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MARCH 2025

U.S. Political & Military Leadership Is In Deep Crisis Over Escalation With Iran

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U.S. Political & Military Leadership Is In Deep Crisis Over Escalation With Iran

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The US military and political leadership appeared to be in a deep crisis over the ongoing escalation with Iran.

Early on January 8, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps conducted a missile strike on the US military bases near the Iraqi cities of Baghdad and Erbil. The strike came in the framework of the Iranian campaign to avenge the US military’s assassination of the Qods Force commander, General Qassem Soleimani, and other prominent Iranian and Iraqi officers.

The Iranian state TV claimed  that 80 “American terrorists” (the Iranian Parliament just designated all US military forces as terrorists) were killed in the strikes. The Pentagon denied any casualties in the initial statement on the attack.

Since the very moment of the Iranian strike, the US has not really reacted to the development. The US appeared to be unprepared for such a move by the Iranian leadership.

US President Donald Trump limited its comments to the twitter statement and did not deliver the expected adress on the issue.

“All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning,” Trump wrote in Twitter.

According to White House officials, there were preparations for a possible address to the nation after Iran fired missiles at US forces in Iraq, but later they were stopped. The adress is now expected “tomorrow morning”.

This approach is quite different from what the Trump administration and Trump himself claimed before the Iranian strike:


Some sources claim that the US did not react because the Iranian missile strike was just a symbolic move: no US troops were allegedly killed and there are indications that US forces may have known in advance of the attack.

However, even if this is true, the entire situation (when some nation delivers missile strike on US forces and there is no response) is unprecedented. This demonstrates both the crisis within the US military political leadership and the weakening US position in the Middle East. Just recently, the Pentagon was forced to denounce the US-led coalition announcement of the troop withdrawal from Iraq.

In any case, Iran publicly slapped the United States in the face. 

By approving the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani on January 3, President Trump drove into own trap. Taking into account the importance of the Soleimani personality for the Iranian nation, the respnose was almost inevitable. Now, Trump has 3 main options:

  1. To conduct a military action (limited or large) against Iran. By taking this step, he will start an open war with Iran that could eventually lead to thousands of US casualties in the conflict;
  2. To demonstrate ‘restraint’ and limit the response to diplomatic and non-direct military actions. In this case, Trump will loose his face as the strong leader and in fact admit that he fears an Iranian response against US (and Israeli) targets in the Middle East and around the world. In 2020, the US is holding a presidential election. So, this will be a political suicide for Trump;
  3. To conduct a ‘symbolic’ strike on a desert in some Iranian border area. This also will have serious consequences for Trump’s chances to be re-elected, but will create conditions allowing Iran to conduct a ‘limited response’. An important part of this plan is to deny any US casualties as a result of the US strike. The problem is that in the current state of the  US and Iranian societies, such a ‘rigged game’ will have negative political consenquences for both the US and Iranian leadership.


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IF IRAN Killed 80 USA TERRORIST they have Done well


They were martyred for Israel

Black Waters

Good, but the U.S gestapo needs to be expelled from the Middle East and Europa asap.


I think Iran made a hit– but the US of Anarchy would rather die than admit it– already they stand humiliated as the most evil force in the world– its people cannot even stand up against their braindead government, to free their country from the greed crazed Khazarian Zio-Israel foreign invaders and the US’ traitor American lackey leaders in DC. Where is the outcry of the few true Jews across the World???!!! Silence is deafening!– gutless the whole lot of them!


US is a Hollywood fantasy and not that strong. Ho Chi Minh dubbed it the PAPER TIGER and subsequent events have shown the US as a thug and bully who attacks the weakest and retreats when faced with resistance. Iran is no wilting flower.


My take is just that people from all over the globe, have for years now, been encouraging Americans to take to the streets nationally and en masse– but it would seem they’ve been so brainwashed by the soft fake Jew coupe of their government, which already commenced in the 1920’s — that while a few wily American presidents like Andrew Jackson and later JFK almost got to defeat these evil infiltrators who established and owned the Fed that now has America by the throat or lower down … its left the nation completely divided — which is exactly what the Bolshevik Zionist had designed to happen– give them the good life, turn them into a fat and lazy idiot nation with fluoride from water to the Coke they love and other nations came to love too… They attacked the people on all fronts, even from the skies with chemtrails. I can go on and on– poisoned their foods with GMOs — big corps taking over old established ranchers and farmers and everything owned by BigAg today. No, America is not only a disaster, but a global tragedy for mankind– because initially it was a country of brave and enterprising people and caring people too when it came to other nations — maybe they were too trusting … I don’t know.

Karen Bartlett

There have been anti-war with Iran demonstrations in cities across the US, such as New York, San Francisco and a half-dozen others, and there are many Jewish people in these cities: https://youtu.be/n4gmLXaPeDs?t=1 and https://youtu.be/8er_yOp58es?t=4

As far as religious Jews are concerned, here are two videos of Naturei Karta (anti-Zionist Jews originally from Palestine) meeting with the President of Iran. So even if they haven’t made any news statements, Naturei Karta is supportive of Iran, I’m sure, and they are always anti-State of Israel. https://youtu.be/R-r04SQ97_Q and https://youtu.be/wXHdg2fNmJs?t=9


I saw some of this on RT, while the South African Zio owned media has been chup about it — not a word!


