Illustrative: An Israeli Air Force F-35 Lightning II fighter jet takes part in a graduation ceremony for IAF pilots at the Hatzerim base in Israel’s Negev desert on December 26, 2018. (Jack Guez/AFP)
U.S. officials have confirmed that Israel was behind a series of airstrikes, which targeted bases and ammo depots of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in the last two weeks, the New York Times reported on August 22.
A senior Middle Eastern intelligence official also confirmed that the airstrikes on the PMU, including the July 19 attack, were carried out by Israel. The source said that the July 19 airstrike destroyed a shipment of precision-guided missiles which were on their way to Syria, claiming that the airstrike was carried out from “within Iraq.”
“Israel is pushing the limits with the strikes in Iraq … The airstrikes could get the United States military removed from Iraq,” the New York Times quoted a senior U.S. official as saying.
The PMU had held the U.S. and Israel responsible for the attacks on bases, claiming that Israeli drones were deployed inside Iraq with help from the U.S. The information provided by the New York Time is in line with these claims.
A few hours before the release of the New York Times’ report, the PMU’s air-defense units opened fire at an unknown drone that was flying over a base near Baghdad without authorization.
The PMU vowed to respond to any future attack on its bases with the weapons it already has and “other advanced weapons.” This means that another strike by Israel could indeed put the U.S. military presence in Iraq on the line.
So the US which claims its in Iraq as a guest is complicit with another state to bomb Iraq – how is that not an act of war.
No one says its no act of war, but so are missiles and other hard stuff against Israel by Hesbollah and some of the Assads.
The big question is did Saudi Arabia or Jordan allow them to use their air space?
Saudi is a Dönmeh/jewish state, and Jordan is bought. So nothing has changed since the year 400 something: https://www.haaretz.com/archaeology/.premium-before-islam-when-saudi-arabia-was-a-jewish-kingdom-1.5626227
Hier sind einige Hinweise auf die Androgynität in der Literatur des J_dentums und einige Beispiele von einigen initiierten Praktizierenden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovju8oj0Og0&list=UUn0KdArswyw4IHKBB609cng
Herr Leerstuhl (cooler Wortwitz), WTF hat das mit dem Thema zu tun?? Dont spam here please!
Thats Your oppinion. Before that You were all Ottomans and none of You were running anything.
Now You are running things, are You not.
Well Muhammad came from a Jewish tribe – that was before the Ottomans. Even Khadijah was most likely Jewish/Christian since that’s a Jewish sect from the start. For more then 200years, there where a whole row of Syrian Popes.
So yes – they are running things – it’s a jewish world order. Maybe Malaysia they aren’t running – not so sure about Iran, since Khomeini was CIA/Freemason made, even has a pyramide as parliament with – guess – 33 windows:
being mason does not make him a bad person, makes him a person that reeaaaaally knows stuff
Yes, and in an ironic way as well. I think sometimes “regular” is used in the same way :)
That maybe, but being mason makes him a person who has to follow orders, regardless how much he reeaaaaally knows better…
Nice picture. We have a powerplant in Denmark, looking like that, which will be used for skiing during the cold winters of ours :)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_Jews “Jews have had a continuous presence in Iran since the time of Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. …Today, the vast majority of Persian Jews live in Israel and the United States, especially in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and on the North Shore of Long Island. According to the latest Iranian census, the remaining Jewish population of Iran was 9,826 in 2016.” Therangeles: https://www.wmagazine.com/story/persian-beverly-hills-2
What about Crypto-Jews like the Mashhadi Jews? How many of them still live in Iran? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mashhadi_Jews https://www.jpost.com/Cafe-Oleh/Ask-The-Expert/The-double-lives-of-Mashhadi-Jews or Muslims of mosaic origin who haven’t forgotten who they are? Like those Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan: https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/The-Afghan-Pashtuns-and-the-missing-Israelite-exiles-543181
Plus, the Alans were an old Iranian tribe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alans
Pashtuns Aryans or Israelites: https://tribune.com.pk/story/1090835/pashtuns-aryans-or-the-lost-tribe-of-israel/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pashtun Tja mit den Alanen ist es ähnlich – Iran heisst Ayrian…
Now you will understand what the Ariernachweis / Aryan Certificate by the Nasi-Nazis was all about. ;-) And why Germany is being flooded with Afghans.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_certificate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasi_%28Hebrew_title%29
Can’t remember where I read about it, but the Alans were known for a very special battle strategy: They made their enemies (or shall we say victims-to-be?) believe they were gone (kind of like the infamous 6 milion missing vavs) …
“…They made their enemies (or shall we say victims-to-be?) believe they were gone (kind of like the infamous 6 milion missing vavs) …”
And as we can see in the physiognomy of many fellow citizens around us, and in TV and cinema, this does not seem to be the case.
