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MARCH 2025

UAE Condemned Turkish Intervention In Syria In Letter To UN

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UAE Condemned Turkish Intervention In Syria In Letter To UN

UAE embassy in Damascus, source: the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)

The United Arab Emirates has accused Turkey of seeding chaos in the Arab World and occupying Syria in a new letter to the United Nations Security Council.

The UAE’s message, which was delivered on August 28, was an apparent response to a recent message from Turkey to the Security Council. Ankara accused Abu Dhabi of suppressing democratic movements in the Middle East, as well as of killing people in Yemen.

In its message, the UAE said Turkey is attempting to shift international attention from its dangerous acts, including its illegitimate operations in Syria. The UAE also referred to Turkey as a hub for ISIS terrorists moving to central Asia and Afghanistan.

“Turkey is threatening to use migrants to advance its megalomaniac goals,” the message reads.

Tension between the UAE and Turkey escalated earlier this month after the announcement of the peace deal between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv. Ankara, which maintains official relations with Tel Aviv since 1949, slammed Abu Dhabi over the deal.

The UAE, which has been openly working to counter Turkey’s influence in the Middle East, restored relations with Syria more than a year ago. Abu Dhabi reopened its embassy in Damascus in December 2018.

According to several reports, the UAE is supporting Syria’s war on Turkish-backed militants and terrorist groups, which are occupying vast parts of the country.

The UAE’s message indicates that the country is not backing down from its stand against Turkey’s moves in the region. Abu Dhabi is clearly determined to foil Ankara’s plans.


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Bravo UAE for whatever reason you did that . But still there is problem.

A problem that you are also having part of responsibility for destruction of Syria through supporting terrorism. So perhaps you should reconsider a payback for your crimes through RECONSTRUCTION of Syria.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Careful UAE Saudis want a üiüeline to the EU they need the Kurds to support their claim! They now try to go in full force!

Zionism = EVIL

Here is the real situation, the Americunts arseholes have used their CIA installed Kadhimi in Iraq to bring in Saudi and Emirati mercenary cunts at Taji and Arbil to stoke terrorism against Syria, Turkey and Iran. 2 Turkish soldiers were killed in a sustained PKK terrorist cunts ambush last night near the Iraq–Iran and Turkey triangle in the Southeast Turkey. The situation could have turned worse until Iranian military intervened and killed the Kurdish cunts. The Americunts are trying to use the Arabs to destroy Turkey as the British cunts did with the Ottomans. UAE pimps are basically funding the PKK terrorists along with Zionist advisors at Arbil, from where they staging attempts and protecting the Saudi headchoppers entry into Syria. It is time Erdogan look at the real picture and the dangers to Turkey. An Iranian security delegation that visited Ankara this week has briefed the Turkish cousins on the dangers that the Saudi and UAE cunts pose. Greece poses not real challenge to Turkey, but these Wahhabi cunts do. It is time for end the terror in Syria and focus on the real axis of Zionist and Wahhabi evil.


Stinking RAT called Zionism=EVIL is going all the way on PRO-TURKEY position! See just his ass licking comments with many Turks on this forum. Showing finally his true colors! Everybody hear remembers well that he was the vicious attacker on “Putin for going in bed with Erdogan” and attacking Russia all the time for being too soft with Turkey!

The hypocrisy of this Turk ass licking rat (he is Muslim but not Iranian or Syrian obviously) is more than obvious! So all that criticism of Russia for not attacking Turkey was false (since he is by now obviously 100% pro Turkey) All his attacks on Russia have served only as EXCUSE to ATTACK Russia under any pretext to label Russia responsible and “not doing enough ” or create any kind of bad image about Russia! I would s h o o t you like rabid dog, you Turk ass licking and back stabbing cunt ! YOU ARE NO FRIEND OF SYRIA and ASSAD and you are no Iranian either, but some Sunni double faced supporter of Turk terrorism !!

