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MARCH 2025

U.S Troops Who Reportedly Suffered TBI In Iranian Attacks To Be Awarded Purple Hearts

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U.S Troops Who Reportedly Suffered TBI In Iranian Attacks To Be Awarded Purple Hearts

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Some of the U.S. soldiers who suffered from traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of Iran’s attacks on the al-Asad base in Iraq are to be given Purple Hearts.

It is unclear how many service members would receive the Purple Heart for the injuries caused by 11 Iranian ballistic missiles, which struck the Iraqi base in retaliation for a U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani.

In total, after initially reporting that there were no damages and injuries as a result of the January 8th Iranian ballistic missile strike, it turned out that there were quite a bit of damage, and 110 troops were diagnosed with TBI.

“The Purple Heart submissions remain under review by [Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve] and are being processed in accordance with Defense Department and military services regulations,” said Pentagon spokeswoman Jessica Maxwell. “Upon final approval, service members entitled to receive the Purple Heart will be notified by their leadership.”

To qualify for the Purple Heart, troops must be diagnosed and treated by medical professionals for TBI as a result of an enemy attack and be removed from duty for 48 hours, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in January.

“A lot of people have said, well, why didn’t we immediately identify everybody with a traumatic brain injury?” Air Force Brig. Gen. Paul Friedrichs said. “Because the signs sometimes are fairly non-specific.

“And if you’re 18 or 19 or 20 years old, even though we’ve trained everybody who deploys downrange on what to look for, it’s quite common that we’ll have folks who will say, you know, ‘I just was blasted; of course I’m not going to feel quite right, I’m going to ride this out for a few days;’ or, ‘I’m going to wait and see if this gets better.’” he continued. “And then they come in, several days or weeks after the fact.”

In 2011, the Pentagon streamlined its policy regarding criteria for the Purple Heart to allow service members with mild TBI to be eligible for the award even if they did not lose consciousness in the attack or were not immediately treated on scene by a medical officer.

“Combat theater and unit command policies mandating rest periods or “down time” following incidents do not constitute qualifying treatment for concussion injuries. To qualify as medical treatment, this rest period must have been directed by a medical officer or medical professional for the individual after diagnosis of an injury as indicated,” the Army’s Purple Heart policy states.

“When considering award of the Purple Heart for a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion that did not result in the loss of consciousness, ensure the diagnosed mild traumatic brain injury resulted in a disposition of ‘not fit for full duty’ by a medical officer for a period of greater than 48 hours based on persistent signs, symptoms, or findings of functional impairment resulting from the concussive event,” the Air Force awards manual detailed.

“Sailors and Marines may be awarded the Purple Heart for certain mild traumatic brain injuries that were caused by enemy action” Jim Nierle, president, Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals, said in a 2011 news release.

“If they suffered a loss of consciousness, or had to be given the disposition of ‘not fit for full duty’ by a medical officer for a period greater than 48 hours after a concussive event, they may qualify for the Purple Heart,” Nierle explained in the release.

Back in February, Military Times reported that as many as 60 soldiers could be eligible for a Purple Heart.

It is unclear how many would receive the Purple Heart; but this would potentially surpass the 47 Purple Hearts awarded to Marines from 2016 to 2018 supporting Operation Inherent Resolve — the U.S.-led mission to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Prior to streamlining the awarding procedure, Purple Hearts were awarded to soldiers who were severely injured or killed in combat, now it is being awarded to soldiers who received a concussion while sitting in a bunker, in an attack that, as far as it is known, took no human life.

Furthermore, streamlining the awarding of Purple Hearts for TBI raises some question, as it could easily be used as a sort of cover-up strategy to award the medal to soldiers, under the pretext of them suffering simply minor injuries, rather than something more serious, which would remain undisclosed. That, however, comes down entirely to speculation.


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Ridiculous! Banalization of conflict!

Zionism = EVIL

What a bunch of Americunt lardass cowardly losers getting a shitarse medal for crapping in their diapers and hiding under beds. ROFLAMO. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b841f203fffa9c08ac11f7d6cc47d204d45a6c197dea349764f94a09a7145f5.jpg


I’m personally still under the impression that the U.S. has hidden the true extent of damage done from the Ayn Al-Assad attack, at least to some appreciable degree.

The reporters who interviewed non-American troops at the base stated verbatim, quoting the soldiers, that “helicopters were split in half” and other such damages along those lines, so the official story definitely doesn’t feel all that genuine.

