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MARCH 2025

U.S. Responds To New Russian Nuclear Weapons Approving Sale Of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles To Ukraine

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U.S. Responds To New Russian Nuclear Weapons Approving Sale Of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles To Ukraine

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Washington has responded to an announcement of new Russian nuclear weapons on March 1 by approving a sale of Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine.

On March 1, the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced a formal certification for the $47m deal, which includes 210 Javelin missiles, 37 command launch units as well as training, logistics and support.

The DSCA said the goal is to “help Ukraine build its long-term defence capacity to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

Ukrainian President Petr Poroshenko reacted to the move in Facebook:

“I’m thankful to President Donald J. Trump and his entire team for supporting Ukraine in this important and historic decision . . . Only unity and solidarity will stop the Russian aggressor and preserve the Free World from his maniac ambitions!”

The delivery of 210 missiles will not be able to change the balance of power between pro-government forces and local militais in eastern Ukraine. However, it is clear this move will negatively impact the US-Russian relations.

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Fritz Otto

This will not disturb in any important case the russian tanks to roll over the whole ukrainian army! – Since they have systems to repell such missiles! however the US businessmen will be happy to sell again some of its stuff! In the other hand, if the next ammunition depot in Ukraine will explode it may even be possible that all these wunderfull gadgets will be insides…


javelins take out all t-90s


Without NATO aircover the Ukronazis lose and Russia (including Crimea is a No Fly Zone for NATO). If open hostilities break out all of Ukraine and Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Black Sea will be No Fly Zone for NATO.


i talked about rebellion


Lol, no

leon mc pilibin

The Ukrainians love big fireworks displays.These missiles will add to the excitement,lol

Roddy Wehrmacht

“I’m thankful to President Donald J. Trump and his entire team for supporting Ukraine in this important and historic decision . . . Only unity and solidarity will stop the Russian aggressor and preserve the Free World from his maniac ambitions!”

These Ukrainians really have to be the dumbest of dumb fucks out there, bar none.

David Pryce

The Russians have been giving Ukraine free Gas from Gazprom I hope the javelin atgm keeps them warm, as of todayt he tap tís off

Vince Dhimos

Yes, I read that too..They’re gonna freeze.

David Pryce

The yanks totally miss judged the reply of NATO to the shit storm they created there Europe wasn’t in a good place to attack Russia


I wonder how the EU will react because it is not just the Gas TO Ukraine but THROUGH Ukraine meaning no gas goea through to EU through Ukraine.

What other pipeline already served EU from Russia?


I wish all them American Kiddies that grew up with PS 1/2/3/4 & Call of Duty all the best in the World…..

PS… in Real life you can only Die Once… and Bullets & Shrapnel hurt…..


While American kids plays PS 2 etc , Russian kids learn how to assemble AK47s….


While American Kids play PS4, U.S. & ZioNazi Instructors teach Muslim Kids: How to assemble Eplosive Belts & How to Built Drones from Wood & Cloth


Should be read as.. fanatic Muslim kids aka wahbabi (wahswine)..!


And made Fanatics because you first make them Orphans, by Bombing away their Families…. create War & Chaos …..AngloZioNazis are experts in planting the Seed of Hatred with their Psyops (Wahabism one of’m)…. them learned a lot from Dr. Mengele & His ZioNaziFriends…… JHWHahabism is bound to Fall…… it’s only Reinvented for their Divide & Conquer program to create hatred between Shia & Sunni and to create hate against Muslims in the (western) World…..with the help of their Freemason Muslim Brotherhood…..in my Eyes if Sunni & Shia stop fighting eachother and accepting the differences, they could create a peaceful ME for themselves…



Yes ur right when you mentioned wahbabism.. with their indoctrinated ideology (they’re not sunnies as claimed ) to devide.. no, no.., it’s to eliminates and destroy all Devine religions especially Islam and Christianity regardless of whatever sect it is..!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/105fc4201f421c41a5cdc787b2761ba39267ad592287cfe0d7f1e4d3c490b491.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5852c47c742f4d217555c51ad2c79ef923a080fda2f86d0de2ad18e609c57564.jpg


They looked the same aren’t they..?