Servet Köseoğlu

why dont you die like at good old chechen war..fuck you and fuck your putin..you the son of hooker…


” . Greece poses not real challenge to Turkey, ”

Seriously, I thought you were smarter than that! You probably should have said the opposite !! Look at some lolites that you will have for allies !! Not to mention that Pakistanis and Turks like sex with men ha ha ha “terrible” warriors !! They must shave before the battle their balls xo xo xo


Servet Köseoğlu


Thomas Simeon

well they are both right, they are not only distabilizing the region but they are bother invading and supporting groups that are destroying those countries

Servet Köseoğlu

ı condemned japanese hunting whales too..nothing changed…

Fog of War

I condemn your condemnation.


Beluga spots Fog of War in the audience. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/121a8eb8493b385079a622a50a2e6ea4980354f5fec516627da8adfae433a9ab.jpg

Fog of War

How are you breast implants doing ? Has the leakage stopped yet ?


dont you know they are not for sucking?

Zionism = EVIL

That is funny and close to reality, it is chomping on hardened rubber, believe me, sadly I have been there too a long time ago.

Politolog Externista

your condemnation is only worth when you are shown and regularly known as a person who upholds the very standards you try to impose, without double life. So, if Turkey doesnt hunt whales, good for you. Not that I know of whales in the mediterranean. I really wish to see something positive in Turkey. Stop doing wrong to others and bad stuff wont happen to you. Turkey was spared from WW2. The evil empire of old is gone, why would anyone do for a GOOD reason ? Did people lose sight of right vs wrong or something ? Greeks arent the most sympa people, why turn tension with them by trying to hurt their feelings ? There are bigger fish that can bring retribution to Turkeys actions and ambitions. Considering that Turkey tries to play a sovereign country, something that all countries should strive to be, without being vassals to others, I think this is commendable. So, try to play that what you intend on others, expect that you will get that, sooner, or later. Again, think, Turkey evaded/was spared of ww2 and its destruction even though Germans wished it hadnt. If West is falling to a trap of their greed, do not follow them there. Talks of greatness, or making great again usually lead to great ruin. Nazis basically wanted Germany Great ‘again’ after WW1 defeat. And first there was moral decline, hedonism, godlessness, moral relativism, where evil looked as if good. Their aggression and successive defeat brought in communism in its most brutal stalinist form. And it lasted way longer than most people anticipated I suppose. It did some good, but stuff like secret police, anonymous accusations and house check-ups by said police do not count as something very positive. Things like taking your property you worked for in US mines for 24 years, only for that to be taken away by new authorities. You were a kulak, a burgeouisie member. After a long time, after war reconstruction, militarization, did things improve. When you think about it, it was two bad camps, both unfree, both claiming to bring freedom. Later on, the regime was much more realistic and down to earth, but it wasnt the same savages as in 1950s. And until 1990, there was a constant threat of war. With nukes getting lobbed. A credible threat of immediate destruction did help to put things down, but some people do not share this. With these, they try as far as they can without getting cut, and when they get cut, they lash out more. A recipe for disaster for whole nations. Erdo needs to calm down, cut down on greed and pride. Become a respectable neighbor that doesnt try to loot others in the US/West image. Maybe then Turkey can become a force for good, an example to follow. :) So … this is one of ways how I look at something resembling a Turkey that is a force of good, or at least, one that doesnt let itself be used by bad outsiders as well.

Servet Köseoğlu

Thank you for best wishes and support..what is good and bad..though they are in opposition they are necessary..we live in a era which black is white up is down.Good,well mussolini made the trains run on time too.See evil and good has so many facades.Eu,greece no position to judge us neither the others.we played mr.nice guy 30 years.What had changed.They sheltered terrorists again and again which is recognized by Un.They’d issues with us..we were always hated,feared..and when they are being the better man we dont need to be..İnstead we can be the country who is doing necessary..Pain always bring clarity..Time will setle things to their place..

Christopher Petrov

12 Greek F-16’s surprised turkish squadron out of nowhere. AWACS didnt even see them coming. TURKEY STRONK

Servet Köseoğlu

christopher petrov captain of awacs speaking…


Yes, you should.

Servet Köseoğlu

nah..ı dont have ability to bow down..


Are you sure ?


Servet Köseoğlu

jesus..dont post me bullshit man…you have no idea what had happened..its our first meeting if you keep posting shit you will get a ticket to valhalla..


hahahahaha Whats wrong mongol ? Picture is hurting your shit-kebap turkisis arse much ? hhahaha yeah…”you dont bow down ! ” https://media.giphy.com/media/reJOGQ43nNeGk/giphy.gif

Servet Köseoğlu

no darling but its really kindergarden job…good bye..it was nice to meet you…


Ιf you mean it was easy for me to poke your smelly arse yeah you are right, it was easy.


