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U.S. Senate To Vote On Whether To Purchase Russia’s S-400 Missile Defense System From Turkey

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U.S. Senate To Vote On Whether To Purchase Russia's S-400 Missile Defense System From Turkey

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The US Senate is to vote on legislation that would allow for the purchase of a Russian S-400 missile defense system from Turkey.

Senate Majority Whip John Thune, R-S.D., has proposed an amendment to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would allow the purchase to be made using the U.S. Army’s missile procurement account.

This is an attempt to rectify the situation created by Ankara purchasing a S-400 missile defense system from Moscow, and subsequently being booted out of the F-35 joint strike fighter program as a form of punishment, among other things.

In an act that is entirely counter to this one, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jim Risch introduced an amendment that would take a tougher stance, mandating the Trump administration implement CAATSA sanctions on Turkey within 30 days of passage of the NDAA.

Risch has been critical of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and accused him of bad faith in dealings with the U.S. over the S-400.

Under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), which was introduced in 2017, any country concluding major defense contracts with Russia must be heavily sanctioned.

According to Jim Townsend, a former Pentagon official for European and NATO policy, the US has a very common policy of buying foreign technology, and could potentially exploit the S-400’s technology, and also use it to tests its own tactics and aircraft against it.

“I think the US buying the S-400s from Turkey is a clever way of getting Erdogan out of the jam he put himself in,” Townsend said. “We just want to get the system out of Turkey … and if it enables the Turks to take part in the F-35 then all the better.”

Currently, it is unclear which amendment the US Senate would vote, and even if either pass, they also need to pass the US House of Representatives and not be vetoed by the US President.

Trump has chosen not to sanction Turkey regarding the S-400 purchase.

The Senate Armed Services Committee’s draft of the authorization bill already contains language pertaining to Turkey and the F-35 program.

Turkey’s canceled receipt of 6 F-35A conventional-takeoff-and-landing models that were already built were instead provided to the US air force to accept, operate and modify.

The US has offered several benefits if Turkey drops the S-400, but so far, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declined everything.


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Zionism = EVIL

Russia should have never sold the S-400 to such a subservient NATO cunts poodle regime. The S-400 technology is already compromised.

Me&Myself None

I don’t know what was Russia thinking? I have said it from day one that Turkey was buying the unit on behalf of NATO, and all the semblance of a rift between Turkey and the US was a a ruse to fool Russia, and interestingly the Russians blinded by greed were unable to see it.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia has sold the S300 to Greece years ago, and NATO could not copy that. Algeria, Egypt, SA and other Gulf states buy Russian gear all the time, Russia doesn’t worry about their export models being copied.

That’s not greed, just confidence in the systems integrity. Nazi Germany had an even better relationship with the Soviets before WW2 vis-a-vis technology transfers and sharing, yet they never knew FA about T34 or KV1.


NATO doesn’t copy that because NATO is not China, they make better ones.

The Objective

If the US wanted the S-400 they could very easily get it from Russia through other countries. Many countries bought the Russian S-400. You guys comment as if it were some top state secret. I strongly believe the US has bad intentions towards Turkey. They want Turkey completely dependent on Western tech so they would find it less difficult to crush Turkey in a future war. They want to sever this technology-transfer link growing between Turkey and Russia cos that could lead to Turkey acquiring some really deadly tech from Russia. Turkey should consult with Russia whether to sell the systems. If Russia is okay with that Turkey can sell and then purchase more or even get the license to produce it domestically.


If Turkey decides to sell the S-400 to US it wouldn’t be other reason than getting the F-35, Patriot and the rest of NATO tech, so they won’t be buyin more Russian toys.

Swift Laggard II

Pudins judgement has been very poor in foreign affairs

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, as I said repeatedly, Putin was just a obscure major in the KGB with zero foreign policy experience and even in his only overseas posting in the GDR city of Dresden he failed miserably to predict the collapse of the Berlin Wall and Warsaw Pact, let alone USSR. Even the Jew cunt mole Markus Wolf of the Stasi had a very poor opinion of the KGB. Putin is very much controlled by the Jew oligarchs who put him in power, he is a power seeker and not a leader and has no real vision for Russia and his erratic policies have cost Russian lives in the Middle East and Europe. Ukraine is a classic example of policy reversal. Russia has always suffered from power leadership, with a few exceptions. Russia at this critical moment in global power shift needs a nationalistic leader who has a clear vision and stands up for Russian interests. Putin trying to please everyone is bound to embolden the enemies of Russia. The Jews and Americunts and the west in general are historical enemies of Russia and want to Balkanize it and plunder its resources. Arming NATO enemies with top secret weapons is hardly sound strategic thinking. Russia’s best hope is to stick with China and Iran and create a new southern tier defence alliance. The NATO cunts will use Ukraine and Turkey as launch pads against Russia.Only the GRU has a good grasp of the situation, but it is being hamstrung by Putin.

