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MARCH 2025

U.S. Soldiers Injured In Standoff With Russian Forces In Northeastern Syria (Videos)

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UPDATE (12:00 CEST 27.08.2020): The White House National Security Council (NSC) confirmed in a statement that a Russian vehicle struck a US MRAP “causing injuries to the vehicle’s crew.”

National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot claimed that US forces were a security patrol of the anti-ISIS coalition and accused Russia of breaking de-confliction protocols.

“Unsafe and unprofessional actions like this represent a breach of de-confliction protocols, committed to by the United States and Russia in December 2019,” Ullyot said.

“The coalition and the United States do not seek escalation with any national military forces, but U.S. forces always retain the inherent right and obligation to defend themselves from hostile acts.”

This version contradicts the statement by the Russian Defense Ministry that said that the US military was trying to block a Russian patrol in the area. The Russian side informed the US-led coalition in advance that its military police column will pass through.

“In spite of this, in breach of the existing agreements the U.S. troops attempted to block the Russian patrol” it said. The Defense Ministry added that Russian forces took “necessary measures” to end the incident and carry on their mission.


U.S. service members were lightly injured (mild concussion-like symptoms) during a recent standoff with Russian forces in northeastern Syria, U.S. officials told Reuters on August 26.

According to one of the officials, the service members sustained “mild injures” as a result of a collision with Russian forces. The official said there was no fire exchange  during the standoff, which took place earlier this week.

According to Politico, the number of ‘injured’ US troops is four.

Russian sources shared several videos of the incident. One of the videos shows Russian and U.S. armored vehicles chasing each other in al-Hasakah countryside. A second video shows a Russian helicopter harassing U.S. troops that were trying to block a Russian patrol in the region.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia and the U.S. Department of Defense have not released an official statement on the incident, thus far.

Several similar incidents involving Russian and U.S. troops took place in Syria’s northeastern region over the last few months. Nevertheless, this is the first time injures were reported.

The incident was likely the result of U.S. forces’ repeated attempts to restrict the movement of the Russian Military Police in northeastern Syria. These attempts are jeopardizing stability in the region.

A few hours later, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley made a phone call to Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, the Pentagon said. The US military did not provide details regarding the agenda of the phone call, but it is likely that the sides discussed the recent incident in northeastern Syria.

Forces of the United States and Russia regularly find themselves engaged in various small-scale incidents in the area as both sides seek to block operations of each other there. After the first deployment of the Russian Military Police in Syria’s northeast, forces of the US-led coalition immediately started trying to block the movement of Russian patrols near al-Hasakah. Later, the Russian Military Police and the Syrian Army, with support of pro-government locals, joined this standoff by blocking the movement of US military convoys.

The recent developments demonstrate that these actions may easily lead to a further escalation at any moment.


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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Eat dirt Bud! lol


That’s far less than the US Zioterrorist invaders deserve for their massmurderous interventionism in support of ISIS/al-Qaeda and Kurd terrorists. With luck the orders to harass the US terrorists came straight from the Kremlin and become policy from now on.

Kenny Jones ™

True, but you gotta trust the Russian bear, we’ll give Trump an election eve surprise he won’t forget, the coming months will only escalate, also by the resistance


This should be nice

“China Fires Two Missiles Into Sea As “Warning To US” In Huge Escalation Following Spy Plane Breach” https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-fires-two-missiles-sea-warning-united-states-biggest-escalation-yet

Kenny Jones ™

Would be nice if China annexed Taiwan in November first..

Ivan Freely

Annexation not required. All they need to do is get rid of those quislings in Taipei.

Zionism = EVIL

Anyone who has driven in Russia should know that fucking with Russian drivers is not a good idea, especially those in armored vehicles as the stupid dumbass Americunt arseholes are finding out.


Russian BTR-80 rams the Americunts of the road, while a armed MI-8 and MI-24 Hind gunship provides air cover :)


US warmongers cruising for a bruising and they got it!