But I am afraid I m not your darling… These are your darlings :


…Anytime mr ogluoglu glouglouglou.


Talking about bow …


Codenamed 'Gordon'

Turkey is not a state, never will be. Anatolia historically belongs to Greece and Iran. The united nations should intervene to oust the sultan and his Janissaries and restore historical borders. You have tax arrears to pay to the Greek people

Zionism = EVIL

Rubbish, you kids need to stop taking drugs. Turkey is an Empire builder that ruled over Greece for 377 years.

Servet Köseoğlu

the way you’re unfriendly. How you’re so polite about it … Like you’re doin me a favor…hystorically Greece and iran belongs to Sphinosaurus,Triceratops and Brontosaurus..thats right dinosaurs..

Zionism = EVIL

Greeks are bankrupt and even to mobilize two divisions is outside of their capability. Turkish standing army is close to 700,000 and 2 million reserves.

The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest standing military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces, with an estimated strength in 2015 of 639,551 military, civilian and paramilitary personnel.

Christopher Petrov

servet faggotglu: captain of turkish gaywolves

Servet Köseoğlu

petrov the mighty greek gay cocksucker..specially the hairy ones..

Christopher Petrov

Russian not greek, you turks banned DNA tests because you afraid of genetic truth. mongol gypsies. Just saw the gay music video of the sausage fest turkish soldiers. Level 10000 gayness

Servet Köseoğlu

aha pidaras.. natasha the anal lover…who can sell her pussy for 5 dollar..your nplace is near ”parasha” with your family hahahahaahah…come on..bring it on..

Servet Köseoğlu


Christopher Petrov


Fog of War

So first the UAE establishes relations with Syria, then with Israhell and now is ” attacking ” Turkey ? Additionally, shouldn’t Syria drop relations with the UAE after it sold out the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world ? Why hasnt it ? A very odd situation. Where is Syria’s integrity and honor ?

Politolog Externista

‘integrity’ ‘honor’ … what really do you mean ? The fake show that current regimes no longer support ? What do you mean, so you want Syria to attack Israelis or something ? Arabs are all but united in anything. A question could also follow, why should they ? Leave Joos be as long as they dont stir more trouble. If they keep stirring, violence is the last thing they should do. Joos may seek it because they think they are untouchable. At the same time, do not let them control you.If you stick with hatred, it will limit you, they in turn get to dictate even terms in which you think. If you dont forgive them, they will be on your mind like … forever. Nazis didnt deserve forgiveness, but Germans need forgiveness too or they are in likelihood bringing the same crap again.


Everything you say is OK but… Go easy with your “forgiveness” it is bit one dimensional and far too much straight forward logic. Life is full of all kinds of different examples including those where even “forgiven” can absolutely do the same or maybe even worse crimes.

And who the fuck are we to “forgive” in the name of true German (or any other) victims anyways? With what right we could possibly do that ?! Who the fuck is suppose to decide when the crime is no longer crime?! Judges , us?

All that is vanity. Some sick crimes of extreme cruelty should never be forgiven and forgotten.

Servet Köseoğlu

world power russia doesnt have resources to reconstruct it..they need victim..they have a saying :Деньги не пахнут:although its an old latin saying: Pecunia non olet.they are using too often in everyday life.it means money doesnt stink..just show them money they can reconstruct syria with nazis.


you got to break a few eggs to make a hamster.. you know that..a step forward and 2 steps back..


What a circus. UEA was pushed by the global Ziocorporate terrorsits to fund ISIS/al-Qaeda’s invasion of Syria and allied with the Turks at the beginning of the war. Looks like the Zioterrorists’ “partnership and business” with Russia and China is more complete than meets the eye.

Christopher Petrov

Lol Turks are so retarded shit fighter pilots. Greece sent 12 F-16’s and surprised them when they had AWACS up and running, didn’t see the Greeks until too late.

