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MARCH 2025

U.S. Sends Nuclear Submarine And Guided-Missile Destroyers To Persian Gulf

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U.S. Sends Nuclear Submarine And Guided-Missile Destroyers To Persian Gulf

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On December 21st, US Central Command (CENTCOM) head General Kenneth McKenzie warned that Iran shouldn’t retaliate in relation to the upcoming anniversary of the assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani.

The anniversary is coming on January 3rd.

“We are prepared to defend ourselves, our friends and partners in the region, and we’re prepared to react if necessary,” McKenzie said.

He was touring the region weeks before the anniversary of the January 3, 2020 killing of Soleimani by a US drone strike near the Baghdad airport.

“My assessment is we are in a very good position and we’ll be prepared for anything the Iranians or their proxies acting for them might choose to do,” McKenzie, a four-star marine general, told a small group of journalists in a telephone interview from an undisclosed location in the region.

McKenzie said he had also gone to Syria to meet with American forces deployed in the small southern base at Al-Tanf, near the border with Jordan and Iraq.

Just days earlier, General Mark Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and Afghanistan. His locations were kept entirely secret.

He also mentioned that the US was concerned by a potential Iranian retaliation for Soleimani’s assassination.

“I talk to my commanders about it every day and I think we will be ready,” McKenzie said.

Meanwhile, on December 20th, a volley of 8 rockets struck near the US Embassy in Baghdad, causing material damage and reportedly killing 1 Iraqi civilian.

“The United States strongly condemns the latest attack by Iran-backed militias on the International Zone in Baghdad,” Pompeo said in a statement. “We wish those hurt a speedy recovery.”

Iranian Foreign Minister spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, strongly condemned Pompeo’s statement, saying Iran’s embassy is also located in the International Zone.

“Iranian embassy is in the same area, attacking any diplomatic missions and residential areas is wrong and banned by international law,” Khatibzadeh said during a virtual press conference held in the Iranian capital Tehran on Monday and attended by local and international media representatives.

“The statement issued by American Secretary of State is suspicious. We strongly condemn the statement issued by the American Secretary of State,” Khatibzadeh added when answering a question by local Iranian media reporter.

The US is withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, but it maintains that it is quite prepared and reinforced to deal with any situation.

The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz has been patrolling Gulf waters since late November, and two American B-52 bombers recently overflew the region in a demonstration of strength clearly aimed at Iran.

The US Navy nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine USS Georgia transited the Strait of Hormuz on December 21st. It was accompanied by two guided-missile destroyers.

“The nuclear-power Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Georgia (SSGN 729), along with the guided-missile cruisers USS Port Royal (CG 73) and USS Philippine Sea (CG 58), transited the Strait of Hormuz entering the Arabian Gulf, Dec. 21,” the Navy said in a statement using an alternative name for the Persian Gulf.

The USS Georgia is armed with4 × 21 in (533 mm) torpedo tubes and 154 × BGM-109 Tomahawks in 22 groups of seven.

The tensions in the Middle East, once again, appear to be sitting at the boiling point, and there’s still a few weeks left until US President Donald Trump vacates the White House.


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Jens Holm

As usual its almos never mentioned, that we are several uniited nations guarding the strait. Its very manipualtive. USA is not alone in worries at all.

Free man


Jens Holm

Fine with me and routine as well. I wonder whois the hen and whois the egg.



Kenny Jones ™

Guarding from what

Jens Holm

Its as Youtubes by the Popes in Quam many times.

cechas vodobenikov

Hollywood becomes more surreal. do amerikans believe that they r prepared? they were prepared for 9/11 and losing all wars —impressive

The Objective

Then let’s pray that the shooting starts so we know who is who.


Stupid posturing. Sub sonic Tomahawks were massacred during Trumps attack on Syria by SAA air defenses and Russian electronic spoofing. They even captured one of those “new advanced” Tomahawks. US nuke sub in shallow waters of the Persian gulf is more one big juicy target than danger to Iran, or anything else. Tomahawks are long range missile and there was no need to go that close (except to resupply)

The Objective

The attack on Syria was intended to cause minimal damage. It was never intended to punish Assad. The attack which really punished Assad was a U.S airstrike that killed nearly 100 Syrian troops. And Russia didn’t stop it. In fact, hundreds of Russian mercs were slathered in a 4-hour battle in 2018 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html Russia is hopelessly outgunned by the U.S in the Middle East. Take it or leave it. A Russian-American military analyst, The Saker, holds the same view.


because the Russian deployment at present is not meant and was never meant at a direct shooting war with the US, they have that in Belarus and Easter Ukraine, as well as Kaliningrad, and that’s enough for their current posture and doctrine. Same as the US deployment in Eastern Syria, it’s merely meant as a skeleton positioning not to give the impression that they have lost entirely in this proxy conflict. The story about the hundreds mercs was never confirmed or documented by any credible outlet whatsoever and was even doubted by several Western military analysts themselves.

