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U.S. Senate Introduces New Sanctions Against Hezbollah

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U.S. Senate Introduces New Sanctions Against Hezbollah

July 29, 2017 photo, a Hezbollah fighter stands at a watchtower at the site where clashes erupted between Hezbollah and al-Qaida-linked fighters in Wadi al-Kheil or al-Kheil Valley in the Lebanon-Syria border. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

On October 12, the U.S. Senate passed the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act (HIFPAA) and the Stop Using Human Shields Act, known as (STOP), which increase the sanctions on Lebanese Hezbollah and its backers.

Once signed by U.S. President Donald Trump, the two bills will sanction individuals, entities and countries that provide financial, material or technological support to Hezbollah and its affiliates. According to reports, the sanctions will also target several organizations linked to Hezbollah such as Bayt al Mal, the Islamic Resistance Support Association, Jihad al Binaa, al-Manar TV, al-Nour Radio, and the Lebanese Media Group.

The Senate Banking Committee, headed by Senator Mike Crapo, said that the new bills will help to strengthens and expand the scope of economic and financial sanctions on Hezbollah.

“This legislation … imposes additional sanctions on Hezbollah, and targets those foreign nations, government agencies and foreign companies or individuals who would support its terrorist activities by knowingly providing arms, recruitment services and combat or financial support to its terrorist activities.  It is long overdue, and constant vigilance must be maintained if we are ever to see an end to the evil this terrorist group brings,” Crapo said in an official statement.

Earlier this year, the U.S. imposed similar sanctions on Hezbollah, in what was seen as an attempt to force the Lebanese group to withdraw from Syria. However, the group leader, Hassan Nasrallah, said that these sanctions are ineffective and revealed that Hezbollah “receives its money the way it receives its weapons.”

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Probably Ordered by… ISRAELIS

Lena Jones

No “probably” about it.


The senator is seriously misinformed he said the evil this terrorist group brings. Does he not understand its a political party with real power & influence in Lebanon not to mention its funding of social programs Hezbollah is fighting the real evil in Syria (radical sunni extremism) which the Zio US has supported.

Lena Jones

And how exactly will these sanctions help terrorist israel defeat hezbollah on the next battlefield?! These sanctions sure as heck will mean nothing when the Hezb kicks ass and liberates the Galilee from the klepto claws of the khazar jews.

Zionism = EVIL

Very true, as if Hezbollah and the US morons are such great trading partners, the only trade US has with Lebanon is CIA drug operations to fund Wahhabi terrorism. Hezbollah is laughing all the way to Bekaa and Shebba Farms. The Zionist scum are crapping as usual.

Harvey Swinestein

These sanctions are aimed at tightening the noose on Iran, more than anything else.


One way to weaken Hezbollah would be, ironically, to ally with the Lebanese government. Long story short these two are not friends and while their mixed things for everyone in Beirut an alliance of convenience would reduce Hezbollah’s activities because Beirut doesn’t have to worry about a coup.

Lena Jones

Clearly, you know nothing about Lebanese politics lol!

One thing’s for sure, the day AFTER israel is destroyed is the very day that hezbollah will disband itself, right off its own volition.

No other way to get rid of the Hezb, hard as its jewy enemies try.


Are you aware that Hezbollah has fought other Lebanese just as often as they fight anyone else?

Lena Jones

You fail at facts and again, you prove that you know shit about your enemy – ’tis why you will get pulverized AGAIN on the battlefield against hezbollah.

Just keep swallowing all that negative jewish propaganda about the hezb – it actually helps the hezb’s cause to have you so removed from reality lol!


I’ll take that as a yes.

Lena Jones

Take it up yer arse for all I care! Point is that the hezb is part of the government and even though it has political competitors in the government, it actually has NO enemies in the Leb – only massive support including from the majority of christians lol!


Deflate your ego and research facts before making all sorts of silly conjecture.

Promitheas Apollonious

They dont pay him to know facts and be coherent or in any way say anything but copy the big guns they used like the black guy and the mass destruction weapons in Iraq… or the stupid bitch they just fired from UN or……….add the names very long list of retards to remember and forgetting their names as they are clones of one another.


Tony Blair as well :)


What exactly are you raving about?


Shut up, worthless.

Lena Jones

Waah, did Omega’s Lebanese ceder-tree avatar trigger your pissy switch or what?! Sure looks like it! Fucking loser-liar-lamo lol!




A comment worthy of your ignorance.


Smaugs sad and useless life I would think :)

Promitheas Apollonious

are you aware that the only reason we answer you, is because you such a moron and one track, that you are our comedian? Single cell – single digit IQ in short.,

You can call me Al

Really !!, you are still replying with the knob head ?.


You should research facts a little. What you find ironic was tried in 2006 with Elias Murr.


Because, the Lebanese government is mostly the Israeli government. Hezbollah are like the Free French Army, and the Lebanese Government is like the Vichy government. But soon Lebanon will be liberated, and the Nazis down south will get the Dresden treatment.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Only two nations consider Hezbollah to be a problem; Israel and their puppet, the U.S. Hezbollah are being punished for helping to win the war in Syria; a war against terrorism. Down is up and up is down. It’s tragic enough when an individual shipwrecks their own life because they’ve lost their grasp of reality. When entire nation’s are at the mercy of such people, it’s a tragedy of biblical proportions.

Harvey Swinestein

Even the Bible never had proportions this big


Behind this Senate bill, is the corruptible money of AIPAC, the Zionist lobby. Now we know who owns Crapo.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol mike crapo, his last name says it all

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sure Hezbollah fighters tonight will loos9e their sleep from the sanctions the moronic americans are voting against them like they ever waited from their mortals enemies anything good. None really give a sh*t any more what the americans and allies do or say.

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah, these “sanctions” will really hurt Hezbollah’s growing international trade :) ROFLMAO!

Harvey Swinestein

The guy’s name says it all: CRAPO!

H Eccles

Thumbs up to Hezbollah.

As for the US sanctions.. well what do you expect from a nation led by an Oompa Loompa.

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