Also, Greek Mirage-2000 were locking onto Turkish F-16s with IR missiles and dumbass turk pilots were using ECM to jam infrared guided missiles HAHA! Meanwhile you cannot JAM IR missiles since they dont use radar! Retards. look at HUD on video, says JAM meaning the Greek Mirage is picking up ECM signals and using its own ECCM in defense. https://twitter.com/BabakTaghvaee1/status/1257651423870926848

Christopher Petrov

retarded turkish pilots having trouble keeping up with Greek planes in dogfight standoff. Greek F-16 keep pulling sharp turns on them.

Turks are LOW on fuel too! https://twitter.com/alikeskin_tr/status/1299486510761349120

Zionism = EVIL

Read MY LIPS, once and for all, the Greeks are in no position to fight Turkey and nothing is about happen. Turkish armed forces can roll into Athens in less than 48 hours.

Christopher Petrov

read my comment: i smash your face on street little punk faggot fucker bitch. Obviously greece cannot win a war with turkey, but they will fight them bravely and stand their ground . do you remember how Greece kicked italy’s ass in 1940? they held of Germany in Crete for over 10 days and rest of greece for 20+ days. They will kick turkey’s ass too. Greece is friend of mine as a Russian Orthodox. You dumbass little brown fag.

Icarus Tanović

Look who’s talking.


The Gulf states need to stop funding the Jew’s Yinon plan and Israeli occupation. If they want to do something productive they can fund regional development, democracy by supporting the Palestinian right of return, a dissolution referendum to replace Israel with a unified Palestine, and a regional military coalition to clear the IDF out of the occupied territories and police the implementation of UN resolutions that Israel is in violation of.

The Objective

If the GCC does what you are suggesting, the Middle East would be a better place. But the GCC will never support true democracy, because Muslims will get to choose their leader and very few will support corrupt people like MBS MBZ, El-Sisi, etc.


If I seem them fighting eachother, who am I to stop them?



Mustafa Mehmet

Wake up and smell the coffee. you can’t do jackshit against Turks. go back to your dream again re

Zionism = EVIL

These stupid morons are fixated on tiny bankrupt Greece. The real danger is the new Zionist and Wahhabi axis of evil that is funding and training the PKK cunts against Turkey. Sadlly two Turkish soldiers were killed last night by a PKK terrorist attack . Two Turkish soldiers were killed after a mine was detonated by Kurdish terrorists on a highway between the southeastern provinces of Diyarbakir and Mardin near Iranian and Iraqi border. The ambush by PKK terrorists based in Iraqi Kurdistan prompted an Iranian response to support the Turkish operation against the growing Kurdish terrorism supported by Saudi Arabia and UAE .






cechas vodobenikov

turkey creating enemies everywhere

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t believe so. That is Jew propaganda.


Günaydın Hulusi Akar. Ben Charos’um. Seni almak için geliyorum…( Good morning Hulusi Akar. I am Charos/death. I’m coming to get you..)


Zionism = EVIL

What’s behind Iran’s sudden realignment with Turkey? Centuries old shared historical, ethnic, cultural and religious links have brought the two regional superpowers as they share a common Eurasian vision for region and an end to foreign intervention. The abrupt convergence of geopolitical and security interests between Tehran and Ankara, or more precisely, Iran’s efforts to mend fences with Turkey, is no accident as US is using proxy Saudi and UAE funds and mercenaries to undermine both by fanning Kurdish terrorism from bases in Iraq.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Muslim Brotherhood is the real answer, that’s why Turkey and Iran got on so well for so long, at least they did right up until the Iranians attacked Aleppo last year, and because of that moment of utter stupidity, the Turks have completely turned on Iran and are now gleefully punishing them mercilessly. Someone sabotaged the Iranian gas line that supplied Turkey with cheap natural gas and Turkey failed to repair it, the Iranians offered to repair the line at their expense but Turkey still said no, then Iran threatened to take Turkey to court to force them to recommence buying Iranian gas, and Turkey said sue and see if we care, so now Turkey buys all the gas they used to buy from Iran from the US instead, and they pay more for the US LPG than they did for the cheap Iranian natural gas, so they’re just plain and simply mercilessly punishing Iran. I think Turkey sabotaged the gas line, not some unidentified terrorists as Turkey claims. The gas sales to Turkey made up nearly a third of all of Iran’s export revenue, so Turkey’s failure to recommence gas imports effectively crippled Iran’s economy, and Turkey’s breaking an internationally recognized and US approved contract [no US sanctions], so they’re totally in the wrong in this dispute, but that’s how Erdogan reacts when you upset him, he’s a vindictive bastard. And Azerbaijan has closed its border with Iran and won’t trade with them anymore either, and as you know Azerbaijan and Turkey are as thick as thieves. I think the Iranian/Turkish friendship is well and truly over, and I also think Putin’s probably the next one on Erdogan’s hit list.