They did this trick worldwide.. in Europe, Russia, Americas, Middle East, Africa and Asia… they are everywhere…. and on the Highest positions….Involved in the Worst crimes in World History…with the help of their Mason accomplice….personally I hope there will be a Big Clean Up in every country where them Rule…..I bet that will bring a lot more peace….


Yes I think you are right. As far as I can understand AngloZioNazis want to implement One Worldreligion…..but these Folks are absolute Evil…..and destroyed 2/3 of the world already including 70% of the wildlife… so perhaps it’s better when them leave Earth…


It’s used against fortifications and as sabotage/terrorism in front line towns.

Vince Dhimos

Yes, In fact Russia has those Terminator tank support vehicles that can repel attacks. If they bring them in, the Javelins won’t do much harm. But a lot of Javelin users gonna die.


Russia may have them but not all over the places and targets may not be tanks but bunkers or other armoured vehicles. Just watch videos of how Houthis use ATGMs will give you an idea how effective is the ATGM to empower such a team .

So it is really an escalation.


It is an escalation – but it’s still just an advanced tactical field weapon, it won’t change the political motivations of the ethnic Russians in the east. The Ukrainians are also notoriously corrupt and incompetent – the US previously gave them several very expensive and advanced counter-mortar field radars – they were captured intact by the eastern militias in a matter of months.


What is disturbing is seeking to make the Donbas part of the “ukraine” again under pretences that some sort of political reconciliation is possible.

Far past time to destroy, not preserve, the artificial country known as the “ukraine”!

Charles Fumbo

By this move,it is now clear that the Americans are the one who instigates chaos all over the world


That’s been clear to me since Bush Jr. gave Saakashvili the green light to start a war with Russia in 2008.


Trump looks like an Antichrist like a dajjal the false messiah, liar, the deceiver. He is an evil figure, who likes human suffering, devastation and destruction.

Putin looks like a Messiah, who likes human prosperity and development. Who rescue and protect humanity from Antichrist (dajjal).

Potato Potato

Russia is far from prosperous and developed.

Rita Munson

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Pro Trump terrorists preparing another chemical attack in Syria.


Now Putin and China should arm and give an open diplomatic support to the DPRK.


The UNITED STATES/ISRAEL are the EVIL forces of the world, read the book, REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN and the Jews religious books, and you will see that they are EVIL.


I want these missiles to be put to the test an for the west to attempt Kursk 2.0 in Europe, only to fail miserably! http://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-i-prefer-peace-but-if-trouble-must-come-let-it-come-in-my-time-so-that-my-children-can-live-in-thomas-paine-140910.jpg


So, do you understand how “smart” Putin is ???? XD.

Still don’t understand why people are worshipping Putin. I can tell you that Putin is not the “saver” and worst can even work for USA.


” So, do you understand how “smart” Putin is ???? XD. ”

We do understand how smart you are though Serious. :)


you sound like velocicrapptor, Jenns holmes, Salomon Kuprascek and the rest the anti-Putinists so an Ukrainian (the fake nation) sounds logical. I have no beef with anyone but to blame Putin for this mess the world has found itself in is quite stunning when you think about it. Putin has been trying to talk to the West since early 2000, expressed the worries of Russians so many times but like he was talking to a wall, maybe they were expecting more Yeltsin-like reactions from the “defeated” Russian? It is now all in the history and the new reality is that the world is again multi-polar whether you like it or not and calling Mr Putin a pion of the Deep State is laughable


What is laughable is trying to “talk” with the west. Everybody knows that the west is a terrorist entity. Collaborating with a terrorist entity makes you a terrorist.

Not my fault if Putin is scared. He still supply Europe with gas and oil so that Europe joins USA and make sanctions against Russia;

Excuse me but that is just laughable.


