An MH-60R Seahawk provides aerial support to an interdiction team from guided-missile destroyer USS Momsen (DDG 92) approaching a fishing vessel May 16, 2022. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Lily Gebauer)
Two U.S. sailors who the Central Command (CENTCOM) announced they went missing off the coast of Somalia on January 11 were members of the Navy’s elite SEALs unit, U.S. officials revealed.
The officials told ABC News on January 13 that the SEALs went missing after falling into the water during a nighttime boarding mission.
The SEALs had fallen into the water one after the other during the boarding of a vessel by boat in the Gulf of Aden, the officials said, without explaining what had prompted them to board the vessel.
According to the officials, it is standard protocol for sailors from the elite Navy unit to jump into the water to rescue a fellow SEAL when they fall overboard.
“On the evening of January 11, two U.S. Navy Sailors were reported missing at sea while conducting operations off the coast of Somalia,” said a statement from the CENTCOM issued on January 12 that disclosed that the sailors had gone missing.
“Search and rescue operations are currently ongoing to locate the two sailors,” the command said. “For operational security purposes, we will not release additional information until the personnel recovery operation is complete.”
The SEALs are the primary special operations force of the U.S. Navy and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command.
Among the SEALs’ main functions are conducting small-unit special operation missions in maritime, jungle, urban, arctic, mountainous and desert environments. SEALs are typically ordered to capture or kill high level targets, or to gather intelligence behind enemy lines.
The two sailors went missing just hours before the U.S. and United Kingdom launched strikes against the Iranian-backed Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen, which is located right next to Somalia. The U.S. recently expanded its naval presence in the Red Sea to counter Houthi attacks on Israel-affiliated ships.
SEAL team personnel are hand selected, highly trained and possess an especially high degree of proficiency in swimming and diving. This makes the claims of them going missing after failing into the water very questionable.
seals don’t die they fall into water and dissappear. why they name them seals then, even stinking porpous resurfaces alive…
they were most likely badly trained low expectations diversity hires. this is the present and future of the u.s military
this is where my inflatable adult diapers idea would have saved lives, instead people laughed and said i was from denmark…
their fate is “sealed”…
someone forgot to “seal the deal”…
oh boy at this rate of americuntskiy helicopters and jets crashing and soldiers dying from suicide and accidents, the usa will defeat itself on its own. no russias, irans or chinas needed
they still taste the same as others to the sharks who support dei.
lotsa mako and oceanic white tips patrol the red sea. sounds like the houthi’s shot em while they were trying to climb onboard their ship.
yanqui seals are fat and can’t swim.
fattys… cant somtin n git r…
somalis joining the show now? yanquis made lots friends there too a few years back. but more likely another lie and they were trying something on the yemen coast and fell into the water one after the other, with the help of some bullets.
the navy seal’s fell into the water, it is well know that navy seal’s can’t swim so they drowned!
2 less hillbilly scum
navy seal in the usa is equivalent to a hobo in russia…..that shitsville usa for ya.
they sleeping next to osama bin laden now.
bahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha omg those idiots are in a shark’s belly by now
o dvoch hrdlorezov menej. ale na druhej strane ak je pravda, že druhý skočil za prvým aby mu pomohol tak potom klobúk dolu. statočnosť, odvaha a oddanosť druha voči druhovi či na jednej strane, alebo druhej, stojí za ozajstné uznanie!!!
if the elite, best of the best from the us navy can’t board a boat safely without falling in the water, maybe the us should stick to the vicinity of its own coasts, for its own safety
an act of night piracy who failed by the wellcom on board.
oops! 😬
oh, for sure
fell into the water? or blasted into the water by the detonation of a houthi missiles warhead?
shot while tryin a climb onboard a houthi captured vessel at night……check out what an oceanic white tip shark is and its heavy presence in the red sea.