Currently there is a cat & mouse game going on in Kurdish area between equivalent Russian and US forces, with Russian getting more an more aggressive in pushing through US checkpoint and literally ignoring their presence in areas they control, it’s a loosing game for the US coalition as the Russians are playing the longer game and know the US position is untenable and makes no strategic sense anyway, other than slowly stealing oil from Syria. The attack on Syria involved similar means as any other one previously undertaken to inflict losses on Assad, there was no restraint of any kind, it was intended to hurt and it did not. The reason was that this time the Russian were prepared and blew the hell out of a massive majority of it by deploying additional detection assets and linking them to the Syrian air-defenses. So many assets were taken down and damaged that it included one next-generation version of the Tomahawk LCAMs that was then transported back to Russia for analysis. Almost no soldiers were hurt in the process in one strike, 7-8 in the second. Your analysis is based on political bias willing to see facts in a way that helps your rationale, this is not objective thinking. Facts are stubborn anyway.


Saker is not the only analyst, and he is entitled to his opinion. What forces does US have in the ME? 1000 in Syria, a few thousand in Iraq, contractors and some specialists in the gulf states. US flies a couple of dinosaur bombers over the are to show strength. American carriers stay hundreds of kms from the Iranian coastline afraid oh anti ship cruise missiles, air bases in the Gulf states are very vulnerable to ballistic missile attacks.

And this a prelude of what Iranians can do to US…..not what Russia can do in the area.

Russian bases in Syria are self sufficient and capable of handling any military contingency NATO might try.

Jens Holm

USA can send harder stuff.

Your version for Russia in Syria is far Out. Nato is not even in Syria and has denied UK, France, USA and Turkey support.

Nato is in Iraq USA included asked in by the Bagdad Goverment. We all had left….


“”” Your version for Russia in Syria is far Out..”””

Maybe you need to understand more about IADS and A2/AD bubbles.


Absolutely right, mere PR move for cheap domestic audiences and nothing more. You don’t deploy such high-value strategic assets to such terribly risky proximity and expose them to basically every single anti-shipping assets of the enemy available at its very gates. And both camps know it full well while the losing masters in the WH obsessively try to achieve some kind of impossible false flag by moving expensive assets around with impoverished taxpayers’ money. THe very purpose of these weapons are their ability to strike from very long stand-off ranges. The day the Pentagon really greenlits a direct military assault on Iran, you will see them moving away every single possible ship big or small away from their Bahrain anchorage and position themselves at least at 700km+ south in the Indian Ocean, ditto their strategic B-52 bombers flying away to Diego Garcia, not in direct range of Iran’s SRBMs in some Emirati or Saudi airbase. And in turn, Iran, Russia and China will all see such massive movement coming and will be prepared. That kind of wargaming is good for books and movies, not real life.

Arman Melkonyan

What the Turks, the Jews, the Azeris and NATO in collaboration with the Russians, did to Karabakh and Armenia was nothing. The moronic Iranians were happy to join the Turkish chorus of “Karabakh is Azerbaijan” and enable the Azeris and the Jihadis to re-occupy Armenian territories on the northern frontier of Iran, to the benefit of the Israelis. Now the Jews and NATO pretty much have Iran encircled. Not a bird flies in Iran without Jewish eyes being privy to them. Stupid Mollahs. You’ll be gone before Biden seeks reelection for a second term. Or Iran will be wasted. Stupid Iranians. Your Russian-supplied S-300s will fail to engage and destroy American aircraft and missiles. Stupid Iranians. Even the S-400s hold no secrets for NATO. Putin delivered their secrets to NATO on a silver platter by subsidizing their sales to Erdogan portraying this as a great economic and tactical achievement. The Americans and the Jews already learned how to defeat them. Stupid Iranians. You got rid of your OWN superior Zoroastrian culture and religion for the barbaric Arab conquerors’ abominable perverted Islam. Now suffer the consequences at the hand of the Americans and the Jews. P.S. The Russians are ruled by Jews (Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu are all Jews). Russia is in bed with NATO and will drop you Islamic fascists faster than they dropped Christian Serbia and Christian Armenia. The Bolsheviks hate Islam no less than Christianity (both of which are cultures above and beyond the respective religions they denote). So, Now starts the real show: the royal ass kicking that the reprobate Iranians will endure at the hands of the Jews and their goyim allies and servants.