Only now is it in plain sight for everyone to see what West stands for which is the same thing it always stood for, they were hiding behind this screen of human and civil rights and humanitarian help. Collaborating with USA is still better than the hot war where we all are at the brink of our peril, do you think it is unrelated that USA is building up NATO forces in the Baltics, Poland, Germany and to some extent Balkans? Everything is connected, Ukraine, Syria, N Korea, South China Sea and the development is not favourable to USA/West (Syria, Turkey is a significant blow) so it is better not to provoke that last step: open/hot war. Laugh if you will but a wast majority of the population is holding their breath…

leon mc pilibin

JewSA still trying to rule the world.But they won’t succeed.

Roddy Wehrmacht

The Ukies are allowing Uncle Sam to paint a target on their backs, these (((Neo Naxis))) must not think they are any better than the dumb Arab cannon fodder of the M.E.


Very true, they always do this things, to later invade them because they are so bad.


(((Neo Nazis)))

Finally someone who understands who in charge in Kiev.


Of course, I said to invade east and south Ukraine while the Ukraine army was weak and inexistant. But, people said to me “No, Putin is a chessmaster”. XD.

That’s why you need democracy and freedom of speech. To expose deceptive people.

Proud White Kuffar

F.U American warmongering government they always have psychos ruling over USA

Jim Prendergast

Another weapon to use against busses, ambulances civilian targets in general.


So Putin do you still like Trump ???? XD. Maybe Putin works for USA.


As The Saker has pointed out the Javelins don’t change much on the ground. The Kiev Junta will lose in any conflict with Russia and most likely lose any offensive against the Donbass rebels especially if Russia equips them with the latest technology and aids with advisors and special forces.

Brad Isherwood

If the West Ukraine morons cross the contact line into the Donbass, It’s probable they get snared in different areas scale cauldrons. Donbass Militias can study units to see who is operating the Javelins – assign Recon/Sniper teams to nail them,….capture units. Ukraine military gave up lots of equipment to the Donbass resistance…plus some parades of prisoners : ) https://youtu.be/_n4S10oDo0s

Amine Mansouri

go fuck yourself. Russia is doing like USA.


…so 37 javelin units in the hands of Ukie neo-Nazis is an appropriate response to Russian hyper-sonic missiles, submarine drones and stealth cruise missiles – nuclear powered and nuclear tipped….OK. bring it on baby….


I chuckled at that as well Hrky :)


Funny. USA is providing Ukraine with weapons what Russia didn’t do with Russia. XD.

Of course, when I said give weapons to Syria, people say “No, Putin is a chessmaster”. XD.

Don’t be delusional. The chessmasters are the deep state.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Russia should intercept the shipment just like israhell supposedly does with hezb in syria


…and broadcast b/w videos of cruise missiles slamming into trucks… ;-D

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Don’t worship Putin, worship real democracy and freedom of speech. Worship your brain.

Of course, people worship Trump, Putin, the west. They also worship the abrahamic god. People who used to worship the Sun are most logical and sensible as the Sun gives and takes life. Without the Sun, no life.

But, people worship a fake abrahamic god that they had never seen in their entire life. XD. Also, they worship Trump the stupid insecure goy and Putin the “taugh” guy. XD.


Lets see how many of them will end up in the Hands of DPR, LPR some soldiers sell weapons very generously to them for almost NOTHING.


This is also very probable.


Its time for Russia to equip Iran and Venezuela and all of the Empire’s adversaries with the military technology they need.


There’s no real need to get into a same traps. Such smaller yield precision munitions did not win war these days. Determination and perseverance will in modern warfare beyond the Iraq’s invasion. It’s only a pocket money for the US MIC as well the officials that tasked to wrote the checks for the payments.


I remember being told the price of one missile is 25k USD excluding the CLU. A question though what the Ukraine would pay it with ?


Chocolates perhaps :)


hah so pathetic this Trump is like a 5 year old child hah


Spoilt child :)


Insecure man. His wife is a gold digger. Her daughter converted to judaism. He is a goy.

Trump is so shit.

Floyd Hazzard

It’s funny how they talk about Ukrainian territorial integrity while squatting in Syria.