Zionism = EVIL

I said based on credible reports and talking to real people, 32 Americunts dead and 200 wounded. You can read my original detailed analysis based on the weaponry and number of medivac flights to Weisbaden in Occupied German cunt colony. I am sure it is still in SF archives.


If 32 U.S. armed forces did indeed die then that would go quite a long way in explaining why the U.S. military didn’t immediately retaliate. That and the credible threat of Iran almost instantly striking 400 pre-determined targets in retaliation if the America did indeed strike following the Ayn Al-Assad raid. Cold feet much……

Iran most likely told the Americans during this entire fiasco, through the Swiss, what they had planned to do if U.S. armed forces mounted a retaliation strike in return. Must have really put things in perspective for them since they indeed did back-off.

Funny though, Trump is on record saying that he would have conducted counter-strikes if even “one hair on any American soldiers head” is hurt. I guess that was just another chest-thumping lie….

Zionism = EVIL

The lying cunts kept on increasing the number of severely wounded with brain injuries every day from 8 originally to 166. What a bunch of liar loser fuckwits, no wonder the orange moron geezer Trump wants them to inject bleach and shine a UV light up their dumb ignorant lardass.


You think we’re gonna see a war start later this year? Or do you think Trump is too chicken-shit to initiate one?

Zionism = EVIL

No chance of war, the Americunt economy is deadbeat and 60% of their lardass cannon fodder military is out of commission. I have read reports that over 20,000 of their trailer trash has died. They know that Iran will go nuclear if they attack and then all their bases will be hit and Saudis and Zionists will die for good.


I’ve also read reports of how dire the situation is for the U.S. armed forces in terms of raw troop readiness being less-than optimal, especially when taking on a country like Iran.

Doesn’t the USAF and USN have many jets and ships that are just out-of-order due to deficits in pilots and mismanagement of equipment?

Zionism = EVIL

True, their frontline fighters that are 50 year old F-15 and F-16 and some FA-18 Hornets are barely less than 800 operational and to attack a dense AD covered large nation like Iran would be suicide. Their B-52 are 70 years old and even the Vietnamese blasted them out of the skies, Iran will devastate them as the last sanctions are being lifted in October and Russian and Chinese weapons will pour in. Even all of NATO combined can not take on Iran, just look at the topography, history and sheer mountaineous landmass of Iran. Anyway, any war will go regional and then global as there many complex factors like deteriorating Americunt relationship with China gets worse. Russia will hardly sit that one out. Europe is full of faggots and pansies so they won’t lift a finger. Just to attack a small sanctioned war beaten country like Iraq with then 26 million people, the cunts had to mobilize over 1.2 MILLION faggot soldiers and even then lost. Iran is a military planners dream, it has a young educated and highly nationalistic population or 83 million and a huge well armed battle tested army and regional Shia allies numbering 250 million and a diaspora of 400 million. So good luck.

Jens Holm

According to my knowledge hardly any has anything better then fx F15, F16 and F18.

USA also is not alone unless they choose it like in Iran-USA and partly in Syria,

You even assume war is mainly by weapons. Its not. Its about supply for it as well as production for anything else.

Here Russia is close to zero and declining. China is correct. They are doing fine but also has to replace their millions of low soldiers int much fewer modern ones first.

I do take it again. USA has friends or at least helpers, if we agree.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

USA has cities with human shit all over the floor, some of your cities are in worse state than third world countries democrat run states usually

Wayne Nicholson

“You even assume war is mainly by weapons. Its not. Its about supply for it as well as production for anything else.”

That held true for a war of attrition in the days before nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons changed all that. Now days …. with now being 1960 …. in a war between Russia and NATO you would expect the fighting to remain conventional until either one side gets overrun or runs out of fuel / ammo …. then it goes nuclear.

In the 1980’s it was estimated that a conventional war between NATO and the Soviets would last no more than three weeks before supplies were exhausted and the missiles started flying.

Hasbara Hunter

Though the entire Cold War was just a $,- Hoax


Jens Holm

In facts thats a strategy for all military forces for the whole modern world and not only USA.

The future for warfare is “raise of the machines” in tne Arnold style.

Ypu must be blind seeing that. No more meatgrinding and who has a lot of meat ro loose.

Jens Holm

You also refer to how you prefare war with a lot of spendable low armed soldiers in the best Saddam or Russian WW2 style.

Its much as You are very contaminated Your self. If someone use soap on You, You will disapear.

Jens Holm

Its often more brave to avoid a war.