Interesting that Gracia Mendes Nasi (Benveniste) and Dom Joseph Nasi (Nassi) is not in the wiki list of Nasis, since clearly they where given the title ‘Nasi’ – it was not their name…
Is not a question…………..is a fact!!!!!
But which one? Or both?
I do think KSA………..is more zionists than Jordan and have more open space for the IAF…..
The Israeli drone attack originated from “within Iraq”. That is from a USAF base, hence, “The air strikes could get the US military removed from Iraq”. Apparently the US “allowed” four Israeli drones on to a US air base near Baghdad.
The PMU called out the US on this, and so on the 16th the Iraqi PM closed all Iraqi air space to the US.
KInd of funny version. As I recall it, the Iraqian airforce already has taken over most air operations all the way into north of Aby Kemal. They semmes able to handle it.
So a restrictions seemes very irrelevent apart from Herculeses and the new big transporters.
Abadi is a CIA agent and was handpicked for the job.
Wow! If this is true then it might get messy there really quickly.
Not at all. Iraq is no small dining table as well as Bagdad ceratinly dont control all Iraq by themselves.
Thats how the world is there. Israel are friend to USA and both ways but both also have their own agendas.
USA cant do that because they do help and support Bagdad shiits, which balance with the Shiits in Qaum.
Somebody like me might think Israel also have a base or 2 in the Saudi desets nearbye to make the Iranians unhappy for years.
Yes, does it matter. Who follows normal rules there – ASSADS ??? – Idont see that.
Others – Hard to see all the cleaned laundry for the stinking dirty parts.
Indeed, the other FACT is that Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and above all Syria are totally shameless and cowardly, at the mostly unarmed Palestinians even put up a fight daily with knives and stones, what has boastful Iranian mullahs done so far, fuckall!
So what’s your solution? You come on these boards Russia bashing every day, when Russia is obviously winning the war. And offer zero solutions of how you think that things should be done. Let’s see your Rambo plan so that we can all laugh at your stupidity.
JORDAN definitely.. ZIO asslickers and saudis best friends, under US order..
Sadly.. Though i think the Jordan people and even King dont like this status quo. But they are financially fucked, and US and Israel can do with them what they want. As the palestine question showed and shows.
Many countries are like that. They have to make clever sviming and sometimes go more with the wind then against it.
They are not financial fusked at all but are by the nature very poor, so they have to take, what they can take – as safe.
Lety me remind You that Palestinian power was thrown out hard and will be again if it even comes near to that. If needed it will be nice for the king to have helping hands keeping their kind of dark dark.
Jens, i am one of the few people here who want to discuss with anybody, as long as a halfway heatly discuss is possible. But your english is so confused i dont get what you are saying. Not only now, but in every one of your post i read over the years. Please take your time and provide some more readable english, otherwise any discussion is futile. Thank you! PS: English is not my mother tongue too, i am German, so no harm intended. :)
I dont think You think in german but in Turkish or Arabic and then translate into german (and English).
Padling, swimming and go with the wind are normal moves to stay alive in the sea. Jordan has to stay alive and does, because the king is clever.
The Palestinians was thrown away from any power by Hussein.
And Jordan always has been poor, so there is no change there being strangulated by fx Israel and Saudis at all. The population has grown, but all gets food and clothe.
Actually they have non war with the egyptions and some kind of non war with most Lebanese.
Your comment by that is far out just hioping they should kill each other and others as Your friends.