Lone Ranger

Ever thought about it was all master plan by Russia? Many knew communism has failed but they had to rebuild Russia. And Putin and his allies did. They needed 20+ years but they succeeded. And now the U.S. is where the Soviet Union was in 1989. Think about it. Chess vs checkers…

Zionism = EVIL

I hope you are right, actually the Americunts are in far worse shape than the USSR was in 1989. That motherfucker Gorbachev was on CIA payroll and did all the damage. The Americunts have racism issues and Jew control and that makes them very weak, and on top of that the morons have guns. Barely 150 years ago they fought a civil war and it will happen again. The USSR should never have broken up as all the old republics regret it now. Even the Baltic states would be happy to join in again.

Ivan Freely

They still can rebuild the USSR if the participants really want it. But I highly doubt Russia wants that.

Tommy Jensen

Not a far out idea. But they needed more than 20 years.

KGB was quite advanced at the times. KGB sowed some seeds already in the 70’s and 80’s with free love, divorces, break up of the family, trojan horses in universities. But it seems CIA/MI6 took up the plan as their own in the 90’es and 00’s. Who did what is difficult.

Lone Ranger

Maybe. But they are the polar opposite. Russia wanted to get rid of communism which they did. While the cia and democrats and soros and so on… wanted to install the soviet model onto the U.S.

Tommy Jensen

I have had the same suspicion. KGB let the wall fall and let poor east europeans run over all borders into Europe and US. Lead sovjet communism into desolution, grab the power again when convenient, and build up their society after the right traditional model, family, traditional schools, universities, and market economy. Leaving West with the cancer of culture marxism.

Ivan Freely

More like Chess vs Tic-Tac-Toe.

Tommy Jensen

Nobody can do that. France, UK, Germany, US have 80% of the world finance trade………………..LOL.

Ivan Freely

80%? First, what is your definition of the World? If it’s just NATO, then it’s not much.

Rhodium 10

Putin is in fact a Oligarchy manager Business rather than a defender of the military-industrial complex!… USA Israel and Turkey know it..thats why they started to discredit the Russian military deterrence in Syria with constant attacks vs SAA!..most of that Oligarchy are Jews( Rotenberg, Abramovich, Deripaska) and Etnic Turquic ( Tatars, Bashkir, Daguestani..etc..) with close economic ties with Israel and Turkey!..also there are a pro western Oligarchy who pressured Putin not to send troops to Donbass to avoid economic sanctions!..if Russia has given S-300 to Syria, allow IRGC troops and have smashed that Turkish military outpost( 35 turkish soldiers killed) is due to pressures from the Russian military staff.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure, which is why the US has imposed sanction after sanction against Russia for the last decade. The Yanks stopped the invasion of Syria because the Russians are so easy to read, lol.

Tommy Jensen

The whole world enjoy your judgements in the same matters.

Lazy Gamer

Who knows, the Russians might have tinkered with it to give off false data.

Zionism = EVIL

I would seriously doubt that as once the missile system or any technology is taken apart by good engineers the technology is compromised. Look at the Iranian and Chinese success in reverse engineering everything from an Americunt F-14 to drones. Selling the Turkeys S-400 is plain dumb and has already backfired and the Turks will likely use them against Russian aircraft in both Syria and Libya.

Lone Ranger

Maybe it was S-300s with an S-400 sticker on it :) Türkroaches would notice the difference.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope so, for Russia sake. Putin was also offering the Turkeys the SU-57 to replace the flying coffin F-35. Let’s hope that never happens.

Liberal guy


Lazy Gamer

The S400 sold could just be an upgraded s300. If they really sold the actual item which has newer tech, then the rationale must have been Info gathered from operating it near American bases is > tech revealed. Besides, the actual s400 is one generatiom behind already from the s500.


