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U.S. Says Iran Is Behind About 100 Attacks On Saudi Arabia. Senator Proposes Attack On Iranian Oil Infrastructure

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U.S. Says Iran Is Behind About 100 Attacks On Saudi Arabia. Senator Proposes Attack On Iranian Oil Infrastructure


On September 14, Ansar Allah (the Houthis) launched a successful attack on Buqayq and Khurais facilities of Saudi Arabia’s Aramco company. The attack forces Saudi Arabia to decrease the daily oil output by 5 million barrels. This is about a half of the output.

Immediately after the attack, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran of being behind the attack. According to Pompeo, Iran conducted about ‘100 attacks’ on Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, US senator Lindsey Graham vowed to carry out military strikes on Iran’s oil facilities.

US President Donald Trump also phoned Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and offered help to the Kingdom in ensuring its security. Trump added that the attack on the Saudi oil facilities could be detrimental to the American and the global economy.

The US Department of Energy said that it’s ready to deploy resources to keep the global energy market stable:

“The secretary [of energy] has been briefed on today’s drone attack in Saudi Arabia and stands ready to deploy resources from the Strategic Petroleum Oil Reserves if necessary to offset any disruptions to oil markets as a result of this act of aggression. The secretary has also directed DOE leadership to work with the International Energy Agency on potential available options for collective global action if needed.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif responded to the accusations by denouncing them as lies.


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Xoli Xoli

Trump must get rid of Pompeo and Linsey their are lies and promote Satanyahu devilish act.

Zionism = EVIL

Fat orange moron Trump is even a bigger Zionist patsy, the idiot wants to sign a defence pact with the filthy Zionist vermin and spill redneck losers blood to die for a dead Zionist cause.

Jens Holm

Last chance was just before Yassir Arafat died. Now You didnt get Jewrusalem as well.

I am so tired of Your semitte brothers and sisters figting each other. We even feed most of the Palestinians and USA are feeding Israel.

We have our own problems here too. That includes we have millions of muslims preefaring to live among us christians and infidels.

Last year we in Denmark paid 5 BILLION dollars for emmigrants and refugees. Most refugees in the world are muslims. I wonder why. Well, I see why and You are told by almost anyone in the whole world.


All that Israeli semen going to your brain there little Jenny.

Jens Holm

Well, its a very dirty soup having arabic hands in it too.

Nice if You semittes would start all over with an Ark again. Semittes had some kind of gayparty there men making boys in 3 generations.


Again what does Denmark even accomplish nothing,and judging from your post I stand corrected, and for a so called Semite I type and spell better then you, idiot.

Jens Holm

You dont spell better as such. Your English is simplified academic translations from Your arabic or tukish minds only.

And we do accomplish things You know. Windmills all over the world are because we invented some good ones, and that has spread worldvide making sense for coal, oil and gas replacements.


Saddam Hussein

Trump (or any US president) takes orders from Tel Aviv.

Jens Holm

Assad is commander of the Russian army too, so what.


Syrians don’t control Russia, Jews control the United States. USS Liberty.

Jens Holm

If so, its a very good thing compared to most others. They mainly are fine people and assimiliated or ontegrated well.

We cant say about of half of the muslims here in Denmark are. I wonder why those prefare us for You. Millions do and a lot more would, if they could.


Oh go back to sucking Israeli and American dick, that’s all you pathetic Scandinavian shemales are good for.

Jens Holm

I am not like You. I am a western and western are not one and united in everything.

I have critiseized Israel many times, but probatly not as You wish.


Your an idiot who barely knows how to type.

Jens Holm

Saudis took my arms and legs. It seemes lke they took Your brain.


Mad that your Israeli masters have been thwarted in Syria.

Jens Holm

They have Golan as compesation for You expelled them 1948 and 1967.

Xoli Xoli

Very obvious and true.


Lindsey Graham is a senator, not part of Trumps admin. He is from the Zionist state of S. Carolina and was Insane McCains …BFF. The idiots that live in S. Carolina are responsible for this abomination.

Jens Holm

327 mio zionist in america, but they are united in 52 states. Why dont You copy that in stead of talk only. You could be a superpower by that kind of CROWD-FUNDING.


Again you can’t even type up anything that makes sense now, danish education at its finest here folks.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks for correcting me.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt arseholes are embarrassed LIARDS as they sold the Saudi shitheads a load of junk weaponry and got got caught with their lardass exposed to the desert winds and drones stuck up there.