Rhodium 10

Thats your point of view….but it is all about geopolitics…and Russia&Iran have taken the Facto control of Iraq, Syria, lebanon..which means from Caspian to Mediterranean….both have the control of petrol supply routes like Hormuz strait and Azerbajan pipelines( which are close to Russian troops deployed in NK and South Ossetia)..also Through Houttis can take out of service Saudi-Aramco petrol terminal in Red sea….therefore EU and Erdogan sultanate would be collapse if that supply routes keep closed…thats why Germany and others EU countries has interests and fund it.. in build Nordstream 2 and Yamal LNG..

Arman Melkonyan

Yes, it’s my opinion only and no-one else’s.

There is absolutely no close cooperation between Russia and Iran regarding ANY matter. Remember, the Russians even refused to deliver the purely defensive S-300s to Iran after the Americans just asked them to not do so — even though the Iranians had already paid for them! The Russians have FOR YEARS enabled the Israelis and the Americans to bomb and kill Iranians, the Hezbollah, Syrians, and even their own (albeit goyim) Russian soldiers and officers, on the ground and the air. We watch together as it unfolds. There is no way the conflagration doesn’t start soon enough because there is nothing else left to do for the powers that be which rule this world. The stage is set.

cechas vodobenikov

stage set for gypsy greek murky to receive another CIA vaccination for posting bad satire

Rhodium 10

Iran captured a RQ 170 Sentinel using an Avtobaza L-122 EWS supplied by Russia….Russia Shary Shangan long range radar provide info to Iran…surely Ballistc and cruise missile that attacked Aramco and US bases had the support of Glonass….Russia use the Iran airspace and ground to supply Russian troops in Syria and Armenia…..also to supply gas and petrol to Armenia and therefore Russian troops..

Arman Melkonyan

Iran supplied shit to Armenia. And Russia supplied shit to Armenia. Russia SUBSIDIZED (that is, paid for) S-400 sales to Turkey. Russia gave away the south of Armenia to the Turks and the Azeris. Russia gave away Karabakh to Azerbaijan. Armenia is finished. Jews and Turks rule Russia, and the world, it seems. Now go post some other bullshit here or there. I don’t care anymore.

Kenny Jones ™

You can’t just be hostile to literally everyone, such a small country as yours needs big powers to guarantee its safety, Russia actually saved you but you don’t realize it yet Here’s the plan https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/953acda856c98d5dd64ce2312d4c1e6581cc88489641e49a1654616ad209f9f3.jpg

Arman Melkonyan

Get a hold of yourself.

I am not Armenia.

But I can call a spade, a spade.

And I will do so whether you like it or not.


Then f/k the Armenians …

Mark Barker



I recommend!


Then f/k the Armenians … if that’s how they feel


Probably hasn’t occurred to you but Putin may have reprogrammed the S400 for Turkey and set them up to give that information which is false to the US. Turkey wouldn’t have the faintest idea of the S400 full potential nor of its composites and programming. No wonder that your type are always on the losing side.

Arman Melkonyan

Genius, The Turks tested the S-400 and determined that it works perfectly as it should. The Americans and the Israelis know about these things more than you anyway. And they have the older S-300s delivered to the Greeks to cross -check specs and performance. Since the 1970s, it’s a fact that Russian SAMs have been generally utter failures against NATO arms. Not one Israeli jet was shot down by Russian-made Syrian systems in the past several decades, to the best of my knowledge. (That F-16 failed due to pilot error.)


Not your fault; you are probably born a fool.

Arman Melkonyan

But you surely had something to do with your having been born a genius.

cechas vodobenikov

CIA desperate–pay sour gypsy cowrie shells to train as bad comedian at SF

Great Khan

Armeni loser kishymishy. Hahaha

Rhodium 10

Iran destroyed 2 US bases and shot down a CIA Bombardier jet in Afganistan..and nothing have happened….Gulf states even Saudi Arabia dont want a war in that zone!