Zionism = EVIL


Moscow: UN Weapons Embargo on Iran Can’t Be Prolonged Despite US Efforts

The first weapons to be delivered soon after SU-35 joint production and S-400 missiles and T-90 tanks which have been produced as Karrar anyway. Iran has so fa produced 435 and the target is 1,200. Now Russian KD (knocked down) kits will make it faster. Iran is also looking for more subs including nuclear ones.

Jens Holm

And Iran will pay with oil :) :/ ;(

Zionism = EVIL

Idiot, Iran has a very diversified economy and even exports food products. How do you think Qatar survived the Saudi morons blockade?


Will you bet on the Russians for Iran??

Zionism = EVIL

Russians like any nation look after their interest. A strong Iran suits them as it is their only strong underbelly, the Turkeys, even though they are trying to please them are totally unreliable, also Russia is being encircled by NATO faggots, so they have much choice. But in realpolitik, Iran’s only trusted and reliable friend now is China, which proved its friendship by rushing to Iran’s aid unconditionally after the Pimpeovirus backfired on the Americunt morons.

Swift Laggard II

China is not a friend of Iran. China is a friend of convenience. China like Russia has no friends or allies. They have friends of convenience who they use for their purposes as long as it is convenient for them, when push comes to shove they will be nowhere to be found. I hope and pray Iran is not stuup1d enough to be deceived that China is her friend

Ivan Freely

There’s no such thing as friends in politics. All politicians know this.

Hasbara Hunter

What America really needs is Civil War II…


What American most needs is for odd and violent foreigners such as yourself to keep as much distance as humanly possible, kiddo.

Hasbara Hunter

BWAHAHAHAHA what a Fucking Bullshit!!! America has been the one Invading & Destroying Nation after Nation….Muricans are the ones who should stay on their own Fuckn Turf…Please piss off with your complete & utter nonsense…

Eradicate the Cancer in Washington, Wall Street, MIC, Deep State, ISraHell & Hang Fucking Rothschild…


You’re extremely ill, kiddo. The hate and violence you covet and ingest daily. It’s killing you.

You poor thing.

Jens Holm

Thats normal damage control even they delayed it too too much.

I remeber the sunken KURSK SUBMARINE.

Here we even at press conferences was told, the Russian navy was in personal contact with them.

Allah Hallo hallo. Excuse my French Àllo Àlloha.

A couple of monts ago the Iraniens also shot sown an enemy airplane near the Teheran airport.

jade villaceran

another lie is when he said to shoot down some irgc boat when their ships were harassed, i didnt know till now that irgc have some flying boat in persian gulf lol

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are born pathological liars, they made up a story about fishing boats in the Gulf of Tonkin as Vietnamese “gunboats”, Iraq WMD and the Jew lies just keep in getting worse. Iran exposed them and that pisses them off even more.

Jens Holm

All muslims are liars too. They say men and women are not equal, but We are.

They also raise their girls for sale or buy amking them into obeying stypid puppies.

Much like assymetric warfare to me…

Our female Leaders re the best we got. Our Premiere minister is a women. The leader of the Copenhagen police district is a women.

But the muslim ones all are very stupid. But of course its very visble why. Muslim women are made by clay and therefore hardly human. The ones here are made from the ribs of Adam and by that a “whole” is a REUNION to make children and fun.


A lot of people who aren’t familiar with warfare or at least not familiar with Iranian weaponry will ignorantly brush off Iran as some back-water rag-tag military that won’t last more than an hour but the cold-hard truth is that the USN aren’t all that worried about IRGC fast-boats (which can be very deadly), it’s the literal thousands of shore based cruise, and ballistic missiles specifically designed to split large ships in half if not outright destroy them.

Iran recently openly stated that they have 700km ramjet cruise missiles, which means they’re supersonic. This is quite an achievement and also very deadly since they will be fired in tandem with other munitions practically overwhelming any USN on board ship defenses rather quickly.

The level of raw-destruction on both sides during the first few hours alone will be awe-inspiring to say the least.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran in 2006, under Ahmedinejad wargamed this scenario and that even then was a nightmare as the whole region would have burnt. Today Iran is much stronger having successfully fought from Afghanistan to Yemen and beyond. The Americunts are a demoralized lardass rabble, these kids here play too much video games and don’t have a fucking clue how asymmetrical warfare works. Just look at Yemen. The Saudi dumbass cunts have the best and most expensive weaponry money can buy and Ziadi Shia kids in sandals chewing khat are tearing them a new arsehole. Iran is one million times more deadly.