First of all I would like to commend Southfront for doing an excellent coverage of these fast paced events and keeping up with various sources.

Secondly, in the US there is a lot of real consternation on Trump’s totally insane behavior as the New York Times editorial just stated:

Soleimani’s assassination shows US can’t afford Trump as commander in chief: New York Times.


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, i love southfront i come here everyday

Zionism = EVIL

The Sepah has just published another list of Americunt targets if it escalates.



However, this morning 03.30ish the IRGC stated that this was the sole strike which would be launched in retaliation for the unlawful murder of General Qassem Suleimani. Should the US make a retaliation Iran will respond… don’t have the link to hand but you will find it is the show notes of{ The Last American Vagabond.

Ari Asulin

nothing is insane about ‘trumps behavior’. wake up.


Trump is no different to any other US president. They don’t have any power, they are told where to sit and what to do and say and that is all they can do. For gods sake, Reagan was senile, he couldn’t of commanded his brunch servants, let alone be allowed to wield actual power. You’ve fallen for the biggest lie, that a US President has actual power. Any that go off script and try to act independently get shot.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s all take a chill pill and let me explain a few FACTS, Iran had no choice but to react to an Americunt terrorist action. Iran is capable of doing far greater damage to the Americunt dumbasses, the puppet Shithead Arab Wahhabi arselickers and Zionist parasites, but Persian are patient people with a cost effective strategic plan. The attack appears to have been largely symbolic — a somewhat subdued attempt to restore some of Iran’s wounded prestige following the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. At the same time, however, it is also the prelude to a broader regional conflict that appears increasingly unavoidable if Trump being a moron escalates. More attacks will undoubtedly follow and cause the Americunts far greater pain.

The Iranians are known to make strategic use of patience and time, which means that the dumbass arrogant Americunts should not expect any more immediate retaliation of any magnitude. Future attacks will come over several weeks, months, or even years. Time, demography, geography and the regional balance of power is on Iranian side. Americunts have no hope of lasting long and the Zionist parasitic weasels that are the main cause of regional and global evil are on stolen land and very borrowed time and headed for oblivion..


Also, even if it was an “arranged” attack. After attack, no US retaliation – shows US weakness to act. Then Iran threatens to target US gulf allies and Israel if there is a retaliatory strike.Still no military response from US military. Indeed, this is unpecedented.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

No, Iraq informed US before the strike and US personnel got to cover in fortified bunkers. Iran shouldn’t have told Iraq if they wanted to cause casualties. However lots of buildings, hangars and aircraft inside the base destroyed. Runway also damaged.



Ricky Miller

They’ve done well period, even if the U.S. bunkered their personnel away and avoided casualties. American bases have been attacked, it’s government is in confusion about how to respond, several aircraft have been damaged, and U.S. threats and bragging so far amounts to nothing. Like the article said for an American base to be openly assaulted and damaged and the U.S. does nothing is unprecedented, and hiding behind suspiciously whispered body count math doesn’t change that. The bottom line is that the U.S. appears afraid of kicking off war with Iran. Afraid. That’s new, and a sign of things to come.


Thank you SF! Always keeping us up to date. My heart is too sore for Iran still, but many across the world feel proud of and stand by the peoples of Iran in these dark hours. Iran will remember, that even one candle dispels the darkness Where there is Light– The Almighty is there … Put three heads together — Iran knows who and you will beat the evil Khazarians at their godless synagogue of satan game– with what is pure and right, true and just. God be with you all!–

Hasbara Hunter

Many people in this world will Stand & Fight with Iran whenever the United Satans of America decides to attack Iran…Put an end to U.S. Terrorism for Once & for All…Holland is very very Angry & in full support…


That’s why I said in my first comment– Put three heads together– Iran knows who …

AM Hants

So do we. The ‘Three Wise Monkeys’, where diplomacy, intelligence and professionalism is needed. Plus, currency wise, have the three nations sorted out automated payment service, that all three can use, avoiding the $US?


As far as I know, they’re getting there and Putin is accelerating it– already for armament and some services they’re there … US knows the moment this is fait accompli achieved, the fiat dollar is toast and the USA too. How they’re going to handle total financial isolation, is what’s making them so desperate … Pepe Escobar wrote a brilliant piece on it all —


The Unz Review– run and owned by a real Jew, he’s taking the Khazar fake jews to the cleaners! Read this one too:


From a comment there, I quote the first few lines:

“It is no secret that Israel is itching for a war against Iran.”

More accurately, the zionists are itching for a US war with Iran. Israel could have attacked Iran at any time, if their IDF was capable of war on soldiers, but they can only fight unarmed civilians, including women and children. Iran’s Republican Guard can make mincemeat of the IDF and all of Israel knows this.

Mintpress’ Whitney Webb is found down the menu on the right– what a gal she is!

AM Hants

Cheers. Do like Whitney Webb, Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett. All behind time at the moment and will come back to the articles later, with interest. Thanks.

Karen Bartlett

I get a lot of these wonderful articles, from the authors you mentioned and more, from LewRockwell.com. If you subscribe they will send them to your email.

