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MARCH 2025

U.S. Received Advanced Warning On Iranian Strike From Iraq: CNN

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U.S. Received Advanced Warning On Iranian Strike From Iraq: CNN

Missiles are displayed during an exhibition on the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, as part of the “Sacred Defense Week” commemorating the 8-year war on September 28, 2014 at a park, northern Tehran. (Photo: Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images).

Iraq gave advance warning to the U.S on “which bases would be hit” by Iran in response to the assassination of Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani, an Arab diplomatic source told CNN on January 5.

According to the source, Iranian officials passed information on which bases will be struck to the Iraqi side, that warned the U.S.

The Arab source’s claims were allegedly confirmed by a U.S. defense official, who told CNN that Iraqis were told by Iran to stay away from certain bases.

Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi confirmed in a statement that Iran sent Iraq an official verbal message that an attack “had begun or would begin shortly” on U.S. bases in the country. However, he claimed that Tehran didn’t specify which bases will be hit.

In a separate case, CNN tried to present the situation like Iran intentionally chose targets in a way allowing to minimize possible casualties among US forces. MORE ABOUT POSSIBLE US REACTIONS HERE

In the early morning, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched over a dozen of missiles at Ain Assad Air Base in al-Anbar province and the US military HQ near Erbil city.

The attack was a response to the assassination Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani and his comrades by the U.S. earlier this month.

Iran state TV claims that more than 80 U.S. service members were killed in the missile strike. However, the Pentagon has not reported any casualties. The warning provided by Iraq may have allowed Washington to prepare its forces, thus preventing any human losses.

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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I don’t know who to believe anymore, some saying nobody died, others saying 80 or so died


Usa does not report private military Contractor deaths and large part of us military forces in Iraq and Syria are pmcs


Reasonable argument. blackwater and the likes have armies serving the West and its allies, armies put together from young, ambitious and poor men from all over the World. Probably there are US troops out there as such, formed by soldiers whose ID’s are not on the records. So no casualties on paper.


Probably nobody died. But how did you ever know who to believe? Everybody is lying like crazy and you can only guess what’s happening. This is how things are. This is not a special event in this regard.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

True, I wish I knew someone who was in the area or something when it happened, that’s the only way to know for sure anymore, through someone who witnessed it firsthand


often we are lucky as events are captured on mobile videos. But I guess inside a base there is going to be strong salary deductions enforced censorship.


Soldier Joe’s Mum or Girlfriend are not being interviewed on TV yet so no USA soldier died. But good post about contractors (mercenaries) above; these are not reported.

Concrete Mike

Well we can say its between 0 and 80.

It early.let us wait, word will come out, someone is bound the rub the lamp the right way, the genie will come out.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Hahahaha yea I feel like the only way to know for sure anymore is if you personally know someone who witnessed it firsthand


Yep in USA work gets out quick when family and friends no longer receive messages ove WhatApp, Facebook etc. So while no news from Joe’s Mum or Girlfriend that Joe is no longer messaging, its ‘0’, the US news is right on this one.

As to if / what US hardware was taken out that’s going to be a lot harder to know the truth. But looks like these missiles got through US defence systems, so that would make it very different to the Iraq war for US military in range. Even if the US were tipped off they would not waste the ‘best most beautiful military equipment in the world’ bragging opportunity to shoot down Iran missiles if they could. As per numerous other posts US land based missile defence not looking good since several years now.


I doubt that anybody in the bases died, they had plenty of warning from radar to move to their air conditioned bunkers

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

If their radars worked why didn’t they intercept them? Oh wait patriots sucks lmao


Even radars aren’t required, there was 72 hours of wall-to-wall threats on social media. For US base personnel not to have cover with that much warning would have been inexplicable.


More like Pentagon is hiding its casualties. If in a few days several members killed in training accidents are reported consider it that they were killed in iranian attack of today

Friend of Russia

CNN working round the clock to cover up Trump’s ass


CNN has been the most anti-Trump platform for three years.


Yeah and isn’t a this strange turn around? Almost like they weren’t really against him after all, huh?

