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U.S., The Kingdom And Russia To Negotiate Potential End Of Oil Price War

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U.S., The Kingdom And Russia To Negotiate Potential End Of Oil Price War

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On March 31st, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to dispatch energy officials to discuss oil prices as they continue going down.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskovsaid Putin and Trump agreed on the call that “current oil prices aren’t in the interests of our countries.”

The White House initially didn’t release a summary but later said both leaders “agreed on the importance of stability in global energy markets.”

Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends” Monday that he was making the call, explaining he doesn’t want to see the U.S. energy sector “wiped out” over low oil prices.

“I never thought I’d be saying that maybe we have to have an oil increase, because we do. The price is so low,” he said.

On April 1st, US WTI crude oil sits at $20.52, after falling under $20 on the previous day. Brent crude oil sits at $25.51.

Trump, on March 31st, said that Russia and Saudi Arabia were discussing over ways to end the oil price war that Riyadh began.

He said that he would consider “joining at the appropriate time if need be.” The president added that he had “great” talks with both Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the situation.

Then, Trump did add that the US would meet with Russia and Saudi Arabia in order to solve the crisis.

“They’re going to get together and we’re all going to get together and we’re going to see what we can do,” he said. “The two countries are discussing it. And I am joining at the appropriate time, if need be.”

If it happens, it would be the first meeting between Saudi Arabia and Russia since the collapse of the OPEC+ coalition in early March.

Saudi Arabia continues flooding the market with its discounted crude oil, pushing prices further down.

The global benchmark crude has already plunged to record lows, posting the worst quarter in history.

“It’s not even feasible what’s going on,” Trump said, adding that the price meltdown was harming the oil industry. “You don’t want to lose an industry — you’re going to lose an industry over it.”

Still, he celebrated the low gasoline prices brought about by the market downturn, calling them “the greatest tax cut we’ve ever given.”

“People are going to be paying 99 cents for a gallon of gasoline,” he said. “It’s incredible in a lot of ways.”

Naturally, it is a relatively positive scenario in the current situation in the US, since the COVID-19 epidemic has led to great financial loss and is a great threat to the market.

However, Trump’s statement mean that Saudi Arabia’s bid to begin an all out price war is not feasible and needs preventive measures.


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I don’t see a quick remedy to this dilemma. They are talking and that is a step. But, the US escalation with Venezuela also shows they have not learned enough of a lesson yet and/or President Trump has little control over what his people are doing. The US and KSA are in a real pickle at this point, far more than Russia. It is an interesting dance.

Jens Holm

Venezuala. Go and blow Your Venezuala:)


Get covid and die Danish trash.

Jens Holm

For the moment its not allowed to get covid in Denmark. Its a Goverment demand.

If I am typical middleclass in the middle of that and not low standing. Very few in Denmark are trash. We help people by income tax payimg them up with education and medical care, so they grow in income and have a good life having more then a candle or a lamppost.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You mean that God on Earth Margrethe the second isn’t the supreme leader of the devout Danes?

She surely directs the government, after you Danish twats bow to your God in Denmark!

I’m shocked. lol

Jens Holm

Not at all. We trust each other and the system we have and make good results.

So its about civile courage. In situations like this almost all i solidarity do, as we are told to by doctirs and politicians.

Danes are the supreme leaders of Denmark in matters like this. We are raised to that. Its named democrasy and parlamentarisme.

And we are parling about the future too. We have to. But so far we after a delayed start is doing pretty well.

And the Queen is a very clever and respected one. Not all Kings has been like her. We listen and take the small hints she is allowed to give us. Its in Our constitution that God should be on Our side. I am sekular, but if there is a God or several its probatly very good not to have them agaist us:)


rightiswrong rightiswrong

You worship her, your god on earth.

You fucking pagan, aryan wanker, believing Margrethe the fucking second is a god, a good protesting god. who doesn’t have periods, nor shits or fart.

And you think you are more advanced than those other cretins from the desert. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

With God on Your Side. lol

About time you listened to Dylans version of it.

“We forgave the Germans, and then we were friends, Though they murdered 6 million, In the ovens they fried, The Germans now too have, God on their side.