“The US policy of exerting “maximum pressure”, that apparently failed, veered towards “maximum lie” policy,”


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfrhATD4nM0 That saysall one need to know about Mr. BOMBpeo.

Saddam Hussein

The Israelis are trying to start a war between Saudi and Iran, as theyre the only side that will benefit from this conflict between two muslim nations.

Zionism = EVIL

Why do think the filthy Zionist scum made up the story about drones coming from Iraq? The filthy gutter rats can’t fight Hezbollah so they want to drag the lardass dumbass Americunt morons to die for them.

Jens Holm

And why do You think filthy zionist scumbags like You write like this all the time.


Go away Scandinavian trash, can’t expect much from bunch effeminate Dane fags. So easily crushed by the Krauts during WW2, you fell easier then Panama in 89 to the U.S.

Jens Holm

AS written at thise side again Germans just before that took Poland. DEnmark was at the Chamberlain side hardly having any defence for that reason.

You can call me Al

Very true. A picture paints a thousand words – https://astutenews.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/greater-israel.jpg

Jens Holm

And when UK soon collapse by Brexit Denmark get England back, and they are in EU again :)

Ishyrion Av

First of all, UK will never collapse because of brexit. It survived before a war directed towards to them, it can survive if they take their sovereignty back. UE is just a mask of the new German empire, and frankly, Germany starts to fail too (too many africans there begging for benefits without work). Second, your Denmark, with its 5 millions will soon become black too. Along with Sweden an Norway. Can’t say I’m sorry, since you seem to deserve it.


Just a small correction: Its mostly the Arabs, Turks, Kurds and eastern europeans (Bulgarians, Kosovarians, Poles, Serbs, Gypsys beside many others) that are the issue, with their enourmous numbers. Africans at least here in Germany are far fewer (Excluding north Africans which are mostly of muslim culture; They even have an own code word in police slang now). The sucking of tax payers money without wanting to work is certainly a huge issue, but even much more serious is the culture and religion behind it. It is that cultural and religious complex that is threatening to bring down our european societys.

Seeing europeans as easy prey, raping, mugging, killing them without any kind of hesitation or second thoughts. While creating parallel societys, corrupting institutions, and breeding religious extremism against those “natives” that have been naive enough to envite them in and even being blind to reality in the first place.

Ishyrion Av

Eastern Europeans work. That’s their reason for being there, to send money at home. Except gypsies, of course. They just steal. And they are not a problem for Germany since they fit into the landscape: they speak the language and their tradition is judeo-christian, like Germany’s. They are Christians. But africans/arabs, most of them are muslims. Create ghettos, are guilty of numerous significant crimes – rape, woman trafficking, murder, and so on. Later will vote for a muslim party and take control over Germany. Democratically. And they come in huge numbers from Africa. Tell me I’m wrong.


Well Denmark was so easily collapsed and invaded by your German friends in WW2.

Jens Holm

They just had taken Polen, what did You expect.

Denmark was at the Chamberlain line being neutral and by that avoided WW1. We hoped the same for WW2.

Jens Holm

Thast not needed. They have done that themselves since 650.


Again you can’t make rebuttal so you resort to mindless broken record drivel, if this is the best the Scandinavians or Europeans can produce. Then the sooner you go extinct the better.


The why of these statements that were made by Sec. Pompeo and Sen. Graham are running their mouths, because they have no proof, without a shred of evidence says a few things. One, they are not to going do squat. US forces in the entire region are extremely ceptible to devastating attacks at any given time. They don’t like the Houthi attack on the KSA facility? Imagine if these same facilities we completely flattened. Don’t like it, then get out of Yemen. Two, running the mouth in dog barking behind the fence, tough guy forum, is the only thing they can do. Even the KSA knows it.

One thing about the Yemenis, if they say something is coming, you need to move out of the way or enjoy the pain. They have said more is coming and the world stock markets won’t take kindly to Saudi facilities being lit up on the regular. Soon, a lot of people are going to be running out of things to say, and ……. crying like babies. These very same global power brokers should have stopped the madness in Yemen a long time ago. Payback is a monster to bear. And if this is what the Houthis are packing, ponder upon what Hez has built up in their toolbox.

If the west makes a move against the wrong party, with regards to a mess they actively created and facilitated, many will suffer and the imagine of hegemony will disappear forever. Don’t do anything stupid fellas, for the love of Almighty God. I wish better for all who are needlessly suffering.

