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U.S. Warplanes Fly Along Syrian-Turkish Border Amid Reports On Nearing Turkish Operation

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U.S. Warplanes Fly Along Syrian-Turkish Border Amid Reports On Nearing Turkish Operation

US-led coalition F-15 over Euphrates Valley

Warplanes of the U.S.-led coalition conducted on October 6 air patrols over northeastern Syria, mainly along the border line with Turkey, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The UK-based monitoring group said Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) units deployed on the border were also placed on a high alert.

“This mobilization comes due to fears of Turkish recklessness and launching a military operation in the area of east Euphrates,” the SOHR’s report reads.

These unusual activities by the U.S. and its proxy, the SDF, are likely a response to the recent threats by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish President warned on October 5 that a military operation against “terrorists” in northeast Syria could begin at any day.

Syrian opposition sources said that the Turkish military indeed deployed military units along the border with the region. Nedaa Syria news reported that the supposed operation “Spring of Peace” could begin at any moment, claiming the first target will be the border town of Tell Abyad.

The Pentagon warned Turkey from launching an uncoordinated operation in northeastern Syria, saying that the U.S. is speeding up the implementation of the “security mechanism,” agreed upon with Ankara last August.

Despite the existing tensions, a Turkish military operation in northeastern Syria remains an unlikely development due to the presence of hundreds of U.S. troops in the region. Erdogan has been threatening that Turkish forces will invade the region for more than a year now, with no actions what so ever.

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For the record; this has happened right around 11.55 P.M ~ 12.30 A.M

You can call me Al

10 mins ago (ish) – Turkey is deploying howitzers and missile launchers on the border with Syria in Şanlıurfa , next to Kobane and Tel Abiad.

May the Turks, Yanks and SDF, fight to the death of all.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Turkey should have had the S-400 near by (not to shoot it down) but to see if the US used F-35’s and to gain intelligence on them to better identify them and any signatures or weaknesses on the F-35 in the future.



Prince Teutonic

Is Turkish S-400 system already operational?


lol, that would be great sport some ?s if anyone knows: can the S-400 radars identify specific planes from the radar response ? can they also determine the heading ?

Tudor Miron

Sorry mate, but this is a naive question.


Is it? You weren’t able to give an answer.

Tudor Miron

You may think that way if you wish.


Thanks for your generosity.

Tudor Miron


Prince Teutonic

Of course they do. Good radar operators know radar “footprint” for most of the jets…


In the case of Syria it took months for S-300 batteries to come online, And that’s with at least measure of familiarity of the Syrians with Russian systems. The Turks just got theirs (I think), still have to be trained and as a NATO country are unfamiliar with Russian systems. Let alone are they familiar with running an integrated air defense network with multiple air defense systems. They don’t even operate Patriot, so most Turkish SAM systems are antiquated.

Rhodium 10

we will see 3 scenarios…1º The fall of Erdogan…2º the fall of the SDF and US Trump forces…3º Nothing…all remain the same!


Please start it Turkey cmon faster, I really want to see what the US will chose an Nato ally or personal Kurdish proxies. Cmon, start it already.


Turkey needs to call America’s bluff. There’s no way the US will actually fight with the Turks. It would cause an immediate withdrawal of Turkey from NATO and open up a huge chasm in NATO’s southern flank. And I reckon the Turks would immediately retaliate against any US military personnel inside Turkey, or cease US nukes still stored at Inçirlik.

The point remains though, does Turkey have the balls to call America’s bluff? I think not. Erdogan likes to bark but rarely carries out his threats. Which is why the Americans are engaged in a game of chicken with him, knowing he will back down like he always does. To paraphrase Otto von Bismarck, Turkey has a very big appetite, but such very poor teeth.

Albert Pike

Something is going on and it is more then just marines:

MANPOWER GUIDANCE FOR ACTIVATION AND DEACTIVATION OF RESERVE COMPONENT MARINES ORDERED TO ACTIVE DUTY ISO DEFENSE SUPPORT OF CIVIL AUTHORITIES https://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/1979422/manpower-guidance-for-activation-and-deactivation-of-reserve-component-rc-marin?fbclid=IwAR0N1d7v1rPktUahTykWEyAJPR6LIkaWQF8NjPzzQcQSHjb0YJnnpjHJbmg#.XZnX-3KKe64.facebook

If you got them in the Barracks – you may then send them where ever you want…


Erdoğan always backs down? Except when he went ahead and bought those S400’s anyway.