I learned to hate the Russians, all through my whole life, If another war comes, it’s them we must fight, To hate them and fear them, To run and to hide, And accept it all bravely, with God on our side.

And now as I’m leaving, I’m weary as hell, The confusion I’m feeling, ain’t no tongue can tell, The words fail my head, and I fall to the floor, Cos if God’s on our side, He’ll stop the next war.”

Your Gods are war gods, you servile prick.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jens has God on his side.

Represented by a living God, Queen Margrethe the Second.

He’s as crazy as Pence, Pompous and all the other fundamentalist fuckers who claim to be doing gods work.

Jens Holm

Oh God, wash my jands before I go shopping. Oh God let me not sneeze or make spome heavy wind at the mart. Og God wash my hands and desinfect all the food I have bought.

Oh God let Pompeo live with Mrs rightiswrong rightiswrong and become a killer. Og God please, thats an easy one…

Just try to define human being, and rightiswrong rightiswrong is a first born made for fun only. Oh God.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Oh God, please rid the world of the disbelievers like the Protesting Church, protesting to having to share gods resources among all people.

Oh God, let Jens and his pagan buddy Pompous be the first pricks to die, so that we can laugh at their insistence that God loves only them.

Let Satan have them, they are his disciples.


Pffffft, please keep it above ignorant Jens. You don’t like it when people hate you right off the bat. Ya know. ;)

Jens Holm

No one can make any oil in Venezuala usefull again. Investments will take many years.

First the right wings didnt invest and took all oil money.

Next Sanches( and next Maduro) stole and sold what was left of equipment inclusive the parts owned by foreigners.

Not even the Chinese got anything back from their loans.

Putting in Trump as ismmportant or not according to oil there is far out. Venezuala will remain as nothing.

So I only hear noise and no realisme. Find some other land of importance for oil, gas, windturbines – whatever.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia sells Venezuelan oil, with Chinese investment.

The Russians are not going to stop developing the worlds largest amount of oil reserves, just because the Yanks want it for the price of a few bananas.


Venezuela will be fine down the road, if current situations are an indicator. for instance, during the pandemic, where would you rather be right now, NYC or Moscow. Reality always comes to the top and Venezuela is far, far from done. My Take Jens.

Wayne Nicholson

Trump et al have abdicated FP for domestic affairs because of the virus and handed FP over to Pompeau to do as he likes. That’s why they are doubling down on sanctions at this time and concocting bogus charges against Maduro.

IMO Russia’s timing on not supporting OPEC cuts war brilliant. This was a counterattack in an economic war every bit as stunning as the counterattack in Stalingrad in 42-43. Like Paulus’s 6th Army Pompeau is fighting to the end but Putin has the USA over a barrel.

MAYBE if they backed off Venezuela, Iran and Syria and left the energy market in Europe to Russia but really Russia is likely to make the same gains by strangling shale oil.

The real danger isn’t Shale oil bankruptcies …. that’s recoverable. It’s the collapse of the bond market that Shale oil defaults would trigger that will kill the USA.


Hello Wayne. He does have them right where he wants them and that happened with blazing speed.


.. That didn’t take long – guess putting a choke hold on an asthmatic is effective game play!

Is the oil domino enough to demand the US end Empire? Surely the consequent domino of $ collapse should be.. At the very least, they would keep their importance with the Security Council veto, if they submit and the system is not rehashed.

Although as always, the word of the US is not worth the wolf pelt it keeps promising everyone!

Jens Holm

The usually story telling USA and We collapse.

Russians are given us halfprice oil and USA keep their reserves as reserves. We love You.


Again seeing how bad covid is getting in trash heap Europe, the sooner a queer animal like you get’s it the better.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Or his Queen, she is an inbred, who gives good advice to Jens.

Jens says he has God on his side!

He’s more fundamentalist than any ISIS butcher.


Just looking at the cards as they are revealed – US dropped the gold standard for a Saudi petro-dollar. Russia (+ really China), now kick that idea in the nuts.

Russians are selling oil at market prices, which they – unlike the shalers, don’t mind.

(this story will sell many more copies in hindsight!)