Great Khan

Iran brother STRONK!

Jens Holm

News to me they put pepper on them. Of trhey need starvation help from us, we will parashute pigs at them.

The Objective

You’re deluded. The Saudis want a war against Iran. But you don’t expect them to say it openly. Even the U.A.E and Bahrain want Iran weakened. The U.S did not respond to Iran’s missile attack because no Americans were killed despite Iran suffering a great loss. Again, Iran never openly took credit for the plane downed in Afghanistan. That means the U.S president will not have PUBLIC SUPPORT in America to punish Iran for it. Iran would have denied it had America accused the Mullahs.

Rhodium 10

And when Global hawk was shot down?..or a Brit petrol vessel was captured near a Royal Navy frigate?…what happened then?..by the way there was 109 US soldiers injured and accord Kuwaiti media…24 of them were severy wounded…some of them sent to Germany…Pentagon tried to dismish the losses to avoid retaliation…first 11 wounded…later 29….64….109….

Jens Holm

Thats how it is. Its a powerbalace among cats and rats.

Rhodium 10

Yes that is!…Rats killed Soleimani while Cats gave a Claw in 2 US bases in Iraq..

Jens Holm

Saudis dont want a war unless they can win. They cant, so Your insinuation is only a try for making even more contrast to support internal unity in Iran and for that matter others.

USA itself can make Iran into stoneage. But real war is an escalation. We saw how Trump was kept in line.

The Objective

The Saudis would welcome a war that weakens Iran even if the kingdom has to pay some price. Saudi Arabia is bogged down in Yemen due to Iran’s support for the Houthis. Trump did not bomb the shit out of Iran because Iran didn’t kill any American. Most Americans would not have supported the war with Iran. Because there was no credible justification for it. By credible justification, I mean American deaths.

Kenny Jones ™

Easy target for anti-ship missiles, the US understands this, so this is a sign that *no* war is coming Chances for war increase when the navy is outside of the 2k km range of Iran’s missiles, but then again they’re ineffective then and inaccurate

Jens Holm

Rhetorics of the worst kind.

Kenny Jones ™

? dropped your lollipop


Don’t think that the Iranians are too concerned as long as the US stays in international waters.

Potato Man

I just love how stupid they are…I’m not gonna even talk about how moronic it is to send nuclear sub and destroyers to Persian Gulf, and it seem the Zion are “going” with yankees.

BTW which fuking ape think all Shia in Iraq like US? Who fuking killed like one million of them before invading and stealing their land and putting NGO in Iraq. LMFAO yeah let’s ignore who aided Daesh/ISIL in Iraq….fuking morons, what the fuk they think of them.

Jens Holm

Thats right. The main parts of the Shiits dont like USA and West. Their main problems are, they dont like Iranians as well.

Another problem for them is they dont like the non shiits in Iraq and dont respect those should have parts of the oil income as well as some of those are sunni fanatics, where the ISIS ones are very hostile.

You seemed to forget, that most shiits didnt like Saddam as well and those also didnt like Kurds and others.

As for Syria I would say there should be several smaller countries and maybee in some kind of federation.

It should be easy to share the oil money given to each and every hand and for the children half and spended for education – or something like that.

That might be a fine idea for Libya as well.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans wasting fracked fuel that requires them to ruin their aquifers….these incompetents spend money to construct carrier only safe for WWI era planes see anti-empire.com

Jens Holm

Thats infantile nonsense. Hangar ships also are part of big systems and one among many tools.

At the Hormuz – as an example – the hangar ships always are protected with 4 to 10 extra ships with missiles and other kinds of heavy stuff.

The Objective

Iranian foreign minister calls Pompeo’s comment “Suspicious”. LOL. It seems the Mullahs are sensing a false-flag that drags Iran or its militias into a bitterly-disliked conflict. I think if Trump is going to hand Iran his last “unpredictable” new year gift, it’ll be on January third. This fanfare about a possible Iranian attack on or after January third is truly suspicious. A staged attack that ends up killing Americans might happen.

Proud Hindu

Iran is cornered now lol.