Hasbara Hunter

The Pentagon are Chickenshit Cowards…crawling away in places where the sun doesn’t shine…

Free man

Not even one American soldier got a scratch. The mullahs don’t want to commit suicide. Even though many here are very interested in war.

Ricky Miller

You don’t know that for sure, yet. There were statements about no casualties then the sound of crickets for more than eight hours. A British minister talked about injuries, then shut up. The U.S. was clearly warned by two avenues and it would have been military malpractice not to move personnel to safety but a rumor this morning is that two American soldiers were injured after the attack in a fuel tank incident resulting from damage. That might be true, it might not be but something like that would account for all the confusion and infighting in Washington about how to respond, or whether or not to respond. For sure, Iran struck U.S. bases, damaging the coalition HQ building in Erbil and causing damage at a U.S. operated airbase and to U.S. military equipment. So far the U.S. is standing flat footed, seemingly unsure. That’s awesome, in and of itself.

Free man

“For sure, Iran struck U.S. bases, damaging the coalition HQ building in Erbil and causing damage at a U.S. operated airbase and to U.S. military equipment. ” – how do you know ? Trump said the U.S. would respond if Americans or American equipment are hit.

Ricky Miller

Reuters and TASS. Reuters is reporting that 104 combined items of infrastructure and equipment were damaged or destroyed in the attack. Another article here on SF quotes a Baltic states officer in reporting that coalition HQ has been moved from Iraq to Kuwait, for safety. There are rumors of reports that civilian ambulances are out in numbers around the areas of both targeted bases. That might imply that some lying is going on about casualties. I don’t know because I’m not on the ground there. We can only read what people closer to these sites and events are trying to tell us and interpret accordingly. I will note that TASS has a photograph of an early morning scene near one of the targeted airbases showing large smoke plumes in the background. There are fires and hints of large damage.

Ricky Miller

Al Hadath, a UAE based television station is reporting (according to TASS, I don’t speak Arabic) that several U.S. warplanes have been damaged. We don’t know if it’s true or not because the Administration is withholding that level of detailed information away from the American public, at least so far.


“Hints” i love it!


Commit suicide, Iranians? What a joke.

Hasbara Hunter

Just a warnin’ shot fired little Paedophile Epstein-Parasite


No, Iran attacked Amercia and Amercia backed down. Fact.

Free man

As long as there is no war, you can interpret reality in any way you want, I personally don’t care.

Liberal guy

U r so right Bang on spot zios hiding deaths policy

Lazy Gamer

Is this a 180 or a misdirection? lol


Haha this is hilarious!

So much for Iranian power

They’re sh#t scared

All propaganda theatre for the captive Iranian audience

Ziønist šhill

Proving that you have the ability to smack US bases with ease is powerful propaganda


Once you politely told them!

Ziønist šhill

And how are you so sure there will be a polite warning next time?


There won’t be a next time!

As the Iranian regime knows it’ll get more of its top brass killed

Ziønist šhill

Ok shlomo


Its true though!

Oh and the Iranian regime will be soon under international sanctions again as they’ve started the enrichment programme

I’d suggest that was probably the nature of this whole exercise,basically force the regime into a corner, the US can now sit back, relax and wait!

Oh plus they can stir it up in Iraq about Iranian interference

Ziønist šhill

The way your mind works is disgraceful. You’re a coward, I can tell


Nope a winner

You don’t get strategy do you?

I don’t mean all this stuff about wiz bangs, i mean how to play the game and win which is what the US have been doing for about,oh let me see,well ages!

Now please tell me what revolutionary retards in Iran have achieved???

FFS they can’t even attend a funeral without killing each other,or shooting each other over high fuel prices

Ricky Miller

The U.S. wins battles and loses wars. Afghanistan. Syria. Libya. Vietnam, the U.S. starts this crap but can’t finish it. How is it good strategy to bankrupt your treasury fighting endless colonial wars that bring your own people no benefit, even as those same people vote to bring an end to those deployments? Destroying your strategic position, your economy and disabling what’s left of your democracy isn’t winning anything.


