Wonder woman. They are not capable of being wrong.


I think the Russian voters are educated and informed enough to realise what the US/UK is doing and that the time to stand up to the US/UK maniacs is fast approaching .

Icarus Tanović

Nikki used to talk tese kind of nonsences last year, and when ALepo was liberated, and so on and on. Remember 59 cruise missiles were fired by AMerican navy, only 13 of those hit thiers target?! Whats that? Pantsir system took those down.


The myth that American cruise missiles are highly accurate was dispelled in that attack. 59 missiles to hit 17 targets?

If they were 100% accurate, they would have used 17 missiles.


Pantsir or ECM? – either way – the US is a limp dick in Syria. They should do the honourable – pack up and go home while they can still walk


That, of course, would be the rational response, but one must remember, we are not dealing with rational people, we are dealing with the neo-cons that hijacked our government 70 years ago and have been getting worse yearly–when they lose, they double down, and that is what they are doing. They are stupid, violent and very dangerous.


Yeah.. either way, they’ll walk with their tails between their arse.. hehehe

888mladen .

The only reasonable response based on RU past behaviors. Can somebody still remember what RU has done to save the lives of more than 100 Wagner veteran RU forces and the elite Syrian ISIS Hunters who have been trained by them when they were attacked by US coalition East of Euphrates river?That must have been a fake news from hasbaras?

Muriel Kuri

See my response to him and read this: https://www.rt.com/news/421107-russia-military-response-troops-lives/ I think Putin’s extreme patience is finally coming to an end.


Yeah hope it’s real one this time.. not just another lip service/s





I thought maybe you would find this interesting information Bro……


Thanks brother, I’ll definitely take a look at it when I’m free.. my hands are tied.. hehehe.. tx again for the links..


My pleasure…:)

John Whitehot

and as usual, you will honor your nickname as every lie is uncovered and pinned without appeal on the regime change cabal.


he is classic hasbara , post a hilariously bad nonsense post so people will get distracted from the topic at hand..

hasbara 101


Noticing increase of diversionary-trolls always ranting to same script that Putin has failed the Syrians and doesn’t care enough blah blah. It is just more (western) anti-Putin rhetoric – but is very cynically cloaked in the pretense of showing concern for Syrians.


Russia will help with targetting US planes, Iranian Bavar 373 (S300 copy) will do the talking. Can’t wait to see US F35’s dropping like stones outta the skies over Syria.


I’m afraid even the Yanks won’t use those crocks of shite. It will be the F-22s who’s jet-pipes were made to take an S-400. What A Bang that will B


yes , remember times during Aleppo ? same old same old..


As always you are full of shit, wanking helplessly just like Nikki &her masters, while their terrorist puppets are obliterated in E.Ghouta. No one can save them now.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

That’s unfortunately how things would go down. Russians turned out to be pu$$ies. Ruskies never retaliated for American agressions in Syria,they take it like a “champ” each time.

HighLord Gaz

Not sure if you realise but the steady annihilation of the US jihadi assets IS Russia’s response….

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

How about the direct agressions of US army on SAA and Russian troops? So your logic is,US kicks the shit out of Russia on person and Russia takes out it’s anger on US proxies. Nice one.


You are dumber than a fucking rock. Why hit the US planes when you can eradicate all their boots on the ground? What are they gonna do after that, drop by to bomb some Syrian asset? Soon all your brethren will be blown to smithereens and you will hopefully follow them to meet your entitled virgins. Till then, live in fear. Your redemption will come.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

Hahaha you biased retards are soooo funny. What? Did the holy mother russia fail you? Or you don’t want to face the truth that South Front propagandas are cheap BS? Are you too upset that ruskies are scared shitless of Jewmericans? No need for further verbiage,Russians are proven themselves to be pussies when the shit got real. They took it like a real champ and they whitewashed the deaths of hundreds of SAA and Russian troops just because they are TOO CUNT to retaliate. Keep masturbating and fooling yourselves biased clowns.


“Russians were proven themselves pussies when shit got real.”

Nuts! Remember Stalingrad.

“Mother Russia failing me.”

Not really, they are doing a good job in Syria. Can’t deny I would like even more such interference to end the job faster.

“Russians scared of Jewmericans”

If there was even a bit of truth in this argument, there wouldn’t be a move in Syria in the first place.

The next move is on the West, let’s see what happens.

Now go educate yourself, you little wahhabi prick.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

lol You are the one without arguments you gullible fuck.

“Stalingrad” lol Yea pretty sure the fact that they got invaded by Germany in WW2 would somehow relate to the present day and prove that Ruskies are not pu$$ies. Suprise,it does not.

You autistic monkeys keep fooling yourselves as USrael kills more of you,pretty sure all those agression were a part of Putin’s plan,right? Fucking pussies,keep masturbating weak shits.


I bet you are safe & sound behind your computer ZioNazi Dickhead…..you are just Chickenshit… if you had some Balls you would go and help your Buddies in Ghouta…

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

LOL Another clueless retard,fucking pathetic.


Where does all this anger come from…? Abused by some Old Folks in a Satanic Ritual as a kid perhaps? A little MK-Ultra applied… and there you go….. another Wannabejihadist created……that thinks that the Russians were behind it…..

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

Wut? Looks like you are living in an even more colorful world than I am. What a hilarous clown.


Even the Taliban commended the Ruskies for being tougher fighters than Yankee P@ssies


JDE, you are the cunt here. Go back to Turkey.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

lol Spoiled Putinbots,Mother Russia will fail you again. They are MASSIVE PU$$IES. But probably all of you retards are going to act like nothing happened,continue praising Russia eventhough they don’t deserve the half of it. How many times Ru$$ia didn’t respond to agression and lost many men? You all are both cunt and dumb.


SF propagandas? You mean CNN-Fox news is the REAL news. You need to get your head outta your arse. Syria is 90% liberated despite funding, aiding and abetting thousands of terrorists by US and Israel. Once the small pockets of nuisance is cleared out, Golan is next – or maybe…Tel Aviv


The U.S. wants to have the second comin’ of Christ….Total annihilation of the Planet in the form of Nukes…it’s not strange that intelligent People look for other potential options….At the moment it is your Brothers, that are the one’s that is Kicked the Shit out off….


Hello Mr Immediate Gratification. Russia plays the long game. You weren’t aware?


Unlike idiot Trump, Putin is a brilliant chessplayer. Syria waited years to kick Israeli ass by shooting down Zio F16’s, there is a time and place for everything. The US already is a limp dick in Syria, the Russian-Syrian-Iranian-Hezbo alliance has prevailed against all odds. So who’s losing then?


The U.S. is confused and angry like a frustrated child. U.S. policy changes from week to week depending on what instructions Nikki gets from the Israeli ambassador.

The U.S. presence in Syria is illegal and horribly expensive. There is domestic opposition to U.S. involvement in Yemen. The Kurds are finding out what great allies Americans are. Nikki’s idea that Syria can’t clean out terrorist scum in Ghouta is absurd.

Russia just needs to watch the U.S. flounder. Patience.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

US policies gets agressive because they are losing the proxy war so they want to take the matters into their own hands.

This doesn’t mean anything,Iraq was expensive and there were domestic opposition too but did that stopped anything from happening? There are still domestic opposition to Afghanistan but this also is not an issue for the US government,they don’t care. US is democracy until elections,it’s dictatorship after elections.

Kurds are dumb apes,they are not going to find out anything,US dumped them like the worthless whores they are multiple times and they still make the same mistake over and over again.

There are two options for Russia and waiting is not one of them.They will either turn tail and go home giving up on their investments so far. OR they will respond to American agression and protect their investment which they failed to do so far,they never retaliated on field,but only with official statements.Because US is obviously not afraid of a conflict and aims to get rid of Assad and SAA,not to mention if US goes in their colonies like UK,France,Germany goes in too so in case of an escalation mother Russia needs to make some serious decisions.


