A RAF Reaper drone is pictured airborne over Afghanistan during Operation Herrick. 2 November 2009, By POA(Phot) Tam McDonald, via the UK Defense Ministry.
The UK has officially claimed responsibility for the October 25 drone strike on northeastern Syria which claimed the life of an ISIS commander.
“The crew of a remotely piloted [MQ-9] Reaper, armed with Hellfire missiles, tracked a known terrorist in northern Syria, near the city of Ras al-Ain, and at a safe moment, when the individual was alone in a field, carried out a successful strike,” the UK Ministry of Defense said in a statement released on November 27.
While the UK declined to name the terrorist, Syrian sources said that the drone strike killed Sabahi Ibrahim al-Muslih, also known as “Abu Hamzah al- Shheell”. The terrorist was a cochairman of ISIS Shura Council. He was reportedly preparing to sneak into Turkey.
Al-Muslih was reportedly living at the headquarters of the so-called 20th Division, a faction of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army that occupies Ras al-Ain.
Three days before the assassination of al-Muslih a US drone strike killed Abdul Hamid al-Matar, a senior commander of al-Qaeda-affiliated Horas al-Din, in the Turkish-occupied town of Suluk in northeastern Syria.
British warplanes and drones operate over northeastern Syria on a regular basis. However, the October 25 drone strike was likely the UK’s first combat action in the region since the collapse of ISIS last stronghold there more than two years ago.
What the … are the British doing in Syria. It is not their colony and the Syrian governement did not ask for their help. Now if the friends of the that ISS commander decide to strike the United Kingdom it whould not comme as a surprise. UK get out of Syria, The Syrian people have enough ennemies as it is. Let the Syrian goverment and its allies do the job.
They are allied with Kurds there. They took out ISIS to help them, not Assad (though he gains obliquely).
oops we killed a cia 😂
Since the Western powers are ONLY truly concerned with exterminating their OWN POPULATIONS I suspect this person didn’t want to go along with some plot devised by those same powers, perhaps the usual false flag operation. These same Establishments allowed the Nazis to continually attack and eliminate hundreds of thousands of their own people for YEARS during World War 2 rather than risk letting the Nazis discover their communications were compromised. So London, Coventry and all the other mass deaths of UK citizens were ALLOWED to happen DELIBERATELY…. and THAT is historical FACT. Trust ANYTHING they say ? Please don’t be so Foolish.