American ships in the Persian Gulf are sitting ducks. The captains hate to go into that trap. The Persian Gulf is about 56 km (35 mi) wide at its narrowest, in the Strait of Hormuz. The waters are overall very shallow, with a maximum depth of 90 metres (295 feet) and an average depth of 50 metres (164 feet). The submarine crew is very afraid. The waters are too shallow for a big boomer. This is insane. From a naval perspective, the Persian Gulf is an enclosed bath-tub with little “sea space” to maneuver. In all honesty, in a different naval era we would have considered a carrier in such a body of water a “sitting duck” for being bottled up in the Gulf as they are. 80% of US combat losses to ships in naval warfare in the last 40 years have been in the Persian Gulf. That is a risk that should not be overlooked. These areas are easily mined or attacked from land bases by conventional or unconventional forces. Many have forgotten the USS Tripoli, USS Princeton,USS Roberts, and USS Stark. These were US Navy ships seriously damaged in the Persian Gulf by mines and air attack and were only saved by their heroic crews’ damage control efforts. The crews of these ships then were a lot bigger than today’s minimally-manned vessels with their automated damage control systems.


Couldn’t sum it up better myself, thanks. Shallow waters allowing greater and safer maneuvering for Iranian midget and mid sized submarines specifically designed for that environment, armed with super-cavitating torpedoes and submarine-launched sea-to-surface missiles like the Jask-2 tested some time ago, with the ability to just sit at the sea-bottom and not even get detected by its US adversary, in ideal conditions for interception of strategic, bulky, heavy and slow-moving nuclear subs and destroyers designed for long-range stand off ranges in open waters. Just like B-52 strategic bombers, deploying such assets in such close proximity to Iranian defenses and area denial weapon system of all sorts is basically madness if really done in the spirit of concrete military preparations, which they are not, period.


Sorry but Strat of Hormuz is 38 km(21 miles) wide,


The Strait is the opening to the Gulf. It is a “bottleneck”.


Less than half that 21km’s is navigable. Half lies in Iran’s zone, the other half in Oman’s.

Jens Holm

6 miles are United Nation International zone, so Your describtion is highly inaccurate.

Those zones cant be closed by Iran or Oman just as fx Turkey cant close to the black sea just as Denmark cant close the Baltic Sea for anybody.

All countries has a 12 mile “private zone” as well as it goes fx for fishing, minerals and as a newer thing windpower systems.


you wanna bet jens homs mohammad osama from tel aviv?….lol. You goin get it in da booty, without you knowin it.

Jens Holm

I give a sober professional oppinion about it. I give a sober political professional oppinion too.

..And of course those always are all lies because they dont dit to Your propaganda constructions.

Fine if Israel agree too. My copuntry only gives a Kovette for guarding the Hormuz nopw and then, so I know USA and Usrael are one among many to make the balance to the local accident named Iran.

Jens Holm

strait map fx from wiki

Jens Holm

Yes, its a high risk area, but You forget many non iranian warships are there as well as airplanes.

So Ypur ducks might be true but only pictures in a movie.


Any ship in the bath tub can easily be disabled, like they have in the past.

Jens Holm

I know. But its descriebed as Iran controll things there. The are not, they are just a pain in the ass.

If they are more agressive then now, they will be KABOOMED


The Federation has a defense agreement with the Islamic Republic. No American wants to die for Israel, except the Israeli-Firsters, the supporters of the Apartheid State with the open air prisons. Trump is all bluster. The U.S. is 7000 miles from Iran. Iran is in the Federation’s back yard. Game over. “Putin had revealed the development of the new weapon in a state of the nation address in February 2019, saying it could hit targets at sea and on land with a range of 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) and a speed of Mach 9. Russia boasts of developing a number of “invincible” weapons that surpass existing systems and include Sarmat intercontinental missiles and Burevestnik cruise missiles.”

Jens Holm

Typical hostile enemy propagandalf talk of the wurst only lying for Yourself and hardly anybody else.

…And nobody else are develloping weapons and if so, they are worth nothing. We all are sitting ducks and almost as ducks at christmas evening.

And the dollar again collpased yesterday. We soon will use liras, rials and rubels as well – as toiletpaper.

So what happend with the single Armata tested in Syria. Well as often its a prestige model everyone can make to that price. If west did in a more effective way, there would be diamants and gold on it.

West only is able to bring in old dynamite to Our enemies by bicycle, so we should give up and pray towards Moscow and Mecca 5 times a day.

We are nothing and wil be exterminated as ants, if we dont give up Ourself.


What country do you live in?


