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U.S. Was Behind Drone Attack On Homs Oil Facilities: Syrian Foreign Ministry

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U.S. Was Behind Drone Attack On Homs Oil Facilities: Syrian Foreign Ministry

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Drones from the US base in Al Tanf conducted a strike against oil facilities in the Syrian province of Homs on December 12, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said on December 23 at the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

“The US, using its illegal military base in Al Tanf, sent drones to Homs and committed air strikes by them against the oil refining infrastructure. It took place four days ago,” the Minister commented. “I would like to note that this occured in winter, when we have a pressing need for oil and gas. Yesterday Israel made an attack against Syrian Arab Republic, firing a number of rockets against facilities in Damascus and the outskirts,” Muallem said.

According to the Syrian Oil Ministry, several production units were put out of operation. Earlier, it was revealed that the drone attack hit the Homs oil refinery, the al-Rayan gas station and a gas processing facility.

The attack placed many sections of the targeted facilities out of service and caused several fires, which were put down immediately by the Syrian Civil Defense (the real one, don’t mix it with the so-called White Helmets). After the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility for it via its news agency Amaq. However, the terrorist group provided no evidence to confirm its claims.


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Fuck the US!


The US will pay for all of their terrorist acts, it is just a matter of time. Years , NOT decades.

Ricky Miller

They are burning bridges all around the World, and fast. Meanwhile there is little supervision or understanding among the American public about what these actions are costing us. Average Americans trying to do business around the world in the coming decades are going to face ill will headwinds often. And for what real gain?

Peter Jennings

The 1% have gained, the 99% pay the bill. Soon, the rich and ancient history of the ME will be out of bounds for most westerners. Already we are seeing more attacks on western backpackers who, as a rule, do not take along their own security personnel.

Albert Pike

I don’t see the jewish Trump pay for anything. How is that gone happen?

Keep it Real

roadside bombs and drone attack on their military in the middle east! Thats my guess!


The US as a country in in decay. The Security services are corrupted, Politicians are corrupted,Banks are corrupt, the police are corrupt and violent, the jewdiciary is out of control, the Military is unfit for purpose, the Prison System is licensed slavery and brutality, the Healthcare system is the most expensive in the world and broken for the less well off,corporations are venal , Media companies are politicised,Corporate News outlets only broadcast opinions with little real news,the Fracking industry is a boondoggle, the schools and universities are largely crypto communist who espouse anger toward other opinions rather than debate, the US infrastructure is in great need of repair, Space Force is another boondoggle to extract cash for little or no practical gain, and much much more.

Your president is probably the most ignorant in the history of the US, BUT he has shown the world the true and ugly face of America , as the mask or respectability has been torn off by Trump.

The political opponents of Trump are even worse as all of them are involved in enriching themselves first, second and third.

It is said that a nation deserves the politicians it gets and Trump is the best you have.

The US is, as any past empire, in the final stages of economic and moral decay. Only when the Zio Mafia beasts currently in power are no more, will the moral and fair Americans be able to restore their crippled nation, in my humble opinion.

America today has NO friends, only corrupt spongers and vassals.

northerntruthseeker .

Very true, and you are so right that the US has NO friends at all, for many may say that the sicko perverted state of Israel is their “friend”…. But so many forget about how that “friend” is the PARASITE sucking the life out of America… And so many forget how that “friend’ did the attacks of 9-11 as well as the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty.

Yes, with Israel as America’s “friend” they don’t need enemies, for the real enemy is already destroying their nation!


You have nailed the truth to the doors of the world. Well said my friend.

Steven Cropper

Your way of looking at this situation appeals to my sensibilities.Spot on.


Its all a matter scale that most people are unwilling to comprehend, yet it is no different to a local crime family who totally controls a small town or even small countries.

The US has now been totally corrupted in all spheres of governance . The UK is doing its best to catch up.

Tommy Jensen

Wait a minute. I am Americas friend and always will be! You are talking about Americas bad sides but America also have its beauties.

America have the best whoppers that dollares can buy, we have Stallone and Arnold true American heroes, we have the best rap music, we have facebook and we are still allowed to buy rocket launchers and machine guns legally.

US is most winning in heavy weight boxing. Black lives matters in America!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d5c8a3c234a0904e07b5469775b5254329e3647e7fd01a010bb6a338a0444757.jpg



Peter Jennings

The world sorely needs a international criminal court that works as intended.