James Adams


Kenny Jones ™

I dislike the west, but I hate america, I don’t live there so it’s good, and many westerners themselves dislike it too, go ask around

James Adams


Servet Köseoğlu

ouch…ı need to get out buy pop-corn,cola….seems drunk ivan is on rampage…Double k.o..ps:heli pilot is experienced,smart creating air-pressure. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/358fdb2058be3482156703a72d0d2f25c200bb7c0658af6f37ded150d11070b0.png

Lone Ranger

Drunk Billy Bob*

Lone Ranger

Another MRAP overturn? Uncle Sam should sue the manufacturer…

Simon Ndiritu

Now, that is truly funny!!

Christopher Petrov

the manufacturer CEO is trembling in his Florida mansion watching these videos thinking any moment US military can recall them lol


Looks like fun! Someone shat his pampers there but I expect escalation.

Christopher Petrov

broken hip, 4 concussions, shat panties, and 4 purple hearts


Or US staged with Russia a rampage in which they look a bit blood nose just to compensate for the unprovoked death of a SAA soldier less than a week ago.


This is getting very interesting and rather entertaining. Now low flying helicopters involved to add some excitement ! :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Wait until an unmanned T14 drives up to them, lol.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Russians could charge American colleagues for providing air condition.

Kenny Jones ™

God Americans are bad drivers, no wonder so many traffic accidents in the US

Kenny Jones ™

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_vehicle-ramming_attack_on_United_States_troops_in_Syria Priorities..


Where are the U.S AH-64 gunships?! should have been there.


LOL!!! leave it out prick.

Lone Ranger

For what? Starting WWIII?


No, giving aircover to the troops like the Russians did.

Lone Ranger

Russia didnt gave aircover, they only had some fun.


It doesn’t look like that, you don’t fly over the heads of U.S troops and call it fun. They could have easily called for aircover if they felt threatened by that action.

Lone Ranger

Why over react? If the Russian helo was about to engage it would do it from hundreds of yards away. The fact that it hovers above them means its semi friendly. Russia and U.S. are both used to that since the 50s. Its a cat and mouse play with alternating roles. Take it easy, Russians arent terrorists.


Fair enough Ranger, accepted.

Lone Ranger


rightiswrong rightiswrong

So they could, but they didn’t.

The US promised to bomb Iran into oblivion IF they fired missiles at US bases, and we all know they chickened out of that, pronto, lol.

Lone Ranger

But it would be a fun contest which helo can throw up more sand and which gas turbine can handle it longer, bets would be interesting :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So they should have been, but fear is a powerful restraint on the weak minded.

Of course, if an Apache would turn up, so would a Ka 52 or Mil 28. Or didn’t you know that Russia have attack choppers as well!

Kenny Jones ™

Where are the Russian FOABs? Should’ve been there


You know that bomb would kill the Russian soldiers too right? it has a huge radius hit.

Kenny Jones ™

There’s Russians in the White House?


Thought you wanted them to hit the U.S forces in Syria, but sure they can use FOAB and then risk starting a nuclear war.

Christopher Petrov

lol a bit overkill I would say


You are a retarded kid!

Christopher Petrov

Ok so there would be ah64 and mi-35 just circling around eachother while Russian BTR ram into american mrap on the ground. That solves nothing, still american cowards shit their panties and get concussions.


I wish that Chopper had unloaded on those morons.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Then they wouldn’t have to spend the rest of their miserable lives recalling how the Russians threw sand in their faces, like the wimps they are, and they just took it.

You gotta love the Russkies for that, lol.


Left wing wants to paint a picture. Plant story?

peter mcloughlin

Such incidents “are jeopardizing stability in the region” – in the world. During the Cold War the superpowers learned how to keep their distance. It is not wise to forget the warnings of history. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/



US understands only language of force…. Russia kept complaining and retreating; so now they have huge number of NATO troops on their border as result ! Russia must respond if not US sees that as weakness.

peter mcloughlin

Russia does have concerns that need to be respected.

Laurent Parodi

Forward deployments of us troops make those troops more vulnerable to missile strikes. In case of escalations the US is just providing more targets. Look at the missile attack on us bases by Iran this year.


