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U.S. Redeployment In Northeast Syria Leads To Escalation, Tensions: Russian Foreign Ministry

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U.S. Redeployment In Northeast Syria Leads To Escalation, Tensions: Russian Foreign Ministry

A convoy of US forces armored vehicles drives near the village of Yalanli, on the western outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, on March 5, 2017. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

The redeployment of U.S. troops near oil fields in northeast Syria is leading to “unnecessary escalation” and “tensions” in the war-torn country, Russian Special Presidential Envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister said on November 29.

Mikhail Bogdanov told reporters that there are no ISIS terrorists in this part of Syria that the U.S. is allegedly going to repel, to protect oil fields.

“Natural resources should belong to the people and this country and, naturally, should be controlled by the legitimate government considering that all other issues should be resolved through contacts that are happening between Syrians themselves in Astana, Geneva or any other place,” the TASS news agency quoted Bogdanov as saying.

The Russian diplomat added that issues of illegal foreign military presence in Syria as well as cessation of hostilities in the country will be discussed in the upcoming Astana peace talks in Nur-Sultan on December 10.

The Pentagon had revealed that it is keeping up to 500 troops in northeast Syrian, mainly in al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor, to “guard” oil fields from ISIS remnants.

Last October, the U.S. withdrew hundreds of service members from northeast Syria to facilitate a Turkish-led attack on its own local allies, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Despite this move, the Kurdish group is still cooperating with U.S. forces, allowing them to control all major oil fields.

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AM Hants

Washington DC world of Double Speak. They double down, on exactly the opposite of what they state.

Meanwhile over in Russia, must admit I do like the videos of President Putin, out and about with his people.

People’s Love for Putin Shreds Cyber Trolls to Pieces…https://www.stalkerzone.org/peoples-love-for-putin-shreds-cyber-trolls-to-pieces/


“”Natural resources should belong to the people and this country and, naturally, should be controlled by the legitimate government considering that all other issues should be resolved through contacts that are happening between Syrians themselves in Astana, Geneva or any other place,” the TASS news agency quoted Bogdanov as saying.””

How noble and true these words are, how could there be those who oppose statements like this unless those parties do have their own agendas. The Devil’s Agenda: Ruling over someone else’s property doesn’t matter even if it violates the law, no matter how others suffer. Yes, that is the Devil who aims to “spread democracy” throughout the world. A democracy that smells of oil and the blood of innocent people!

AM Hants

This article from NEO complements the above. Why does the US believe that the world’s natural resources, belong just to the US and not the sovereign nation, where they reside?

Syria is not the Only Country where the US is Occupying Oil Fields… https://journal-neo.org/2019/11/29/syria-is-not-the-only-country-where-the-us-is-occupying-oil-fields/

Jens Holm

USA dont believe worlds nature ressources belongs just to USA. I see nonbe of that. I see stability in delievery for the world as of big importantance.

They as well as we and the rest of thewolrd also pay market price for it.

Syria is blocked for all fuel and crude oil and not for theft. The thieves are – or were – the Baathists stealing from the rst of the People of Syria.

Much like ISIS went to be thieves taking from thieves and SDFs has it secured below their surface for theft as well as they use their % of it.

The loosers in that are the Russians being tricked by ASSADS, which has sold them oil, which not even belongs to Assads.

Well Assads do represent some % of the pil and gas, but certainly not all. Being thieves so many Years well supported by corruption of forst degree, the Asads should pay back to the rest of the Syrian inhabiutants as welll as the Russians by own filled pockets.

If thats legal part of the Tora as well as the christinan and muslim bibles has to be corrected. Even sekulars dont accept the Assad version.


the unhinged states of A’s problem at the moment is how to make a retreat without it obviously being a defeat, like hanoi in 1975. They can’t submit to the talibans in afghanistan cause that would be another defeat (and boy, have they wasted the family silver on some peasants 1000s of miles from home) and they can’t accept just to withdraw from Syria ’cause that would be another defeat in the eyes of the world so they are between a rock and a hard place – it’s either repeated defeats (syria, afghanistan, iraq, yemen,libya and so on) and less good money spent or to continue the pentagon/cia/nsa warlike occupations in the ME and more trillions down the drain – who wins, bet pentagon/cia/nsa wins hands down since the unwashed public has no say in the criminally corrupt country.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If Erdogan could get his safe zone implemented in its entirety, it would mean all 4 of the northeastern oilfields would be located within his 32 km boundary, so who gets to pillage that oil then, not the Syrian government and not the US or the Kurds, it’d be the Turkish backed SNA pumping out the oil and shipping it to Turkey.