Time to install Google Earth. Looking at the map the only question is the endurance (fuel capacity) of the attackers aircraft. When the Israeli’s destroyed the Iraqi nuclear power reactor they used F-16s based in the south of Israel and overflew Jordan and most likely Saudi Arabia as well heading straight to Baghdad. The Israelis do not ask permission.
Thats no question and therefore cant be big or small.
Saudis support ISIS in words as well as free stuff since they were not allowed by USA to support ISIS. Sausis also support the non shiits in Lebanon – or some of the by finance.
Jordan has succes being as neutral as possible and cleverly has stayed as a non warzone. I think You should show that some respect instead og Your non sense only meant for own dirty purposes such as even more civile wars among arabs.
Isnt Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and yemen enought. Well – YOU ARE ENOUGH.
It really does not matter how the Zionist scum and their Americunt poodles attack Syria and Iraq at will, the real question is why does Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and most of all Syria do not hit back. The extreme cowardice displayed by all over the past 7 years of being punching bags for Zionists has done great harm to the so-called “Axis of Resistance”, more like an axis of whining pussies. Either hit back or there is no point in issuing hollow threats or even posting futile comments every day as these spineless cowards are bombed with impunity by 6 million Zionists who all bluff. The problem is that bluff has never been called anyone. This is disgraceful.
nah that the unhinged states of A says that the attacks are carried out by the squatters´f35s is just a misdirection- the attacks are infiltration on the ground by the squatters’ special forces that are creeping and crawling into the compounds and placing high grade explosives. the purpose is twofold – the first is to make pmu and iraqis and syrians believe that the f35s are so hard to see and detect that it’s virtually impossible and the second is to allow the special forces other and further options of attack if they are looking for f35s or drones, it will be so much easier for the special forces to carry out these attacks. thus it is advisable to strengthen the guarding of the compounds and bet you will find these special forces creeping and crawling for the next stealth attack. increase the surveillance of each compound and they will soon be in a position to let these special forces free fall 6 feet in the gallows – publicly. and that will be the day of celebration!
wishful thinking
That what sums up his every post. ;) Even for SF this is pretty delusional.
I have to agree, it is basic schoolyard logic that if you don’t hit back at a bully, then you will be beaten up worse. So far for 7 years Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon have been punching bags for Zionist thugs and Americunt arseholes. The Iranians showcase jerry rigged weaponry every third week, but when the fuck are they going to use it? it is becoming a joke like the Russian pot plant S-400 that never seem to operational as the Zionists bomb Syria at will and the Turkeys are occupying large chunks of Syria and most hilarious are their “observation posts” deep inside Syrian territory, even though supposedly surrounded seem to getting resupplied through Syrian lines. All this is beyond a joke.
Just a mention, S-400 are only on Latakia base, the rest of Syria got S-300. But even those S-400 were not of any use when Israel stroke Latakia right near Russian bases.
When NATO bombed Syria few times under gas attack false pretext they said that they announced Russian military before the strike so they could evacuate their men, so I take a wild guess that Israel also announce Russia before striking Syria so Putin doesn’t need to use his air defense against Israel.
Isn’t a stealth aircraft visible, when it fires off missiles?
If Iraq had no long range radar, then why bother using stealth?
Israel like us goes out of their way to protect their pilots, just like their ground forces can hardly bear to take hits. And it may be also for propaganda purposes, to show they have some kind of weapon which is (right now) untouchable without a multi layered, extensive and integrated network of radars and air defenses.
But they don’t have any such super weapon, certainly nothing that could fly to Iraq carrying weapons. It was the US SF, dressed as ISIS. Or ISIS, dressed as US forces, same thing out there.
I meant the F35.. Though right now it is not clear if it was a F35 at all, some say a drone. And yes, maybe US, maybe Israel or both. Even that is not clear. Only fact is it happend, and that Israel uses it for propaganda in the next election for Bibi.
F35 is a no-no. Drone possibly, but ground attack by “friendlies”, is most likely, given the US control of the country. The chance of an Israeli pilot and aircraft going down so far from home is preposterous, when you consider it is not a nuclear site it was attacking, just ammo dumps. A Tomahawk could do that.