Jens Holm

To me its a market thing. The winners are the ones buying cheep oil and the losers are the ones selling cheep oil.

The Trump worries has been about having enough oil to low prices. Now the world market prices is half and there will be more then enough. The real denial for Trump is the imprtance of replacing fossils with cleaner production to lower prices.

The big main mistake here by You and others are, that USA is explained from oil even it should be descriebed from industrial productions and services.

Its exact the same blindness for them telling USA only has poor and very rich. More then 250 million citicens are censured away in ME and Rusdsian minds.

And why. They dont have that well educated middle class themselves, and therefore it hardly exist. They also dont understand, why they cant improve production themselves by uneducated unstructured low lifes.

USA do have problems, but they are descriebed very bad by a lot, which only wish things bad for them. Thats no analyse.

So many forget that its very selective to only descriebe parts of the world economy.

2 days ago was a very good example. Denmark is not producing cars!!!!

Hardly no cars and a lot of things are not produced by a country but a company, which has oursourced to the best and cheepest producers.

I fx know Denmark produce a lot of the electronics in half of the german cars. Many more do their parts. So is a german car German?

And what about Russian cars??? Why are they not produced anymore…

Thats named as good Western economics, where China has become a very big affiliated doing a lot for us and themselves. Both hains from that.

We are not oil or not. USA is not only rich jews and people dying by Corona in the streets. Denmark even has some relative few very poor lowlife trash, but we help as many as we can to avoid being like that.


For sure – and I don’t wish America harm, but the nation acts in such a way that it is very unlikely to get any good out of it. If it were cordial amongst the nations, not a deceiver, not violent, then there would be more good to say.

But should we praise its 18% of GDP medical system? It fails with a slightly punchy flu.

The education system? The unis were good at some point, and the STEM ones still do educate the world’s elite well, but overall it is still one of the weakest of the OECD nations.

Food production? The GMO and no regulation stuff.. No thanks.

An excellent military? Not even 5% of GDP can help that it seems (and $21tn ‘unaccounted for’ over 17 years is pretty impressive for the DoD)

And then of course the fiscal debt and deficit, and money printing. If ever there were simple, clear to see causes for the collapse of nations, these are it, but basically none of the leadership do anything other than exsaserbate it.

I could go on, but the US is long on its way out – not that nations didn’t try and help it to change course, but it really wanted to be the first planetary Empire, even at the expense of its own citizens.

We are all going to suffer from this coming systemic collapse of course, but I really wouldn’t want to be on that continent right now. (happily stuck in the UK though! :s – an island, at the bottom of the kettle of Europe.. go me!! :p )

Jens Holm

Thanks for Your comment. My reflexion is they will get Biden, but they need a Sanders making some reforms.

Parts of USA deny any needed changes.

I also allow me to see Biden as some kind of mild version of Hillary.

I think as Scandinavian even from Denmark see the contrasts to USA very well.

The main differense is we have upper control of most of our vital systems and outsource from there, because we then can make the companies compete from needles to helicopterplatforms.

We have seen USA pay twice as much for a healtcaresystem, which is many ways are semilar. Twice is a lot of money. Who gets them – stockholders do. I am sure we also save a lot in bureaucrasy.

Its the same for several other parts of Your systems. Fx we let the companies take the tax to the Goverments from their pay to the employed. It much easier for the state as well as we avoid a lot of paperwork and mistake by that. We of course give the companies a fair price for it, but checking up is much more easy.

I have seen old Judge Judy many times in a period I was Ill. So many cases was about people promised money after tax return. What a stupid system, You have. We hardly gets any tax return, because the system is made flexible for that. We mainly just get the money we dont owe to the state and county, and thats it.

To me its private in its worst.

Its also strange we can loose self made pension if we change jobs. Our employers automaticly has to pay into our account every much. It doesnt matter if we sell icecreme one month and next month we are taxidrivers or public employd. Its our money and a part of our monthly pay in %. So if we are well paid we in the final end get a lot of money. If we have poor paid jobs we gets much less. Changing jobs between jobs every day the whole life give extra pension.

We also hardly pay people pr weeek or day. Almost all is pr month and hardly anything is in cash(apart from illigal jobs). Threfore we also have rests for everything and cant lie if they have paid their bills or not)//Judge Judy small claims court).