The issue with any criminal court that soley adjudicates without a jury of some kind, is that Judges are more prone to political interference, and also the fact that many are appointed after being screened by whichever political cult is in power.

The judges that I have known and have known of, are invariably biased in many ways and all of them feel entitled to money.


The main trouble of an international criminal court would be that it would be staffed by international criminals. Secondly it would try to be the world’s jewdiciary with biased jewdges. Thirdly it would pick and choose and become politically driven machinery.


Correct, 100%

Icarus Tanović

Oh please dear Lord.

Xoli Xoli

Shameless oil,gas,Diamond and gold thiefts USA,puppet France and Britain.

Pave Way IV

Petrol shortages. How demonically brilliant! Those will work beautifully (in an evil way) with the US mass refugee starvation, Homs biological warfare and Idlib currency replacement tactics to make the average Syrians suffer. Obey us!

Get on your knees to your liberators, Syria! And give us your God damn land, water and oil. Why are you resisting us? We will kill every last one of you to save Syria (for our plunder). I could not be more serious.

Tommy Jensen



To be blunt, Syria is turning the tables on the US right now. This pronouncement is the official beginning of something much bigger, in my opinion.

Icarus Tanović

Great conclusion.


Most probably the official reason why Syrian air defense is now allowed to use S300 and russian s400 for any coming airborne attack.

Rhodium 10

“ISIS claim attack”…well nothing special as both ISIS and US are partners….

Albert Pike

Same jewish masters – same thing…

northerntruthseeker .

Close… ISIS is the US as the US runs, finances, and controls ISIS fully!

Mehmet Aslanak

No surprise? Attack on Saudi oil refinery was also by the US, particularly by Bolton & boomer generals in Pentagon, in order to force Trump attack Iran.

Hasbara Hunter

Them Houthis did it…. Houthis Blow up all Wahhabi-AngloZioNazi-Shit….

Peter Jennings

Maybe it’s time for the Russian/Syrian airforce to bomb the hell out of Al-Tanf. I suspect that Damascus is waiting to extricate the Syria hostages held there who are US/nato captives and used as human shields. The US/nato is no better than al qaeda or ISIS which comes as no surprise as they are one and the same. The US/nato is making hay while the sun shines and care little of polluting the planet in the process. One day these crimes will be paid for.


Idlib first!

northerntruthseeker .

Well, duh…. Of course the criminals in the US are behind this heinous attack..

They know that the end is near for their fraud ‘terrorists’ in the Idlib pocket, so they are trying any measure possible to slow down the SAA advances…. In their sick minds, they figure that blasting the Homs oil refineries will cut off vital petroleum necessary for the SAA to continue their advance.

Hasbara Hunter

USraeHell obviously wants a little War….Hey USraHell everyone will know that you AngloZioNazi-Parasites started that little War…none of your False-Flags ‘n’ Shit will work this time be sure of that & Don’t think you AngloZioNazi-Vermin can Blame the Others this time…it is YOU….YOU & YOU ALONE!

Joe Doe

Syrian President should prepare legal team to sue USA and its allies for SYria distraction and war crimes. As I may give advice.Syrian government should begin before Syrian courts and mean time sign Interjurisdictional and international enforcement law with friendly countries.Than with Syrian court order try International courts. Syria should never make the same mistakes as other countries, going before USA courts. As they will never win anything

Tommy Jensen

Lavrov replied that the training of SAA in the S-300 system will finally be finalized at the end of March 2020. This time its the truth because it is based on reason and logo………..and also logic!

Icarus Tanović

Anytime they do somwthing like this, they just blame it on Isis. Guess I’m telling nothing new…


“You can’t stop us, we’re on the road to freedom, You can’t stop us, cause our eyes can see”.

Van Morrison – Tupelo Honey – YouTube


It’s the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere – every decent house will have its gas heating on – but if you’re wondering why it keeps on getting more and more expensive that’s because those that are able to supply cheaper alternatives to US fracked gas [not natural] are not allowed to compete on the open market unless they privatize their resources to US approved poodleclubs.

So they eliminate the competition by means of drone strikes bombing illegally occupying their countries false accusations and regime change wars using proxy forces and who could forget the daily dose of propaganda.

Russian oil and gas is not allowed to expand and under economic sanctions just like Iran & Venezuela – no country is allowed to freely compete on the open market – these unjustified economic sanctions only drive up the price to the consumer – as intended while the gap between the financial elite and working class continues to grow also exactly as intended.

Only US approved suppliers are allowed to supply the market – that’s what its all about.

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