I’m not sure USA wants to win. The longer the war the higher the revenue for military corporates. The more training and testing grounds and victims you maintain for new equipment and recruits. The closer you can keep your positions to strategic rivals so your own manufacturing base is not threatened.

USA strategy is to maintain chaos and conflict in Eurasia; this is better done by not winning wars but prolonging them.

USA does with benevolent foreign and military means: military bases, choosing one side or another, changing sides, propaganda, coups, puppets, red flag incidents, the bogey man; commies, muslims, axis of evil. A rich nourishing foreign policy for the advancement of human civilisation.


So i suppose murderous commies, and theocratic dictatorship is gonna be good for human civilisation?


Stop feeding yourself CNN/Fox BS Burgers. The US is the MOST murderous regime in modern history. But you’d know that if you werent a IQ 5 inbred Hick sleeping with your Mom.


Grow up Ricky!

Idiots have been saying this about America since the end of the Vietnam war

Oh America is bust, bankrupt,its finished, the superior socialist Soviet communist system has prevailed they said, you know all those idiot anti American,anti capitalist,anti imperialist idiots…… …..yup and how wrong they were then as they are now,as you are

The only countries going down are Syria,Venezuela,and Iran, they ain’t gonna be at the forefront of anything any time soon,they’re failed or failing states


In some cases, the US PLAN is NOT to win wars. It is sufficient a victory to destroy the adversary’s economy setting it back 20 years. The more chaos, the better.As long as there is chaos, mineral theft to US private persons (like Lindsay graham) and US corporations will occur – see Libya since 2011, and Iraq up until today. the US does NOT want stability for any of these countries.


Strategy? Lets see strategy failure by judging the US on ots OWN stated objectives in the region.What has the US achieved if it withdraws from the region? The Occupation of Iraq, destruction of Syria and Iran was a State Dept policy objective (PNAC) for decades. after trillions spent to achieve this objective, NON of their stated goals have been achieved. Hence, no more influence, now leaving the door wide open for Russia and China. and please dont BS us with Trumps speech that the US no longer needs ME oil ‘cos they are self sufficient, why would Trump threaten the Iraqi PM’s life (making him resign) for not wanting to reverse their deal with china for mineral procesing? The US military is the enforcer for the theft of ME resources by US Multi National Corporations. Iraq was invaded partly for that reason. US soldiers died so that the 1% elite owners of Enron, etc etc, could make money, now its all in vain! Iran will still be in the region, the regime still stands, Iraq is out of the control of US corporations, Syria still stands strong allowing Iran to threaten Israel’s very existence more so than any time in her history and since the most significant indicator of the rollback of US power and influence in the region was Putin stepping in to save Syria (of course for his own advantage), it shows the world that the US is no longer the sole hegemon. Iran is demonstrating that for a second time – another US defeat. As soon as the schoolyard bully gets it in the face, other victims (Europe) begin to realise that his bark is worse than his bite and soon Europe will no longer be afraid even of the economic repercussions of not participating in sanctioning Iran.

Thanks to Trumps “inward”/’insulating” policies, the US will eventually isolate itself, as the world has already started re-aligning economically to counter Trumps policies and the US will only have itself to trade with. Even US corporations that trade mainly with foreign corporations will leave the US as it tightens its control of citizens and removes liberties and rights which previously made the US the most desired place to live on earth. So, whose strategy wins? the US is a has been superpower on its way to becoming at best, a second rate nation.


The whole fracking business is on the brink. It will go belly up soon, unless the price of oil does a surge. I hope Trump is not willing to turn the straits of Hormuz into a battlefield and destroy ME production to attain that goal.


Exactly bob.

Ricky Miller

They are already under the sanctions, practically. The U.S. has violated the deal and the UN Security Council resolution making it law and has pressured companies all around the world to go along, regardless of law. Iran had every right to leave the JCPOA a long time ago. Now they can enrich with abandon.


Which is exactly the point isn’t it!