Harry Smith

At my point, it’s not about USA, but corrupted elites. If the USA will fall, the real masters of puppets will migrate to another World power. They will bring a huge amount of wealth, first. After that they will corrupt elites, like they did before. USA, Britain, France, Spain and even Roman Empire. All these empires fall were “sponsored” by the certain capital holders.

Hasbara Hunter

Yes totally agree…but it is the Host that functions as Operator & Cannonfodder no excuse for that & THUS FULLY ACCOMPLISH

Harry Smith

Do you know that in the War of Spanish Succession, Venice and Genoa financed both parties of the conflict? And loans were under 80% per year. Would not wonder if this scheme still works.

Hasbara Hunter

Hitler was Financed from New York

Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British Satanic Kidkilling Paedophile, (War) Criminal and member of the Illuminated Rothschild Royal Bankster family, is credited with saying that:

“The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”

He definitely knows…Rothschild made a fortune buying in the panic that followed the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon…and all the other Wars on this Planet that followed ofcourse…

Harry Smith

Rothschilds made that panic, which gave them the opportunity to buy.

But it’s not only Rothschilds. There are many others. I just want to say, that falling of the USA will not end their business. They will move their assets to another place and will continue to make money as they always did.

Hasbara Hunter

Not if you hang them…if you hang them they will go straight up to Baphomet


Yes! — for truly they are the synagogue of satan!

Harry Smith

Most likely only their servants like Clinton or Pelosi would be hanged. These guys always several steps in front of the crowd because they orchestrate the situation. Remember they are always financing both parties. So do not wonder if some “patriotic” leaders will organize the evacuation of their masters.

Hasbara Hunter

The Real Masters probably already left America…became too Explosive…once America, China & Russia operate together to Hunt Down these Parasitic Satanic Paedophile Cockroaches…Only then they will be done…get rid of the Cancer…Exterminate them all for they represent the Devil…

Harry Smith

They will stay until the end of this world. We can do nothing.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha…I don’t even care…if them Sheeples are stupid enough to stay thei Elites’ Servants & Sacrificial Lambs including their offspring them so be it…I’m a Free Man roaming wherever I want…no one will take that away from me…yeah over my Dead body & Iwon’t sell it cheap…

Karen Bartlett

I think the Clintons are so embedded with the CIA that they will not be punished.


No– with respect I disagree … see my first reply to you …


The Bolshevik Communist Jew revolution in Russia in 1917 was financed by New York bankster gangsters — they instituted communism in Russia and to this day Russia is blamed for a system they hated and resisted and the Bolsheviks had to modify it or be booted out. These cruel bstds perpetrated the worst holocaust the world has ever known on the Russians — virtually halved the Russian population during their reign of ungodly terror. The monsters we’re speaking about here are the real parasites of this world.

Hasbara Hunter

Yes indeed…I know all about the Train from New York to Canada With 40 million Dollar or so to support the Jewish Bolsheviks, The killing of the Czar…the Gulags…The Holodomor…Yagoda-Parasites

Harry Smith

Please stop using the word “holodomor” because famine was not only in Ukraine but in several provinces of Russian republic too. The Holodomor is an invention of the Ukrainian nationalism ideologists.

Hasbara Hunter

Okay thanks…Jews love to starve Goyim to Death…that is why they killed all the Buffalo…Russia has been one big Massacre for that matter…The worst atrocities in the twentieth Century happened up there thanks to the Jews…

Karen Bartlett

I don’t know all of it but learned a lot from a Russian Orthodox site on Youtube called Gregory Decapolite.

Hasbara Hunter

Thank you for the link


” the real masters of puppets will migrate to another World power. ” To which world power Harry? Where would they be welcome, when what has then become worthless cash and investments— all of it, they’d plundered and stolen since forever– especially from Russian and China, from America, Britain and Europe too — but in particular during colonial times they’d robbed from a completely defenceless Africa …

Harry Smith

At my point those people would not suffer. The old financial corporations have very good relationships with Russian and Chinese governments. Anyway Jacque Attali said about a financial center in the East, so the new headquarters can appear in China or Japan or even Russia. I can’t predict their actions because I am just a simple guy like you and I can analyze their actions only Post Factum.


Yes— My dad used to say, politics is the dirtiest game on the planet. But my argument Harry and with utmost respect to you — is simply that we are living in a completely different age today– where tech can vaporise us all in one terrible instant– think about the fires in Oz– the fires in Calif– the fires in Brazil — in Siberia– suddenly the whole bloody world is going up in smoke— is somebody playing with the Haarp again? To my mind, Russia is genuine– not only in its commitment to its faith– but Russians love Russia and truly want to live in peace with the world– therefore I believe Putin really wants the world to become a better place for every nation, where kids are still protected and can look forward to a future– their old man not coming home a maimed wreck from yet another US engineered war … Its satanic and soul destroying. May God (the real One, not the moloch of the satan worshippers) help us all.

Harry Smith

There are 2 rules of Politics: 1. Anything they talk, they won’t tell you the whole truth. 2. Anything they talk it’s all about money.

As for Cayce, we in Russia had our prophets and is prophesied that from Russia the Gospel will be preached for the whole world before the Antichrist come, as was written in Apocalypse but without mentioning Russia. Anyway we are living in the end times so must not wonder for all the stuff happening now.