There is much sense in what you say in your first three paragraphs though I would not describe the Kurds as useless whores. They are not the saints that some would say they are but they have been an important part of the opposition to ISIS.

I think your last paragraph sets up a limited set of options. The U.S. is not stupid and its officers have noted the fate of the Israeli F-16. It has limited itself to a presence east of the Euphrates and sending large numbers of ground troops west of it would be a major escalation. This will not happen, certainly as the 2018 elections approach. Air operations will not take place for the above reason.

This nonsense from Haley that the SAA has no right to operate in E. Ghouta should be seen as stupid bluster. The U.S. will only do a repeat of Clinton’s firing a cruise missile into the sand dune.

France, Germany and the U.K. have no stomach for an adventure in Syria. Anyway, Germany always limits its ferocious military to mine sweeping or water purification roles.

Netanyahu just visited Trump so we will soon find out what his instructions to Americans are. Israel’s Greater Israel and hydrocarbon acquisition goals probably trump every U.S. national interest.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

Will see buddy,will see. I hope that Putin and Lavrov don’t sell out Syrian government on a dime.


Well, now that I think about it, there was that curious Russian behavior of reducing their forces after some relatively important achievement. They did this one or two times and it seemed way too premature. All I could think was they are emphasizing there is no long-term imperial Russian design on Syria. Just helping out Assad. Period. Not a bad idea actually, and, anyway, they never really did pull out. Only a temporary reduction . . . .

With recent attacks on Russian pilots and ground troops I expect harder Russian reactions, even if well controlled.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

What do you think about US directly bombing SAA convoys?


I thought the attacks on those convoys around al Tanf were arrogant and, of course, illegal. Just as was the case with the mere U.S. presence in al Tanf.

The deliberate U.S. attack on the SAA position SW of Deir ez-Zor showed U.S. dishonesty perfectly.

Absolutely nothing about U.S. presence or actions is legal or constitutional. I despise the neocon attitude that America can presume to judge what governments around the world are acceptable. Internal U.S. political realities are proof enough of our complete abandonment of any moral authority we once might have had.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

And what I’m saying is Russia didn’t do anything to stop those airstrikes from happening again let alone retaliating. They could at least provide better air defence systems but they didn’t do that either. Recently I began to question the credibility of Russians as an ally of Syria. I really began to hate “holy mother russia is life holy mother russia is love” narrative of South Front,I mean I support Syria and Russia against another Made in USA Libya 2.0 but people here are fanatics and South Front uses a narrative to feed off of that fanaticsm instead of objective and realistic reporting. That’s why I guess people don’t like me here. lol

I’m from Turkey and I’m aware of the crimes ErD0Gan committed in Syria and I feel the same about Turkish government the way you feel about US government. Erdogan and it’s islamist shitty part abandoned founding principals of Turkey and they try to turn Turkey into a country like Saudi Arabia/Iran. Their corruption is beyond imagination and they are utterly shameless and spineless just like US government.


I see Russia’s contribution as immense and they have shown maturity, restraint, and resolve. The goal for Syria and its allies is not to chastise Israel or the U.S. It is to kill jihadis. I like the expression “You don’t have to kick every barking dog.: To have confronted the U.S. directly would have detracted from the goal of killing jihadis even though restraint must be galling to the Russians. Still, first things first. Avoid distractions.

There is also a distinct odor of psychopathy in American foreign policy. Putin, Lavrov, and Shoigu, I suspect, sense that the Western nations have subtly (ha) taken leave of their senses. Mentally unbalanced people or people who are out of touch with reality must be dealt with gingerly lest matters spin out of control.

In point of fact, the Russians seem to be the only actors who operate with an appreciation of the terrible slaughter of WWI and WWII. All others act as though this is a game without consequences. A look at any picture of Raqqah, Aleppo, Damascus, Mosul, or Sirte and a decent person has to ask how excellent and divinely-inspired does a policy have to be to justify such death and destruction? Yet such death and destruction has taken place for hidden, dishonest, and cheap reasons. And America is primarily responsible.

I particularly appreciate the Russian role in exposing the pretend U.S. “war on ISIS.” ISIS seemed to be surrounded by an invisible protective shield when we were “fighting them” but along came the Russians and suddenly it was not at all difficult to find and attack ISIS targets. Amazing. Some kind of special Russian radar perhaps. :-)

I don’t see South Front as any kind of a home for fanatics. Mostly the commentary is logical and well-founded.


PS — The crucial question question is What will Russia do after the last pockets of jihadi opposition are eliminated? Restraint against American stupidity is in order before then but how should Assad and his allies proceed when it’s just plain that the U.S. has no ant-ISIS mission. At a minimum, I’m surprised the Russians haven’t published a detailed legal analysis of the U.S. presence in Syria. Going full U.N. Charter and attempting to pull it back out of the grave would be a valuable exercise today in view of U.S. complete disregard for legality. Did we learn anything from WWII or is the number one Western priority to discredit “nationalism,” the “nationalism” that hides behind every bush?


I admire the way you can do 2 things at once, bating and typing at the same time is an unusual skill?


Syrian and their allied forces should never listen to Washington regime. Syrian and their allied forces should exterminate all terrorists from Syrian land and send them at the tip of the missiles straight to the Trump regime to accommodate these morons in your country. Syria have no wish to tolerate them anymore on their land. FO

HighLord Gaz

With all the wanking you are doing, haven’t you rubbed the skin off the knob yet? If not, that must be some space-age hi-tech lube your using. Does your Langely handler compensate you for that, or do you pay out of your own pocket? Is it a tax deduction, ie a business expense, kinda like A4 paper and printer consumables?


Russia would not have picked to show her latest super weapons if not to tell the Americans not try to fight Russia when Russia shoots down US planes in Syria

This is also to prepare for the day they with SAA starts to drive the US forces from Syria.

Just cannot see how US forces can last in Syria if Turkey is on side of Russia to drive out the Kurds


US forces will be attacked just before occupied Golan is retaken by Iran-Hizbollah-SAA – unless they are smart and leave first.



With the Greetings of the Mossad…..

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi huney buney!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Leader of ISIS in Libya, a Mestaravem he made several trips to meet an a former Tunisian Colonel in Pakistan who leads the Golden Army in Myanmar. One has to watch when these clowns dress up as photographers as they only have on intention capture and kill later.


hehehe.. ur right brother..!


Roast wahbabis…..and you get sateh anjin…….?


lol..! wow..! I’m surprised that you can speak Malay..?! It’s actually Satey Babi (swine Satey)..! I’m not sure about Satey Anjing (dog Satey) hehehe.. it’s prohibited here in my country to consume dog.. hehehe.. but.. yes, they can export those wahbabi’s corps here to make sate..

Icarus Tanović

Hey Wank, have you lost your mind with sperm depletion?


Methinks he thinks with his little head.


East Ghouta is a very long way inside of Syria – NATO warplanes would fly there at their extreme peril, and the last batch of incoming NATO cruise missiles were subject to both, highly effective, electronic and surface to air counter measures.

Muriel Kuri

See RT link: https://www.rt.com/news/421107-russia-military-response-troops-lives/ Russia is finally saying they WILL respond if their people are endangered. US and/or NATO must have some valuable assets in Ghouta that they want to protect. We’ll see what happens next.

Boris Kazlov

You are an idiot Russia cannot back down in Syria, they are perfectly aware that if they do they are next.

AM Hants

Remember it well, when Merkel went running to the Kremlin. Out of it came the Minsk II Agreement, which the US and UK were kept out of. Remember, Russia, France and Germany are only guarantors.