The Kurds/SDF are split between the US Russia and Assad, but the SNA are 100% behind Erdogan, so I think Assad has a better chance of negotiating with the Kurds/SDF than he has with the terrorists. And the Kurds have both the US and Assad stopping them from running amok [most of the time], but Erdogan only ever encourages his SNA to run amok [most of the time], so who’s better off controlling the area Erdogan wants to turn into a new opposition stronghold [safe zone], the Kurdish SDF or the Turkish backed SNA? I know everyone will say the Syrian government and I do too, but that’s not possible right now, maybe in time it will be but for now we only have 2 available options, and I think just for now the status quo is depriving the SNA from getting their hands on the Syrian oil, so I’m hoping the Kurds hold onto it until Assad manages to get it all back under his control. Best option; Assad controls the oil, next best option; the US controls the oil, and the worst option; Turkey and the SNA control the oil. Turkey hasn’t abided to any of the 13 Astana agreements they made with Russia and this safe zone agreement will be no different either, if the Kurds/SDF move out of the oilfields the Turks and SNA will just move straight in. They’d use exactly the same excuse they do now for attacking the SAA even if the SAA did move in and control the oil, because even when the SAA are in control of an area and every single SDF Kurd is a hundred miles away from the safe zone, they still attack the SAA anyway, supposedly chasing phantom PKK/YPG terrorists as an excuse to break the agreement. SouthFront has published several article recently claiming the Russian government is fully aware the Turks are just using the Kurdish problem as an excuse to implement a separate unrelated agenda, an agenda that the Russians are fully aware of. And by releasing that info the Russians are letting Erdogan know just exactly how angry they are about it. You can’t trust anything Erdogan says he’s going to do, he never keeps his promises, and you can’t trust the Russians to keep him to his promises either, because so far they haven’t, 13 broken Astana agreements prove the point.

Rhodium 10

You cannot trust of both!..Turks and USA..because both support the FSA!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Obama helped create the FSA and the US supported them right up until september last year, that’s when Trump ended all support for the FSA and also kicked them out of the AL Tanf area and US base they were operating out of. And in June last year Trump also told the FSA to reconcile with Assad’s forced because the US wasn’t going to help them defend against the SAA operation to reclaim Daraa and Quneitra, that means it’s been 18 months since Trump cut all ties to the FSA completely, and not to mention the US airstrike in Idlib which killed 40 terrorist leaders, and also the fact Trump put a 15 mill bounty on 3 of the terrorist leaders. The US under Obama created funded and supported the FSA totally, that’s true, but the US under Trump has instead ended all support for the FSA [military, financial, intel, propaganda], also kicked them out of US controlled territory, and then happily let the SAA annihilate them in Darra/Quneitra, and now they even bomb them in Idlib and offer rewards for their heads. The US hasn’t supported the FSA in any way for over 18 months now, there’s a new leader in the US that does things differently to the way Obama did things.

Jens Holm

Thats almost 100% correct. Nice some soberness still exist.

Rhodium 10

What are doing FSA in Al Tanf?..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s been no FSA forces at Al Tanf since May last year, only Turkey supports them and they operate in Aleppo and Idlib.

Jens Holm

Thats nor correct. Do the Gentleman below has to print itour and put it up in Your behind, because You thinking macchine is vlose to there.

A bad joke about Syria could be from Obama Care to No Care by Trump.

Trump was elected for as much retreat from war and conflict zones as possible. The center of this world – BEING ELECTED FOR IT – was as we see.