Bulgarian prophet Vanga too … But I enjoyed your 2 political rules– very true. Not verbatim — but close, Putin once said, that if foreigners ever again attacked Russian soil, she’d have to cease existing and he be in a box on his way to the cemetery!– something like that … he just framed it perfectly.

Karen Bartlett


Karen Bartlett

Totally agree. Also, although I’m not Roman Catholic, there are the words of the Theotokos to St.Lucia-that apostasy would come from the top in the Church. Since imo the RC church has never been the true Church (although I believe RC parishioners can be Christians) I would apply the words to Bartholomew.

Karen Bartlett

Yes, but it isn’t true about the plane. Al-Jaeera (which I usually don’t watch b/c it’s from Qatar) has the press report (video) of the head of the Iraqi Civil Air-it was a fire that started in the plane itself, not a missile. I would have suspected Mossad before anybody else,though.


Southfront is perhaps the best source on the Middle East and Russia and you good people need to support it. We need independent non-Zionist media, especially in these troubled times.

S Melanson

I was in the past disappointed with SF as their content had really taken a dive. But this has been changing for the better and I am glad to have SF back…


Yes, and right you are too … Sadly only way I’m in the position to contribute is by sharing wherever I can … because as you say, the Zio prostitute media is everywhere– I am sickened by my country’s fake owned media too.

Karen Bartlett


AM Hants

My heart is too sore for Iran still, but many across the world feel proud of and stand by the peoples of Iran in these dark hours.


Nice words.

Hasbara Hunter



Black Waters

Chill down dude, don’t become like them, if you become what you are fighting against you have lost from the beginning.

We only need them out of Europe and the Middle East. They need to follow international law, even if it is by force.

Hasbara Hunter

I am ready for War…I’m a man of Peace…but America crossed the Red Line…not me…

Black Waters

Where are you from if i may ask?

Hasbara Hunter

Holland…my Goverment is America’s Lapdog…and just as guilty…War is coming to Europe too… Europeans are getting Angrier & Angrier…The Elites have got it comin’


i wish they’d get mad as snakes — I’d say high time — but most of them are yellow livered alien toads …

Black Waters

Listen i can understand why you are so full of these fuckos, but you need to get one thing… this is their game, we can’t just play by their rules.

The Military industrial cartel just got what they wanted, but even greater. I don’t like one bit how things are developing so far. What we need to do is to inform people to make them ware of the situation so they can decide what to do if the time comes.

But remember one thing- War is about numbers and RESOURCES (and morale), as long as the U.S gets the EU as hostage we should think with a cold head (i don’t’ mean that we should do as they say, but that we need to think better our actions to get them out)

Also if you are under their sphere of influence be careful (like Germany) because these people will do the same like they do to palestinians, all of us are palestinians to them.

Black Waters

The point that i’m trying to make is: don’t go to extremes, take a look at Ukraine dude, these fuckos turned Ukraine into a war zone.

Hasbara Hunter

I’m with the common good folks no matter where they come from…including the U.S….Here in the West Men with Pitchforks should rise & Chop the Head off the Snake…

All that is necessary for the triumph of Evil is that Good Men do nothing….simple is that…

Black Waters

Well i agree but the U.S civilians have the upper hand, because they are already inside the nest. I only suggested that you need to be smart about it that’s all.

Hasbara Hunter

I always say what I think…I am among the scum & hear what they think…I speak out loud…let it be a warnin’ to Puppeticians & their Elite-Puppetmasters

S Melanson

While I get what Black Waters is trying to say, I say keep on posting as before. You and I have very different approaches but we respect each other as we both have things to say that have a place in the debates we participate in.

Happy New Year

P.S. I posted here about my scenarios I put out in a comment a few days ago and it seems scenario three may very well be playing out in a song and dance with full dog and pony show between US and Iran.

Hasbara Hunter

By way way of Deception Thou Shalt do war….hehehe…happy new year


We hear your frustration and Black Waters is correct; fight fire with water and ice, not more fire. They want more fire; do not play their game.

Best way to impact is with whatever you buy; no amazon, no ebay (use local sites / shops), no cola cola or affiliated drinks and mineral water, no apple phone, no frito lays, no dell no Ford / Opel, no Gillette razon / Braun), etc. When US multinationals start reporting falling revenues due to anti USA violence sentiment this will change behaviour. Not easy but there are usually always alternatives.

Hasbara Hunter

Wars are fought on many different levels…as long as the outcome is right…


yeah sure but we need the friggin jews in palestine out of the way as well since as long they are allowed to wallow there, there will be no peace for the middle east. thus, end the illegal occupation of palestine and send them hymies into or onto their next diaspora.

Mehmet Aslanak

What leadership? EU intelligence agencies already knew that Pentagon didn’t consult Trump to kill Iraqi & Irani generals with a strike. Trump pretends he gave the order. Trump would NEVER declare war to both Iraq & Iran. Fake attacks in gulf didn’t provoke Trump to start a war with Iran, so ruling elite of the US had to choose assassination of Iraqi & Irani generals.


On Ziorael’s instructions to USrael… sorry meant destructions mate!