Well, we can only hope that some future U.S. president will have the wherewithal to disengage American occupation forces from foreign lands that of which they don’t belong in and truly focus on rebuilding this dying nation…

But my hopes have been spurned for so many years now I’ve lost count.

What we do know now, invariably so, is that Trump along with his stooges are some of the most dangerous individuals to be put into places of significant power in recent history. This Orange idiot is willing to unnecessarily plunge the region into another war just because he loves Israel so much and he wants to be known as some god-forsaken “tough-guy”…what a disaster lol.

I pray for the best though and hope humanity can make it through this tumultuous times….

Zionism = EVIL

Good sensible comment. I have watched and analyzed military and strategic scenarios all my adult life and don’t believe that Americunts are worth a spit, just bigmouth bullies who pick on the weak, but now the world has changed and believe me Iran is a bridge too far. But you are right, considering all the health and economic problems we have, it is better to work for peace and humanity, but sadly the evil Jew rotten cunts that control the west have a more insidious agenda. The only thing keeping them in check is the rising power of China and Iranian deterrence. But let’s hope for peace and a better future for our children.

Jens Holm

Jews dont control west at all. Go back to Your ME traumecenter where excuses for no reforms and improvements are a must founded in religion and culture.

You cant make succes and therefore base Your life in hoping for others to become in the same low level as Yourself.

Thats goes for Russia as well.

And You have exact same problems. You dont have the big middleclass we have and actually are doing fine. You dont educate a middle class, which produce a lot an by that also pay a lot of needed tax.

Its well shown for Your comments about USA. Yopu mention the rich(jews). Ypu mention the poor. but YOU NEVER MENTION THE 275 MILLIONS DOING FINE.

If You dont have it, things dont exist. I often meet in Your lomoted ME languages as well as the many not halals and tabus.You are kept low level and in dark by Yourself and even elect forver leaders for it.

Today am Assads supporter told Turks has no technology skills for tanks and cant even make dishwashers. They are told so by SANAthorium.

But Turkey do produce F16s as well as Toyota Corollas. They actually produce many kinds of weapons even we also can see important stuff often are coipies or improved modifications.

Thats not allowed to know.

But Turks are the same. They still are learned there are 1,2 million Turkmen in Syria and Kurds fight them. But there are laess then 700.000 and most of the 500.000 actially has emmigrated to Turks and has become urban people in well paid jobs in stead of poor farmers.

Town i Syria is same thing for most people here. They say “Its an arabic town”. Well it was. The whole world has urbanized and Syria too, so many town now has fx 20% Kurds)before the fightings). The base for countimngs used by Turks are more then 50 years old.

And all lie about each other and themselves as Islam tells, You has to. Its not. 2 places say “You can”.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

still spouting the same deep state rhetoric bs are ya.. who do you work for exactly?

Jens Holm

This is not about Israel at all. So many has traumatized themselves about it.

Ivan Freely

To be fair, I don’t believe Trump cares about foreign policy. His focus has always been domestic. Unfortunately, foreign policy has been delegated to Pompeo and friends.

Jens Holm

You are partly corrrect. But You certainly overestimate the happones and understanding among the enemies of USA and partly the West.

But maybee You are an undertaker or buildingcostructer. Who knows.

The USA miliary strenght is not meant for assymetry war. I allow me to say its theier politics, which too often is wrong.

Jens Holm

Very infected propaganda.

There is not even a single word about what USA (and we ) also has and Iran has not.

As a random example the USA actually has ballistics. So if Iran can use them, the USA now can do it too.

Winning a war is not the same as winning a battle. the next attack from Iran might be Iran as a bpody with no arms and legs. It will not be about military targets at all.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

USA tried an exercise which would recreate the conditions of an iran invasion.

the fast boats and missiles wiped the usa navy out inside 30 minutes

Jens Holm

Right. He came down at the same low level as Teheran, Damaskus and Ankara.

Hard times. Now Ypu have nothing to rely on.

I believe nothing from Trump unless I see it happen.

Jens Holm

The Bagdad Goverment has base focilities and stood for the security of the base.

They have no antimissiles for that as well as they didnt expect Iran – USA was an issue.

More in the ME seemes to believe what Trumps says then the rest of the world. The reason might be they are used to the many Haddits:)

Zionism = EVIL

Back to wrong medication again shithead. Back to downvote LOL. At least keep the babble short and more loony.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you cannot wake somebody up who is pretending to be asleep. jens holm is just an idiot troll

Jens Holm

I am a troll for You, because You are so hard limited in, what You are supposed to kno´w by Your Gioverness, religion and culture.