It would have been on CNN, Fox and NBC for US primetime, if an F35 managed to fly that far with a load without being refuelled and remaining unseen by radar, as it is supposed to do. They would have done it again the next day just to finally prove to everyone, that this is a real warplane, not just another MICPentagon financial scam.
But it is just a PentagonMIC scam.
Yeah, it all does not make much sense. I guess we have not seen enough pieces to even take a halfway reliable guess. What would be needed is hard evidence, that can be laid out against the pro-US members of parliament in Iraq, and force the Iraqi gov to take action. Short of that, both US and Israel can shift the blame, despite both having declared their will to force the former Shiite militias (now part of Iraq regular forces) called PMU to being disarmed and dissolved. Its a charade, and both Israel and US are in their necks deep in it. Still one needs proof how they did it, to take action against it. The Pro-US side in Iraqi parliament is still too strong.
Good comment. Some americans guarding a runway jus got a few days extra coffebreak. The newspaper found out, they used too much coffee there :)
Ahm.. okay? Whatever you say Jens..
Yes they have moron. A F16 has a range of 4.220 km. Bagdad might be 1500 km.
The distance problems are, if they try to hit Iran and northern partsd of Iraq. Its to far and the risk to be seen is much bigger.
Why dont You check simple facts. Thats why we have Internet having many sources about fx range in stead of misinformation and “I can say anything I want true or not being a bot”.
F16 is not stealth you muppet, which was what I stated.
The range of an F16 is about 500 miles, 860Kms, with a full load. The ferry range of an F16 is 2000 miles, ferry range means with full fuel load and fuel pods fitted.
Talk about checking facts, I said that Israel has nothing that would fly to Iraq in stealth mode, you prizep rick.
It was Putin bottomless raiding an unicorn, his dick is so big that makes everything around invisible, it gets in and out in your mouth every time you open it
Hey Perv, keep your dick fantasies to yourself.
Your mother only done that for money, poor wench.
Go lick Putin’s toilet for free, you love rimming strong men don’t you humble slave? Your mom told you when you see someone stronger than you jump in your knee and lick his boots and his ass, that’s how people live in Russia.
Where did you come up with licking a toilet, personal habit of yours I presume.
Your Mom told my regiment she very cheap. Cheaper than any other brasser in Galicia.
You are a product of a mongol rape as any other Russian coprophage that eats whatever midget mongol from Kremlin shits
Post in English youf uckingp rick.
Yeah keep licking putin’s dirty ass, that’s the only thing ruskies are capable of
How do you know Putins ass is dirty?
You filthy perv, kissing Russian ass, just like your Mom.
Ohh, I should have assumed that your dictator ass is clean, well y’all ruskies clean it with your dirty mouths so it must be permanently dirty
Don’t mind with your “I ASSumed”, you filthy little dog.
You said you knew, but I bet the guy in the mensroom told you he was Putin and asked you to lick his ass for a zloty.
And you did, you dirty Galician.
It was sarcasm, you useless piece of moskal
Touched a nerve there did I, it must have been the mention of mensroom. Your experience of them is, well, disturbing.
Disturbed your rectum you muppet! lol
Go back to Baikal you piece of stinky moskal
How many Russiansf ucked your Mother?
I mean how many regiments of course.
That too. They show they can avoid defense by the S series well by going around.
I dont see that as propaganda but more showing facts. Like Yes we can.
“Yes we can” was as empty as a propaganda slogan can be. Right on top of useless propaganda as Merkels “We can do it!” Thats politics of today. Say empty words, and people vote for you, because people want to be lied and trapped in their delusion, that all will somehow workout, if one only “trusts” the politician in power.
I am no expert, but its the missiles leaving, which make the heat and might be visible by non stealt – not the aircraft.
Your 2 is kind of same thing to me. Stealth seemes to be used for slow flyers, which by that are easier to hit by local missiles – fx like old Sams.
Stealth planes fly slower, because they need to compromise for their stealth. One major reason why Russia did not follow the F35 path, and went for high speed (even supercruise) and great manuverbility.