No doubt, that is one of the reasons that the UK Government have gone balistic in the UK, blaming Russia for everything they can find. Donetsk Airport and the cauldrons, made them sit up and take notice. No doubt the same with regards Ghouta.


donetsk airport ahhh , i love how the polish trolls tried to cover up the fact that many polish mercs are dead and buried in donetsk airport terminall..

they go into overdrive trying to deny polish involvement in ukraine… what a sad bunch of people those poles


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AM Hants

Never been so disgusted with my own Government (same whatever party is in control) as I have, over the last 4 years. When I woke up from my media, induced, zombie coma and learnt about Operation Gladio and the fact that it is still up and running, with even more psychotic behaviour, contributed by those we elect.

Muriel Kuri

We are definitely on the same page! I was so disgusted yesterday listening to May’s shrill babble with finger pointing at Russia with absolutely NO proof that I had to leave the room! Now with the witch at the UN stirring her cauldron of hate at Russia about ‘chemical weapons’ in Ghouta, we finally get a response from Russia saying that if their people are ‘endangered’ they will respond accordingly to the launchers and rockets, so maybe we’ll soon be put out of our anxiety of waiting and will finally get to the end point. I’m really at the point that I am so upset with all this hatred swirling around that I have to either leave the room, or play some silly game just to get my mind off of it. We are really incredibly close to WWIII and our leaders, both yours and mine, don’t even seem to mind. In fact, they seem to be licking their lips relishing the thought of MORE bloodshed, MORE killings and misery, only this time world wide! The vampires are sharpening their teeth with gusto, for the onslaught to come. God save us all.

AM Hants

You have said just what I am feeling. The bewilderment, with regards the idiots that we elect, just because they are so easy to coerce, or blackmail, owing to their lifestyle choices, have no idea what they are playing at. Fully aided and supported by the equally dubious media.

Over here in the UK, the BBC is running a phone in, Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2, trying to encourage the UK and Europe to pull out of the Russian World Cup. Or how we can punish Russia. Surely, it should be how we can punish our media and our corrupt politicians?


Two articles, over on Moon of Alabama, might interest you, together with another article, that show that Christopher Steele, who was friends with the Russian spy, also worked on the UK bid to stage the World Cup, that we lost out on, as it went to Russia. Funny how they all link in, together with Hilary funding the Trump Dossier, that Steele came up with.

Theresa May’s “45 Minutes” Moment Today the British government made some dubious assertions about Saddam’s chemical weapons the poisoning of its double agent Sergej Skripal… http://www.moonofalabama.org/

Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier How the ex-spy tried to warn the world about Trump’s ties to Russia. By Jane Mayer… https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/03/12/christopher-steele-the-man-behind-the-trump-dossier

This article raises many questions, with regards the above:

The New Yorker Attempts But Fails To Boost The Steele Dossier… http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/03/the-new-yorker-attempts-but-fails-to-boost-the-steele-dossier.html


I love the image AM :)

AM Hants

Moon of Alabama supplied it.


I’m a subscriber and missed it. TanX

AM Hants

They provide some seriously good articles. The image came from the article on May and her 45 minutes of madness, I believe. Just reading the Dailing Mail and they are seriously freaking out, with so many media disinformation agents out on the story. The night shift have just signed in.


Great piece of fotoshopping…..


“with regards the idiots that we elect, ”

they are appointed. You choose different flavors and colors in the same pile of crap.

Bankers own them all. And use them for purpose. As we can see. Random isn’t part of this equation.

So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It’s all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down “

’A total of 737 control 80% of it all”

The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.”

Please Google “The network of global corporate control”


“Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.”

Gilens, M., & Page, B. I. (2014). Testing theories of American politics: Elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564-581. DOI: 10.1017/S1537592714001595


“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ”

| David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing sovereignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)

Your media and politicians are only a product of an idiotology built around INEQUALITY.

It is illogical NOT to expect corruption when everyone wants MORE, rather than less.

We need to learn to share.

Allen Victor Cox

Play with Fire as the saying goes prod a Bear see what happens UK Are insane to Mess With Russia they no longer hold a functioning Air Force Tornado’s is Best they have Good luck guys should have left USA to Prod The Bear UK should have learnt the hard wY following US into Iraq


the ‘west’ used to put on benevolent and law abiding mask to cover their real face , nowadays they do not bother to use that mask and confident that their decades long propaganda program already turned the western citizen into a limp and ignorant mess , whose only concern is bread and circusses..

today’s ‘west’ are totally unhinged and show truly what’s the western governments really are .. yet there still plenty of IGNORANT and stupid western people who still think ‘west’ is the good guys against ‘evil’ russian

the level of intelligence of western population truly declined

AM Hants

So agree, and they dumbed down education, to completely erase any form of intelligence, we might have had.


Yes, and they have. Look around at the herd. All stupid and complicit.

Fluoride’s ability to damage the brain is one of the most active areas of fluoride research today. Over 300 studies have found that fluoride is a neurotoxin (a chemical that can damage the brain). This research includes:

Over 100 animal studies showing that prolonged exposure to varying levels of fluoride can damage the brain, particularly when coupled with an iodine deficiency, or aluminum excess; 52 human studies linking moderately high fluoride exposures with reduced intelligence; 45 animal studies reporting that mice or rats ingesting fluoride have an impaired capacity to learn and/or remember; 12 studies (7 human, 5 animal) linking fluoride with neurobehavioral deficits (e.g., impaired visual-spatial organization); 3 human studies linking fluoride exposure with impaired fetal brain development.

Based on this accumulating body of research, several prestigious reviews — including a report authored by the U.S. National Research Council, a meta-analysis published by a team of Harvard scientists, a review published in The Lancet, and a 2017 U.S.-funded 12-year study that found a link between fluoride in the urine of pregnant women and lower measures of intelligence in their children — have raised red flags about the potential for low levels of fluoride to harm brain development in some members of the population.

First Lastname

Yeah the Poles are so schizophrenic. They stand against ZOG in the west, but also against Russia in the east, who also stands against ZOG. At least Hungary stays out of the proxy wars.


Russia must now be solidly behind SAA or be blamed for cowardice that can only fight defenceless terrorists but lame against western air force. Stop selling the S400 …. if so scared.

andy l

I really hope they use those S400s but I just cant see Putin shooting down US jets unless Russian personnel are in danger. If they dont defend SAA then it will look as if Russia is just a paper tiger

John Whitehot

yawn yawn.

whatever things look to you, they are different. desperately coming here with the same usual zioyank bullshit won’t change a damn thing.

andy l

And whats your observation other than usual BS replies

John Whitehot

that you know about S400s because you hear it on CNN but wouldn’t make out a SAM from an ICBM.

Leon Auguste

simple… make Russian troops very visible in the area and lets see what happens..


Your uniform is on the way. I expect to see you in a CNN report very soon :)

Leon Auguste

Haha…no fighting for me please… I tried to take the week off reading war stuff but this news about America threatening Syria again is too hard to resist.. I really pray things calm down… I don’t understand how humanity has gotten to this point… terrible indeed


” I don’t understand how humanity has gotten to this point… terrible indeed ”

The US is only doing what every cult and empire has attempted to do since Man first walked this earth. They wish to control all their known world to the exclusion of all others.

It is now that we have reached a point where the US Empire considers that dream to be possible.


Forget it, Russia will not start WWIII. Russia is just waiting USA starts, then, USA people will understand (if they are still alive) why it is not possible to defect Russia.

Pave Way IV

Russia doesn’t have to start WWIII, here. Besides, the threatened ‘western’ attack would be something cowardly like cruise missiles and propaganda.