1000% . assasination Order and co-ords came from Nuttyyahoo – perhaps they even did it and made Trump their patsy – which he willingly accepted.


Yes– we live in crazy times … Believe Trump’s survived quit a few assassination attempts on him already.

Lazy Gamer

They were surprised by the capability displayed. No sense reacting if Iran has the initiative and in high alert. Now all US bases in the region will be hardened in the coming hours while an attack is being put into operation. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind. lol Now what would make this cycle stop?


The Almighty can– send the USrael a real earthquake– not the geo-engineered ones and the fires they visit and have long since visited on so many nations across the world! Such an event will keep them busy for a while … maybe calm things down– who knows. I just had great respect for Gen Soleimani … Trump knew he was coming in peace, gave the okay to visit Iraq to de-escalate the tensions and then had him assassinated. Despicable back stabbing bstds.


Iranian missile success rate was 95% as according to US controlled Iraqi military “spokesman” only 2 missiles of the heavier Shahab variety did not explode, while the rest 32 hit their targets.

King Cliff

Seeing the clips of explosives,there’s casualties without a doubts, the question is how many. For the USA military to say only iraqis force sustain casualty is a dumb lies,the only way the casualty would have been iraqis that is if it was an Iraqi military base only.athe Iranian military wouldn’t target an Iraqi military base.


Ask Saudi & Israel, these exp toys don’t work even against home made Houthis & Hezbollah rockets. That’s why US threatened Turkey,l & Saudi not to acquire S400.


Patriot had an epic failure dating back to 1991, even against Saddam’s outdated SCUD-B. Not a single scud was intercepted as the GAO Congressional report attested to.


And scud was such easy target as a high flying rocket projectile without warhead separation capability. Modern missiles are equipped with warheads, final stage speed turbocharged, electronic jamming, course changing, sub-hypersonic low flying terrain hugging, etc.

During Turkey’s previous calling for SAM bidding, Patriot scored the worst. The hit rate of 9 different type of targets were:

US Patriot: 5/9 Russia S300: 7/9 China HQ9(Chinese S300 variant): 9/9

China won the order, but Turkey abruptly cancelled switching to Patriot under US pressure. Later it tried to order for it again, China excused with no stock. After Syria war & USNato orchestrated coup, Turkey Erdogan is determined to get S400 independent from US controlled weapons.

Saudi probably find themselves short change when Patriot failed to intercept even Houthis rag tag missiles & drones.

AM Hants

I remember reading a seriously good article, with regards the Patriot and how bad it was, specifically where the Kosovo War was concerned. Thanks for reminding me of the article, which I believe was over on Moon of Alabama.

Think this might be similar to the article I mentioned:

U.S. Ships More Air Defense Systems That Do Not Work To Saudi Arabia…

“… The Patriot missile system was not the spectacular success in the Persian Gulf War that the American public was led to believe. There is little evidence to prove that the Patriot hit more than a few Scud missiles launched by Iraq during the Gulf War, and there are some doubts about even these engagements.

During the first Gulf war the Patriot system had a systemic software problem that made them incapable of hitting the targets:

On February 25, 1991, during the Gulf War, an American Patriot Missile battery in Dharan, Saudi Arabia, failed to track and intercept an incoming Iraqi Scud missile. The Scud struck an American Army barracks, killing 28 soldiers and injuring around 100 other people. A report of the General Accounting office, GAO/IMTEC-92-26, entitled PATRIOT MISSILE DEFENSE: SOFTWARE PROBLEM LED TO SYSTEM FAILURE AT DHAHRAN, SAUDI ARABIA reported on the cause of the failure. It turns out that the cause was an inaccurate calculation of the time since boot due to computer arithmetic errors. Specifically, the time in tenths of second as measured by the system’s internal clock was multiplied by 1/10 to produce the time in seconds. This calculation was performed using a 24 bit fixed point register. In particular, the value 1/10, which has a non-terminating binary expansion, was chopped at 24 bits after the radix point. The small chopping error, when multiplied by the large number giving the time in tenths of a second, led to a significant error.

Twelve years later, during the war on Iraq, the Patriots also failed:

The 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command, which is charged with protecting U.S. ground forces from air and missile attacks, recently released its account of “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” As part of that history, the command reports that the Patriot missile defense system, which is designed to destroy short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, scored a perfect nine for nine in intercepting Iraqi missiles. Colonel Charles Anderson, chief of staff of the command, wrote, “The critics concerns over Patriot lethality should be forever silenced.”

Yet Iraq fired at least 23 ballistic and cruise missiles, according to the report, during the three-week span it took U.S. forces to fight their way to Baghdad and topple Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Nine out of more than twenty three is better than zero but not a great record. But the Patriots also achieved two hits on fighter planes. Unfortunately those were the wrong ones:

A US Navy fighter has been shot down over Iraq by a Patriot missile in the second friendly-fire incident involving the weapon.

The F-18 Hornet from the carrier Kitty Hawk went missing on Wednesday night during a bombing mission. The incident follows the shooting down of an RAF Tornado GR4 by a Patriot as it returned to base in Kuwait, with the loss of its two-man crew.