True. I should have said almost always. But when it comes to Syria he’s not exactly shown himself to be willing to take on the Americans. The SDF kept expanding and keeps on being built into a semi-independent statelet, and despite his blustering Erdogan has butt all to show for it.


Now I agree with you. He has threatened numerous times to go it alone, and, apart from amassing troops and hardware along the border, has not done anything. I doubt he has the appetite for it because financially/economically it would be suicidal, what with an economy that is not performing particularly well already.


US should begin to have KSA, Ukraine deliver heavy arms, like howitzers, tanks, SAM’s to SDF forces for self defense.


Lol, KSA and Ukraine can’t take care of themselves, let alone help someone else.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They’ve had over 3,000 trucks filled with goodies arrive from Iraq over the last 5 or 6 months, and that’s what we know of. Those 3,000 trucks probably had more than enough light assault vehicles, TOW’s, MANPADS and everything else the SDF would need to effectively fight the Turks on the ground, it’s just US air support and protection the SDF also need now.


No, the SDF need to stop being terrorists and instead integrate in Syrian society, it’s as simple as that.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

get outta here dutchy boy


Erdogan next genocide, invading a peacefully country to impose his tyranny and ethnic clean by importing millions of strangers so he strangles peacefull people. And the US is ones more betraying the people who fought for them.


The US never won one war and now again they betray their friends for a cheater and blackmailer. The US always flee when things are to hard, clear or principale they should be brought to trail together with the new tyran, Causesco, idi Amin, Stalin Etdogan hiñself and he should be hanged.


Who needs enemies with friends like Turkey in Nato?


Indeed, and who needs enemies with friends like the OUTLAW psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue empire-in-decline?


Turkey and America are indeed each other equal we better leave those two Nato and found sonething better, independent and without dictators.

Simon Bernstein

CONFIRMED: US Airforce given 100% authorization to protect the Kurds at all costs and repel the turkish offensive

Simon Bernstein

US Military given permission to smash some turks who dare to attack our kurdish allies


US has no allies just Vassals – by what legal authority are they even in Syria its certainly not UN granted.


I hope the US smashes the Turks, and in turn the Turks do the same with US personnel based in Turkey. After that, your Kurdish allies would be ready to be digested.

Semen Sh!tstain

You’re full of shit as usual. USA just sold out SDF. You can use your unnaturally large forehead to protect the SDF now

AM Hants

Two NATO nations having a hissy fit, in a nation where they have no invite to fight? Popcorn time.


Looking forward to the Turks, Yanks and SDF destroying each other. Oh please, let it be true! :))

Semen Sh!tstain

CONFIRMED: u r a fucking retard. US troops withdrawing from northern Syria. Turkish OP to commence soon. Sorry Semen Shitstein :(

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wonder if you know you’re actually telling the truth for a change.


CONFIRMED: bwahahahahahaha

AM Hants

In the meantime, Trump has invited Erdogan over for a State visit. I wonder what he will use for the entertainment. Do believe, he mistook tomahawk missiles for fireworks, when hosting President Xi Jinping.


I would get a good laugh if Turkey shoots down a US F35 with their new S400.


I understand it is not active yet.

Semen Sh!tstain

USA just sold out the SDF. Now yellow isis will be crushed! :) *Sorry Semen Shitstain* *Rocket Nose will be PISSED*

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The Pentagon warned Turkey from launching an uncoordinated operation in northeastern Syria, saying that the U.S. is speeding up the implementation of the “security mechanism,” agreed upon with Ankara last August”.

LOL, but that’s not what the sticking point is, it’s the 32 mile wide safe zone Erdogan wants to use to rehouse Syrian refugees living in Turkey, that’s what the real problem is. And the US keeps saying no way to his demand, LOL.


Why is there still reference to the US-led coalition? It is a US-led invasion because neither the OUTLAW psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue empire-in-decline nor its Western “allies”, nor its proxy terrorist gangs were invited into the Syria, so all of them are there ilegally.

South Front, stop being a front, call a spade a spade.

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