Jens Holm

Joke again. Not a single muslim has done anything wrong even You kill each other better then we do.

From which copypaste book so You have the copy.

Next time You try one from “How to get the Nobel price” for what excuses and honeur is not.

Next: If the Choran alllows You to lie, You have to do it all the time, and You will get high speef elevation to heaven. Well facts might be, that You gets 1 virgin of 73.


Jens, that is a great example of disconnected logic man. What the heck are you saying? :P

Jens Holm

The usual stuff from You too. According to You everything bad comes from the outside by us.

You even descriebe Yemenites as united :) :) :) As long as I remember they have been fighting each other. Before my time even Egyptiens were there to solve things.


Again you have nothing to say you stupid Scandinavian pile of trash.

Jens Holm

You keep Your pwn low level well :)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

the kurdish immigrant in his 50’s living in the dutch country :)


Pile on the mustard baby!!!!


Hes a Dane they are not to bright.

Saso Mange

he doesn’t have a clue about what he is talking about but he tries to write something… Result is gibberish.


I had forgotten how hilarious he really is at times. Thank you Saso. :)

Saso Mange

I usually restrain from making comments like these but bits of Zionist propaganda, especially those about ”clash of civilizations” myth, well those things get me triggered. Not sure how this member placed it all in one post which is hardly related with anything. Another victim of MSM or agenda spreading tool, i can’t say i might be wrong about it all :)


Jens is a fruit loop but, we try to play nice with him lately. He has never been the same since NATO et al lost in Syria.


Jens is proof that insane asylum inmates should not be given internet access.



Jens Holm

I do. You are worse then having only one eye.


Go away scumbag.

AM Hants

Guess the crowd that spun the Iraq War, will not get the same reaction, stating it was those defending Yemen, striking back? So they run with blaming it on Iran, using the same script they used with regards ‘Russian backed forces’ operating over in Donetsk or Syria. Now, it is ‘Iran backed forces’, because Make Israel Great Again, US, is desperate for a war with Iran, before Bibi goes to the polls.


So Iran has attacked KSA over 100 times? Well, Pompass, explain to KSA (and your other clients) why they have been able to. Where is the vaunted US protection? Trump calls and offers US help to secure KSA???? What the hell have you been doing all along? Faking it? Do these idiots even have a clue what is coming out of their mouths? I said they’d have to spin this, but damn.

Ray Douglas

America is behind thousands of attacks on Yemen. Mass murder incorporated.

Pave Way IV

Why so little news about condition of the plant? This:

[@WaliColt2020] Clarification: #Abqaiq is the #Aramco gated facility community #Buqayq is the city Saudi officials have imposed total news ban, punishable by death Google & other media complying w news blackout

and this bit of news/rumor:


Pave Way IV

And in case anyone is in doubt about how the Saudis/Western MSM are controlling the narrative, I offer these two images. First one from @BTalout tweet reconstructed from ground observations of the fires. Seems consistent with fires and damage. Second one is PlanetLabs imagery published in a Wall Street Journal article. I’ll go out on a limb and say the second one is (poorly) PhotoShopped, unless there was a large sand fire south of the complex or the Houthis were off by a mile or so.

PlanetLabs, DigitalGlobe and Skybox are the three big, commercial US imagery providers that also contract to the US government. So… as sketchy and credible as ISI imagery from Israel and undoubtedly ‘government approved’ before release.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e30c264e80d8e21feb6bb032909fe4e147429675d1bb8c1485518b1abe98f3b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4be548efda4a90b93927d8cbb1fcb7af68cef3a00f1f9657b896a91a371c2eb.jpg

Pave Way IV

Why Abqaiq? Chokepoint for majority of Saudi oil. Crude is sent to that complex for dewatering, gas separation and sweetening. Gas-Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) are the first step in that process, and Abqaiq is the largest of those. Overall process preparing crude for export (or for use in KSA refineries) is called stabilization.

Turns out it’s like hitting the Ras Tanura oil terminal, Ghawar oilfield, the East-West pipeline and Yanbu refinery/port at the same time, shutting down most exports to both coasts. This was the place for the Houthis to hit. It’s huge and has a lot of different sections. We have yet to see if this effectively shuts down Abqaiq (transit for two-thirds of Saudi crude, not one-half) or just reduces production through it to some degree.