Our attitude to the health system is quite clear. if we take 10 persons, we dont know which ones gets canser and die. We also dont know which of 10 gets hit by a car – so we all pay the same or amist the same by the tax.

No more hospital bills, not a single Xray for 80 dollar whatever. If we gets handicapped by canser or after being hit by a car, the state pay us and if needed the rest of our lives.

Therefore we seldom go to court to get millions amd just simply are registrated as handicapped.

We do go to court if it might be a mistake from a hospital or a private doctor, but many times but not always its seen as a mistake. Doctors and Hospitals do mistakes too just as people repairing cars.

I know why USA is made by that and it has good reasons for it, but its not 1778 or something anymore. We are in the days of the computers and those nasty little beast sometimes know a face and a behind is from the same person or not.

You have to learn to trust the states. We have no probæpme s with that being 5,6 mllions. USA has several states in that mini seize. If You go up, there is no probæems ion the countries around us having 10 to 15 millions as well.

I also is a little proud to say we in 2 years has been number one in no corruption. We do have corruption – No one is perfect.

You should learn all americans that education and healthcare is an investment, which pays off.

Its true we also get some small amounts of people, which never get an education even its free. But we see that we get much more people integrated with us then we loose in lost money to the “bums”.

The same goes for people in crime. We save a lot of money by trying to keep as many as possible out from jail compared with, what we have to pay for them as criminals all their miserable lives.

I do prefare some extra social workers, teachers and like that for police even most of our polices are nice people :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Nazi policies, for a Nazi state.

Jens Holm

The zookeepe has told You, You are out. But You are in:)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You claim to have God on your side, you zealot.

You claim your monarch as a god on earth.

Your religion started off in the end of the middle ages ffs.

You are as crazy as Jim Jones, David Koresh or Mike Pompous.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US reserve is long gone.

Trump stated recently, that he would restock it, with cheap oil from abroad, as only a fucking moron would pay US producers 55 bucks a barrel for them to break even.

BTW, it will take a lot longer than Trumps term or terms of office before the US will fill that reserve you moron.

Franck Vadim

The US and its aggressive policy against Russia has created delays and damage to North Stream 2. It’s quite legitimate that Russia has been retailing by increasing its crude oil production and sending most of the US shale oil companies bankrupt. In my opinion, it was Trump who first raised the white flag. But what is America going to give Russia in compensation?

Jens Holm

Fakes information of the worst kind.


Again fuck of you stupid animal.

Jens Holm

Not much substance. The article dont cover the world but the oil production only. The ngosiations is about how much much they can make on the rest of us and taking the markets from each other permanent or for a while.

People making it into a crisis for only USA is in sane. Most people in the world probatly are happy for lowered prices.

Thats not even there. Where is China in this. They are large scale importers getting oil for less the 20 dollars a barrels instead of 40.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Crazy Lutheran, the Moaning Church of Denmark. Jens Holm is a zealot.

Another crazy Fundementalist religious nut who believes his queen is a god on earth, and him and his Aryan race can do whatever they want.

This fucking Nazi scumbag is in the same crazy branch of god nuts as Pence, Pompous Mike.

He just a dirty Protestor, who protests that his Aryan race is exceptional.

The Slavs fucked his mom and race, and he is still deeply hurt.

Ricky Miller

Actually absolutely truthful. There is a ton of truth in this article and in the comments but you refuse to understand.

Jens Holm

The important thing is, whats not there at all.

There would be be trouble for high energy substituted countries like USA if there was not enough oil or i became very expensive.

The USA industrial complex as well as the consumers are capitalists and buy the cheepest and best whenever they cam.

They are not loyal and dependent, as You assume, because oil only is one sector of many.

Cheep oil therefore make some oilcompanies there to reduce or even close down, but the rest will just go on as usual and be happy about russian cheep oil and fuel.

You trust Trump mpore then the Americans do. The Trump mission has been to grow american oil production to any cost. The main reason for that is lack of oil.

Trump systeamtiocly has been figting against renewable energy. Thats might be the real issue for him.