Hence they fall into the trap made for them by the Trump administration

Nobody’s forced them to do this incidentally, but the international community will have no alternative but to start sanctions again

Ergo this dreadful theocratic dictatorship will have no money to make any nukes even Russia and China will be forced to go along


Iran Nukes? – Already HAVE them Schlomo Bob.thats why in 20 years of NuttYahoo prodding, the US still has not attcked – hence the economic warfare.


Oh, and then israel will be liquidated and all their stolen oilfields will belong to the IRGC to make up for the sanctions


I see you chose a nice name, keep the fear from us Zionists deep inside your heart. Even Iran knows what the Arabs learnt – do not fuck with Israel.

Ziønist šhill

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.


You can laugh all you want, when the IDF gets a greenlight under Gantz none of you would be laughing. You have my word.

Ziønist šhill

Hahahahaha. Hilarious

Ricky Miller

Is Gantz really going to be more hardline than Netanyahu? And can he seal the deal to get Netanyahu out by actually getting past Likud in an election? Really, is the third try a charm?


He will, Bibi is giving money to Hamas instead of helping the PLO. Why? because he needs a strong Hamas. Gantz will crush them and give Gaza back to the PLO, that’s why we vote for him so we won’t have to take care of them any longer. Also that sleezy man is doing everything he can to stay in power including taking us into a third elections, as if people would suddenly change their minds. He is a traitor, and he wll be trialed sooner or later for his crimes agaisnt the state of Israel and its people.

Ricky Miller

If he really could remove Hamas from authority in Gaza and return it to PLO control that would be a significant achievement. But I remember feeling hope for your country about what Ehud Olmert was going to do and we both know how that worked out.

Joe Kerr

Fear is what Jews live on… for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And they have only themselves to blame. With 400, 000 missiles, Iran doesn’t need nukes to end Israel. Scary huh?


No at all, do you see me afraid? on the contrary, if they wanna shoot over here then they are welcomed, it’s not like they can’t. I guess something else is stopping them from doing so (which is why they also use proxies), can you guess why?



Joe Kerr

Same reason your leaders bark but don’t bite, preferring their U.S. lackeys to try instead. But the barking has been going on since 1992, just like the 3 little piggies.


You mean like the mad mullahs!

I’ll huff and puff and blow your house down!

Joe Kerr

Not really… Netanyahu’s been threatening to attack Iran on an annual basis, ever since he first raised the threat of an iranian nuke in 1992. But now he’s distancing himself from Trump’s war on Iran, saying its “America’s war, not Israel’s”.


So now you know what we Israelis already know, that man is a liar but he still managed to make his public vote for him in big numbers, so that’s why he is still in power. If the voting rate would be 70%-75% in March, there is a good chance we can finally get rid of him for good.


yep, he was saying all that while putting on double diapers.


Yeah, and make the US look weak so that the PMUs can grow bigger balls and do the job for them. besides, the US and Israel were huffing and puffing for decades that Iran’s house would be blown down. Isnt this the perfect opportunity to invent some casualties and start that real attack?


Well, one thing you can say about Israel and Iran is that we are both determined to keep our interests in the ME, and unless one side gives up, we will go on like this forever. Sure, we can both destroy each other, that is called mutual deterrence.

Joe Kerr

MAD is what has kept the U.S. and Russia from war with each other. So, if Israel has nukes… Iran ought to have them as well, to guarantee peace. Your main problem will be what to do with Palestinians, your co-habitants.


I would support giving them a state and get rid of them for good, but unfortunately the corrupted PM we have now is doing his best to avoid any peace deal. Keeping our Jewish majority is our priority, Palis can live next to us. We would save so much money if we didnt have to take care of them, Orthodox Jews are helping Bibi to stay in power. Seculars like me want seperation.


You are an idiot and a lying F2cktard- it was NEVER the intention of Israeli founding fathers (and bitches) as well as every successive Kike regime to give the Palestinians ANYTHING. Your goal is Eretz Yisrael and the expulsion or genocide of ALL Palestinians.