From http://www.gulfinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Threats_to_the_Saudi_Oil_Infrastructure.pdf


Jens Holm

You have no point at all. The main problem to me is, that other countries like Russia, India and China do have good sattelites, and You get NOTHING from them as a kind of counterweight for any truth. NOTHING.

Of course You by that can tell anything here for free. Thats one of the real manipulations inpictures like that.

And let me say it as it is. Those pictures tells me nothing. It could be jews having indians digging for green cheese on the backside of the moon .

Pave Way IV

You sound pretty grumpy today, Jens – even for your ‘normal’ grumpy self. You didn’t pay the Saudis in advance for any oil or gas, did you? It might be a while befor delivery, no matter what CNN is telling you. Never trust those sneaky al Saudsteins with your hard-earned shekels.


Leave Jens alone. Does not help to serve the hasbarra troll. Anyway, if the drones would have hit the power plant inside the refinery, they would have stopped all production and safety mechanism whatsoever. The plant is fully automated, dealing with SCADA enabled valves, meters etc. The power plant, which also provides the backup power in case of public power outages sits at the connection point of public power towards the factory. If this interconnection point is put out of operation, the whole plant is off grid and seizes operation. This would have been the worst case scenario.

Jens Holm

Nice to be a Hasbarra too. Ysterday I was a Jihafist too. It semes none of Yuo have seen my non amputated carrot below :)

Your reflexions about oil seemes better. I think You are right. Its very difficult to hit and knock out by one or two missiles.

I only has been in a danish small facility doing the same job. Everything there was very big “targets”.


Hey idiot learn how type, you danish simpleton.

Jens Holm

Saudis took my arms and legs, because I was frindly to someone like You.


Again quit bad mouthing your saudi friends you danish monkey.

Jens Holm

Haha. You try to be funny. Maybee You should have comic Ali as teacher :)

You can call me almost anything. This week I already has been Jihadist, Gay, Zionit and now You add Saudi.

We danes have oil and sand ourselves needing no new pasport for that.

Jens Holm

You wrote it Yourself even asking for it above. We do know 50% of their production is destroyed or hit hard. What else do we need to know anout the facilities there.

The interesting part is the political part. I never wrote any trust for any Saudis at all. They might even have done it themselves – Saudis are more then one oppinion as well.

I use several other sources then CNN. I read Southfront, Almasdar and Syria Live us EVERY DAY.

If You blame me for CNN, You at least should blame me for those 3 as well as severaL others too.


Again go away, you can’t even anything that make sense, you stupid animal.

Jens Holm

50% i enough for me.

None yet knows who did it. Its also difficult to conclude anything in repair.

Therefore the information level is ok for me. You are not the only part of the world and I have to read about the rest as well.


Again where is your superior education euro trash, don’t see from the crap you type.

Jens Holm

My superior education has been used and still are been used by normal hard work. As well educated come into a good pension above the Govermentel ones, which I have paid tax for. I have a house as well as summerhouse, computers as well as an android.

I just have been at the doctor and has visited hospital for a few days. Those cost my nothing apart from some few krones for insulin every month.

So thats where my superior education has been used and still are the rest of my life. It might make You angry,but danes also live longer then most people in the world as well.

And of course I am helped too. Most women work like me and are not kept hidden home for cooking and children only. They are – as me – mainly well educated and good taxpayers. Gays might be the best taxpayers here. They have no children and support the ones which have by high taxes.

Writing here is hobby number one apart from periods in my very small garden.


Not on your meds today.

Jens Holm

Its as I write. We get NO INFORMATION from them as well as the “maybee” biased from fx USA.


Judging from your post, you Danes really have a pathetic education system.

Jens Holm

https://oec.world/en/profile/country/dnk/ might change that. My debate english is partly how we speak and we hardly spell, when we speak.

And when You dont understand, I mainly write back telling things in a different way. Ioften put in links for fact checking, which not seemes to be Your bright side.


I would guess, that Rs Tanura is next on the list.

Jens Holm

I see no news black out.

Tempting to see some hope USA/Saudis will make revenge in Iran. They easy can do that, and then whats next…


What’s next is that you go hang yourself along with the rest of Scandinavian idiots, for the good of the Human gene pool.

Jens Holm

Its not forbidden to dream. If You wish Your carrot below reach the ground, You might have very short legs next day.