The S-400 Code is too complicated for the Chinese or anyone else to break for the time being, by the time they do S-700 would be in service

S Melanson

Correct, and this is what I think they mean by unbreakable – not breakable in a meaningful time-frame.

The Objective

Turkey will not use these against Russia unless the Russians tried to invade Turkey, which they’ll not. Turkey-Russia relationship isn’t as bad as people think. Russian engineers are currently working on a $20billion nuclear project in Turkey. Erdogan was nearly killed in 2016 by a US-engineered coup that took the lives of over 200 Turks. Russia was the country that tipped off Erdogan about the coup. I am certain of one thing: Erdogan trusts Russia far more than he does the U.S. and for obvious reasons


It wasn’t the S-400 the russians use. It was a downgraded version with worse sensors and radars. It’s a very common practice to do so.

Jim Allen

It’s called the export version. They are different than the not for export Russian versions. Of any Russian military hardware you name. Currently Russia builds the best rocket engines in the world, but no one has been able to take one apart without breaking it. Copying is difficult. Then there’s that Luftwaffe pilot that flew some of the MiG-29A&B models Germany bought from Moldova, or Monrovia, US bought the whichever Germany didn’t. 22 from one country, 21 from the other. The Luftwaffe pilot was suitably impressed, even flew them in top gun competition as the opposing force. (of course. I’ve always thought Russia should offer him a few hours in a MiG-29SMT. Upgraded model. Give a little contrast.

S Melanson

I think when Russia says ‘unbreakable’ it is referring to a time window where the systems will be long obsolete, analogous to the Santa Fe Institutes NK categorization of simple to complex computational problems.

Complex problems may be solvable, but not in any meaningful time frame even if the world’s total aggregate classical computational capacity were applied – hence the need for quantum computing since data can be stored in superposition such that all permutations are resolved simultaneously. Imagine only 1 solution exists in a set of possible end-states involving trillions of permutations. Classical turing model of computation would resolve sequentially each endstate – solving this way would take so long that it would be cut short because of this universe coming to an end and a new one started…

Similarly, with computers designing computers to design high technology electronics used in military applications, resources to reverse engineer within a meaningful time frame is increasingly unfeasible by classical computation due to complexity that has an exponential impact on computational intensity required. The same can be said fr US systems but the motivation is probably pretty low to reverse engineer in order to understand why it does not work…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s wrong Zionism, Russia has already stated that the tech for controlling the S400 export models is unbreakable. Greece have been using the S300 for years, yet Isahell still won’t fly over Syria because of older S systems, and the recently purchased S300 ensures that even more.

Russia does not need dollars enough that they need to give away their secrets by export sales. The USSR sold all types of equipment to Nazi Germany, even allowed training and testing areas within the USSR, yet the Nazis fell over when they came across the T34 and KV1.

Have faith, the Russians have been doing this forever.

Jim Allen

S-300 that was finally delivered to Syria was the latest version, not the 2013 version it paid for. MoD Shoigu sent along a piece of “Not For Export”technology with that S-300. If you’d watched the press conference MoD Shoigu held on why Israel sucks, detailing that out at length. His displeasure at the way the situation was handled to that point, and what was being done instead. (very eloquently stated) You’d know what that was. Putin smiled shrugged his shoulders, asked about the piece of technology, and that was all. Meanwhile Bibi was having apolexy. Shouldn’t have broken his word. MoD was thoroughly pissed off over the loss of the Il, and crew.


I agree…. because Turkish cunt they will betray you one more time

Swift Laggard II

this is nonzense,. Turkey cannot afford to cross Russia by handing over such a system – for what? for money? Erdogan is not a fuul

Zionism = EVIL

I am 100% certain that the Americunts have already examined the S-400 as Turkey is their complete vassal. The Americunts control all major Turkish military bases and even have nukes on Turkish soil. Turkey is not an independent country by any standard. Just look at how the Americunts use the Incirlik airbase as a C3I center for the occupation of northeast Syria.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No doubt about that, but have you seen an up-graded Patriot that works yet?

Russia has stated before selling to the Turds, that they system is un-breakable. The Chinese buy Russian gear all the time, but they don’t have a home built alternative that matches the S400. Otherwise, they would be producing it, and selling export models. Instead of buying more S400 from the Russians.

Fog of War

” that they system is un-breakable. ” No system is unbreakable.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The S300 was sold to Greece a long time ago, how many copies have NATO to date?