“we will go on like this forever.” – thats a zionist wet dream, unless forever means 5 years (if you lucky to exist still for so long)


Yeah, sure, you not afraid safely behind your Brooklyn keyboard Why dont you come out and join the fight against the Hezb with your fellow diaper-wearing IDF P@ssies?

Hasbara Hunter

You filthy Paedophile-Epstein-Parasites are done


You mean, do not fuck with Israel while the US is in the region. Good thing Nasrallah didnt take that shitty piece of advice, else it wouldnt have needed only 2000 men to kick Israeli ass and humiliate Kike-istani IDF in 2000 and AGAIN in 2006.

Ricky Miller

It’s better than targeting a senior unarmed officer traveling on a diplomatic passport in a civilian vehicle without the ability to fight back. Iran used a newer, improved version of SCUD missile for this raid. Iran has better, more accurate missiles by the thousands. This attack clearly was meant to destroy and damage buildings and equipment without starting a larger war. Iran is clearly saying that the U.S. needs to back off. Next time, if pushed, Iran could launch an attack involving hundreds of missiles at a larger number of bases without warning and within hours of being provoked, not days. I do relish the scene in my mind of U.S. forces evacuating both bases, scurrying into bunkers and nearby neighborhoods, leaving their base and equipment to be bombed. Priceless. And the U.S. HQ building in Erbil for the International coalition fighting a fake war against ISIS took a direct hit.

Aleks Chernyy

Its a win for Iran to de-escalate without getting pulled into a war with the US. Any other move results in the destruction of the regime. Now they will produce a ton of weapons grade uranium, make better missiles, and continue on their way.


The only way they’re going is into economic and social political oblivion

Aleks Chernyy

Sure, but now Israel and US convinced Iran they need nukes, better missiles, options. They have acquired regional and political legitimacy.


They haven’t acquired anything

Manny in Iraq have the mullah dictatorship next door to them,so they’ll want them out

Lebanon don’t want to get drawn in,sensibly,so what have they got?

Aleks Chernyy

The truth is, we are the only people leaving Iraq. No matter how many irrelevant Persians we kill in the region. While trump’s attack on Solemani was outrageous, it did little to topple Iran. Iran was able to save face, they will continue their activities, they will build nukes, they will build rocks, they are no more convinced than ever that this is the way.


Good,and they’ll get themselves totally isolated

they’re already on one knee as things are, if they carry on as you wish they’ll be flat on their face,eating dirt

Aleks Chernyy

nah, in some sense Iran is temporarily embarrassed, in another sense, they have survived. They will be a nuclear nation, then they will negotiate on their own terms.


They’ll never be a nuclear nation, if they try that really will be the end of them

And like I’ve said before the theocratic dictatorship will have absolutely no friends,not Russia or China,those to hope this can all be kicked down the road,well it ain’t gonna happen

Aleks Chernyy

Haha, i can tell this nuclear thing bother you a lot, because you realize it is the truth. By attacking and embarrassing Iran, in this idiotic hapless matter, the orange genius has convinced them that they will not be safe without nukes and missiles.

but go celebrate bobby.


But Trump always said he didn’t like the Iran nuke deal, from the get go,it was very clear he’d bin it,the man is actually true to his word

Iran has had a very silly and self destructive policy,the architect of said policy was liquidated for his efforts

Iran embarrassed itself, thought it could go around playing big brother, and just got a punch in its daft gob


No its not a win,it shows they’re actually weak and in a panic!

If they weren’t then why haven’t they gone for war,drive America out of Iraq and supposedly liberate the Iraqi’s,not that Iraqi’s want the mullah dictatorship!

You know this site is full of blowhard Iranian fanboys obsessed by wiz bangs,they’ve been baying for blood death and destruction,American blood,oh and Israeli,but the reality is the Iranian war machine just fizzled out like some sort of cheap fire works display

Wayne Nicholson

I think Irans objective is getting the USA out of the region …. not war.