Dream that your an idiot and your education reflects that.

Jens Holm

You dont know anything about my education at all. Writing correct english in Your specific version is no education here at all. More like an incomplete tool. My English is very well according to, what I use it for.

If You didnt understand, You would not understand or not as You do.

I do have history, geografy and partly religions as hobbies too.

But You dont know if I am a carpenter, a farmer, having a kiosk or have airplnes flying all over the world.

I am a small stockeholder as well. By that I proof that jewamericans dont own everything.

Tiresia Branding

oh, now the path is clear on my eyes! A “peaceful” invasion of Saudia, and a ready to go hot war against Iran. I can bet the reported missile from Iraq came from an US base


nah it was israel/mossad that did it – absolutely of paramount importance for the jews to get a full scale war going before the alliance of syria, turkey,iran, iraq (and russia) is ready to do the work the world is waiting for – the annihilation of the squatters on palestinian land!

Tiresia Branding

Kushner is Trump’s guardian angel, so where’s the difference? The American(and European) people are the cannon fodder of the Zionists

Jens Holm

Really, if so many more was killed. Israeliens are not in Your level of ineffectivity :)

Tiresia Branding

In 1918, the World Zionist Organization set up a central office in Copenhagen…. nothing else to say my dear Danish friend :)

Jens Holm

If You made that much attension for today and the future, You would be leading in the world for most things.


Hey I thought you Scandinavian fags spoke perfect English, I guess not, again its all that Israeli semen in your brain. Silly danish monkey.

Jens Holm

English is in many versions. You probatly only have learned the one for lawers and docters. If You are an arab or Turk, You not even has a language for, what most westerns have.

Translating then will be as You write. Its no oprion for me to spell correct as You wish being a western translating DOWN to Your limited but perfect DISCOUNT LEVEL.


Pathetic reply, danish faget.

Jens Holm

Bad 4yu, You do not, dont , don`t like it.

We see it very well here in culture. Arabs and Turks got the finest educations here for free or almost free from children, but when they get jobs, they cant advance, because they dont have our wide way of being with others.

But of course its an improvement, they can get the lower jobs and maybe learn in next generation.

Too much is upside down too. All our rooms are mixted apart from toilets and places where we change clothe. Vomen and men work side by side and comen are Leaders over men not after gender but by being more qulifies, and we mainly dont think much about it.

Thats a main reasons for our progress. You are the opposit and often low educated making Your vomen to sheep and often they hardly can write their name.


You shouldn’t judge about education, looking at the pathetic crap you post about others education, you simpleton.

Jens Holm

Its the same for Arabistan.


What are you even saying you stupid Dane.

Jens Holm

Israel would not exist today if they were as ineffective as most of You.

Jens Holm

Of course not. Saudis now support Israel some after Saudis has been denied by USA to support ISIS by advanced weapons.

I have nothing better then that, but You might be right about the provocation.


Again get lost.

Jens Holm

Thats no option at all. USA wont spend troops for that.

If I was USA, I would bombarde the same way from Hangarships, missiles and long distande airplanes in a level much higher then the Tomahawks making Iranians suffer in lack of electricity and water.

Evil americans migh might bombarde them every friday as well, when muslims pray as a carpet of free meat.


The Scandinavian retard makes a stupid rant.

Jens Holm

I take Your coment as a PLUS :)

You would have much better lives, if You at least were able to copy our good parts. But You aint.


You should know, your Scandinavian shitstain.

Jens Holm

We do know. People should not treat each other as so many of You learn each other by birth raising, lack of culture for it as well as confirming it by religion and ruling.

I kind of dont care about the americans reasons for being there.


Correction: Telavivian retard! ;)


suffice to say that the unhinged states of A has killed and maimed and destroyed more human lives in the last 70 years than Iran managed to in say 250 years, more or less during the entire period the unhinged states of A has existed. just think north korea, just think vietnam, just think iraq1 and iraq 2, libya, afghanistan, syria and onward christians soldiers, sudan, mali, and so on. no end to the misery caused by the disunited states of america. Hitler managed to kill and maim and destroy the lives of millions as well and is perceived as a general crook while the morons in washington dc get away with mass murder on a scale never seen before and still are hailed by the subservient morons in the eu and the individual countries as a saviour, from what or for what – in addition to being a mass-murdering country running amok, it is actively destroying the globe we live on . and with impunity.

