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MARCH 2025

U.S. OMB Says U.S. Military Spending This Year Is $1.448T, Next Year’s Request Is $1.510T

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U.S. OMB Says U.S. Military Spending This Year Is $1.448T, Next Year's Request Is $1.510T

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Written by Eric Zuesse

The top recognized honest authority on U.S. military spending is Winslow T. Wheeler, and on May 1st he deciphered the OMB’s detailed tables of U.S.Government funds for the U.S. military that have been authorized by Congress and the President for this fiscal year, and also the President’s planned U.S. federal spending on that for the next fiscal year. He headlined “The US National Security Budget for 2023/24 is” “approximately $1.5 Trillion”. In his detailed explanations there, he states — which has previously been noted many times by Robert Higgs and other such experts — that unlike the military spending by other governments, the U.S. Government is paying for much of its military though other Departments than merely the nation’s official military department, which in the U.S. is the “Defense Department.” For example, much of ours is paid for by the Treasury Department, the Veterans Affairs Department, the Homeland Security Department, the State Department, and others.

His exact figures for America’s military are: $1.447.7 trillion authorized for this year, and $1.510.3 trillion requested for next year. For the current year, Wheeler uses the reported authorized U.S. Defense Department (DOD) spending of $848.8 billion, but in the latest U.S. DOD statement on that, dated 14 March 2023, the “Total” for “FY 2023 Enacted” (shown on page 9) is actually “851.8” or 3 billion dollars more. It has changed many times during the past few months, but whatever it will be, will be cited by SIPRI and the other billionaire-funded think tanks on that, as including all of U.S. military sending, which it certainly does not. Those think tanks cooperate with the U.S. Government in order to fool the global public to think that America’s military expenditure is less than 40% of the world’s, when it is actually more than 50% of the world’s. Currently, the U.S. Government spends around 53% of all of its congressionally and Presidentially authorized (or “discretionary”) annual spending on its military, and only 47% on all other purposes. And, currently, the U.S. Government also spends around half of all of the world’s military expenditures. Approximately 26% of America’s approximately $1.5T annual ‘defense’ (aggression) expenditures go to pay its armaments manufacturers. Currently, America  has 900 foreign military bases, and 749 U.S. military bases. Either this situation will continue and we will go into World War Three, or else there will be an enormous change and overthrow of the U.S. military-industrial complex, which was started on 25 July 1945 when U.S. President Harry S. Truman became persuaded, by his personal hero General Dwight Eisenhower, that if the U.S. wouldn’t become the world’s first-ever global empire, then the Soviet Union would. It’s coming to a head now, and no one yet can reasonably say whether it will produce nuclear annihilation or instead a second American revolution (an overthrow and replacement of the Truman-Eisenhower American Government). Right now, polls show that the American public have no knowledge of any of this, and will likely continue to be led around by their billionaires, who, collectively, will make the final decision.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Demons > Humans

Humans cannot take on Demons, they will lose. Casualties in 10 days Demon-Humano War: Soldiers: NATO: 180K Demons: 0 Tanks: NATO: 800-1200 Demons: 20-150 Aircraft: NATO: 678 (592 Fighter Jets incl. Bombers and such) Demons: 20 (Mostly Drones) Naval: NATO: 1 Aircraft Carrier, 28 Frigates, 2 Cruisers and 22 Destroyers along 5 Corvettes Demons: 0 Vehicles: NATO: 2500 Demons: 200 If all this isn’t an embarrassment then Idk what is. Human humiliation will be fantastic.

Erik Nielsen

Bs. Demons can be taken out and erased by spiritual strength, and only spiritual strength. The cross and garlic can keep them at bay, but only spiritual strength can make them disappear.


Rusko teraz dobre púšťa žilou darebáckemu štátu USA. Ha, ha, ha … A nie iba jemu, spolu s USA krváca aj jej vazal EU!!! Toto ich bude najviac bolieť. Strácajú finančné prostriedky a to bez šance, že sa im vôbec niekedy vrátia. RF sa nakoniec na nich zahojí.


a trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon you’re talking real money LOL


Not if you’re using dollars.

jens holm

You seemes very obsessed with homosexualisme and cum. It must be your hobby.

30 trillion debt

90% of that money goes to corrupted Military-Industrial system for ridiculously overpriced broken garbage like F-35. USLGBT fags were defeated by Afghani peasants lol


The only country in history in endless debt yet with endless military expenditure . I guess it’s easy when you can print endless toilet $$$ and export your inflation to the rest of the world .


Who Controls the US Economy? Of the sixty(60) senior officials of the U.S. Government economic, financial, and monetary institutions, thirty-nine(39) are Ashkenazi Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%.

Oy vey.


Why not $5 trillion? LOL


Look like US and NATO are demon, ask peoples in the middle East, US and NATO have been killing 6million of innocent peoples in the middle East.

jens holm

Gays are very good people. They have time to work and pay tax. They dont make many children as well.

Our problems are the machos, which run screeming in the streets they are not gay. They are the herassers not the gays.

I dont care and dont look into peoples homes during night time as well.


here is my email, I am super gay and I totally support ukraine like you.



Are they printing worthless $ in China? R0FL

Erik Nielsen

Why are you sniggling? Do you think it is funny for America to be destabilised by China who make fake dollares?? Its not funny for all the the innocent American families who never did anything wrong!

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen

Who Controls the US Defence Department? Summary: Of the one-hundred eleven(111) U.S. Defence Department senior officials, forty(40) are Ashkenazi Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 36%. Ashkenazi Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Ashkenazi Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the U.S. Defence Department senior officials by a factor of 18 times(1,800 percent).

Oy vey.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christopher
Erik Nielsen

If we want peace and freedom on this planet, US will need to spend the double of this spending. It means it can take many years before we can get peace and freedom from dictatorship countries and the axis of evil.

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