In 2017 the Saudis fired Patriot missiles against Yemeni ballistic missiles that were launched at Riyadh. All of them failed to hit their targets:

[M]y colleagues at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies and I closely examined two different missile attacks on Saudi Arabia from November and December 2017.

In both cases, we found that it is very unlikely the missiles were shot down, despite officials’ statements to the contrary.

The Patriot system does not work. It is one of those typical U.S. big ticket items that enrich the owners of the defense industry but are of little combat value..”



Now US is stucked after Iran open retaliate instead of using coverted asymmetric attack like Somali airbase attack that US can look away.

There is no face saving option for Trumps to climb down. But not to retaliate will make US a laughing stock infront the whole world, smashing its invincible image.

Yet escalating to full scale war with Iran will break USM spine. And no single allies want to be its canon fodder collateral. Even its No.1 law binding ally – Israel, that orchestrated the assassination, was quick to publicly declared its purely US-Iran only conflict.

Now Trumps & gangs is truly in dilemma. The best solution for US is to pretend as law abiding UN member by sending Trumps, Pompeo, Defense Secretary and Nethayahoo to Iran for war criminal prosecution.

Likely deep states will sacrifice their puppet Trumps to de-escalate by impeach him, and withdraw from Iraq.


Nope. Top General mudered versus missiles hitting the dirt. Goal scoring, USA have won in this tit for tat.

We can do some post event military technical analysis about Iran missiles getting through, or US defence systems not activated as they knew the missiles hitting dirt. This may give Iran a ‘technical’ victory. But make no mistake, a top strategic charismatic General murdered is worth more than missiles hitting dirt, even dirt inside a US military base.


“murdered” is the right word to galvanize worldwide opposition to the evil bastards that carried out the “murder” . I would ask you what is the legal penalty for murderers???

The kindest thing will be that Iran allows you to vamoose from the ME while you are still standing on your legs.

The Iranian guy put it succinctly in drawing you a picture giving the “time out” gesture. One hand vertical under the other hand horizontal. You came in vertical ,you will leave horizontal


If those expensive jets & helicopters reported to be destroyed are dirt to you…with the worthless lifes of US soldiers & mercenary-contractors paid to commit war crimes in Iraq. Its not difficult for Iran modern missiles to hit a large US military base in close by Iraq.

No one can know exactly where & when the missiles will land, so its meaningless to speculate that USM air defense system wasn’t activated purposely instead of 24hrs.

If USM radars truly failed to detect the Iranian missiles due to heavy electronic jamming as reported, it will be a nightmare for US globally. All bases are sitting ducks awaiting to be hit anytime. There arent so many dense integrated layered air defense system to cover all bases & numerous US interests.

We haven’t seen Iran’s drone attack yet.


Reply accepted. Material damage and lack of defence evident; one post said not even not even any short range anti missile gun firing in the videos, US bases just sitting there naked.

Maybe the US navy more competent, but the Persian Gulf ‘goldfish bowl’ not a great terrain for a navy to operate in.


There are damages, but not significant & likely no casualties as Iran had pre-alert Iraq(hence US).

Look like Iran only want to prove they have ability to hit US bases pinpoint, so US will be pressured to leave ME without escalate to full war. Smart move. Now both will claim victory and go their own ways.


Karen Bartlett

They won’t send anybody for criminal prosecution. They’ll bluster, lie and claim innocence. It’s all about selling the lie to the American public.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

4th option: re-emergence of new persian empire hahahaha


More like a very united and consolidated Shia crescent along with allies like Armenia, Tajikistan and Afghanistan etc. Iran has gained a lot of street credo in the region by its audacious response. Even the Arab media like al-Jazeera is in awe.


Yes true. Iran has been gaining credibility for many years with is cunning persistent low key resistance.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran has been in the region for over 3,000 years and the US murdering savages barely 200 years after committing a holocaust of the native Americans. Who do you think will outlast the other? Americunt arseholes are in irreversible decline anyway.

S Melanson

I had commented before on Trump’s motive for ordering the assassination of Suleimani. In one comment I posted a few days ago, I provided 3 scenarios with the third being the most plausible and at the same time hard to believe. I post the scenarios below, followed by an excerpt from UK’s Guardian on Iran’s missile strike. Basically, it is playing out as might be expected under scenario 3 and ironically very similar to Trump attacks on Syria – all bluster and little harm – although I expected as likely there would have to be some US casualties.


Reflecting on what has taken place, the question of who benefits and in what way leads to several possibilities.

1) The movie Sum of all Fears opens with the Russian President taking full responsibility for ordering a military action in Chechnya when in fact it was rogue elements within the Russian military that carried out the operation – the President claimed to give the order to give the appearance of being in control. Is Trump doing the same? Possible but I have many doubts this scenario is what happened.

2) Trump ordered the attack to escalate the situation with Iran to please AIPAC and appear tough given the looming election 11 months from now. This does not fit with history as Trump has barked a lot but actual actions have been muted or symbolic – the Missile strikes on Syria gave the appearance of retaliation but caused minimal damage and loss of life.

Trump also called off an attack on Iran he had ordered with only minutes to spare – this retreat is very significant given the MSM spinned the Aramco strikes and downing of a US drone as Iranian aggression challenging the US in the ME that cannot go unanswered.