Jens Holm

Here we go again. It probatly is ok kiling 1 everytime others kill 5 :) Try to put it under 1001 Holy arabic nights…


You Danes are such whores, if t wasn’t the NAZI Germans you went to bed with, its now the NATO Americans. Denmark pathetic fake country with no agency.

Jens Holm

We didnt goto bed with the Nazis. At the free elections evenunder WW2 they got less then 10% of the votes.

And please dont blame me. My father was 10, when germans came here.

You think we should have defende ourselves after seing Poland as a walk over ?

Tha Danish Goverment choosed to let us live in stead. A hard choise, but I am happy for that. I might not even being born.

To me WW2 as WW1 was fights among the big ones and we kept us neutral in WW1 and hoped the same for WW2. Our relationships to even Hitler was kind of well, because we voted the borderline between them and us and just didnt take back.

The Ukraine missery should learn from that voting some Countioes back to Russia. They never was Ukraine. In the other hands Russians also should learn, that Baltics, Poland, Ukraine and others decide themselves.

No wonder Ukrainiens and they wont john the Russian collapse even having big, big problems themselves.

Jens Holm

Thats probatly true. It would be nice USA and others mentioned the other way better as well.

Moist people here at this site also dont see fx EU are much milder in the relationship to Romani and his millions of unimployed youngsters.

Atombombs for jobs and a higher living standard. Thats their choise, but they insist in making nukes as a threat. Why woner anout, thats a good thing and under human rights:(


So much for Scandinavian education there, pathetic Eurotrash boasting about Western superiority, yet you type up this kind pathetic drivel. Way to disprove all the BS you have posted against middle eastern people, you idiot.

Jens Holm

I also tell, why we have that kind of superority and ask You to copy it.

Very strange to me most incommers here into Denmark cant even read the Choran in a local translation and we have to learn them danish, so they can.

Most muslim women comming here at least then very often get their very low rights.

Very infame telling people ITS WRITTEN, and people cant even read and just get a piece of paper from old men deciding everything, where great parts not even are Islam.


Again your writing crap, your an idiot like the rest of your sub-human countrymen.

Jens Holm

Again a comment which I take as a plus. No fact checking this time too.


Save your sanity, just block him.


I wonder what the Danish monkey is typing.

Jens Holm

As I wish :) If You wrote less garbage, I would write less too. You hardly has any fact checking.


Your the one writing garbage you stupid Danish monkey.

Jens Holm

Danish monkeys can write even we try to learn them. Many does better then a small grpup og muslims being here.

So far monkeys here only are painters of cars and houses. If we dont treat them well, they paint Your glasses too :)

thomas malthaus

Imagine the possibilities of other oil infrastructure attacks today before the Asian exchanges open.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

this is too funny, the US and israel seem to think they can define what war is in their own words and play by their own rules, and it aint gonna happen.

Jens Holm

They dont. I dont see that. There are many players. Even small dogs and mice bark loud.

chris chuba

U.S. behind 10,000 attacks on Yemen.


Pompeo is a bloody scum. Israel is trying to start a war

Jens Holm

More like escalating war. I think I see war already in several countries. Of course none locals in the whole middle east participate and arabs of course are united as always :)



Yeah, attack on Iran’s oil facilities will solve everything! How stupid do they think people are? Attack on Iran will precipitate an oil crisis as Saudi exports will stop completely. Pompous and Gray-ham are morons dictating to Americans what their response should be. Get rid of them when you still can.


Of course it is Iran: look who is benefitting from it, look who is technical capable, look who is material ( distance) capable to do it, look who is that embittered and despaired to do it, and finaly look who is in timetrouble and high need to do it= Iran. Maybe with Iran arm wresteling UAE or Irak but certainly only Iran is in need.

Jean de Peyrelongue

Could Washington be behind this attack on Saudi-Arabia ? Could we make some parallele with the September 11th and the world trade center destruction ? The oïl price increase is certainly welcome by the US. Furthermore if they are able to incriminate Iran in this, this will have a rationale to start another war in the M-E. That the Houthis are able to mount with success such operation surprises me.

Xoli Xoli

So if USA intelligence is so aware of how many times Iran attack Saudi Arabia oil facilities why didn’t their informed Saudis before hand or intercept incoming missiles.

Pompeo lies to while indirectly busy getting rid of Saudi Arabia. Because Saudi oil wells and refineries are runing dry and nearing depletion.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x