And the article dont mention the many poor in the world, which are very happy for low oil prices as well.

Ivan Freely

Perhaps the end of the USD as a World Reserve Currency. Say Hello to the IMF’s SDR.

Wayne Nicholson

The damage to the US energy sector is already done. They’re fucked.

That 100 – 200,000 deaths the USA is preparing for is highly optimistic. I’ve been keeping track of the number of dead reported in the USA and it’s rising exponentially doubling every three days. Two days ago it was at 3000, it’s at 4000 now and by the end of the day tomorrow it’ll be +/-6000 and they aren’t doing enough to slow it down. If it continues on this trajectory there will be 1.6 million dead by the end of April with the only thing stopping it at this point is if it runs out of people to infect. The idea that world trade will start up again before the end of the summer is remote at best and you can expect this virus to keep circling the globe until it either runs out of fuel or we get a vaccine …. the powers that be are just blowing smoke up our asses to keep us from rioting.

We’re a month away from US oil storage being full and the USA shutting down all the oil wells. Some US oil is trading at $1/bbl and in the coming days oil producers will have to pay pipelines to take their oil. With no demand, no revenue and in debt up to their eyeballs how are US producers going to stay afloat? Their bonds are already junk … no one wants them …. the only reason they’re afloat now is because the Fed is buying them. Now with no revenue they have to issue more to …. at some point the magic money machine will run out of ink.

Jens Holm

As usual we see USA is expected to produce and consume oil only, and then some outiders can run the business.

Its forgotten the rest of USA and its many companies there and around the world love low prices for any kind of fuel and save a lot of money.

Often its also ignored that USA now has reserves as well as it now export and import same amount of oil.

Many of the kind of oil comments should be about olive oil or something like that. There is no whole picture in most of the oilcomments.

Its also ignored that Russia is predicted 40 dollars or lower would make them problems. Its no 20 dollar. In a regression/decline they cant sell double as much oil as compensation for the low price.

We see others has problems. The State owned Norwat company has lowered their currence a lot because of low prices. The good think for Norway is, they have a big money box, where they can take from.

Russia only has gold as reserve, which can be hidden under the pillow for Putin.

Wayne Nicholson

1. There has to be demand to take advantage of low oil prices. Travel is restricted and no one’s working. I would normally go through a tank of gas a week for my truck and a tank every 2 weeks for the car and my wife travelled the country by air for her work. I have a full tank of gas in both vehicles and the only time I use them is to shop for groceries once a week. The only fuel I use is a bit of diesel for my tractor. No one buys gas no revenue for oil companies so a lot of good low oil prices does you.

2. It’s not an oil crisis for US Shale producers but a debt crisis. Their bonds are already toxic junk no one will touch except the Fed. This could easily take down the entire world financial system.

3. Gold reserves aren’t the issue. Russia is perhaps the only countries in world that doesn’t rely on a globalized supply chain. They’ve been sanctioned and ostracized since 1917 … they’re self sufficient. They started to globalize in 1990 but the Crimea crisis and sanctions put a stop to that. They’re now self sufficient in food, energy, healthcare and arms. They mine their own raw materials, smelt their own metals, process their own chemicals, manufacture everything they need and they are well governed.

The world is in crisis but compared to WW1, the 1917 revolution, famines, purges, WW2 and the fall of the Soviet Union and social collapse this crisis is mearly a bump in the road.

Jens Holm


1) Thats what I try to tell. If the Russians cant even sell their oil to 20 dollars pr gallon, they are in big trouble. 2) And yes, it might not be a good idea to produce that stuff unless You have nothing else. But You have. Wind and solar electricy are higly profitable here and You can invest in relative small quantaties and get profit almost right away. By that You can reduce the old stuff and even have it for cars. Danes still are building out. We do live in an area having 200 windy days. We now cover 42 % of our annual use of electricity. I do not know USA in those matters. You probatly has many hurricanes here and there as well as areas with no wind. 3) I agree in the gold reserve myth. Its used in old economies like Russia and Arabistan being not part of a mopdern world. I asked one, of it wasnt better to fight for more zink:) 3a) And yes. My comments on Russia is about growth as Superpower and they should be able to take over this and that. They cant. They dont have the well educated middleclass to do the job. Now they cant even produce a car for home use.