Christmas Message by His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russ, to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics and all the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” we again and again joyfully sing after the choir of angels. The love of God, revealed in the Nativity of the Saviour, brings true peace to people. This peace cannot be shaken either by everyday turmoil, social upheaval, political chaos or even armed conflict, for “in Christ’s peace there mysteriously lives such a spiritual power which can subdue all earthly affliction and beguilements” (St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov, Ascetic Works). Yet how are we to acquire a peaceful disposition of the heart? How are we to become the possessors of this great spiritual gift? The holy fathers are unanimous in stating that the work of Christ’s peace in a human being is a true sign of his abiding in the Gospel commandments. Of them “above all” – we are taught by the apostle Paul – “put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God,” says the apostle, “rule in your hearts, to which also you are called” (Col 3:14-15). The Lord seeks out people of good will – those people who observe his law, who will testify to those near and those afar to salvation and “proclaim the mighty acts of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Pet 2:9).May the Lord inspire us all upon the arduous Christian life so that henceforth faith be strengthened within us, that hope fades not and that love shall ever grow; so that as we become part of the solemnity of the radiant feast of the Nativity we shall unceasingly proclaim to the world the “great mystery of godliness” (1 Tim 3:16) and bring comfort and Christ’s blessed peace to people. Amen.



Assad must stay

very interesting thank you sir

chris chuba

Trying to make sense out of the deployment, other than the obnoxious chest thumping. The nuclear submarine at least makes some sense from a utility perspective because it carries a payload of cruise missiles if we want to go crazy and start a war w/Iran and bomb them.

But what is the purpose of the two escort missile ships. The submarine doesn’t need them. To add to local air defenses for a theoretical Iranian attack? The Ticonderoga class destroyers look like they hold air defense and anti-ship missiles. I can’t see them being useful in attacking land targets or even Iranian naval targets. I don’t see a harpoon missile being cost effective against a speedboat.


Just posturing Chris what else. Iran has the largest inventory of cruise and ballistic missiles/ UCAV’s in the entire region. Just overwhelming power out to 400km’s from Iranian shores and much further using the dozens of FAC/ missile boats of the IRGC. Many of the IRIAF F-4D/ E’s/ Su-22M4-K’s jets have been retrofitted to be able to launch the Ashms from standoff range. Even those 23 or so Ghadir midget subs now can launch cruise missiles via torpedo tubes. The US won’t do nothing. It will be a blood bath on both sides. If the US launches a couple hundred Tomahawks, then Iran will just demolish every US base/ warship in the Persian Gulf/ Indian Ocean.

chris chuba

I wonder if Iran has any anti-submarine capabilities for submarines IN the Persian Gulf. I’m reading stories that make it sound like we are literally sending the USS Georgia INTO the Persian Gulf itself. I know our ships are mighty but this looks dumb. Nuclear submarines are a deep, blue water vessel, and a very good one at that. It seems like putting into a shallow gulf would take away many of its advantages. No matter, our navy never makes mistakes.

Steve Standley

agreed on the submarine. Remember also that the US still has an aircraft carrier battle group in the Persian Gulf as well. Again, tactically this is a horrible place to put an aircraft carrier.


Absolutely. PR move for domestic consumption and nothing else. Even Pompeo counted among those advising Donald AGAINST a direct strike on Iranian soil, and this was obviously not out of humanity or self-restraining spirits, knowing the wacko.


Look up for my post above Chris, totally agree with you. From a strategic standpoint, sending such high-value assets in such catastrophically risky proximity to basically every single anti-ship and anti-submarine weapon systems amounts to lunacy and utterly contradicts their core purpose and design, which is very long range stand-off strikes away from anything the enemy could have to strike them back directly. And that’s exactly why it is PR and nothing else. PLus, one has to keep Bahrain’s USN 5rh flee anchorage filled with swarming expensive, slow and heavy surface combattants often in maintenance mode that would be complete sitting ducks for Iran’s counter-attack via their extremely dense arsenal of SRBMs and cruise missiles that have proven precision and destruction power ever since the “warning” Al-Asad shots.

chris chuba

I’m not a navy guy at all but I know that Iran has the ability to deploy mines pretty quickly. I wonder if they have mine systems that would be dangerous for large submarines but less so for their midget submarines.

Iranian mines were most likely designed for surface ships. Perhaps Iran did not consider the possibility that the U.S. would be lunatic enough to risk valuable nuclear submarines in the shallow water Persian Gulf.