That is not the point !

Forward deployment with excessive force is always seeking or even provoking the incident sooner or later. Those NATO troops are already sacrificial lambs made by US command (in the case of any conflict with Russia). They are just staying there to force them to get involved (in the case of conflict and casualties ) all 30 countries on US side against Russia! That is the real (simple ) plan. To trigger Russia to overreact by excessive occasional small provocations on regular bases so that famous “article 5” can be applied ! That is all there is to it ! So Russia is having plenty of provocateurs on her border and not their true army.

Laurent Parodi

I agree. Russia is being too patient. But that s the plan. Russia is buying time. Russian armed forces are more ready now than they were in 2014. When you have to face an hostile force which wants war you strengthen your army and you try your best to not give the hostile force what it wants. In case of war 1 country 10 countries or 30 countries will make no difference because of nuclear weapons and hypersonic delivery systems: everybody will lose.


What people does not want to understand is that doesn’t matter ,how strong Russia is they are just one trick pony. Against NATO 1 trillion military budget and almost 1 billion population NATO is bit too much for this Russia and her financial and human resources. Without going nuclear (sooner rather than later) Russia would lose conventional war at the end by ATTRITION ! So Russia doesn’t have really any other but nuclear option yet idiots keep asking or complaining why Russia doesn’t attack some NATO members The answer is ; that would be the last war for everybody on this planet including Russia.

US is self defeating country and only IDIOTS can’t see that!! So it only takes TO SIT AND WAIT and nothing else ! Once dollar collapses China and Russia will fill the vacuum after US dwindles away.

The same thing has happened with USSR when US was filling the vacuum left by USSR by expanding NATO

Laurent Parodi

I agree on everything except 1 point. Russia can strike to every military bases as far as 2000 kms from its borders without leaving its airspace protected by thousand of air defence systems. Which means that no enemy planes will be able to take off in a matter of a few hours if not less. Nato cannot fight if it doesn t own the sky. Attacking Russia without air support is suicidal. Not to mention that nato would need tens of armored divisions. Russia can destroy the supply lines and strike those military formations long before they would reach russian borders. So even in a conventional war russia won t lose. The force which would be forced to go nuclear would be nato not russia. Russia won t start anything time is on its side and waiting is the only way to avoid war and not transforming a “if” into a “when”.


What makes Nato weak is some of its members,they are not willing to commit suicide in some hot war with Russia provoked by the US,i knew Nato were a paper tiger years ago,they are ok pushing small Countries about,their bluff needs calling,even when that drunken asshole Yeltsin was in power and Russia was very weak they sent paras to secure Pristina airport Nato went into panic mode,they didn’t know what to do.


1st you are one of the worst examples of armchair general I have met in quite long time. Your are talking about possibility of world war conflict being completely out of touch with the reality. Probably because younger generation video game mentality out of touch with reality.

Explaining your bollocks strategy without realizing that would be only the beginning of Armageddon and the end of all of us! It is fascinating how very intelligent people can be a huge idiots in the same time.

It is also sickening to which point you all see Russia as only your personal army and extended hand in service to everybody and anybody from Assad to Iran to every armchair general and any dork typewriting “strategic” bollocks! This is not your favorite video game you nitwit but the REALITY we are talking about!!

Russia can do huge number of things militarily. The only unanswered and never understood questions by one dimensional people like you is: SHOULD Russia do that and what are the consequences for Russia and the world after that?!! What “convectional war” you effing idiot?!!! There is no such thing as “conventional war” in confrontation between nuclear Super Power like Russia and NATO !! You have been reading too many Pentagon generals lunatics who talk about “conventional war” or “limited tactical nukes use” just to open some more space to keep pressure on Russia (that they hate so much) They say that also because they are INSANE !!!

What you call “conventional war” would be only first half an hour of “warming up” before first tactical nukes would start to fly from all sides and next moment we would have strategic nukes flying all over the globe ! It is fascinating to which point you can be blinded. You apparently see most of things extremely clearly but essential is missing! 1.) Russia will NEVER attack first !

