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U.S. Sends Another Warning To Syrian Army Over Military Actions In Southern Syria

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U.S. Sends Another Warning To Syrian Army Over Military Actions In Southern Syria

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The US Department of State has send another warning to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russia over military actions in southern Syria.

According to the Department of State’s statement, the US is concerned over “reports of increasing Syrian regime operations in southwest Syria within the boundaries of the de-escalation zone negotiated between the United States, Jordan, and the Russian Federation last year”. It  also warned Russia and Syria of  “the serious repercussions of these violations”.

The only problem that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and ISIS are excluded from the de-escalation zone agreement. Both groups have a strong presence in southern Syria. This is the fact ingored by Washington.

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The western propaganda outlets are making indignant noises about barrel bombs. Maybe Syria should use phosphorus like the US, only use drums instead of barrels.


Trump’s warnings to Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, Russia, China etc. LOL. Syrian army and their allies should not scare from Trump regime’s warnings. Burn these all English spoken terrorists and child butchers in Syria and in the Middle East countries.


Syrians and their allies are crumbling the US plots of expansion in Syria and in surrounding countries.

Joe Dirt


Umesh Rai


leon mc pilibin

jewSA,jewSA,jewSA,more like it.

Joe Dirt

Lol you must be illiterate

Eric Gregory

derp, derp, derp!


Dont you mean Israel Israel Israel!!

Joe Dirt

Lol you must be illiterate

Harvey Swinestein


Joe Dirt

Awwww you crying?

Gregory Casey

The only people crying are the Americans and their Proxies in ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham also known previously as Jabhat al-Nusra, Syrian manifestation of al-Qaeda, neither of which is on the protected list in the agreed de-escalation Zone. Accordingly, the Syrians are not just entitled, but obliged to enter areas wherein ISIS & HTS are lurking under the watchful eyes of American & Israeli Forces and there, take on, clear out and destroy every single head-chopper who fails (either) to run, surrender or beg for mercy. As for you Joe Dirt, all I can advise you is that the Syrian Arab Army is about to hit pay-dirt in this area of Syria and take back its territory all the way to the southern side of the Golan Heights.


who f*ck them any way, or give attention to their farts?

Promitheas Apollonious

Fuck them no. Meeting them in the battlefield…………………….


Hypocrites… We all know whats really going on here…

Fuck em…


Everyday the child butchers Trump and Netanyahu becoming lonely. In the Middle East war is for the land of oil and gas. But Syrians are not lonely they will burn all English spoken child butchers in Syria and outside Syria to secure their countries.


The only problem that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and ISIS are excluded from the de-escalation zone agreement. Both groups have a strong presence in southern Syria. This is the fact ingored by Washington.

NO WAY…. this FACT is NOT IGNORED by the U.S. of A…. They just wanna PROTECT al Qaeda & ISIS….So SAA let these Headchoppers continue with the Building of Their CALIPHATE… so that poor USraeli-WAHHABI-PSYCHOPATHS can have a COUNTRY of Their OWN….


For the last thirty years America fighting with Mujahideen in Afghanistan to defeat mujahideen but failed. America also invaded Pakistan but Pakistan have defeated America. Even Pakistan have changed the US F-16 jets codes, CPU hardware and other devices.

Umesh Rai

TERRORIST SHITMERICA has no shame. The most shameless country on earth it this pathetic TERRORIST SHITMERICA.


And IsraHell… they also Kill Kids…

leon mc pilibin

The zionists can get away with these lies and fake news about Syria because the american people have been brainwashed for decades to support israhelli zionists,BUT the rest of the earths people are not asleep and know exactly what is going on with this satanic regime in usa and israhell.GO HOME to your shitholes.


So Syria is bound by an agreement they did not sign? Why aren’t the Russians demanding “separation” between terrorist and suposed non terrorist factions? That worked rather well in Aleppo and Homs.


Russsia needs to go all in here with military force


they should, but it aint never gonna happen…….their jew masters dont approve of such actions


one morning they will wake up with too much hay on their fork


us air force bombed SAA TWICE again in the village of al-halba, which is about 70km away from palmyra, and in Jabal Ghurab which is 150km away from palmyra…….one officer of SAA killed and several others injured……great protection by russia…with a friend like that, who needs an enemy.


Go SAA and Co..

Elmarie Muller

USA and Israel does not want Iran and Hizbolla to fight terrorists in Southern Syria. But again the same wolf are preventing Syrian forces also not to operate against terrorists which are under their protection.The truth is Russian back door undercover deals are seriously affecting Syrian forces operations. USA is uninvited therefor can not have de-escalation zones in Syria WHICH.USA is against Syria military therfore can not be allowed by UN security Council to operate illegally in Syrian soil.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Russia and Syria have been given their orders by their Zionist masters. They know full well to let Israel conquer whatever parts of Syria they wish. Including the most important part of Syria, which is the Golan. http://ihr.org/


“U.S. Sends Another Warning To Syrian” This is not a warning, this is more of a tipoff.

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