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U.S. Supplies $14 Million Worth Of Military Equipment To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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The U.S. Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut announced on April 16 that Washington had delivered $14,3 million worth of military equipment to the Lebanese military as a part an ongoing military aid program.

According to a short press release by the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, the new shipment included night-vision devises, radio systems and other military equipment.

Most of the equipment and weapons supplied to Lebanon under the military aid program are either second-handed or from older generations. Military experts even claim that some of the equipment were down-graded, like the M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) Lebanon received last year.

Earlier this month, the U.S. delivered six ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to the Lebanese military in order to boost its limited reconnaissance capabilities.

Lebanese experts believe that the U.S. is beefing up its support for the Lebanese military in order to present it later as an alternative for Hezbollah or even to extract concessions from the country’s government on some regional issues.


U.S. Supplies $14 Million Worth Of Military Equipment To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Supplies $14 Million Worth Of Military Equipment To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Supplies $14 Million Worth Of Military Equipment To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Supplies $14 Million Worth Of Military Equipment To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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Stooge making. Time for Hezbollah to do a little Taliban and target practice on stooges.

Rafik Chauhan

sUS always taken lebnon as 2nd class people and always supplied 2nd hand gear just to please Zionist. when doesn lebnon people in north and some politician would be slave of whbhi zionist


Because not everybody in Lebanon loves Hezbollah? A Shia organization backed by Iran. And since not everyone in Lebanon is Shia I would suspect that there are some in Lebanon who don’t like Iran having so much influence in the country.

There is never a shortage of locals that are willing to let themselves be used as stooges for the Empire because they think they will have something to gain.


The funny thing is, that this is intended for opposing Hezbollah, whereas part of it will likely end up in their arsenal.


1 million bucks – wht’s that, nothing when you consider that moronistan (aka usa, home of the morons) has spent more than a trillion friggin bucks in the middle east including afghanistan over the last 18 years. that is about 150 million dollars per day so the 15 million in weapons to lebanon is a 10th of a day’s cost – it’s close to nothing and if the morons believe that that will change the course of developments in the middle east, they are just plain dumber than a herd of asses- which mire or less puts the morons in perspective – have a good larf at their expense.

S Melanson

It is chicken s__t in the arms export market and it is substandard junk to boot. The article is also strange in its logic:

“Most of the equipment and weapons supplied to Lebanon under the military aid program are either second-handed or from older generations. Military experts even claim that some of the equipment were down-graded…”


“Lebanese experts believe that the U.S. is beefing up its support for the Lebanese military in order to present it later as an alternative for Hezbollah or even to extract concessions from the country’s government on some regional issues.”

Is the author implying that Lebanese experts are idiots? No further comment.


Nose of F35


$14 million would buy you a set of tyres for a Humvee.

S Melanson

You forgot to mention the $100,000,000 loan from the IMF to seal the deal. Humvee tyres are not your everyday tyres. The $14 million dollar price tag is only sufficient to buy a set of tires for the Toyotas supplied to the Coalition so they can be blown up by the Houthis and more tires and Toyotas get ordered – clearly the global arms market is beneficial as it bolsters world trade…

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