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MARCH 2025

U.S. Space Force Officially Reorganizes Itself And Begins Preparing Offensive Capabilities

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U.S. Space Force Officially Reorganizes Itself And Begins Preparing Offensive Capabilities

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On July 24th, the US Space Force held a pre-recorded ceremony, which celebrated the organizational changes needed to finally take it out from under the wing of the US Air Force and turn it into its own separate department.

This taking place was previously announced on June 30th.

When fully implemented, the field organization will consist of three echelons of command named field command, delta or garrison depending on focus, and squadron, eliminating one general officer echelon and one O-6 echelon of command.

“Today we take action, an important and significant step, towards the development of a 21st century service purpose-built to achieve speed, agility, and unity of effort,” said Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, chief of space operations, in the recorded video. “This ceremony highlights the most significant restructure of space units since the establishment of the Air Force Space Command in 1982.”

The Space Force inactivated three space wings and eight lower echelon commands, and in place activated Space Training and Readiness Delta Provisional, two garrison commands and eight mission deltas.

“The United States Space Force is being structured to organize, train, and equip a lean and agile force spreading the responsibilities across the future units to more quickly enable space operators to protect and defend America’s interests in space,” said Col. Suzy Streeter, the narrator for the ceremony.

STAR Delta Provisional will serve as the precursor organization to the eventual Space Training and Readiness Command field command, known as STARCOM.

STARCOM’s main purpose will be to develop “combat-ready space forces and space warfighting capabilities in order to innovate and dominate in all domains – air, land, sea, space and cyberspace.”

“Today’s activation of STAR Delta is a crucial first step in the command taking its place at the forefront of delivering a ready space force that is prepared to meet the challenges of defending the nation’s interests in space” said Col. Pete Flores, commander, STAR Delta.

The remaining two field commands will be:

  1. Space Operations Command – responsible for organizing, training, and equipping fielded space forces who will execute space warfighting operations for combatant commanders, coalition partners, the joint force, and the nation.
  2. Space Systems Command – responsible for developing, acquiring, fielding, and sustaining lethal and resilient space capabilities for warfighters.

As space operations are predominantly conducted by non-expeditionary forces, the Space Force’s new field structure effectively organizes space forces to fight in place within mission deltas and aligns installation support functions within garrisons.

Respectively, the US Space Force will only have two garrisons:

  1. The Peterson-Schriever Garrison will be headquartered at Peterson AFB and will also be responsible for Thule Air Base, Greenland; Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Colorado; Kaena Point AFS, Hawaii and New Boston AFS, New Hampshire. This Garrison will support 16 additional mission locations around the world.
  2. The Buckley Garrison will be responsible for installation support to Cape Cod AFS, Massachusetts; Cavalier AFS, North Dakota; Clear AFS, Alaska, and will support 10 additional mission locations around the world.

Following the garrison activations, the Space Force established eight mission deltas. A space mission delta may be categorized as operational, support or specialized as determined by the collection of its subordinate units. Space deltas are designed to focus on executing complex missions to empower rapid decision making as an integral part of joint operations.

Following the garrison activations, the Space Force established eight mission deltas.

“A space mission delta may be categorized as operational, support or specialized as determined by the collection of its subordinate units. Space deltas are designed to focus on executing complex missions to empower rapid decision making as an integral part of joint operations.”

Raymond closed the ceremony highlighting the new commanders’ opportunity to integrate space power into the strategic environment, building a comprehensive military advantage in space.

“Your charge is simple – to lead, inspire, and prepare our space forces to win in an era of contested space operations,” said Raymond. “The joint force is counting on you to be bold and agile in the face of threats and to deliver war-winning capabilities to our forces, our allies, and our partners operating around the earth. We know you will guarantee the Space Force is always above the next challenge.”


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Assad must stay

yes we should all be terrified of their mighty starships and starfighters hahahahahaha

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid arseholes can’t even provide masks and gloves to their moronic imploding population and the loser Jew controlled fuckwits want to wage war in space. No wonder the shithole is bankrupt and a civil war looms. Totally delusional fucktards.


Fog of War

Careful though, there is evidence that ZioAmerica has been running an ” off the books ” space program for over a decade now, if not longer. Its highly probable the recent public announcement of the Space Force was made because the ZioAmericans have everything ” ready ” and no longer need to keep things secret. Not to mention, they stole all of Tesla’s work after his death. I’m sure you’re familiar with the technological developments he was working on. There is more here then meets the – eye – .

Tommy Jensen

Exactly. No more talk, America is taking action!

We have and we maintain leadership in all areas of innovation to dominate in all domains – air, land, sea, space, underground and cyberspace! Period.

The Space Command will have main strategic dominance targets within world wide Finance, world wide Media and world wide Energy and world wide Terror and the charge is simple::

We lead, inspire, and prepare our space forces to win in an era of contested space operations, to be bold and agile in the face of threats and to deliver war-winning capabilities to our forces, our allies, and our partners operating around the earth, the US Space Force is and will always be above the next challenge.

Its that simple man!! When others are talking the talk, America is walking the walk! We do it, and you sleep!!

Lone Ranger

Nice Starfleet emblem. When is the new NX Class coming…?

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Don’t you know that StarTrek is an US Navy PR project from the beginning (same as TopGun was USAF’s). They even filmed an episode on world’s first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. USS Entherprise – rings no bell?


It is cheap to wage war in “space”

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