Brad Isherwood

Raytheon /Lockheed Martin probably want contract cycling on Javelin to move. Means US MOD or whoever has the old shelf life stuff to move…wants Ukraine or whoever to get the Stuff out the door.

Not that China or Russia need to get their hands on Javelin which is old tech now. They could however broker the equipment to others who can knock their own copies off. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/china-has-its-very-own-javelin-tank-killer-missiles-24321

Does Iran have their own knock off of Javelin?


Never trust a man whose wife is a gold digger. XD.


Melania looks pretty pissed off these days as well :)


Responding to Russian new nuclear weapons announcement with Javelin anti tank missile? At that level, the US have already lost the war:)….


USA only finds justifications to make sanctions against Russia. Of course, Putin still collaborate with his “western partners”. XD. That’s so pathetic.

Of course, if I was Putin, I will stop gas and oil supplies to Europe, invade east and south Ukraine to save russians there, give Assad latest weapons and explose US bases in Syria with Kalibr missiles.

Moreover, I will expose 9/11 lies, that USA creates ISIS to invade Syria and that the west is supporting terrorism in order to invade countries.

And, create an alternative olympic games.

That’s the appropriate response to take. But, Putin does the exact opposite. So, I don’t know why people are follwing Putin. Follow Putin and you will be like Syrians and east Ukraine.


I don’t think Putin is really collaborating with its “Western partners”, this guy is just “playing chess”, Russia is not totally ready yet to get the upper hand in case of war with NATO. That’s why Putin is gaining time, as strategy. Remember it took 4 years before Russia intervened in Syria, cause new weapons were to be designed. So in our case I think Putin is rather wise, having a long term strategy


You are delusional. First, Putin didn’t give S-300 to Syria, weapons which were ready. Seconf, Putin didn’t interven in Syria to let ISIS expand, so that USA take half of Syria.

So, excuse me, but I don’t trust Putin at all.


What matters is the result. Look at Syria now: ISIS is practically defeated, and SAA is gaining ground every day. Kurdistan? We both know this entity has no future, because it will never be able to export “its” oil, and between Syria and Turkey they truly are in a very bad shape. Let’s wait a couple of years and see final result, ok?


Syria is in ruins. 1 million dead, everything is destroyed. Half Syria in USA hands. The north-west in Turkey hands.

And don’t talk me about “defeating ISIS”. ISIS was the proxy for USA to invade Syria. Putin let ISIS grow cause surely Putin works with USA or have “advisers” who works for CIA.

And for “rojava”, you can say thanks to Erdogan. Otherwise, you will have “rojava” already build.

So, please, don’t lie to yourself because you will not stop being deceived by the reality.


Well, every war causes ruins. Putin is surely not perfect, I admit. But in who else should we better rely on ? …


Of course, people are worshiping Putin because there is nobody else. So, if it happens that Putin is a big joke, we are all finished and will live under a global dictatorship of mediocrity, lies and manipulation.

If that happens, I move to Argentina.


It’s not a matter of worshiping. It’s just that this guy managed to frustrate Zionist plans in Syria-Lebanon. Second, many people in the world are fed up with US hegemony. But at the same time, YES Putin is part of the system, he’s working for the NWO, and his job is to achieve Eurasia project. Many videos are available online on that topic.

Vince Dhimos

Part of the final result is that the rest of the MENA countries and the world will note that the US made an alliance with the Kurds and then when the Turks started killing them, the US stood down. They note that Russia does not behave that way, and that will make them trust Russia as the only honest broker. In the long run, the US loses big time.


This is cute.


Arming your enemy’s enemy – how original. Only 2 can play that game and guess which side has more enemies…


They are just Arming their Puppet (Zio) NAZI Brothers in the Ukraine. Expanding their Fascist Fourth Reich Empire……. that says it ALL…..they’ll fail….chop up (Zio) Nazis


The Beautiful Ukranian People……


and the 3rd china is laughing


That’s gonna be a lovely sight….them trying to shoot Nukes out of the sky with a Javelin……very good response……they must have thought very hard and long to come up with this answer….

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