I finally will say, that Russia do produce better because they are forced to but they also need import and by that an income. Oil and wheet for bread is not enough. They do make some good missiles too.

Wayne Nicholson

“1) Thats what I try to tell. If the Russians cant even sell their oil to 20 dollars pr gallon, they are in big trouble.”

It costs Russia on average $20/bbl to pump oil out of the ground and the average price of their oil is selling at less than the benchmark which is in the low $20 mark and likely to fall. That’s a problem however until last week Russian oil companies were making money.

OTOH it costs the US shale oil industry $60/bbl to pump oil and they’re currently getting as low as $1 / bbl right now as US storage space is a month away from filling up. US Shale companies haven’t had a profitable year since 2008. Unlike Russian producers they are already $trillions in debt and no one will lend them any more except the US taxpayer.

2)” …. Wind and solar electricy are higly profitable here and You can invest in relative small quantaties and get profit almost right away. ….. I do not know USA in those matters.”

There is no oil industry in Europe outside of North Sea so your politicians are free from the oil lobby.

The USA is all in on oil. Aside from their own oil and gas and the oil field service industry they get a fee from every barrel of oil sold in USD the world. The oil and gas industry employs 10.5 million Americans. You would have an easier time taking Americans guns away than taking the oil industry away. They employ powerful lobbyists and have immense political influence.

3a) “They dont have the well educated middleclass to do the job. Now they cant even produce a car for home use.”

I think you are very wrong there. Russians are very well educated and educate a larger proportion of engineers and scientists than any country outside of China. The USA educated MBa’s and lawyers …. Russia and China educate more engineers and scientists. That was a problem identified in the 1990 and it’s now coming home to roost.

Look at the history of the Soviet Union compared to the USA or Europe. 100 years ago the majority of Russians were peasants and then throughout the existence of the Soviet Union they were at war or recovering from war. The USA by contrast was in the enviable position of being the only industrialized nation left undamaged by WW1 and WW2 and profited greatly by both supplying arms and goods during those wars but also got paid to rebuild all the nations of Europe and japan.

Tell me when in the last 100 years Russia had the luxury of building consumer goods? 2 world wars and a immensely destructive civil war were fought on Russian territory. After WW2 they were threatened with nuclear war by the USA and had to divert every spare nickel they had to arms production. After the USSR fell they went through a depression the likes of which we have never experienced. They are only now experiencing the kind of life you’ve been enjoying your entire life.

You are so spoiled and pampered you don’t even realize what the last 100 years have been to Russians. You demean them by saying they can’t build cars but they managed to put a man in space at a time when people in Russia didn’t yet have their houses rebuilt from WW2.

So they value security over consumer culture and you claim that’s a flaw? They have twice as many ICU beds in Russia as they have in the USA …. you may soon wish that Denmark put more efforts into building a healthcare system like the Russians have rather than auto plants.

Wayne Nicholson

“I finally will say, that Russia do produce better because they are forced to but they also need import and by that an income.”

I’m not sure you fully grasp economics. Does the worldwide economic system have to trade with other planets to earn an income?

No? Then why does Russia have to trade with the world to have an income?

An economy is a closed system …. all you need are buyers and sellers for an economy to work. Russians earn income by selling to Russians. Exports aren’t necessary. Unlike the USA Russia has a trade surplus of $ 10.6 B while the USA has a trade deficit of $866 B.

If you’re measure a countries “income” is based on exports then Russia is far richer than the USA.

Jens Holm

I think its very visible, that Russia fx dont produce any cars.

Many high tech products only has very few producers in the world, which sell to the whole world. Denmark fx produce for billions to watercleaning. We pay with that to pay othe specilized products.

It makes no sense to compare as You try. Dbt as well as plus is based on trust. Trust is based in production and security by others.

The USA debt therefore is not as bad as it looks. USA also has 330 mio inhabitants and Russia has about 180(I think).

So You should look at “bad debt” and thats the real problem. Very visible might be a kind of “too fat index”:)

I think its very complicated but we all are depended whatever You like it or not. Here its true Russia can be less independent but USA do the same thing on a much higher level.