Syrian air defenses seemed capable against the Israeli F-16 sneaking back to its base and almost ready to land. The Syrian long-range missiles will also pursue French or US aircraft well outside of Syrian territory if they attempted to attack. I wouldn’t think they would risk aircraft/pilots, but that would be assuming rational actions by psychopathic leaders. Where are the US/French Mediterranean warships? Perfect false-flag opportunity. Besides, Bibi is getting increasingly impatient that his US/UK/French lackeys are not dying to protect Israel.


It is nice to see them AngloZionazis getting angrier & angrier because they are not getting it their way…… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d542e5b1afaf9e6947db8d849ead5c53c734248cf6f70f8dce054f1e520e5e1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d9e2f51272fdddb0576fb9d2ec6b42cabbd206b9f4fc09234b12f67b34de563.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bf0dbf63e646349c6b24db92b6fa3f1a41a8b6ad702e070d18a43e1cb2c574c4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0bda46e3775a7e11276160fab4f266dd62a1e6b78db2923c10c7ccf3b36535d8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/59a40e9d9997e2c6b837ae2608403fb1e52d86b737b674d1d4eebe732d6e83aa.jpg


Don’t give me nightmares Merijn


This fucking world it became too sick with these people, it was never like this, what is happening today with these “Rulers” had never happen before a thing like this.


It is their Arrogance…… they already thought they won…


All nations have had insane rulers at times, often for the majority of time BUT never before have we had a nation as powerful as the USA today that is maddened by greed and that has the capacity to destroy the world in a few hours.

jerry hamilton

Thank you so much for last nights nightmare. God that top one is scary.


You’re welcome….. yeah doesn’t all these pictures combined together give a nice picture of the type of leadership we are dealing with…….?

jerry hamilton

They manage to make Putin look like Joan of Ark.

John Whitehot

it’s basically my same thoughts.

Kira Binkley

The only world wars in history, designated by such, were started by the European powers, and none others. If the European countries want war and devastation they will have only themselves to blame. Or credit. I have told the U.S. to stay out of Syria; you are messing with the plans.


And you, I suppose will be the judge of how “solid” they stand?It’s interesting how people are prepared to criticize someone, who has done something good, of not doing enough!


Isn’t Russia there all the time? Haven’t noticed them were gone…..


In All previous Wars the AngloZioNazis blamed their Opponent of starting the War, to have an excuse… so that the Sheeple were eager to join the Army and Fight this Evil Enemy…..this Time it is different….. Let this Loudmouthed Bully START THE WAR…………we will see how many Allies there will be….

You can call me Al

Nice call…..It may also explain all that traitorous spy poisoning fiasco in London.


Indulge me if you will Al for a moment.

It is likely that US/NATO advisers are in Ghouta ,as they have been present in all other major terrorist areas in Syria to coordinate the assault on Damascus and this is the main reason for US hysteria.

If my premise is correct and I was a terrorist commander in Ghouta who was in a dire situation that was likely to end rather badly , I would seriously consider holding any US/NATO advisers hostage and demand that the US use all necessary means to extricate me and my men or to reinforce me with the means to ‘march on Damascus’.

US / NATO hostages would also get ‘me’ a Free Pass from the SAA and Russia as well I think if traded in :)


Compared to Aleppo region siege in north Syria and fighting near Euphrates in east Syria, this central Syria pocket presents greater difficulties of evacuation of same.

Richard M

Aleppo’s liberation was a long time coming, giving whatever CIA assets were there plenty of time to exfiltrate. East Ghouta’s liberation was more sudden. No one knew just a few weeks ago that SAA’s offensive wouldn’t be just another in a long line of underachieving attacks.


Yes I think it’s speed was a surprise to us all. I wish them minimum casualties as they destroy the rats and enablers.


It seems unfair to speak of “underachieving” attacks. Which ones do you have in mind?

Urban warfare is dangerous and slow. For a long time the SAA was stretched thin and could only try to stabilize and put out fires. Only now has it enjoyed the luxury of concentrating forces.

Richard M

Of course there are lots of reasons, and the preliminary attacks set the stage for current successes. I wasn’t criticizing SAA, just pointing out why CIA assets are trapped unexpectedly (by CIA) in EG.


Ok. Copy that. Thanks.


The liberation of Eastern Aleppo city also involved many thousands of civilians being held hostage by the US proxy terrorists as well . There was the added complication of Turkey when her troops and proxies annexed the Northern Aleppo governate around Al Bab, due to the many Turkish terrorists and advisers present in Aleppo city.

There was no active ground to air missile defence of Aleppo at that time either. Plus , ISIS was active to the East and close to the city.

IF the terrorists in Ghouta wish to fight and die it will be a hard battle but most of the terrorists and commanders only seek plunder and ‘gold’. Rather like a Privateer ( a State licenced Pirate Ship ). Such men wish to live to spend their ill gotten gains.


For a well Russia organized team in command of Syria forces, nothing is a big problem.

You can call me Al

Yes, maybe you interpreted my comment incorrectly – I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, but before it got to this stage, I think the UK tried other tactics to maybe try and stop Russia on continuing their advance by the daft spy thing.

The way Macron has come out with fighting talk, I would guess the French have a contingent in Ghouta…….


Yes, the haste and venom must surely have a hidden cause. If it does not the Security Services are lacking. Is it as simple as the government shooting from the hip. Theresa May’s demand that ‘Russia’ explains what happened in Salisbury in two days time has a similar petulant stamp of Nikki Haleys outburst at the UN after the Jerusalem Embassy vote.

There are again demands by politicians to close down RT in the UK.All this will do is to further increase the curiosity of those who previously had not heard of RT and it broadcasts on the internet anyway :)

Essentially the US Coalition is in trouble as their proxy terror gangs who rape ,plunder and murder are failing and being exposed as criminal thugs and not the Boy Scout types that want a ‘better Syria’ as the White Helmet Propaganda attempts to portray.

The US,UK and France would have to put the lives of their own military in peril if they seek to change the outcome of the Syrian war that is fast approaching . Even then the result will likely be a defeat and the total exposure of the US Coalition’s long term support for international terrorism.

AM Hants

‘Even then the result will likely be a defeat and the total exposure of the US Coalition’s long term support for international terrorism.#

Personally, I seriously cannot wait for that to happen, together with their handlers.


As it surely will I think. Russia has the military power to stand up to the US and NATO and China has the economic power and manpower to develop trade around the globe at a far reduced price when compared with US and EU products.

The quality of Chinese goods has greatly improved in the last 20 years and Russia is using Western sanctions to force much needed modernisation of her industrial and agricultural industries.

In about 2002 I travelled by road from St Petersburg to Borodino that is South of Moscow and I was astounded at the mile after mile of farmland that had been all but abandoned . I hope it has now been cultivated again.

AM Hants

There was an article last week, where we all talking about the farms that were coming back to Russia, owing to the vast lands. There were some brilliant comments and a few videos posted.

I have seen this article before, but, forgot where I had seen it. Then somebody posted a link, but, the comment was removed. It might interest you, if you have not already seen it.

Thanks for the link. I have read the article, via another site, but, forgot where to find it,when looking. Thank you.


The planned smashing of Syria syrianaanalysis (35) in syria • 12 days ago Minutes of diplomatic meetings reveal unpleasant truths about the war against Syria.

by Jochen Mitschka Translation: Hanin Elias… https://steemit.com/syria/@syrianaanalysis/the-planned-smashing-of-syria


The Northern Sunni region would have been dominated by Head Choppers I suppose. And the UK government would have been very happy with that as they are with Saudi Arabia.

