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MARCH 2025

U.S. Threatens Iran’s Allies In Iraq With Preemptive Strike

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U.S. Threatens Iran's Allies In Iraq With Preemptive Strike

In this Aug. 20, 2017 file photo, U.S. Army soldiers stands next to a guided-missile launcher, a few miles from the frontline, in the village of Abu Ghaddur, east of Tal Afar, Iraq.

The U.S. has threatened to carry out preemptive strikes on Iran’s allies in Iraq, if the country’s government does not do well in protecting U.S.-led coalition personnel.

Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker told reporters in a call on March 22 that the Iraqi government is at a “decision point,” stressing that the perpetrators of the recent attacks on coalition personnel in Iraq should be held accountable.

“If it doesn’t take steps to hold accountable those responsible for the attacks on coalition forces, which are there at the invitation of the Iraqi government, the US will be forced to continue to protect our forces proactively,” Schenker said on a State Department call, according to Al-Monitor.

The U.S. diplomat added that Washington is “enormously” disappointed with the performance of the Iraqi government in protecting U.S.-led coalition forces in the country.

While demanding the Iraqi government to protect U.S. forces by all means, Schenker said Washington is looking for a government that would “put Iraq first.”

“We are looking for a government of Iraq that will … be interested in putting Iraq first, in demonstrating that they are Iraqi patriots, and wanting to have Iraq be a sovereign nation rather than a vassal state of Iran,” the official said.

On March 11, three U.S.-led coalition personnel were killed in a rocket attack on Iraq’s Camp Taji. The U.S. responded with a series of airstrikes on several positions in Iraq. The strikes, which supposedly targeted Iranian-affiliated Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH), killed three soldiers and two policemen.

A new Iraqi group by the name Usbat al-Tha’ireen (UT) claimed responsibility for the most recent attacks on U.S.-led coalition forces. The mysterious group appears to be a pro-Iranian Shiite organization.

In spite of the mounting pressure on U.S. military presence in Iraq, Washington is clearly still willing to do everything possible to keep its forces in the oil-rich country.


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Jens Holm

I agree. Both should stop. If the Irqis prefare the Itanian kind of dark, so be it.

We should not support Bagdads. It might be biased some, but we mainly see, what they cant do and only they are very good in corruption and not even share with poor shiits.

Basra had no good water, when Saddams declines. So are those better?? I dont know, but why help them and also be attacked.

USA and Iran out of Iraq.



klove and light

Zionist on corona



Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Iraq has already asked the USA to fuck off out of their country. Trump refused

Damien C

The sheer hypocrisy of the American military complex and its puppets is absolutely fucking breath-taking

Zionism = EVIL

Let the cowardly Americunt arseholes try it and find out :)


Invitation to a sex club – http://trim4.me/gB9

Arch Bungle

Another Joo paedophile ring?


thought there was vote in the iraqi parliament a while ago which by a large margin urged the yankeetwats to fuck off out of Iraq. The Iraqi people needs to get rid of the cunts that are bought and paid by the twats and bring in persons that has Iraq’s best foremost in mind.

Christian S

Theres a change going on, us gets more grip on iraqi government and might succeed install new PM whos pro US read E magniers new article iraq headn for lot of chaos


they do what they always do – pay the already bought and paid vassals more money combined with threats like the threats the dysfunctional states of A uses against the ICC’s officials and earlier against various officials of the UN-organization – nothing much to be surprised about (and remember the dysfunctional states used the same tactics in the war in Angola in the 80s and 90s, they cried gas and pointed finger while it was abundantly clear that the only party using gas was the yankeetwats.


This is a ridiculous posture. They know if there are preemptive strikes, more severe strikes against US assets will result in return. So, I think there is some theatrics going on here. However, they are just dumb enough to go ahead and do it. Net result will be for Iraq to be more determined in getting rid of the US and Co. presence in their country, whom they have already asked to leave.

Taking that into account, I think the attacks on US facilities are having a toll already on the US and friends. Why else would they be making such ludicrous statements? They have very early in this game, been forced to reposition forces and that is a tactical retreat, even though these attacks have been relatively mild, nothing serious. Wait until they get treated to a few hundred rockets hitting them at a single shot, combined with a ground assault. This is where it is eventually going.

I would also say relax about this. My understanding of how the US is handling the covid-19 crisis is that they are woefully unprepared and absolutely daft in their actions. Even the leadership is now being infected and they are clueless as to what to do ( Pence and his wife are now to be tested for the virus, oooops ).The negative consequences for their foreign operations cannot be understated. So, all in all an interesting blurb from the US but, revealing more weakness than strength. My take all. Take good care of yourselves in this hour of challenge for the human race.


Iraq should protect IRAQIS from American invader’s attacks! Not protect the invader from it’s own people!


Exactly, the U.S must not tolerate any attack against its forces in the ME. Israel is always here to help if they need us.