Trump doesn’t want war either, he’s not really a strategic thinker so I think when he struck out at Iraq and then Soleimani he was taking bad advise. Maybe he was told Iran was a paper tiger that these actions would expose? Maybe he thinks that pummelling Iran would make him unimpeachable if the USA was at war? The guy has Rudi as his personal lawyer so what does that tell you about the advise he’s getting?

If this strike is as it appears and the USA was warned it gives the USA a way of de-escalating IF that’s the route they want to take. Hopefully there is a military realist in the White House telling him exactly what a regional war would entail and how much it would cost both financially and politically.

It’s unlikely congress will go along with a full scale war and if the military choose to obey Trump and ignore the Congress he has a full blown constitutional crisis and it’s basically a coup.

My WAG is congress will approve a TLAM strike like the ones in Syria where they blow up some desert and claim they hit the “launch sites” (FOX won’t mention they were mobile launchers) and declare victory.


But the Iranian regime have lost a key player,and America nothing!


Thats where you’ll always miss the bigger picture. With or without casualties on that particular engagement,reckless POTUS lost face politically, and his country will gradually lose Iraq on the short to mid term,cancelming whatever.little benefit he may have yielded from the drone kill two days ago. In turn Iran won the whole of the Shia back in the region and the world,all thr way to nationalistic fervor in its own soil right after a period of intense crisis and dissent. Now who cares whether some high-ranking US official dies or not,this is no Farwest duel. Operationally,beyond the symbol, Soleimani has already been replaced and the IRGC/PMF military infrastrucure and organizations are intact, and funding has increased. This is a net loss for Donald and everybody including himself know it. Plus this is yet another embarrassment for US ABM systems just like they were unable to stop the Aramco strike a few weeks back. By all acccounts the Zulfiqar SRBMs scord many direct yits on valuable infrastructure and that’s what counts today from a purely military standpoint. Now you can still go celebrate as much as you want “bob”,missing out on basically every event of importance that hapmened last night,it will change nothing on the longer run and overall bad implications that it will have for the US both abroad and at home for the Don. Dems will enjoy this.

Ricky Miller

Yes. A great Democratic campaign ad can rightly claim that Trump blundered and invited an unnecessary attack from Iran. And after U.S. bases were struck and equipment destroyed, he did nothing. He acts strong but is really reckless and weak. Pound that ad in Colorado, NM and Michigan.

Ricky Miller

You’re right, Iran attacked like soldiers against other soldiers who had the ability to defend themselves, but ran and hid after being warned. The U.S. killed a 62 year old grandfather and senior officer who was on a diplomatic assignment, carrying a diplomatic passport and was unarmed and traveling in a civilian vehicle, also without defenses. Iran still owes the U.S. one General or Admiral. It’s not for me to decide, I’m not Iranian but I do note for anyone wasting time listening to me that senior American officers love, and I do mean LOVE, to play Golf in Ireland. They can’t stop talking about it. And many U.S. Naval Officers love, and I do mean LOVE, SE Asian brothels. A few years ago a U.S. Navy Admiral in charge of purchasing support materials for U.S. Navy ships in the region was busted in a corruption scheme involving kickbacks from vendors in Singapore and Hong Kong. He loved spending time and his ill gotten gains using little girls impressed into sexual servitude in Thailand. He’s not unique in those filthy habits. Just saying.

Wayne Nicholson

The Iranian regime lost a symbolic player and whether that weakens Iran or galvanizes Iran is yet to be seen.

If you took out Pompeau would the USA be lost because they lost their only leader? Do you think any one general in the USA is the only one capable of planning and strategy in the entire military?

I assure you that Iran, like every military force in the world, has a general staff that plans operations and a hierarchy of leaders trained to step in in events such as this.

The great value of general Soleimani was his reputation and diplomatic connections across the region. In a war you target officers but not executive leadership because first you don’t want to create martyrs and second you need leaders with connections to negotiate an end to the war because if you don’t you will be stuck occupying and running a leaderless country.