AM Hants

Just listening to Common Puprose BBC Radio 2 and they are having a phone in, in about 30 minutes, on the Common Purpose Jeremy Vine Show (1220 midday – Greenwich Meantime). They have daily been running the show on Russia and the Steele Dossier, linked old Soviet Spy. Well, today, the agenda is coming out. The show is how to punish Russia, starting with all of the EU nations pulling out of the World Cup????????? Remember the UK lost out to Russia, to host it, and we took lessons from Clinton, with regards how to lose with grace. Didn’t the US also lose out, together with their bid to host it, when Qatar won? There again, without the overpaid and unable to play Western Footie stars, would Russia actually miss any of those teams? You might actually see hunger, price and determination return to the World Cup. Good luck Russia and please do not believe our rotten politicians in Westminster represent their people or electorate.


Theresa May was also frothing at the mouth saying that UK cyber attacks on Russia ‘could be’ part of a retaliation for the chemical ‘attack ‘ in Salisbury.

If only the British Police and Judicial system was as ‘fast and efficient’ to solve the upsurge in UK crime as they have been with this incident :)

It was as if the charge sheet had been approved by the Criminal Prosecution Service before the incident occurred. As Trump would say ” That’s smart policing ” :)


The British police are very, very busy tracking down white Britons who write “Muslims go home” in their secret diary. Talk about vicious criminals!

I’m surprised they had time to look into the sarin attack ordered by Putin on that chap in Salisbury.


The British Police take ‘hate crimes’ very seriously and calling a man or woman a ‘ fat ugly bastard’ or a ‘ skinny ugly bastard ‘ are crimes that demand many . ‘resources ‘ ( a euphemism for we want more money now).

jerry hamilton

Two things stand out about that attack. It was clumsy, it potentially targeted a lot of people. Neither Russia nor Britain would be so clumsy. The other biggie is the timing. It adds momentum to Haley’s threat of attack. We won’t even mention it was a known Russian nerve agent. Some things scream set up, others don’t need to make a sound.


Oh, you managed to get that, I posted and got it wrong, hence delete.

AM Hants

No problems and thanks. Found another link into it, and remembered the article from last week. So worth viewing the link, to see how hard they are going to go, in order to run with the same script as Iraq and assume they will be on the winning team.



The partition article is a damning example of the US coalition’s rape of Syria.

It should be front page news in a real democracy and more proof in needed that the US and EU are in fact plutocracy’s that are willing to murder millions of innocents for personal gain.

AM Hants

They learnt well from the words of Madelaine Albright ‘the death of 500,000 babies and children I Iraq, is well worth the price’. As they keep repeating the same script, all over the world. Absolutely disgusting, psychotic behaviour, from those we elect and for what?

Gregory Casey

Not alone did Russia become the single largest producer of Wheat worldwide in 2016, overtaking Canada, but Russian Agriculture has undergone a major overhaul over the course of the past 5 years with the intended goal (now close to 100% achieved) of transforming its Agriculture to wholly organic. Western Sanctions imposed in 2014 accelerated this transformation.


“I know a guy who knows another guy in Syria”, said Al Baghdadi’s handler-in-chief John MaCain in the controversy aftermath of him appearing in same photo with known terrorists.


We have a very flexible definition of “terrorist” here in America. Like our Constitution, it’s very rubbery.

jerry hamilton

As far as RT goes, BDS was exactly the same. More people became aware the more they tried to ban it.

danny j

It cannot be a coincidence that the flag of the “Free Syrian Army” and some other “rebels” is the French Colonial flag while they ruled Syria.


Think of it like a soccer match, with the logo of their sponsors printed on the shirts of the players.

Ray Douglas

Certainly a possibility.

danny j

Florian. Well reasoned analysis. I’d note that the Syrian government has already begun “green bussing” “rebels” out of Ghouta. I would expect some of them to not be native Arabic speakers.


But Assad is clearly willing to relocate terrorists at their request. No need for hostages. Just call Uber.


It makes perfect sense to offer the US proxy Terrorists safe passage to Idlib as the Ghouta area is home to thousands of civilians being held hostage by the terrorists.

In Idlib the terrorists can kill each other and when the time comes to liberate Idlib there are less densely populated towns and cities.


I think that is the dastardly Assadian plan.

I still marvel at the stories I’ve read about there being several thousand Chinese Uighurs in Idlib.


Fighting for a bowl of rice a day :)


Absolutely, the events are entangled – it’s written on the wall.

AM Hants

Just thinking the same. Together with so many other reasons for Westminster’s Psychotic insanity.

Pave Way IV

Mostly French assets, by the sound of Reuters perfectly-timed propaganda. Either that, or CENTCOM has decided that it’s France’s turn to sacrifice a few aircraft to Syria air defenses. Reuters may as well report: “Assad chemical attack imminent and we already have proof that it will kill civilians.”

The White Helmets and head-chopper ‘media activists’ have all the future victim videos edited and ready to go. Porton Down has already analyzed future samples. US has sat imagery from tomorrow or whenever showing Syrian helicopters dropping chlorine barrel bombs directly on kitten sanctuaries. https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/973236684694355968

CENTCOM and the Coalition of Evil will not give up trying to overthrow Assad and partition Syria. They’ll just double down again every time they lose. Daara is about Israel annexing the Yarmouk Valley and southwest Houran, and the US restoring the weapons rat lines from Amman up the M5.

John Whitehot

Reuters feels to not have any obligation towards the truth.

They just believe they can make it, instead of reporting on it.

Another zionist thing that will rot while the rest of the world moves on.

Maisara Mualil

Pres.Assad didnt used chemical..ISis and his allies and Rebels the used the chemical to shot civilians…. it’s already clear. Western media lies alligation and blame on Assad even they dont have evidence.. US and its Allies systems because ASSAD dont want to be puppet of the US,and its Allies…The truth is already exposed. The war in middle east and terrorist is the creation of US and its Allieas.


On 12th March, 2018 the Syrian Army found Chemical Weapons’ workshop in Eastern Ghouta.


Syria: It is the work of the Holy Spirit to make nations united, it is the work of the Satan to divide nations. Without unity we are discouraged and plagued with enemies we cannot discern. Everyone is not equipped to deal with these subtle foes.

Ray Douglas

You should be on the god channel. Piss off from this page and smoke something nice.


I look forward to the magnitude of the Syrian victory increasing proportionate to the US commitment of money, missiles, aircraft and head-chopping, heart-eating rapers and slavers.


“Kitten sanctuaries” FTW.

AM Hants

Didn’t they find a load of French weapons in Syria, together with the chemical weapons factory, that was controlled by the NATO terrorists?


A couple of days ago I tried to tell you about an intel drop from FarsNews that disappeared. Found it again, https://steelmit.com/Syria/@Syrianaanalysis/the/planned/salashing/of/Syria

888mladen .

Surely they won’t and that’s what many guys on SouthFront either don’t understand or don’t want to understand.


I think Israel has given up on the annexation idea – the war has since turned – it is shitting bricks on the occupied Golan – I suspect it knows whats coming next.


Israel’s dream of a buffer zone for its Golan Heights buffer zone is crumbling.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Unless the dirty Americans want to get stuck in a dead end swamp in the style of Saudi Arabia in Yemen, I’m sure that it’s pure hollow talk their threat to mess with the SAA in Ghouta. Because no matter how peaceful Russia may be, even a saint sooner or later becomes angry one day, and I do not even want to imagine what that Russian reaction will be like, after so much self-restraint, my friend.


President Putin never shows real anger. He exudes calmness and determination and strikes when he can take advantage of the outcome in my humble opinion Terence.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You are very right, my friend and I also think the same as you, even though my previous comment came after seeing a not so peaceful and immutable Putin presenting his new weapons of mass destruction, threatening to be very capable of using them being necessary under the least provocation. nuclear against Russia or one of its allies. Believe me that I am totally surprised by this almost drastic and unexpected change, my friend.