Simon Ndiritu

Such a belated action and largely empty talk. If the UAE was serious, its words would be backed with humanitarian and military assistance to Syrians. In this particular case, it was only engaging in mudslinging with Turkey

Zionism = EVIL

UAE, Saudi cunts and Zionists have been deputed by their Americunt masters to fund PKK cunts. They want to use the Kurd turds and Wahhabis to destabilize Iran and Turkey, the morons have a thing coming.

Cheryl Brandon

the UAE hypocrites which is acting as an ISRAHELLI/US PROXY, by not calling out israhelli/us joint attacks in ME??? SUCH DUMMIES

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So SF is finally telling us the truth now, well at least some of it, they’re still leaving out the best parts though, but that doesn’t matter, I tell you all the juicy bits in my comments anyway, I try really hard to fill in all the bits they leave out. The Arab league are being kept secret from us because the Russians don’t want us to know the truth, SF doesn’t want us to know that the Arab League have actually become a stronger and more vocal ally for Assad than either Russia or Iran is now, and even though Assad’s been reluctant to accept their help, especially the Saudis, the Arab League still eagerly advocate for Assad and do their best to support him anyway. The Arab league and the Israelis are the only 2 parties that don’t want Assad to implement UN resolution 2254, and the reason they don’t is they both think it’ll just hand over Syrian political power to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Assad keeps saying Syria’s biggest enemy is the Muslim Brotherhood [MB]. But SF hardly ever ever mentions the MB, and never in the context of Syria’s public enemy number one, so why doesn’t it, why are we never told the truth, I’ll tell you why. It’s because Erdogan is the de facto leader of the MB, and even though he’s tried very hard to distance himself from the organization lately, the Arab League know the truth, he’s still the leader of the MB. The MB caused Russia lots of grief in Chechnya and they were promptly placed on Russia’s official terrorist list, and yet lately Russia and Turkey have been working together [but not well]. So hasn’t anyone told Putin that Erdogan’s actually the leader of the MB, yes they have, the Arab league keep shouting it from the top of their voices, and because Putin thought they were too stupid to do anything about it, the Arab League showed Putin what they could do about it, they dropped oil price to below Iranian production costs, and just a few cents above Russia’s production costs, that’s what they did about it. Then Putin called up Trump and asked him to help calm down the Saudis, and luckily Trump made a phone call and soothed the Saudis down somewhat, they lifted prices another few cents so the Russians could make a bit more profit but kept it low enough so the Iranians couldn’t. So Trump actually saved Putin’s arse with that phone call, and just as well he did, the coronavirus hit soon after. Resolution 2254 is total and utter crap in both it’s instalments, the old Turkish/Iranian/Russian version was total crap and the new amended UN version is just a little less crappy, both give Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood way too much say in Syria’s political future. Turkey and it’s Syrian Interim Government only control 25% of the occupied territories of Latakia/Hama/Idlib/Aleppo, and yet they’ll get to dictate how the future political process in Syria will proceed. HTS has more right to a say in the future than Turkey does, but because they’re designated as a terrorist organization they can’t be a party to the Astana agreements or resolution 2254, so Turkey gets to be a voice for 75% of the people who prefer HTS and the Salvation Government. So why would anyone who is supposedly supporting Assad and his elected government do anything at all to help Turkey, anyone in their right mind would be doing everything they could to actually hinder Turkey, definitely not help them reopen the M4 highway. So it makes no sense helping Turkey regain political power from HTS, it makes more sense to instead help HTS take over even more political power from Turkey, leave the weakest man standing on the biggest territory, not the strongest. Is that why Assad does trade deals with HTS but not the Turkish backed terrorists, mmm, I can’t think of any other reason he’d do that, can you.

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