Iraq 2003 SHOULD have taught you that lesson. It’s one thing for an internet troll to call for the total destruction of a country but for the leaders who are responsible for their soldiers lives and the economic health and reputation of their country killing these kinds of leaders is a grave and very expensive mistake to make. You current leader governs by trolling bot domestically at his rallies and online on twitter. Works great for the base and other trolls but not so much in the world of international affairs.

The USA knew this during WW2 and even Vietnam however since 2001 they’ve been replaced by idiots who don’t understand the difference between blowing shit up and conducting warfare.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

America has no equivalent of soleimani and probably never will


They sold him the Venezuelan regime change/theft of resources. See how well that went. The Venezuelans documented their bribes and plans to get the army on board, and it flopped. Four times last year. Trump´s downfall is the number of traitors he has surrounded himself with.


LOL! LIKE I SAID. NO MEANINGFUL RESPONSE. What a big nothing burger.


It seems to be a token strike not intended to be significant. Iran had to show its own public it would act so this was very measured. It also allows Trump not to escalate since no US deaths. Chest beating I would call it.

Hasbara Hunter


STAY AWAY FROM ALL U.S. BASES…it’s for your own safety….


Maybe they should move to Iran?

Hasbara Hunter



One of most surreal responses after Iran’s retaliatory response against the US terror camps in Iraq came from the EU: “Iran violated Iraq’s sovereignty by attacking it’s soil”.

All these came after a sentence by FM Zarif while signing the memorial book for the martyrs in the Iraqi embassy in Tehran, in response to a question about violating Iraq’s sovereignty. He answered that Iraq was informed about Iran’s retaliation. Iraq’s government and armed forces knew Iran was going to attack but AFAIK, the targets were not specified. Although it shouldn’t be hard to realize where is going to be hit. After the attack, the US terror base asked for help from nearby hospitals which indicates the number of causalities was far greater than the base’s capacity. The smallest of the missiles was carrying a 450kg HE warhead and based on IRGC, 20 targets were hit and destroyed by 15 missiles. The communication and control facilities were among the targets.

One interesting thing was US CENTCOM’s tweet about detecting the launch of missiles and saying they don’t know the target.

Iran did not threaten neighbouring countries directly, just the ones which future possible US terror attacks are originated from. We shall see what will be the US’s next step. If any, it should come prior or as Trump addresses Americans.

Condolences to the families who their loved ones lost their lives in the Ukrainian plane crash.



Talking about FarsNews I caught your wink, thanks. Regarding Iceland, their banking system is also independent of the IMF, maybe helpful.

Was talking to a friend in the early morning, and we both admitted crying for 3 days regarding the assassination of Soleimani and neither of us are Iranian. Condolences to the noble people of Iran for all their losses.


My only warning is, be very carefull on what you read this days, when its about domestic Iranian poltics and their problems witch is imposed by large from outside and like Venezuela the morons drool something about the ientire blame is squarly Iranians, that isnt trut at all, the west, aka UssA/Britain have vaged war and coups on/in Iran for an century, to the Plain crash, witch I think was intened as an FF but happened with an timing that made it irrelevant, (remeber this was from ZioNazi occupyed Ukraina) and dont forget the most lighlty angle, it was after all, an BoingBingo plain, when they claim the maintenance was spottleless, thats not whats relevant, the plain was an flying coffin, because of desing flaws and crappy quality control if any at all, and the age fits to the senario about been an highly dangerous plane. May the people rest in peace.

The second, is, do the Yankikes defence systems work at all. Intresting, if anything, this was an decisive test, and up to now, the UssA flunked. And I am certain, nobody expected this, the attack nor the responce on the same attack. The third is, the assasination of QS was not only confined to Him but ther rest was Iraqi military and incl an high ranking comander, so that alone is usually not even mentioned.

The forth and most important issue is the unifying of the people in the region, to me, after all this years that is the numbero uno, when that happens, I can rest in peace, it will of course take time, the path will be vinding, but that is secondary, its unification above all the one thing I have missed thru all this years, and the fact that this unification eventually will make the regions future be something much better for you all, incl the Iraqis whom have some of the best Oil in the worlds, light sweet crude, its like winning an lottery. You can change everything within an breath taking speed if you kick out the western scumnags and their corps, if they are going to stay, make shure its on YOUR premisses and nobody else. Remeber what you had, and that is what you will get.