Does the U.S. have Hypersonic missiles by the way?…..

John Whitehot

they don’t need it as Russia did not leave the ABM treaty.


Oh Great…. so their Fat Man will do the Job I guess


Not yet, but they are right away working on this. They may have by end next year, money talks and makes.


The end of next Yearrrrrrrr?!!!!! I haven’t got that much Time……WTF…… where are my NAZI Scientistsssss?!!!!! I mean my NASA Scientistss ofcoursse….. Tell’m to Hurry with my HyperDiabolical Nukess of Hazard!!!!!! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

John Whitehot

money can’t make for years of robbery from the military industrial complex at the expenses of the US taxpayers.

They are reduced at showing fake missiles on fake news leaks to convince the public that they aren’t lagging behind.


A more likely scenario would be to steal tech from the Chinese. Even that would take years to take advantage of.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

We will have to wait and realize ourselves of the possible facts, although I doubt personally, that anything more than pure threats and palaver will happen for the same good not only of Syria but of all humanity itself, my friend.


What happens in Syria happened to Humanity as a Whole…..my Brother….let’s end the stupid fighting…..the U.S. will be alone on it’s Isle soon and Europe beggin’ for Russian Gas….

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Reflecting on your comment, your prediction is more than possible, having as leader the Americans, a so crazy and inept individual like Trump, my friend.


To your list of crazy and inept leaders please add May, Merkel, Macron, Loefven, and the Dutch guy.


They might. It would have stubby wings and no maneuverability and cost $500 million a shot. The best part is that it won’t need a pilot to choke to death.


US can copycat from Russia and China.


It will fly the same speed then…. right? So they will land at approximately the same time……according to my calculations….


That will not be as good as the Russian one but close to that. LOL


They both say: BooOOMM!!!!


I’m afraid the lack of which will not stop them.

AM Hants

No, aren’t they working on them? So will arrive late and when Russia has moved onto the next ‘shock and awe’ weapons. Plus the price of them and will the US have enough money, to fund the programme?


Only the ones based in Wall Street that steal money :)


In my opinion President Putins ‘Nuclear response speech’ was intended to inform the uninformed and dull populations of the US and EU countries of the consequences to them personally IF the US and UK governments persisted with a First Strike nuclear strategy.

Those of us who are interested and presumably the US Military as well, were aware of these weapon developments several years ago after 2004.

President Putin’s remarks just reinforce the reality that the US and UK populations will suffer greatly from any nuclear adventurism by the lunatics that rule over us.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

So it is my friend, and I totally agree with your view on the not so peaceful speaking of a Putin, there are a few days ago.


I think you’re on track. North America lost their respect for MAD. It needed to be injected into them again. Especially the zionists

AM Hants

Sadly the US and UK politicians appear to be seriously deaf or too dense to bother listening, let alone understanding.



Manuel Flores Escobar

Putin know that US will attack SAA to discredit him as an strong leader before presidential election and also to discredit the Russian military!…in my opinion SAA are deploying troops near Al Tanf and East Eufrates near US backed troops to attack that them in case of war… and Russia will have no choice but to use air defense sytem as Russian military staff once told that “all aircraft flying west of Eufrates will be a target”….


brilliant remark, that’s a highly possible scenario ! There has been an increased talk about a rebel offensive in Daraa, and SAA buildup in the East of Euphrates and in Al Qaryatayn for a 80km security zone towards At Tanf.

Rex drabble

Putin is simply the Master.


In that case we got only a Nuclear Solution left as an option is my humble opinion……I don’t think any of the parties will let it come that far… let’s keep gentlemen…

Terence Silvestre Jr.

By the same logical and very probable fact contained in your comment, I come to think that are pure palaver the Americans threats again the SAA. Because assholes, americans are not. And wanting the Americans to unleash and provoke the very hells for a few extra barrels of badly acquired oil would be the last straw and the nonsense at its maximum manifestation, I very fear my friend.


They have to give up the Yinon Plan…. that’s a hard fact….it hurts… they need some time to realise this…. in the meantime…. (let’s hope the Americans and especially 80 Million Zio-Christians wake up in time… for them is waiting for the return of Christ but someone else will be waiting at the end of the tunnel….)


If any thing is done, it will be a fatuous attack done in some peripheral area that is minimally defended.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

It’s the most possible scenario what you comment, my friend. But we will have to wait and see how willing Americans are to provoke the devil.


The Americans are working with the devil so the work they do is guided by his hand.

God help us all.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Amen my friend, amen.


I have a dream that Russian cyber/electrical defence systems can divert any incoming IS cruise missiles to TelAviv :)

That would be ‘deniable’ as well,because the US is always ‘accidentally’ bombing the wrong targets .

AM Hants

Do believe that they are seriously almost there. They are not even being polite to the US and allies, anymore. Which says a lot. Together, with the UK Government hysteria, it just might be the straw to break the camels back. If they are going to be accused of everything, then why not provide lessons to learn, to the Gangs of Pinochio’s operating through various Governments, by those that are so easy to coerce and blackmail.


Keep in mind there is a reported FSA troop build up north of Daara,


Embedded operatives have no doubt been working overtime destroying all the purchase orders which feature Lindsay ‘Lohan’ Graham and John ‘McBrain’ McCain’s signatures.


This was answer from Russian navy:https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/03/russian-notam-for-eastern-med-we-may-be-firing-rockets-today/


Yep. The time has come for Russians to protect the sky of Syria no matter what.


I hope so.


And THIS is how the zionists influence and control you. Their tactic is to ALWAYS tell you to engage in BOTTOM-UP thinking, and never TOP-DOWN. So our troll talks nonsense about “NATO assets” “trapped” despite the long history in Syria of Putin protecting NATO (wrong term used on purpose- the West alliance operating in Syria never had anything to do with NATO) personel- never striking their locations, and always allowing them to safely withdraw from areas they had been operating in.

America had a certain sympathy with the ‘rebel’ movements of East Ghouta- for the longest time describing them as the moderate true opposition to Assad.

But the real deal is the consistant position of Trump that America is looking for ANY excuse to launch a widespread air blitz on Syria government forces. To know this you both had to read the various statements by the US State Dept, and to have a memory better than that of a goldfish. Zionist trolls like FG hope you are unaware or have forgotten the facts.

1) Britain, France and the USA want to launch massive strikes across Syria- and they are already fully aware of the capability of the Russian military (despite what trolls like FG try to suggest).

2) The ONLY factor preventing these strikes is a concern about what Putin may do. As soon as the Deep State can convince its military leaders that Putin will stand down (which he will do), those strikes will happen.

No-one gives a sh-t about what is happening in East Ghouta- not Putin and not the Deep State. And there lies your real problem. To the ‘big boys’, the lives of ordinary people are nothing. But if East Ghouta can be used as a sufficient ‘convincer’ to sway the minds of key people, it will.

John Whitehot

“And THIS is how the zionists influence and control you. Their tactic is to ALWAYS tell you to engage in BOTTOM-UP thinking, and never TOP-DOWN.”

An upvote only for this phrase. The funniest part is when they only leave some “hints” for us clever and patriotic westerners to make our deductions.


Russia with a last Standing Ovation from the rest of the World will Blast Western Arrogance to Smithereens in One Big Mushroomshaped Cloud….. bet that will get these Self Satisfied Smurks of these Lying Rats their Faces…..so UK….USA….France….and the rest of your NATO-Lapdogs….if you got the slightest bit of intelligence left….. get your stuff & Fuck Offf……it’s not a threat….. just a promise


They need to catch them, and publicly display their severed heads, and claim the Saudis did it.