Sure, I partly agree. I You cant move fast, then You can try to hide by fx no heat as well.
By that more stealth on fast airplanes and missiles are an extra feature and upgrade.
It’s the opening of the bomb doors which change the outline, and of course the missile itself could return a radar image. The heat would only be picked up by thermal cameradetectors, like IRST units. F22 and SU57, as well as Chinese J20 have high speed and supercruise, bar possibly the J20 i think, which may not be able to supercruise.
F35 is relatively slow, much slower than the other stealth jets, but I think this is just a money pit for shareholders and ex military people who pushed it through.
Iraqi PMU need ballistic missile and drones like Houttis to retaliate Israeli attacks
I dont see that at all.
They need more internal politica cleverness, less corruption and much more better local troops.
By that they dont need the Coalision to partly outbalance the Irianians and the other way as well.
Now I’m confused. I figured it was Israel all along, but if a ‘U.S. official’ confirms it, then that usually means it’s a lie. I’ll wait to see what either 4 or 8chan says…
If it was Israel, there would be a video on Discovery featuring Tom Cruise, with REAL footage of the F35 flying just a few feet over Iraqi air-defence units, without them ever knowing.
They’ve got a plane to sell.
Sure it will be except it will feature Bibi instead of Tom Cruise
Bibi is heavier than the F35 ffs. There’s more expulsion of gasses when Bibi farts, than an F35s exhaust.
Last time Putin submerged in the sea his fart did a nuclear explosion
What a joke from You. They write about it, You read it and next they has lied about it. Skizzo here we comes.
They write “some” americans there has given a helping hand. Cant You read AND understand.
ISISRAHELL is so fucked…it appears to me the whole world starts to hate that Rothschild-Shithole…The Clock is tickin’…
time for Iran to bring in those Bavar S-300 variants and SA-2 upgrades and swat down any kike jet that enters Iraq’s airspace
Iran offered its help, but can hardly force it up Iraq. Iraqis are patriots, no matter sunni or shiite, and it would need the Iraqi gov. approval and request for Iran to supply those air defenses. Iraq walks on the tightrope. They dont want to anger the US, as they are heavily reliant on them for military hardware (ironically) and are in deep economic crisis. Plus the pro US influence is big. But still, with those further aggressions the Iraqi gov can hardly stand still this long. The diplomatic backchannels must the quite hot though now.. ;)
Iran and Iraq must question and work out how was Israel able to obtain the intelligence on the location of the shipment and what the contents were. Obviously they have a spy or some spies within the network. Iran and Iraq should work on a more compartmentalized system to try and maintain the integrity and secrecy around sensitive information and or shipments to minimize Israel and others from gaining knowledge. Too many times Israel has had successful hits on many targets due to a lapse in more careful secrecy surrounding sensitive military operations especially in Syria. Pick up your game Iran and Iraq otherwise this just keeps on happening all the time.
Israel has extensive spy networks in all arab countries, unfortunately. There is not a chance that they are dormant at a time like this. US occupation of Iraq enabled israel to penetrate Iraqi institutions with arab collaborators who are paid handsomely for their work. Iraqi Armed Forces are compromised all along, and that makes it very difficult to get the US to leave the country. Only PMUs are relatively free of moles.
or jews posing as arabs speaking the local argot like a native – hard to catch since they’ve been integrated on society and accepted as a local
Indeed. It has been going on since 1948 – maybe even before. They are not about to stop now.
but catch whatever you can and have them swing from the end of a rope!
Just don’t think that this was the “flying brick”!
no no not aerial attacks but israeli special forces on the ground infiltrating stealthily the compounds and placing their explosives – the resulting effects are far too small to be bombs from f35s. that’s where to start looking – on the ground in cover of the night.
In reality, there is no evidence that the Israeli air force bombed in Iraq. Every summer, ammunition warehouses in Iraq and Syria explode because of mismanagement. Various elements are spinning this story to promote their own interests.
When bombed you do not threaten with eventualities you retaliate even if the retaliation falls short of making big differences (aka not as big as the primary attacks on you) …