Don’t underestimate those little hard to detect Yono class Ghadir subs. One sank a South Korean Cheonan a few years ago with ease. It remained undetected and exited the area despite a huge search launched by the south koreans. Those midgets are ideally suited for use around the Hormuz and even a thousand miles from Iranian shores.


Chris, before we go down the naval show down route, the elephant in the room are the 200k strong shia militias parked right outside all US bases in the SyRaq and to some extent even in Afghanistan. They’ll take thousands of US soldiers hostage in a few hours, storming those compounds. That alone will pull down trumps pants in public. Naval action will be way down the line on the long list of Iranian retaliation options.


Very true and good remarks, Iranian A2/AD is not limited merely to ground assets such as LCAMs or SRBMs, they have been openly retrofitting every of their fighter-bombers with stand-off anti-ship solutions for more than a decade with demonstrated prowess and ability, and will probably do the same on their future fighter acquisition, would they be the Su-30s/35s or the likes of the J-10 or JF-17s. Even their squadron of Su-22s have that ability with fully modernized cockpit and weapon systems. Multi-pronged anti-ship assaults are absolutely within grasp of the Iranian military. Leon Panetta himself as far back as 2012 openly called the Iranian maritime denial capability a “360° threat” encompassing completely operational and deployed subsurface, surface , ground and air elements. ANd considering Iran’s huge strategic depth and consequent strategic airbase placement, they basically just have to do repeated take-off/positioning/firing ptorocols and landing back for a reload when needed, without ever requering to go past more than a few hundred kilometers from the vicinity of their homebases, à la IAF when attacking Syrian targets from the Golani airspace.


No kidding bro……Trump knows Iran’s a hard target. And in the rare event of hostilities, Iran will just swarm the PG with overwhelming firepower. They know it, that’s why they don’t fuck around. All they can do is covert assassinations or terrorism using proxies. Both Russia and China will totally back Iran in the event Trump blunders into a dead end.


Escort ships are presumably there to protect the sub from Iranian Kilo subs.

Steve Standley

Remember, there is also an aircraft carrier, which includes escort ships, also in the Persian Gulf right now.


All I would see for my part is that Orange guy’s joke of a presidency getting dragged out the window and his successor scaring the shyte out of everything Israeli or Saudi considering his obviously planned 180° U-turn on the JCPOA and his crisis-ridden USA thirsty for lucrative deals with a 80-million strong country. I see Israel/GCC’s hero hysterically grasping at his seat, and Iran as a country still standing geopolitically strong and utterly undefeated, ditto its allies and proxies toasting much more powerful foes like the pathetic KSA locked in a loosing quagmire and repeatedly losing border lands and so many expensive assets and men at their own border to a mere century-old traditional tribal militia.

Overall despite a couple completely symbolic and cowardly killings, Iran’s sphere of influence is nowhere near the verge of collapse that was over-hyped so badly after the assassination of Soleimani, while so many geniuses out there used these forums prophesying the imminent end of times for the “modern Safavid empire.”

The outgoing losers are basically trying everything possibly imaginable to desperately trigger some kind of stupid and absurd response from Tehran at this critical juncture. Like Iran has ever taken such cheap and gigantic bait to begin with, let alone now ! Seriously, what a bunch of amateurs. So what’s the next move when that one miserably fails in materializing anything as well ? provoking a war with Mickey Mouse-themed Zeppelins with ACDC’s best running through loudspeakers to their airspace ?

Like a nuclear submarine, a missile destroyer or B-52 bombers would get deployed so close to Iran so catastrophically exposed to every single Iranian ballistic and cruise assets in the event where the Pentagon is really devising active war plans, along with dozens of very large surface combattants anchored at the nearby Bahrain 5th fleet base. 400+ double and quad coastal anti-ship battery launchers with enough sea-skimming potentiel to saturate anything sitting so close to Iranian shores, ditto its 1000+ supersonic SRBMs sitting mere tens or hundreds of kilometres from the coast with target maps pre-inserted into their guidance package…

The very purpose of strategic assets is their stand-off attack capability, they make absolutely no sense deployed at the front line like this or directly within the theater they’re supposed to intervene. And that’s exactly why this latest pseudo-move is nothing more than pure and cheap PR posturing aimed at the most ignorant fringes of US domestic audience, i.e. the loosing end of the last elections still living in denial as to who is going to be sworn in as POTUS in the coming weeks.