The Russians have stated they have no qualms about exporting their high tech, as no one can break their systems.

What evidence do you have to query that!

Fog of War

Once again, no human designed system is unbreakable, its only a matter of time and willpower. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean anything.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Systems are there to be broken, true.

But don’t tell me that the US have lacked time or willpower in trying to beat a system that stops them from world domination. The proof is in the pudding, and the US is defenceless against Russian AD.

Damien C

Lets think Turkey has a choice sell their brand new s400 the all singing all dancing Air Defence System and instead buy the not really so new U.S patriot PAC and THAAD missile system ADS which has a disputed results history at … wait for it …. EIGHT TIMES THE PRICE!

Now lets think ….. hmmm

Added to the fact that if Turkey are not prepared to get totally ripped off to buy the PAT system (Patriot and THAAD) well then the Americans won’t let them buy the F35 at $100,000,000 a pop You know that hangar bitch that needs a new hairdo every time before you take her out and then has a 2 day hangover afterwards

Or they could but the Su35 for half the price with … 20% less running costs 50% cheaper to buy Superior maneuverability Faster rate of climb Faster speed Faster missiles Cheaper missiles Longer ranged missiles Better babe magnet ……….

I don’t know thats a tough one ………….. Get to fuck outta here USA


We’ve seen how all singing all dancing S-400 are in Syria.


There are no S-400 in syrian territory except for 1 Russian base. The very fact that China purchased the S-400, tested it and made a massive order on S-400 and potentially S-500 just goes to show it’s abilities are not a joke. Also remember that export versions have downgraded radars and sensors.


Well China buys old USSR junk and improves it. Like that aircraft carrier.

Tommy Jensen

The difference is freedom. You buy SU35 and get Stalin Gulag, or you buy F35 and get Harley Davidson plus Elvis Presley. Now tell me what you prefer, and I will give it to you……………………LOL. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9589f2cbd4d65361ca920c0aaf6f06daa58b27ba771e285de4406f7b948351f1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eccf2a21013f1af0ce89c650a822590f559697985f2527f69e42e3ae6d75a3cf.jpg


Good one

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That must be Elvis’s or maybe Jerry Lee Lewis’s house being built in the second photo Tommy, lol.

Tough life, that poor white people endure in the States, though not quite as bad as what the blacks were living in. At least the Gulag workers weren’t lynched.


Turkey has no loyalty to anyone, and their certainly not stupid enough to bow down to the US, regardless of sanctions or economic impact. The US could cut them off further and it will just drive them into the arms of Russia. Furthermore, Russia will offer better terms if it means keeping Turkey on side for the Bosporus Strait and shorter flight paths to Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

If Russia is able to get rid of the Jew cunts control, its only strategic security hope is to create a new defence alliance with powerful independent states like China and Iran.

Lone Ranger

That would be the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Iran is not a member…yet…

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, that was the idea. Russia if its leverages its technology, geography and resources is in a very strong position, without exaggeration, Russian weapons have no equals. The problem I see, is a lack of focus, alliances are built on trust, Russia needs to support China in lifting the illegal arms embargo against Iran, also stay the course in Venezuela and make life hell for the Americunt occupation cowards in the region. I think the GRU as usual is giving the right policy direction, but it is up to Putin to act. The Americunts are the most hated shitheads on the planet.

Lone Ranger

Iran has fielded long range sub and supersonic cruise missiles. And supercavitating torpedos. From where did they got the tech? I think Russia and China is giving Iran just enough tech to deter any invasion while at the same time they are careful because they dont want Iran to become a superpower close to their borders. Better safe than sorry…

Zionism = EVIL

Iran will never pose a threat to either Russia or China as there is no history of animosity. The Turks have backstabbed both and even China, so think arming Iran is is Russian interest. China is now more forthcoming in assistance and is pushing the hardest to lift the embargo. I know the Chinese, they don’t say much, but they act. Almost all of Iranian missiles whether SSM or SAMs have both Chinese and Russian input.