Christian S

Haha no u dont, u need those wardogs to do the job for ya, why spill israeli blood if u can spoil american blood? What was it, o ya, first we take manhattan and then we take berlin


I try to ignore deluded people like you, but I’ll answer anyway. We don’t need the U.S to fight for us nor do we ask them to risk themselves, but we do need their intl support when we start our operation with OUR BLOOD to kill the terrorists. Just don’t cry when thousands of Palis will bite the dust, they can only blame Hamas for it.

Shia man

Little Jew dog living in his imaginary world.


Better being a Jew than a filthy Muslim pig.

Shia man

Why because you get to do this? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTpGvvgsKY5NYqlOOefIKtZCFrwYU3aOSD4afCZBldASf-_HC-D

Shia man

Why because you get to do this? Nasty jews https://www.villagevoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/mbp_credit_youtube.jpg


Atleast we don’t blow up buses or restaurants in the name of God, maybe you will evolve in the next 1000 years.

Shia man

Look who is talking That’s the only thing you jews are good at projection. You guys intentionally kill innocent civilians. cowards you can’t fight real men on the battlefield so you turn your angry to women and children disgusting pathetic Zionist pigs.


Says a Shia man, you guys hide behind civilians and let them die instead of coming out of your holes and face the IDF face to face. Don’t blame us they pay the price of your actions, you shoot rockets on our people? we will hunt you down and kill you all. P.S, stop hiding your rockets in the middle of Lebanese cities and villages, cowards.

Shia man

keep lying coward let me bring you back to the past and show you how you guys got destroyed in 2006 enjoy coward https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_bIt2eblH88


Pray to your Allah we won’t meet again.

Shia man

I will pray to Allah we meet again in the near future. I promise you next war will be the last one between us Palestinian will return and the Israel occupation will be eradicated for good. if you return, We shall return


We will be waiting for you, anytime you want. This time we won’t leave anything left from Lebanon, you will get the war you deserve.

Shia man

Israel will be whipped off the face of the world. I promise you the end is near.


Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, but rest assured, we are going to finish you off for good. The lesson from 2006 was not to agree to any fake ceasefires with dirty Arabs, you wanna die by the millions? you will get it.

Shia man

I can’t wait to make you eat your words. The whole world will be filled with joy watching the Zionist state of Israel being eradicated.

Traiano Welcome

Yes, instead you blow up Red Cross Ambulances with patients inside them, in the name of your god: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/jul/25/syria.israel5. I suspect you and your kind will still be in need of evolution long after the rest of the Middle East have moved upward …

Christian S

If it wasnt for Khazarian bankcartel to hijack USA in 1913 and since then own the FED your athiest bloodsucking Israel project would be nothing then a scratch on a blueprint as the anglo empire was insuffient to act as wardog for the cartel, USA was needed to have ultimate control. Without the daily 11 million US taxmoney support for the project Israel borders would not be as they are today. Without US labdog recognisin the capital no one will follow the serpent people into the Jeruzalem crusade.

Icarus Tanović

Zionists wants to present Wahhabis Satanics as ture Muslims, to blur peoples eyes.


don’t bother about ironzion who is of the leper colony right out of tel aviv and about as bright as a mollusk.


US forces dont need to worry about any attacks if they just do what the Iraq parliament asked them to do, Leave

Arch Bungle

Israel is going to be less than useless when the Shia crescent decides to finally boot the yanks out of Arab lands.


Like I told to the Shia guy, we are ready to meet you anytime.

Arch Bungle

No you’re not.


and finally boot the jews out of palestine for good.

Christian S

On the other hand ZOG wardog US does a perfect job in killing Iraqi personel nationwide since 2015 have them not complaining about that

Assad must stay

I have a much easier option for US, withdraw all.your troops and forces from Iraq completely, as soon as possible, and never ever go back there. This way your forces are no longer under threat of attack by iran, and you will save countless lives in the process. Thanks :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Traiano Welcome

The official line – that the US is “repositioning [sic] troops from a few smaller bases” – is almost as laughable as the final US Marine abandonment of Beirut in 1984 after months under fire from Shia militias. Almost four decades ago, the Americans said they were “redeploying to ships offshore”. As in Napoleon’s “redeployment’” from Moscow. Or the British ‘redeployment’ from Dunkirk. Now US forces are going to “reposition” from their bases at al-Qaim, Qayyarah and the K-1 air base near Kirkuk in Iraq. As in George Washington’s ‘repositioning’ from Brooklyn Heights in 1776, I suppose, or the British “repositioning” from Kabul in 1842 …

Black Waters

U.S gestapo gone wild? they are losing it.


The US and coalition need to be eliminated, nuke, gas, chemicals if they don’t leave willingly. Might be over the top but the US is banking on the fact that nothing will be done; they will soon head for the horizon if something drastic is done.

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