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U.S. Routinely Violates International Law, With Impunity — And Seeks To Replace U.N.

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U.S. Routinely Violates International Law, With Impunity — And Seeks To Replace U.N.

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Written by Eric Zuesse

The U.S. Government, and its allies, frequently advocate for “a rules-based international order” (or, going even farther, they presume that “the rules-based international order” already exists) and they always avoid stating what its relationship would be (or supposedly is) to international law — the body of international laws that have been established under the authority of the United Nations — and they also avoid saying how such “international rules” would be drafted, or even what organization(s) would be authorized to do that, or even how such an organization would become authorized to do it. They don’t say what these “international rules” are (or would be): none of these “international rules” are described, though some advocates appear to assume that such “rules” already exist. The stupidity that they all assume to exist among the public, who presumably won’t recognize and reject this transparent fraud and won’t reject the blatant grabbing for unauthorized global power by the U.S. regime that is behind it, might be excessive, but they assume it, anyway, in order then to state other frauds, which are based upon that fraud.

The fraud’s objective is to replace the authority of the United Nations, by whatever the U.S. Government will say is an “international rule.” The hope, there, is that the U.S. Government will replace the U.N. and will come to dictate to the rest of the world whatever the U.S. and its allies can agree to label as being an “international rule.” This ‘international rule’ would then become enforced by America’s 900 foreign military bases around the world (plus the 749 U.S. military bases within the U.S. itself).

Increasingly, ever since the U.S. Government, without authorization from the U.N, invaded and destroyed Iraq on 20 March 2003, on the basis of lies that America’s ‘news’-media stenographically reported to the public even though knowing them to be false — and while those media were hiding from the public the proof that they were false —  the U.S. Government has been increasingly brazen in ignoring international law entirely, so as to attain its short-term goals for achieving additional conquests. This is not, at all, surprising, from a Government that even violates blatantly its own Constitution.

Today’s America is a police-state, perhaps more so than any other country on the planet. It has a higher percentage of its residents living in prisons than does any other nation on the planet. Of 62 countries ranked for annual percentage of people killed by police, only 19 were even worse than America, which was the only industrialized country among the worst 20. America spends annually about as much on its military as do all other countries combined, but much of that spending is being paid by federal Departments outside the ‘Defense’ Department in order for the international comparisons falsely to show America as spending only around 36% (rather than the actual 50%) of the global total. And the ‘Defense’ Department is so corrupt so that unlike all other federal Departments, it has never been able to pass an audit, and trillions of dollars in its spending cannot be traced to where it went or to whom received it. America’s military-industrial complex (MIC) — basically its weapons-manufacturers — control U.S. foreign policies, and consume more than half of all of the U.S. federal Government’s discretionary (i.e., congressionally controlled in the budget) spending. The MIC controls this Government, the public do not. This is an empire voracious for constantly acquiring new territories. International law is something for it to violate, not to comply with. And even domestically, the U.S. Constitution is routinely violated with impunity.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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The Crunge

I wonder how feasible it would be for the Russians to attack the United States from Siberia to Alaska. Then go through Canada and attack the rest of America.


Great empires like the Roman have had many merits. They have improved people’s lives, they have created, they have renewed: the lifestyle, the architecture (the windows are Roman), etc. . The American empire, very envious of the riches of others, very evil its elite, has only destroyed inward and abroad, it has withered its beautiful and rich territory. And this elite is arrogant to the fullest degree. It believes itself omnipotent, but the facts go against its wishes. Destiny does not obey the hopes of this hallucinated and negative elite. Thank God.


Guess which minor religion controls the US? Remember, these are the same people who have been expelled from 109 countries since 250 AD, and each time for more or less the same reason.


If you allow, they are not as decisive and important as the Anglo-Saxons tell us. The real Jews have disappeared. These who call themselves “Jews” are not originally from Judea and Palestine. their origin is in the plains of Asia, 2000 km away from Palestine. If America was in charge, it would have focused on the Middle East, not the rest of the world, etc. . Poor Bernie Madoff, an American “Jewish” banker was sentenced to 150 years in prison in New York. Strange, if the Jews were in charge. they gave him the prize.

Chris Gr

US is controlled by the one eyed sect. And you know. The real God has two eyes, not one.


They are pretend Jews and have controlling positions across the entire US establishment, as for Bernie, he was the sacrificial goat as he got out of his lane, besides he’s now no longer with us..

Chris Gr

They are the Illuminati not Orthodox Jews.


Nope, they are Ashkenazi Jews i.e. pretend Jews from eastern Europe and the region now known as Ukraine, formally known as Khazaria.


That’s right, they are a tribe of Turkish lineage. They are not Semites, they are not purebred Jews. They converted to the religion centuries ago.

Chris Gr

They did that, however, not all of them are Illuminati.

Chris Gr

Ashkenazi means Scythian.


The “illuminati”, i.e. the members of the secret sect established by Adam Weishaupt, were exterminated in the 19th century. These will be called Illuminati but they are not the originals. If you believe the propaganda, blacks rule in America………

Chris Gr

Illuminati is very much alive.


They are losers, whether they are behind the scenes or out in the open.

Chris Gr

Mystery Babylon the Great

imf economics are phoney and ever so fake:

Me thinks the nation with the most orofficient(non bull) military have the last say,scrw the usa gimp!

Wayne Gabler

The UN is under ‘Civil Law’, Businesses are under ‘Admiralty Law’ as explained by Jordan Maxwell on YouTube.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

USA-UK and Israel.


U.S. can’t violate any international law as long as they are using British invention called “double standards”. Russia (or any other country) can’t rely on any guarantees given by the West, lesson learned by Kaddafi, Hussein and many many many others.


The french government violated the french constitution in 1940 when French gvt declared war on Germany (Following England). The french constitution was very clear about that. Article 45 : “To declare a war, the government needs the authorization given to him by the votes of the 2 chambers.” It was like that since the french revolution of 1789. But not a single vote was made about war declaration in 1940. They voted military credits. The word “war” wasn’t even said in the chambers…. The article 45 of the war declaration was modified illegally (without referendum) by Sarkozy in 2011. Today the french gvt can declare a war WITHOUT ANY VOTE of the chambers. A couple of weeks later Sarkozy killed Gaddafi in Lybia. That’s how deep our country is corrupted.


Maybe USA should just stop funding the UN?

Lawrence Hill

Behind Uncle Sam’s scraggly beard is one Derek Chauvin…

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