2.)war against Russia is MASS SUICIDE for all planet and every living creature that is on this planet!

Laurent Parodi

You are saying what I said in a previous comment just above when I wrote that war with Russia means that everybody will lose and when I wrote that russia won t start anything. You and I are saying the same thing. It seems you cannot read properly. So who is the idiot again?


To read what again?! Something that you took out of context and want to create contradiction?

My opinion is always the same so why would I “read” my comments ? There is no such thing as “conventional war’ between NATO and Russia! I can’t be more clear than I am now.

It could be only “conventional” start of the war before nukes start to fly, nothing else!

You claim that I was talking about “conventional war ” as completely separate option?!? That must be some misunderstanding ! Russia has published white paper about their strategy in the case of the attack of “‘overwhelming force”(=NATO) on Russia that they will use the “tactical nukes” to annihilate that force before even putting their foot in Russia! Russians are obsessed of NOT repeating 1941-45 ! They will nuke the shit out of anything that moves if somebody even spells the words “declaration of war” to them!

It is OFFICIAL RUSSIAN APPROACH to the problem and message to NATO and lunatic US generals that there will be no such thing as “conventional war” and destroying Russian land and people like during previous invasions! I keep blabbing my mouth all the time about that and now you accuse me that I didn’t say that?! What the hell did I say than?!

Band Itkoitko

My personal impression is that the US as a nation doesn’t have cultural, psychological, and spiritual reserves to withstand a massive confrontation with massive losses. The society is extremely fragile as it doesn’t have sufficient historically nurtured and tested “glue” to keep it together through major trials. The US is effectively a corporation, a business concentrated on fiat money growth and exporting illusions, and it’s quite immature. War and death are real. There they cannot invent alternative realities like CNN, Hollywood, social media, etc. In the battle, they would need to face the actual reality and grow up quickly, and lose their special status and exceptionalism. This by itself would crash them and would have a “nuclear effect”. They couldn’t handle it. They don’t even seem capable of handling a war with Iran. Actually, they can hardly handle even peace. The US is going to die naturally by internal processes and lack of adaptive capacity. This may involve civil unrest(s) or war(s) but probably they can even disappear without such things.

The main culprit for the inadequacy of the US and the West, in my opinion, is their terrifying obsessive fixation with avoiding adversity. It’s a very deep topic how accepting the cross of suffering can build up people, nations, cultures in the long run and how avoiding that can lead to tyranny, narcissism, and all things that we observe.


I concur with your little analysis of the decline; implosion of the US society. I personally think that their endurance of nuclear strike is of secondary importance. Since I honestly do not see confrontation between US and Russia as limited nuclear confrontation (if it ever comes to that). There would be much more than “massive losses” and life would be absolutely horrible for all survives. Only dead would be the lucky ones.

I absolutely agree with “alternative realities”. That “War and death are real” I think that they understood that in Venezuela the last time. Heads full of their stupid movies and the video games, suddenly they wake up to the reality ending up as prisoners. And there was nothing “exceptional” about them like they were told all their pathetic lives.

I would never go into the intricacy of how are they dying from within and what is going to finish them off (if anything).

It is natural process of decay that affects every declining decadent society. That is all there is to it . I would not go further than that. I have no sympathy for the Neo-colonial society that is behind so many wars and global discords, supporters of global and Israeli terrorism. They have brought everything upon themselves. The suner they go the better! And if that process needs a push I’ll do my contribution gladly.

I do not know where is that”avoiding adversity” is coming from?

That is something I would not agree with. They do “avoid” their own suffering (like all cowards) but they have no problem whatsoever with destroying other countries. And see no problem with suffering they create themselves to numerous nations and people. Only animals could approve throwing napalm over Vietnamese villagers, women and children! Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki civilians for no reason really. Killing millions of Cambodians, the country that was not even in the war against them! And I could go on and on with examples of American cowardly primitive savagery.