You can see it with oil. TRump and others has insisted in oil production. The production now is down in price level but when the price goes down, people home in USA buy from the outside. Oil is only a minor part.

The real benefits are, what USA can produce by a tool named oil and many other things they need.

Wayne Nicholson

“Many high tech products only has very few producers in the world, which sell to the whole world. Denmark fx produce for billions to watercleaning. We pay with that to pay othe specilized products.”

What you are describing is globalization. Great way to leverage quantities of scale and take advantage of cheap labour pools to make good cheaper and more affordable.

Unfortunately, in this global pandemic, we are facing just the crisis that is showing the glaring weakness of globalized economies.

A widget that’s part of a sub assembly made overseas for a large industrial operation can shut down that operation if they suddenly become unavailable. A tenant of mine who is an electrician working for a company that makes custom electrical switchgear for the shipbuilding industry just lost his job because the company that makes parts for them in New York has shut down.

So now he and 200 other well paid workers are out of work. He’s paid his rent for April so I can make mortgage payments on my building but my wife just lost half a year income because of cancellations to her business which means we’ll likely lost the building and I’m going to have to come out of retirement and start building again.

That’s the weakness of globalization … you get cheaper shit but you you’re at the mercy of global supply chains.

Russia just did what is impossible if you’re part of the global supply network …. they shut down their entire economy including stock and financial markets to fight the corona virus. They aren’t affected by disruptions to the global supply chains …. the downside is their industries don’t benefit enough from economies of scale to compete in industries like consumer auto manufacture or cheese graters.

Where they can compete is in semi custom manufacturing like military equipment where they are able to produce weapons for half the price of a similar weapon built in the EU or USA.

In the last month we’ve seen the corona virus kick the legs out from under the globalized economy and we’ve seen the countries with central control and vertically integrated economies respond better to the crisis. We in the west won’t be able to crawl out from under the coming depression for a decade or more while Russia and china will be chugging along as soon as the crisis is over.


Giveup look at the pathetic response to covid from your precious Western civilization, quit taking so much crack or meth, and get of your pathetic nordic delusions about yourself, you stupid animal.

Jens Holm

We are not the only ones hit. I agree it looks bad.

So far Denmark is doing a little bit better then most. Nothing is over and not even in China.

I have given no pathetic repsponse. I have given the classic damage controllers for not spreading virus and bacterias.

I have condemmed the ignorance for some. I also have told, we should not give our wellfare system as gifts for someone, which ignore the most simple rules for influenza – and some danes dies bacause of that being taxpayers all their lives.

Thats not pathetic. Its being as prepared as well as it goes. 125 has died here but the raise in dead people seemes to only grow a little now. Thats what we have paid for.

We think we have a kind of control now and if we have, we will send masks and visirs.

Jens Holm

“Kingdom of Heaven” is a very good movie about Idlib.


Again go die retard.


Juu know, that movie was ok.. where we are all heading thanks to the profit motive. (((no no, don’t let me possibly infer that this motive is exponentially increased in any population as you inject it with the poison of ‘post exilic Judaism’)))

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Is Queen Margrethe the second in that movie.

You consider her to be a God in Denmark.

Her plumbers however, seen the shit stains she leaves in the jacks, and that is no smell of heaven.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

I hope russia wont bow dpwn! They can hold it out just a little bit longer. maybe a year!


They can hold at least 10-12 years,welcome to the real world of economic powerplay!


There may have been some talk,but it’s not going down the way the vile deep state and their savvy traders hope for and no,the uk like usa need to do some serious soul searching and atleast apologise for the lies and accusations and utter economic illegal attacks on russian statesmenship,in the end this is russias powerplay not the defunked usa.british or nazi nwo tyranny hegemony,thank christ!! Negotioations will be tougher now than ever before in their miserable blackmailed history,but if that’s what it takes,americans too like the rest of the real world prefer better deals at the bowser (period) Tell the greens too,show them who’s boss,no if’s no but’s usa has been exposed at the paper tiger!



Another example of how it is not a free market. MBS is a moron, but so what? So are plenty of others.

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