But the assassination of an Iranian senior commander is a major and highly provocative action that makes it stand out in stark contrast to Trumps handling of ME affairs. Also, I would think Trump getting into a major war with an enemy capable of fighting back in an election year would be a huge risk for re-election – mostly downside risk. Trump is projected to win the 2020 vote to secure a second term, Trump would not want to put that in jeopardy. Like the first scenario this scenario is also problematic.

The third scenario is sort of the 3D chess version but has enough merit to consider, particularly given a senior PMU commander was also assassinated, ensuring Iraqi outrage.

3) Trump wants US troops out of the ME. Do something really provocative but surgical like an assassination to unite the region against the US presence. If Trump is hitting a wall against the Deep State in trying to get out of the ME, do an over the top deep state move that will get the enemy to unite and push the US out. Trump has a history of giving the appearance of acting under orders of the deep state but does so in two ways, both extreme – either underwhelming results but lots of bluster, or overbearing and high handed – force nations to seek alternatives to US controlled global institutions and US dollar.

The assassination will have consequences that US planners would certainly anticipate such as return to the days of open insurrection against the US occupation in Iraq, although it will be much worse this time around. US troops returning home in body bags will give Trump the leverage to pull out just as Reagan pulled out of Lebanon in 1982 when 180 US service members were killed in a single attack. The troops would be returning home in time for the fall election campaign and Trump can tell his base he did as he promised and brought the troops back home.

Let us see how this pandora box like escapade plays out…

———————————– From the Guardian:

“The attacks will provide an opportunity for hawks inside the Donald Trump administration to ratchet up the conflict with Iran – but also potentially a pathway out of the crisis.

The Iranian strikes were heavy on symbolism. The missiles were launched around 1.30am in Iraq, roughly the same time as the drone strike that killed Suleimani on Friday morning. Top Iranian advisers and semi-official media outlets tweeted pictures of the country’s flag during the attack, mirroring Donald Trump’s tweet as the first reports of Suleimani’s death were emerging. The Revolutionary Guards dubbed the operation “Martyr Suleimani”. Videos of the missiles being launched were released to Iranian media outlets.

But in their immediate aftermath, the attacks appear to have been carefully calibrated to avoid US casualties…” [my emphasis]

Damien C

I firmly believe that the US public over analyse what and why Trump behaves they way he does. They seem to invent reasons, scenarios and theories to help them understand certain activities. Perhaps they should consider this following scenario in a little more detail.

You made a mistake! You as a nation elected a celebrity from a game-show who turned out to be an imbeceile of staggering proportions. A cheat and a liar who lacks the ability to concentrate or communicate in a meaningful way. A man devoid of the ability to handle criticism or difficult situations reverting to sulks and tantrums. He is your president by error his real vocation in life should have been a dodgy second hand car salesman, promising the earth moon and stars with warranty whilst delivering a wreck further down the road.

S Melanson

Just the US public? I agree with you but the scenario I put forward tends to explain what would otherwise be incomprehensible policy moves by the Trump administration. I will need to do a more rigorous discussion to make a more complete argument. I find it hard to believe as well but truth seems stranger than fiction.

Also, Trump is backed by an elite faction draining the old swamp to replace it with a new swamp. Trump can be all the things you say but that is not so important as I doubt he is running the show.

Damien C

I sincerely doubt that nobody has ran the show since Eisenhower

Karen Bartlett

“Incomprehensible” unless one realizes that Trump is a blustering twit, ignorant of and indifferent to law, who never intended to “drain” any swamp (based on his appointment to high office of neo-cons and such figures as Gina Haspell, the head of the CIA torture program).He only pretends to be “draining the swamp” to keep his base intact for reelection.

Karen Bartlett

The “Guardian” is not a credible source anymore: it turned against Julian Assange when he got arrested, trying to cover their asses, after using his work in their publication. Same as did the New York Times. See Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate on this. This Guardian statement also sounds like the source from which “Q” gets his convoluted second-guessing about the murder of General Soleimani. “Q” in my opinion is basically trying to support Trump by saying Trump is actually trying to “bring the troops home” by this murder, instead of saying it’s an international act of war and an international crime. Imo, both the Guardian and “Q” are working in the interests of the CIA and NSA while pretending to be on the front line of journalistic resistance to the Deep State and US gov’t.

Damien C

Irrespective of casualties the U.S is no longer in doubt about several things

1) The Iranian leadership is willing to respond directly against U.S actions 2) The Iranians have an accurate targeting ability over long distances 3) The Iranians can deliver large quantities of heavy ordanance to exact buildings 4) Even though the U.S had enough warning to get troops to bomb sheters the American Patriot system is a seriously flawed piece of hardware failing to intercept any incoming Iranian missiles.


Well, objectively even the more advanced Thaad failed in Saudi Arabia as Houthi drones and missiles had a field day. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cbc231e5ccb5883bbab1d0440136b4e6fa86b91d6af5041a508fe9fa5b54433d.jpg


“Houthi drones ” were low flying, low value targets in the category of short range anti aircraft defenses like Russian “Pantsir” or “Tor” systems. Medium or long range missiles are too expensive and in THAAD or even Patriot PAC-3 case They were flying too low to get under their radars range to discover them. “Pantsir” that can discover very low flying objects uses often radar guided canons to target such drones because much cheaper than to use short range missiles.