I think I see the same for the attack on the Saudi oilproduction. There was no revenge by USA and instead You can buy stockings in Aramco. Trump think USA is too much friends with the Saudis. A killing there made it worse. Saudis selling advanced weapons to ISIS didnt help but made Saudis to not friends.

I only see that when the socalled big rat is retreating nothing good happens. Instead we see a lot of just as dirty little mice running bee-bee. We run the world and USA is afraid of us.

I am no President of anything, but in the summertime I fight moskitos as USA does for parts of the world. The hope is the same here, where we hope to get honey bees in stead.

But that has not hapend yet.

Jens Holm

Those oil and gas fields never has belonged to the Syrian people but as in Russia by their Cremlin named Baathists. The oild and gas was stolen from the thieves by ISIS and SDFs has taken it to the people of Syria.

Asads and its regime cant represent many. 10 million are not in their homes. 5 millions are not in the country. 550.000 are dead because of no neeed reforms for decades.

Russia Cremlin seemes corruptin the same way as the Baathist. I think its very good the Regime grabbers and the almost naked dressed bear has no acces to the oil, which dont belong to them only.

A lot of words seemes to be redefined for own purpose. One is “illegal”. Another should be who is making terror against who. Here a lot seemes to be more upside down then yoga.

So many here also forget, that 50% of that ressource already is owned by others such as europeans, chinese and indiens.

Typical for the article here – and often USA as well – is, there is not a single comma about the people licing there. Not a sigle comma or semicolon.

The mesaage from Baodanov is: We has sold Assads for billions in weapon, food, anything – But we are promised Syrian oil for free.

Well what kind of facts is that. Referring to illegal makes me sick. Most of the rest of the world dont accept stolen gods are legal to buy or get.

Maybee Bogdanov has been reading in a Russian propaganda version of the Holy Choran.

Its very simple. Assads and Russians should have no income there according to stolen oil and gas. They might buy some to special price, but thats it.

My point of view is very simple. Baathist has imported a lot of weapon and food. That anytime should be financed by themselves. Everybody else do that. Even before that Assads has taken Johadist and SDF taxpayers money but for own purpose only.

Assads even could effort to invade Lebanon to help Hesbollah. The rest of the Lebanese asked for that???

And why could that great military force not defend against foreigners. Most people can see its because Syrians in most matters are kept in stupidity and in that even the Leaders are kept in stupid structures.

The most impressing is, that Syrian men work hard to to lowerr women more then themselves. We see the same for Russia. None are emmigrating to Russia and we even see women leave dating. Anyone in west can give hope, but the millions of Russian men dont.

Thats like Syria too. Men not hard working are paid well for doing almost nothing and in old ineffective ways according to Grandfathers. Vomen doing the same job – if allowed and not haram – is payd by some flowers here and there and maybee even in theior behinds.

Thats what Bogdad, Lavrov,Medvedev an IN PUTPUT IN support,

I sont support USA as they and we are in ME, but I do understand most mechanismes and how Your and their kind of dark is.

When syrians turn on a flashligt in the daylight, it becomes dark. If they do it in the night, it saves battery and do nothing.

Last game from the Trump Family was named: Where is it.

Mehmet Aslanak

“Protect the oil” is the key word here. Soon you’ll see US troops in Iran with the same reason.

Jens Holm

Its not only prtotecting the oil. Its mainly ke4eping it away from Assads as the rest of the boycut try to do.

I dont see USA will spend troops according to Iran. The blocade seemes close to first class and even from the behind in Caucasus.

Iran in those matters partly are protected by India and Chinabaing important buyers, so anything else as sanctions might be next.

The longtime blocade for spareparts seemes to work well. Next might be Iran buying camels from Australia and wild horses from USA as alternative transportation.


John Mason

Time for Russia, China, Syria, Iran to question the UN whether their resolutions should be followed or the the US domestic laws?

Jens Holm

You can say that, but what about the rest around Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Israel and others.

Fairness should be all resolutions are kept and most Vetos should be named as illegals of the worst kind.

Much like You have bought a very cheep black friday memory card from China :(


Hypocrite and demagogic of course from Russian to refer to Astana when SDF is forbidden to participate in it.

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