I have another idea…The geopolitical perception of the United States for Europe is that it is their fault … and they are trying to avoid a MAIN STRENGTH in Eurasia. Developing a truly united Europe, and not this self-made D’RAIX, beyond US control, even if it were limited to the western part of the European continent, would be a major blow to the long-term US strategy. , or so the Americans would realize. Consequently, if a Europe united under a strong leadership, and with an autonomous geopolitical status, especially if Russia were somehow included in it, would be a huge opponent for both China and the United States. Indeed, if Europe were to achieve its true unification, and add to its potential more Eastern European countries, and if there was a formula for COOPERATION with Russia … then it would have been created for the FIRST TIME in human history. , a force that would dominate both the “Heartland” of Eurasia and the ring around it. And this force would therefore be a GEOPOLITICAL SUNDAY OF THE WORLD. Both the United States and China would become EXCELLENT REGIONS.

Liberal guy

Unseen armies of the resistance front have already defeated them and day by day they are losing from the inside as they are the unseen empire what irony they are losing yet nothing official in the public and of course in the msm because of being unseen.

Liberal guy

Sometimes it’s the best that one is not the member officially

Liberal guy

They already have

Liberal guy

They already have but not officially of course.There is a old saying “kill the politicians with politics” by a great king.

Assad must stay

right, they play both sides, not getting too close to either

Lone Ranger

Except the contract doesn’t allow Turkey to sell it… If so Russia won’t deliver more and can probably remotely destruct the couple already in Turkey. Funny how the U.S. with all their PR stunt being technologically superior are that desperate to get their hands on Russians l tech. Another proof I.S. is a collapsing empire. Can you imagine Russia trying to buy Patriot SAMs? Of course not. Aside from that why would they, that junk is even outperformed by the S-200 from the 60s.

Swift Laggard II

Any serious nation will try to get their hands on enemy hardware to learn its strengths and weaknesses. they are not buying it to use it, they are buying to examine it. even russia would if they could get their hands on patriot

Jim Bim

As if the patriot can measure with the S-400. Not in cost, precision, reliability and sophistication.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Most of NATO don’t buy Patriot ffs, why would Russia want it.

The Russians know it doesn’t work already, just look at NK or SA ffs.


The patriot missile system was proven inept in Gulf War 1 against Iraqi’s Scud missiles.

Jim Bim

US Senate is to vote on legislation that would allow for the purchase of a Russian S-400 missile defense system from Turkey…….just shows how brainless, out of touch and reality the US lawmakers are. This stunt is another sign ( like many ) that the U.S.S empire has crashed into a iceberg, sliced up like a tin can, leaking heavy and the sinking is unavoidable.

Wayne Nicholson

So Turkey fucks over the USA by buying the S-400.

Now Turkey wants to fuck over Russia by selling the S-400 to the USA.

So the USA is considering buying the S-400 from Turkey and letting them back into the F-35 program???

Erdogan happily fucked over both the USA and Russia. They’ve been fucking over their allies and pets in Syria every time the wind changes.

Why do Americans believe that the fuckery ends with this deal?

Could this not be a ploy to sell the USA an outdated SAM system without the latest and greatest software and give Putin a conduit into the F-35 program?

I was under the impression that the S-400 can’t touch US stealth aircraft …. why risk allowing your most secret weapon in the hands of a serial backstabber to get a weapons system you know you can defeat?

The S-400 must be a far bigger threat to the USA than they admit to.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

If the USA wants an S400 system, then Russia will sell them their own, no need to pay double the money to the Turds. If the US wants to stop their allies buying superior equipment, then pay Russia the price of that system and Russia will be happy with that.

The US have no aircraft that can evade radars, nor does Russia. They can both build aircraft that lessens a radar return in certain circumstances, but the Germans did that in WW2 ffs.

If an F22 or Su57 were invisible, then there would be no F15 or Su35.


They’re so desperate trying to prevent Turkey from getting a powerful strategic weapon like the S-400 aren’t they

Tommy Jensen

The yanks dont like anyone who defend themselves. They are like thieves, too much energy and time, looking for easy prey.

Tommy Jensen

Buy the Turkish S-400, give Turkey Patriots for free, offer Turkey F-35 for half price. This will finally close the mouth on Russia and make America a winner with world domination, as Turkey then will be our side..

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a cracker Tommy, your wit is world class.

Jim Bim

Hold back on your Meth intake.

Lone Ranger

Bolton is such a winner, he makes Charlie Sheen tigerblood commercials look amateurish…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

If you can’t beat them, join them.

American desperation is embarrassing. Imagine Hitler demand that the USSR sell him the T34, lol. Even with captured battlefield T34s, the Nazis, an older version of NATO, could not produce a version that worked. The Panther was supposed to be an exact copy of the T34, yet T34s were not prone to fall apart from a hit to the side, like the Panther. T34s are pulled out of bogs today, and after clearing away the mud, they start and drive. Panthers couldn’t do that, and broke down outside their factories.