Zionism = EVIL

In the dumbass Saudi hands even all the world’s air defence systems would have made fuckall difference. The average Americunt high school drop out fat fuck redneck trailer trash “soldier” is hardly any better. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/787ca9a5a71af41c9c658b3873869d77015f9a2a7f25a9194ada9838b18f4720.jpg


Patriot PAC-3 ( THAAD also) are coordinated by US anti-aircraft defenses command that receive their orders to act via satellite from US command center from Germany Just like everybody else in Middle East(even when manned by Saudi’s). So it is not in “dumbass Saudi hands” responsibility completely. Rather than their limited IQ or physical handicaps it is better to put forward US air defenses limits and flaws that exist everywhere in Middle East . They often do NOT have layered air defenses (like Russians or even Iran)so they are very vulnerable to swarm small drones attacks on certain important targets. Like Russians had last year on their air base. So it is possible to hit even the best defended US military bases and render them defenseless if attack is thoroughly prepared

Karen Bartlett

I understand morale is really low in Saudi Arabian military (and in US military), and that makes a big difference.

George King

Well I can’t help but wonder just how confident all NATO countries can be now that they understand they should have S-400’s and a reliable partner/s but they don’t and it is what it is. They citizens should rapidly seek reproach and stand down from threatening Russia, China and the rest of the world.

Cast out the enemies inside the gates and denounce their association/s with the evil transnational criminal cabals. It does not take a genius to look back in history and finger those they have had to cast out before…….

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.

But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

–Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C.


I love that quote too! Truth set out so clearly many millennia ago …

Karen Bartlett

Wow! I never read that before! How appropriate, and 2000 years ago. I know the founders of the US were familiar with Roman and Greek history, though. Too bad the modern leaders of the US aren’t even cognizant or respectful of not only history but international law (or even our Constitution).


I agree and that’s all to the good! Big hugs and stay safe Karen!

Karen Bartlett

Thank you!


“Iraq is a partner of Russia in the field of military-technical cooperation, and the Russian Federation can supply the necessary funds to ensure the sovereignty of the country and reliable protection of airspace, including the supply of S-400 missiles and other components of the air defence system, such as Buk-M3, Tor-M2 and so on,” Korotchenko told RIA Novosti.


Friend of Russia

Someone who was badly beaten up for his misbehavior will not hold a press briefing and publicize that I was severely thrashed. So trump will deny any casualties. Soon afterwards Iran will release footage of dead US soldiers and Trump will find himself in a fix. But it’s a pity that independent websites like SF are deceived by western propaganda

Ivan Freely

Released footage can be labelled as fake news. And US media certainly won’t broadcast it.

AM Hants

Somebody kindly pointed out to me, when I was curious about sanctions and why companies bow down to the US, that it was owing to insurance. Should anything happen, with regards trade and a sanctioned company, the insurance policy is invalid, or words to that effect.

So must admit, this headline and article struck at my ‘curiousity jugular’. Guess it is not just the US that play mind games with insurance tactics.

Tanker Operators Suspend Travel Through Strait Of Hormuz… https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/tanker-operators-suspend-travel-through-strait-hormuz


I’m not so sure of that. Zio-US’ deep state must be following a well planned agenda! They must’ve worked out all possible scenarios before they -cowardly- murdered Solemaini. It will either work out well for both sides (consolidating their supporters) or work well for the US if I am right. Dont forget: in this world evil always wins.

(Lets just hope I am wrong and US leaves the middle east for good!)

Peter Bozich

When will the dumb fcuks in the U.S realise they are hated everywhere from the middle east all the way down to the Phillipines. The good part is yet to come, because when the mighty greenback starts it rapid decline, the U.S won’t be able to use their worthless dollars to fund their military stuff ups any further. The reserve status is coming into question, Golds breaking out not just because of the Iran situation, but more due to FEDERAL RESERVE printing up shit loads of digital currency. The Empire is collapsing for those who wish to open their eyes.

Brother Thomas

Russia and China must be laughing at how successfully the US is self-destructing.

Karen Bartlett

No, I think they’re probably alarmed at how irresponsibly Trump and the MIC have behaved. On the other hand, they won’t want to add to tension, and respect the sovereignty of Iran and Iran’s ability to handle the situation.


Trump in one of his testosterone frenzies which got out of hand.

Johny Flodder

The operators of the Patriot system had their pans down watching porn at the time of the attack.

Ari Asulin

Countries are not people. Corpsorations are not people.

Okay? Okay.

Karen Bartlett

Trump’s going to have a hard time explaining to nearly 100 American mothers how “all is well”. And explaining to the American taxpayer how a trillion dollars in military equipment is a good thing and why the US gov’t is spending so much on such things when the American public doesn’t want war anywhere.

Liberal guy

Same again old zionist policy of hiding death all is well everything is good no one is dead blah blah blah

AM Hants

Did anybody ever wonder what that poor, sweet, kind, gentle contractor, who got taken out, actually did for a living?

Breaking: Dead US Contractor Who Led to Destruction of US Base was Blackwater Contractor Who Participated in Torture of Detainees


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