US is all about wars ever since they become Super Power and even before that. Today they are just one huge private corporate printing press of fiat currency and huge war machine starting conflicts and wars on regular bases.

They love to kill each other and foreigners in their foreign nations. It is cult of money and cult of death built on moronic consumer society culture. I would not get too philosophical or mystical and I don’t see that as problem of reediness for “suffering” but above all as banal absence if even most basic human decency.

Simon Ndiritu

It is not possible when one riot-ridden country bestows upon itself the power to vet and confer “superpower-dom”, to others and continues insisting on having the power to do anything to any country, anywhere,anytime.


Nicely spoken Mr. Ndiritu . But “bestowed power” is not from yesterday, the way you are presenting it.

The only world power that has rejected immediately, the absolute US dominance (including Breton Woods finacial neocolonialism) has self destructed 30 years ago. Leaving US to itself (the worst of possible situations for them). Through destruction of USSR was created germ in that process and that germ has killed US “Super Power” a relic of cold war era. A prisoner of its own hubris and purposelessness.

Laurent Parodi

Trump supports peace according to his fans. On those videos I see how the situation in Syria became safer thanks to trumps wisdom. It s wonderful.

Concrete Mike

Tu niaises?

Obama openly supported jabhat al.nusrah. In 2016 direct air support to isis at thurdah mountain.

Trump is an Idiot, a loud idiot, but yes he did scale back in syria. He would have pulled out more had it not been for a dubious “isis” bombing on a cia agent, conviniently a woman. So he had to scale back his american troop withdrawal.

Trump est une cible facile, il est la marionette, mafia tire les ficelles.

Laurent Parodi

J ironisais ca fait pas de mal. Oui Trump est un imbecile ce que je ne comprends pas c est pourquoi autant de gens le soutiennent comme s il etait un resistant ou un homme de paix.


Those Amricunts run like rabbits! Run rabbit run, you will clean your shit stained undies later!


yeah, body bag them home to their moms in the flyover states, replete with under-educated and obese unemployed goners. the white trash can be found in the white house, such as moron trump or pomeo or slime jew kushner. they truly need to be taken off the chart for the well being of the world. amazing that a dumbed down racist can become president of the yankee-twats.


Good! Get these fucking Ziombies (Zionist infected Zombies) out of there!! They DO NOT BELONG IN SYRIA!!! The are occupying parts of a sovereign nation ILLEGALLY!!!!

James Adams


johnny rotten

Outcome plus PTSD to be treated on early return home for poor GIs.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The Russians decided the Americans needed their heads knocking together!

Traiano Welcome

… Four Purple Heads …

Антон С

And purple butts.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

That Mi-8 dust storm video is just hilarious… Needed the Rambo III music to go with it… So here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u49PPN1jT9o

Антон С

It was french “Puma” in the role of Mi-24.

Assad must stay



Note the title of third video: “Americans and Russians had joint Patrol in Malikyah” It sort of looked that way. LOL

Assad must stay

russia needs to kick out US invaders, they have absolutely no good reason being in syria, nothing but land/oil thieves

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans have zero self respect—the self uglified amerikans r in syria illegally

Simon Ndiritu

I am interested to know what could have been done to Russians to result to this, given that they are always calm, composed and not engaging in provocations. It must have been serious

Ivan Freely

Well, a Russian General was assassinated recently.

Simon Ndiritu

Yea, that could have been the reason. It has been reported that over 300 terrorists have been packaged and mailed to their maker as a response.


It could also “help” another possibility:

that those Americunts were in restricted area near Russian airbase (chopper and mobile patrols were alerted about intruders into the RESTRICTED AREA because trespassing to snoop around… To put some GPS locators-emitters or similar crap instruments for spying and such.

So Russians after thinking few seconds what to do, they have decided to chase them away.


They were used to harassing the Tigrs. The Typhoons and BTR-80s are a different ball game.

James Adams

Why don’t the Americans just kill them already and get it over with. Their no match for US might

Christopher Petrov

haha please try that, Russian AF and attach helis would roast you. not to mention the iskanders that would annihilate your bases

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