I would let them keep their heads and find out what they know. :)


I doubt they would have any meaningful information, that’s way above their pay grade. I don’t like the idea of executing them either, but these are the same people who were getting their underlings to dress up as Syrian army and filmed them whilst they cut the throats of children. So fkm, what goes around, comes around.


i think you’re right. Why else would that prostitute be on the UN floor with her legs up? I would like to know how much she gets to spew her venom.


Too much :)

Ray Douglas

Yeah, spot on. The yanks are flapping about in a panic and rage as their kith and kin are not being released by the Russians. They were offered a bus ride out and a guarantee of protection to Idlib but they refused or else were ordered by Washington not to leave and they are now trying to get the UN to save them. No amnesty, kill them all.


IF US advisers are in Ghouta and I suspect they are, I would also suspect that they wanted to leave in the Green Busses but are now hostages of the terror gangs they were attempting to desert as they face the guns of the SAA.

IF this theory is indeed true , I will have no sympathy. The Nuremburg Trials determined that ‘Following Orders’ was not an excuse for committing War Crimes and aiding terrorists to detain civilians in a combat zone as human shields IS a War Crime that any NATO troops embedded with the terrorists are also guilty of.


I would think they would stick with faulty cruise missile attack. Oh what the hell, up vote #77 Florian :)


u are 100% correct! Assets are in there and in danger! The same as in Aleppo, ceasefires were used to get the assets out but also to re-arm and regroup and build new defences for terrorists!

US will need to beg!

Id say syria is prepared for the next cruise missile strike!


I believe it is too late as the US sponsored headchoppers are almost kaput in the Ghouta terror enclave. Their impending doom just shows how desperate the US losers are.


it is the usual covert assets / spies from israel , turkey , saudi / gulfies , NATO countries .. the russkies know where they are due to the impossibility to cover up communication traces from russian EW units..

remember the bombing syrian soldiers in the past ? after that bombing suddenly russia launched cruise missile to unknown targets north west syria.. it is said the targetted sites are the listening post of western intelligence and israeli spy/analyst..


Very good call!! Somebody’s there . . . .

I’m so proud that the U.S. supports terrorists.

Lazy Gamer

This would be a persistent thorn to both Damascus and Russia if left. Naturally, others would like to keep them there. But judging from what happened to Aleppo and the officers who were discovered and captured, nothing happened(from what i heard). So even if they capture the new ones at Ghouta, i dont think anything would be different.


You may be correct. In a few weeks we will know.


If Aleppo is an example to go by, a few operatives case will always be sorted out (either by a swap or some other shadowy deal), thus I think there might be much more at stake than just a few assets, because judging by the lightning speed of this SAA Damascus Steel Operation, I tend to think the US (and Israel especially) is coming to realize their whole ME policy is shattering beginning on battleground Syria and that their usually gullible public realizing there are misses in the engine, will now start to ask uncomfortable questions, obliterating the whole smoke screen of freedom, democracy, human rights … and other moral high ground nonsense;

Looking at the coup against Erdogan, looking at the deal for S-400 between Turkey and Russia, and the progress on Turkish Stream pipeline as well at the overt US irritation and sanctions threats to their “NATO ally”, it is unmistakable there’s a shift in Turkey’s strategic alignment ; while Turks seems erratic and that events may unravel in a blink, one has nonetheless to come to a conclusion that the ME will shortly become a no go area for US, and that in a few years (thanks to Chinese incentives/coercion), courtyard countries like KSA, Qatar & Co will start to evict the US (think of ramifications).

Patching together some events may shed even more light ;

Do you remember that in 2014 at the pic of the WEST economic war against Russia because of Crimea and Sevastopol (and not Ukraine shithole), China and Russia signed a US$400bn gas contract and … a contract for S-400 AD ?

Now, just compare the chronology in these two events : (1) in Crimea (with a China’s solidifying strategic partnership) and (2) in Syria (with a Turkey realignment and revival in relations with Russia) :

in both events pitting Russia against the West (US), a clear pattern emerges and it appears to be ” Strategic Partnership for AD Protection ” ;

(1) For Crimea events and the solidifying of China-Russia alliance : – March 2014 = Crimea referendum ; – April 2014 = Putin approves S-400 sale to China ; – May-2014 = gas contract for US$400bn.

– With the strategic End result being the Eurasian E. Union and one road one belt look set to integrate rather than compete and who knows, it’s even probable that the Lisbon-Vladivostok concept will become a Lisbon-Vladivostok-Chongqing (km 0 of the one-road-belt) initiative.

(2) Now for Syria and Russia-Turkey partnership revival : – July 2016 = coup against Erdogan ; – August 2016 = Erdogan visits Russia, revival of turkish stream pipeline & Akkuyu NPP ; – July 2017 = agreement on S-400 sale to Turkey ; – January 2018 = olive branch operation (actually an olive branch to Suriya).

– With a strategic End result likely to be a double (actually triple) Checkmate, first to US-Israeli strategy of chaos in ME, second to the petrodollar and the unlimited spending power it lends to the US foreign policy of world-wide destabilization of all independent countries and all strategic regions of world and third to the Western (US) challenge against the emergence of regional powers (so-called multi-polars) while consolidating all forces thrusting in that direction, be it in ME, Central Asia or even in Europe (for instance Germany and Nord Stream2).

Cheryl Brandon

Gladio B Teamsters

Muriel Kuri

Russian Mod already responded on RT saying that ‘In case lives of Russian military personnel are put in danger, the Russian Armed Forces will respond with certain measure to both “missiles” and “lauchers” which are delivering these projectiles.’ So Russia is taking this very seriously. Combine this to the overwhelming BS coming out of Britain re poisoning , with May sounding positively shrill in her pronouncements that even though there is NO proof, Russia did it. This so called ‘nerve’ agent was an old Soviet item that is freely available in any Baltic state as well as Ukraine. The UK also has the formula since a Russian chemical weapons expert defected and took the secret formula to the west in the 90s. All one needs to think about is this: Who do these acts benefit? Those who get the most benefit from them are either the complicit party or their ally. I think that Russia is being attacked on all fronts and will for once and all defend itself against all attackers. I also think our next war is on the horizon, due to an increase of stupidity and arrogance of western leaders. I guess they want to test the new Russian weapons to see if they really exist!


I was also considering that the Kiev regime of Ukraine would likely have stocks of old USSR nerve agents.

It is plausible that a Ukranian assassin was tasked with the nerve agent attack on the old Russian traitor to prepare the scenario for a NATO assisted attack on the DPR and LPR.

The next few weeks will be like walking on thin ice as the crazy leaders of the US Coalition run toward war and oblivion.

Muriel Kuri

Yes, we need to hold onto our hats as the wind blows our way! There may be clouds in our future – as in mushroom type.


Nikki Haley is a windbag. Nothing she says carries any weight. She was sent to the UN so she can’t cause trouble at home, so she’s allowed to run her mouth without any consequence.I think the probability of any serious US attack is low.


You are very wrong :) Nikki Haley’s comments always ‘carry weight’ as her mouth is full of shit.


This argument carries some weight as well, gotta upvote.

Steinar Crew

america terrorist state !


Keep smashing their assets. Meanwhile, Syria and allies had better prepare their air defenses. The people demand to see the imperialist airplanes downed. Make it cost them dearly this time, there is no going back if Syria is to be restored.


Syria should be ready to defend themselves with SAMs

j. jaxson

haley is a smelly woman. she passed her bar mitzvah and drank some some bad wine last night.

j. jaxson

the usa is controlled by bagel heads.


The U.S. will attempt to rescue the terrorist once again. They must not be allowed. Russia turn on the S 400’s.

j. jaxson

we let them pervert our country and society beyond belief and acceptance. we have become a nation of hock shop mentality. my good ole USA is dying from within and taken over by deviants.