Lone Ranger

U.S. tried to copy the RD-180 rocket engine for 15 years. Russia sold them the blueprints the metallurgy, they still couldnt copy it… They kept paying $billions to Russia and bought more than 90 engines. They have enough to power the Atlas V for the next 20 years. They wouldnt be able to copy the S-400 in 40 years.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US pay Musk billions to build rockets, that he takes from Russian designs.

Talk ab out paying twice for the same product, lol.

Tommy Jensen

You are talking about obsolete old rusty iron. US is doing modern photonic invisible silent hybrid weapons today; laser, corona virus, bacterias, EMF, GMO, ultrasound, swarm, agent orange, enhanced insects, space weapons…………LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a cracker Tommy.

The Yanks do invisible and silent weapons so well, like the silence from Patriot batteries as Yemeni missiles fly right by them. The Patriots are invisible, seeing that those missiles fly right by them without ever getting so much as a beep out of them.

As the North Koreans showed when they flew missiles over Japan, and all its AEGIS carrying ships.

Keep up the good work Tommy, your wit is top class, lol.

S Melanson

You forgot about super-intelligent AI trojan goats sent as ‘gifts’ to all the evil cities in the galaxy.


Good decision, the U.S needs to buy it and then learn ways to bypass it and share the intel with us. We need it for the coming strikes on Iran.

Lone Ranger

I thought you already figured it all out… At least you told me so if I can recall it correctly… :)


It’s one thing to bypass it, it’s another thing to just bomb it like we would have done to the S300 if it was ever used against our airforce. I prefer to elegant option.

Lone Ranger

Sure :) But let’s face it there is no cure against it. During the Russo-Georgian war which was started by Georgia by the way, side issue… Russia lost a few jets and helos due to S-300s, early models, and they knew everything about them. They deployed it to Georgia during Soviet times. So you saying we can do this and that, with all due respect thats wishful thinking.


Like I’ve been saying, many many times before. It does NOT matter.

You see, your ego is your Achilles. You actually believe you’ve thought of everything…that’s good, very good! LMFAO

Kenny Jones ™

You know Iran doesn’t have S-400, they have Bavar-373, equally good


They do Kenny, check again.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They don’t, they bought the S2500 system, the sale of which was disrupted by a weapons embargo. Russia refused to deliver the system, until Iran signed up to the JCPOA.

Now that Iran signed, the Russians are ready to sell them up-graded S300 systems, which are more than good enough to keep Isahell pirates from Iranian airspace.

Free man

I can’t see it happening. Turkey cannot give up its relations with Russia. In any case, this S-400 deal is very strange from the beginning.


The US need Turkish participation into the F-35 scam program and tries to pay for it with freshly printed FED toilet paper to understand how to deal with hypersonic missiles.

Anyway, I recall Moscow even offering S-400 to anyonem the US included.

AND: recall that ANY Russian military equipment is developed into 2 hugely different versions: DOMESTIC and EXPORT. Export versions (usually identified with an E at the end of their code-name) are totally different machines than those used by Russian armed forces.

That’s why Russians are ready to sell military equipment to ANYBODY without restrictions, while the US sells you anything within a rigid framework of clauses and hyper-expensive up-sells (usually granted to Israel only) that limit the equipment and/or the use in combat.

S-400E is a different machine from the record-braking S-400 used by the Russians. That’s why they are so confident that the technology encompassed in exported versions is cool but not that sensitive.

Fog of War

” That’s why they are so confident that the technology encompassed in exported versions is cool but not that sensitive. ” Is the export version of Russian equipment still not better then the US equipment ?


Russian way of securing US interests. A back scratch, if you will. This may have been agreed upon by both parties in advance or as a response to Iran having an weapon(s) that could obliterate the regional interests and capabilities…US as been most surprised by Iran as of late.

Fear of Iran…China.

chris chuba

A version of when a city offers to buy guns to ‘get them off the street’. This is a bit condescending to say the least. Treating Turkey like they are a street gang in Chicago but that’s how we roll.


Putin sell the S-400 to the Turk was a big very big mistake by the Russian…


Ahhahahhhhahhahahhahh heheheheheh ohoooooohhhooo poor US

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