The fifth, the ISIS is just an exuse, and the moment the western scumbags are out, if they dont want to follow your lead and do what you want, ISIS will be gone withing an much shorter time frame than whats happening right now since they are an part of the western backed problems indiced into your land for years and you can get help of others that have expirience on this field to wipe the rats out, I dont doubt that at all. But what and where is the Saudi-barbarians in this, the Quatars, UAEs, Jordan, they are earily silent witch in the old days would be counted as an sign of complyance to an crime.

If this new reality contiues, (hats of for M. Sadr, etc) the future looks so bright you gotta whear shades. But everything depends on the imperial banana republic UssA, what are they going to do next, I dont care that much about the rest since they hang on the skirts of the impisses, aka ZATO but to the UssArmy reaction. Yeah, all in all, I agrees with the Iranians, the goal is to kick out the occupants, they are the one whom have all the blame for everything and nobody else, the day they are gone is the day you are free.



Could be the US “allowed” the Iranians to attack to satisfy their revenge and allow the Iranian govt to save face , but , if the US letter circulating about a withdrawal order is true (Pentagon/State Dept claiming its only an unsigned Draft), then perhaps the Yanks are cutting and running. Funny though, Trump still wins, as he then keeps an important election promise.

Iran needs to ensure that the US leves and leaves NOW, but at the same time, it must exact an appropriate revenge – Pompeo for Soleimani or similar, otherwise the “revenge” is not proportionate.


Iranian spokesman said US officials are not worth the shoe of Soleimani. I suspect the war may come home.

Mehmet Aslanak

Fake media tells you that Iranians are cowards & hateful, while Trump threatens commit war crime by hitting cultural sites of Iran. In fact it looks like vice versa. Iranians are the smurfs, while Trump is the gargamel.


Let us remember that IRAN has high presision missiles, like those lunched against ISIS in Syria.


What a shame . Proportional retaliation for the death of a real hero, beloved son of Khameny ……destruction of a few wooden shack ! Let’s hoop that the US agreed to leave Iraq and Syria in the deal : We kill nobody but you’ll leave. If it’s not that, Iran will be cover with shame.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

agreed, if US still stays after this, its not right

You can call me Al

Who would have thought it, so “According to the source, Iranian officials passed information on which bases will be struck to the Iraqi side, that warned the U.S.” Bravo Iran. Guess what the UK Daily Mail stated – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7863629/U-S-troops-took-cover-bunkers-Iranian-missile-attacks.html

Hide Behind

Under Islam it is not right to attack civilians, one must only attack those of the military. This is the main reason Iran gave as to why it would not develops nuclear weaponry, and instead concentrated upon it missle developments precision guidance systems. Iran does notnUse depleted uranium to enhance its weaponry penetration. Lots, bbqnsome estimates place a count of 10,p00 intermediate and short range rockets and missles. Iran also has a large R&D for enhancing the powers above old levels for conventional explosive elements. Todays explosive compounds make previous to 1990 explosives look like children’s firecrackers. Smaller warheads need smaller missles which increases range while destruction upon target is greater. Most.of advanced weaponry is not in Qsods hands but in the Hands of regular military. The duties of each branch are different in responce to an attack upon Iran itself by a superior power. The tactics ofnIrans homeland defense are well know and are played out in simulated war colleges war games. Most celebrated case of US losing one exercise was Because man chosen to lead bad guys , Iran, used the sheer numbers of Iran’s small but fast boats each packing but only 1 or 2 known effective anti naval missles. Note US keeping its major strike force just out of range on Iran’s small craft armada.


its obviuos that the Pentagon knew in advance.Iran warned openly it may attack US bases – its a no brainer – pics in other articles show helicopters still parked – so of course, EW were acivated to deflect attacks, peronnel were drawn down or All left all of the bases

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