Now soooo obvious they are for the terrorists. They did not care about civilians but rather their special forces trapped in there like in Aleppo.

Matter is what is Russia going to do about it. The weight on Russia is sooo great to resist the obvious western forces. China as usual keeps quiet. So scared


Did they prepared to bomb the Russians ? Because Russians are capable to retaliate. Why not attack Iranian ? Or Hezbollah ?

Rüdiger Preiss

Southfront, please read what you write before you post. “the US will strike Syrian government forces if they don’t start their operation against terrorists” – surely you meant “STOP their operation”; “UN ceasefure” should be “UN ceasefire” etc. – These are simple mistakes that of course can happen to everyone but easily are avoided if you read it again before posting?

Richard M

Probably written in a different language and then Google Translate was used. You just have to roll with it.

Rüdiger Preiss

I am pretty sure that SF don’t just Google translate. And it doesn’t look like a translation error but sloppiness. Several times already I was going to share SF posts on my Facebook wall but then changed my mind because of embarrassing errors in the article.

Richard M

Yes, they are fairly common on SF, but to be fair, Yahoo, Daily Mail, etc are also riddled with typos and errors. I don’t mind typos and errors that much. It’s blatant lying and propaganda posing as “news” that irks me more. CNN, for example is absolutely nauseating!


Its understood there is a typo error lol…. Anyway , how to stop operations against terrorists?

One thing, now Russia must support Syria or go bust and be cowards .

Assad has no choice to eliminate terrorists so close to Damascus.

Get the SAMs ready ….

You can call me Al

Thank God you spotted that as well, I thought I was going insane, especially as no comments above called it out.


They should write it in MS Word and then copy paste after all is checked.

j. jaxson

I voted for Trump and he reneged on everything. hei s a wuss and whipping boy for bluestar now. what a loser.

Richard M

It’s really disgusting seeing Trump continuing to perpetrate the Obama/Hillzebub policies. I’m still glad Hillzebub isn’t in the White House though!

jerry hamilton

I have always wanted to know how much power the President actually has. I can’t help feeling it is other people that have the power.

Richard M

Yes. I believe Presidents are allowed some room to play, but if they stray too far from the Globalist dogma they get JFKed. I notice that Trump came in like a lion, roaring about no compromise with the Globalists, but lately he is mewing like a lap kitten. Backing the Military Industrial Complex war profiteering in Syria is Exhibit One.


Something BIG gotta change up there bro…..


Trump has a lot at stake. If you want a revolution someone would need to be prepared to cast away everything he has and unfortunately that wouldn’t be Trump. Why would he anyway ? Preceding president all do this why couldn’t he keep doing so ? And to living on like them afterwards ? Why he should lose everything in trying to make a change ?


” Why he should lose everything in trying to make a change ? ”

Because Trump is not a true Leader of Men.


As well as the guy in his shoes before him, and before him as well onwards. In our opinion that’s not a true leader but that’s our opinion.

The rest of the gentry might thinks otherwise…

I do hope though there’s more anti war supporters. The situation are that bad yet we’re very small in numbers.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

The US has made it clear they are supporting the terrorists in Syria. May be Mossad, Israel army and US military in East Goute. They are thus criminals in Syria, killing civilians and the Syrian army.


Time to put the Pantsir and S400s on automatic and report that simple fact through the de-confliction channels to all war mongers. No illegal strikes against the sovereign state of Syria.

It truly is a disgusting that the US and vassals supports the lowest scum of the earth. They preach women’s rights while supporting terrorists raping, passing them around to their friends and selling them into captivity. They preach democracy, while supporting the most brutal dictators like in Saudi Arabia and terrorists on the planet. They preach human rights and then support terrorists who behead, torture and poison people who hold a difference of opinion while using them as human shields, Yep, there’s your TRUE moral, democratic and human rights values held by the elite in the US and it’s vassals.

Another interesting point is that they no longer hide their true values from the world. A major war must be in the cards; for psychopaths lack any emotion or human empathy being genetically deficient from birth. Perhaps this is why they seek positions of power in the first place. For the sake of mankind, we must learn to screen these psychopathic types and keep them away from politics and positions of power!!!

jerry hamilton

What you say is true. They have not yet that I know of sunk to the depths of Israel who will kill people and then sell body parts.

Muriel Kuri

As we discuss – it’s just that point that GETS them into politics! They seek out positions of power for just that reason, and the jury of the willing are there to support them in their quests. They are becoming more blatant and exposed as they see that no one has yet done anything to censure them, since they think they hold all the cards – massive military, world currency behind them, with the MSM bought and paid for the by the CIA and other spooks. Push too hard and Russia WILL respond with things I don’t think they’ll like very well. It’s too bad – it’s a lovely world we live in and if people could only get along, it’d be great for everyone. But just like in The Matrix, maybe mankind isn’t ready for that kind of world yet.


The people can get along just fine. It’s the psychopaths which rise to the positions of power in governments that are the problem.


Oh come on!! You mean cruise missiles? Instead of wasting money on cruise missiles, give that money to Assad and he will destroy his installation by himself. It would be more effective than those junk tomahawks.

Joe Doe

Russia needs to provide modern Air Defense System to SAA, in order for Syria defend itself, if Russia is Syria true allies. Russia and Putin can’t pu$$y anymore and band over to Americans with Russia huge military arsenal.


Wonder what happens to those boastful Iranian SAM systems .. Seems no actions or pure bluff?

Joe Doe

Not sure, but Syria has full right to defend itself. Modern Air Defense System will give Americans bloody nose and they will think twice next time and Russia will be off the hook to, because Syria will down the plane not Russia. Win..win situation

John Whitehot

seems your kind already forgotten how israel stays clear of syrian airspace and loses planes when it gets in.

Joe Doe

but this was done with SAM-200. SAA needs for start 3 batteris of S-400, 6-7 Pantsir-S1 or S2 and 2 dozens (24) VERBA MANPOD

John Whitehot

you haven’t got a clue about what the SAA actually has in terms of SAM systems, lest alone you can claim “what the SAA needs”.

At this point, either you have the mind of a 5 yo yank kid, or your a propaganda dog (I say the second).

Daniel Miller

…no just no…the SAA can easely shoot down any NATO aircraft useing just its older systems.

andy l

Wrong Israel bombs with impunity – 1 plane lost in hundreds of attacks. Did you forget the Israelis returned to attack again after the plane was lost

John Whitehot

wrong. israel bombs with impunity from LEBANESE airspace.

check your facts on something not zionist.

andy l

I did check my facts the israeli plane was shot down over Syrian airspace not Lebanese space although a lot of attacks have come from the latter.

John Whitehot

no, ALL the attacks have come from lebanese airspace except the one in which the f-16 was shot down.

the reason is that israel earlier put up a fake iranian drone strike, to justify entering syrian airspace to perform that same mission in which they lost the f-16.

in any case, the f-16 was downed over the golan heights, which is not syrian airspace according to guess who, israel.

Jaime Galarza

This is the time to be resolute. Russia cannot let the West dictate anything. It seems Washington is still under the illusion that they can tell everyone else what to do. Russia, Iran, Syria and their allies should tell the US in the clearest possible way that they will stand their ground this time. The problem with psychopaths is that they believe, in the absence of resistance, in their own superiority.


They are already working on that…. The U.S. Is making a Murderous Clown of itself….The Western World of Sheeple isn’t Awake yet… wait till they get to know that them is fooled then Israel is EXIT… this is what intelligent Opponents trying to do…Unmask the Demon…..better than what the U.S. Is doing….A Lion in his final death throes… best is to just let it bleed…..neutralise the threats….so mo’ missiles

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