Doublespeak …

Iran is scared Sh Xtless … lol

Israel has a sub in the Persian Gulf as well? Now why would that be? lol

Zarif says he’s speaking ‘behind the scenes’ to Blnken? What? I THOUGHT there was No discussing any changes to the Nuke Deal? LMAO

Unless Israel / the Gulf Arabs are satisfied by any new deal … count on War … a war without mercy on the Nuclear project and on the Iranian military … hello?

80 million ants … stomped on


cechas vodobenikov

anglozionists insecure fearful kittens want to be tigers. tits thought? cannot think! war? cowardly anglos lose all wars


Israel doesn’t lose … they wouldn’t exist without victory over their enemies … be assured the next War will end ALL wars with their enemies

Coming ta git ya


ahahah what a useless comment. You look so insecure bro, that’s crazy.

One use though : I see that the ranting rat Zionist has finally opened his filthy racist mouth and then crying foul about antisemitism. 80 million “ants” hey ? I wonder how all the anti-Islamic ones would feel when reading your comments you dumb retard. You foul-mouthed retarded fuckhead.

Count on war ? even Pompeo said fuck you to Donald about a direct last-ditch military strike and crisis-ridden USA is thirsty for lucrative new deals with a 80-million strong educated people with western sensitivities and willingness to open to the outside world had the Orange bitch not ruined it all after the Obama admin. Lol.

Get over it, your time has passed and no war will happen, Iran will stay strong and go upwards from now on, Israel and the GCC salafist-sponsoring terror states can choke on their genocidal hopes and their idiotic fanboys such as yourself can grow old and die with it as well. First yell out anger, then sit on the fringes, and finally get forgotten by history. LMFAO.


Bombastic aXX whole that you are … delete away …. scum bag

Your ilk ‘think’ deletion is removing truth … like a ostrich hiding it’s head … LMFAO


So you acknowledge that’s exactly what you meant, thanks again.

That 80 million Iranians on this Earth are nothing but ants that need to be stomped, congratulations you’re reaching new lows at every turn gosh it’s unbelievable. You’re as brilliant as ever, with that toilet of a mind.


You’re dead meat …


ahaha, you’re priceless :)

rakesh nagar



Ok. Thank you

Mafer Xi

thank you very much

marlin greene



Ok. Thank you

Luís Antonio De Marchi

Ok. Thank you

Arman Melkonyan

The Americans and the Jews will destroy Iran. You will be surprised how helpless Iran really is. Russia is ruled by Jews. Putin will betray Iran just like he betrayed the Armenians. War is next because there is nothing else left to do for the Freemasons and the Talmudic Frankist Jews to take the peoples’ collective eyes off the ball. There won’t be much bread but lots of circus for the goyim. They saved the best for last: I give you THE DESTRUCTION OF IRAN!

Servet Köseoğlu

The USS Georgia is armed with4 × 21 in (533 mm) torpedo tubes and 154 × BGM-109 Tomahawks in 22 groups of seven.



Behold the mighty USA army! They were left damaged by collisions from fishermen’s boats and merchants ships. But as Great Ruler Obama Ebola said:

“Make No Mistake!”

The USA army remains mighty greater than ever.


“”” The USS Georgia is armed with4 × 21 in (533 mm) torpedo tubes and 154 × BGM-109 Tomahawks in 22 groups of seven.”””

We have seen how tomahawk missiles performed in an EW environment in Syria.

Arman Melkonyan

Russia will not supply crucial EW equipment to Iran, just like it didn’t, to Armenia. Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu are all Jews and crypto-Zionists. The S-300s will fail to engage and destroy NATO aircraft and missiles. Iran will be devastated.




You are becoming rather idiotic in your comments.


The Krasukha-4 broadband multifunctional jamming station is mounted on a BAZ-6910-022 four-axle-chassis. Like the Krasukha-2, the Krasukha-4 counters AWACS and other airborne radar systems. The Krasukha-4 has the range effectively to disrupt low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites and can cause permanent damage to targeted radio-electronic devices.[2][5] Ground based radars are also a viable target for the Krasukha-4.[1]



Russian Ground Forces



Assad must stay

maybe 30 years ago this was a threat for iran but today, they are laughing at it hahahahahha iran has more than enough means to defend itself from this type of thing

Arman Melkonyan

Iran is helpless against US and Israeli attacks as you’ll discover shortly. What happened to Iraq and Syria will be a walk in the park in comparison.

Assad must stay

Hahaha keep dreaming punkass

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