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U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Here’s one way to look at the corruptness that rules America’s Government:

U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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Here’s another way to view it:

U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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Here’s another and more recent view of this:

U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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Here’s more, and a deeper economic, perspective on that:

U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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Each year, more than half of the money that the U.S. Congress votes to spend, pays for America’s invasions and attempted coups, such as in Syria:

U.S.: Shortest Life-Expectancy & Highest Healthcare Costs. Why?

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America’s aristocracy wants to conquer more countries. Tax-monies go to those purposes, much more than to health care, but what America does spend on health care is free-market and designed to profit investors, more than to benefit the public.

America’s billionaires are thriving this way. They control the Government (by means of their news-media, corporations, lobbyists, ‘non-profits’, and etc.); and, so, it serves them very well.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Joe Biden's Mummified Face

Pfizer made billions on shit vaccines perhaps they can make one for Joe’s Alzheimer


The reason is that Obama fed the American people to the private health insurance industry. That industry is comprised of predatory corporations whose main job is to minimize expense for maximum profit while providing healthcare. They are the gatekeepers through which all American medical costs run through. As a profit making enterprise unleashed on the American people (like cows in a feedlot) they’ve excelled at reducing the quality of medical care incrementally while increasing the expense of it. That’s the main reason we don’t have universal healthcare. These companies make hundreds of billions yearly for their stockholders.

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