Yesterday I was fx was told that Turks hardly could produce dishwashers and never F16s and Toyotas – But a simple click onmy Internet says so.

And we do buy those Corellas in Denmark. Turks do produce mpre and more weapons and better. The advanced ones do work at least some now.

And what did I have to compare wit:) Syria only producing stones and not even bows and arrows. ……………………………………. What I write here anytime can be verified, where You are, if You are not censured and brainwashed away from it.

I can only see You do Your best to decline to iddiots Yourself telling everything You dont know about are “trolls”,

I see the same for all the things You are forbiden to talk abouit according Your Goverment, Your religion and culture. WE DO. And by that we solve at least many more problems, then we create.

You dont implement things as we do. Yoy mainly are in limited languiages, which not even can descriebe our part of the world. They are not there. ………………………..

You might understand if someone insisted in Islam only had 3 legs instead of 5 and a Mecca cola.

You understand democrasy limited in the same way. Cars are not good and cant drive because rthe wheel is not invented and science fiction.

Facts telling women actually are just as good Premiereministers, Chief for Copenhagen police and all are ´taxpayers as men is a no go for You. Muslims even name them as prostitutes and by some strange raising think they are free for anything in the streets.

Here I can add, that we as men and women gain respect for, what we actually do, and not by some amputations sometimes making a screwdriver, when boys are born.

Maybee thats the mainproblem of Yours and nextof course You by those privilge are raised almost as rapists and therefore has to gueard women all over because so many are potential as Yourself for that crime.

And its not only that. 2/3 of all crime is anf that kind is in the homes. It doesnt matter You by culture put high walls around it and a fountain or a bidet in the middle.


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

didnt read any of that. you lie

Jens Holm

Come and visit us.

Why dont You cheack up, what Turkey produce as well as the rest I write about.

The liars are Your states and Yourself for Yourself, so You believe in Your own self created lies.

When You write about us and our deep state, You can find most of it in public and not deep dep at all.

The deep state mainly is created by Yourself and Your Governers, so You know nothing about the real world I live in.

You cant even debate about most things, which are vital for our world and our progress.

And of course You didnt read any of it. Thats how You remain stupid and illiterate.

But You probatly remember to blame me, us, jews ans anybody else for everything as usual hoping we decline and You can enjoy we again ae in the same low level of quagmire as You.

Thats how I see things. You are a typical no lsten, no see but a lot of lying talk about everything. Facts are something which You create under Your bed blanket being science for You.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i would like to respond, but am not fluent in whiney little bitch so i have no idea what you are talking about. sorry

Jens Holm

And You cant make camel fly, even they want to as well:)

But We can make women fly rescue helicopters, be premiere ministers, and chiefs of the police of copenhagen.

Thats because our women are not as stupid as Yours.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

am UK… we had a female PM twice.

wtf are you talking about?

Jens Holm

The best help for me could be You write less crap and fx at least were able to learn some factchecking.


Holy Jesus Jens, please for the love of god learn how to use the English language at least somewhat properly.

You literally made next to no-sense whatsoever and I can’t really respond to you properly since I have no clue what it is you’re even remotely trying to convey.


Zionism = EVIL

It is lost cause. They don’t make any translation software for Jensbabble. Sometimes he attempts to make a rational comment but loses it in absolute malarkey. I even gave him one upvote for effort.

Jens Holm

Its as written. I amsure Your name is not HELP and could be STOP IT.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

they didnt immediately retaliate because they lost use of all their drones, have no air defense and there isnt a USA military base in the whole ME that Iran cannot reach USA cannot fight an enemy who is prepared to fight back.

Saso Mange

That’s impossible, Iran sent strong message and Americans had warning prior the attacks, hence no life loss and only injuries from detonation. Power of Iranian explosive yield was underestimated.

Jens Holm

There was no tome to go under beds …

Ishyrion Av

These days you get a purple heart when your diapers change to brown :))

Ziønist šhill

These are the guys who were “perfectly safe” according to Trump haha

Zionism = EVIL

But some did have a headache ;)

Assad must stay

They probably will leave the military or beg to be redeployed as far away from Iran as possible lmao

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

purple heart awarded for cowering in a bunker #stunningandbrave


I guess it’s hard to tell if they had brain injury or not because they were idiots to begin with…

Hasbara Hunter

Bunch of Cryin’ & Moanin’ pussies….


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