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UK Foreign Secretary “Ready” To Use Nuclear Weapons If Need Be

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UK Foreign Secretary “Ready” To Use Nuclear Weapons If Need Be

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British prime minister candidate Truss is also prepared for “global annihilation”.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

The main frontrunner of the British Conservative Party, Lis Truss, made it clear that she would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if she deemed it necessary. Her words threaten world stability, considering that she may be the next prime minister of the UK, precisely in the midst of a global context of tensions and security crisis. If the nuclear powers are unwilling to guarantee peace, the future of international relations could be devastating.

In an interview, Truss stated that it is a prime minister’s duty to decide on the use of nuclear weapons and said she is prepared to do so. According to her, even if such a decision meant a “global annihilation”, she would do it if she deemed it necessary. The interviewer, Times Radio host John Pienaar, stated that faced with such a decision she would feel “physically sick”, considering the risks of annihilation, but Truss responded by emphasizing that she “is ready” for it.

“I think it’s an important duty of the prime minister and I’m ready to do that (…) I’m ready to do that”, she said, twice emphasizing that she considers herself prepared for such an attitude.

Truss’ words sound like a real threat to the entire world. Her important role in contemporary British – and international – politics makes it extremely complicated for such a bellicose speech to be made in the midst of current tensions. Truss currently heads British diplomacy and is the favorite to become the new UK’s prime minister, so, with her with the responsibility of important strategic decisions, it should be her duty to make it clear that she has no intentions of using nuclear weapons, as in such a war there would be no winners. However, she does exactly the opposite: she says she is ready and takes the risk of global annihilation.

In Moscow, as expected, Liz Truss’ imprudent statement was responded with severe condemnation by spokespeople. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called Truss’ declaration a “good start” to the new season of the cult spy series Austin Powers in the late 1990s. Zakharova subtly hinted at Truss’ resemblance to the hero of the aforementioned series, Dr. Evil, who threatened world leaders with launching a nuclear missile if they did not pay him 100 billion dollars. The ironic response reflects Russia’s absolute disapproval for Truss’s position.

Obviously, Truss’ words would be dangerous at any point in history, but the current situation demands even more attention. Two days earlier, during a Security Council meeting, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated that “nuclear risk has climbed to its highest point in decades”, making it clear that he considers the current security crisis the most serious in history. Indeed, the fact that Truss stated shortly after Guterres’ speech that she is “ready” to press the nuclear buttons shows that this critical point of global nuclear security is fueled by the irresponsibility of Western leaders.

The most impressive thing is that this is not the first time that Truss has caused international tensions with her irresponsible and bellicose speeches. Months ago, in the early days of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, some of Liz’s words led to a deep diplomatic crisis, making Russia to put its nuclear forces on high combat alert. Liz’s aggressive pronouncements left suspicions that the UK could intervene in the conflict in favor of Ukraine and attack Russia, which is why her speeches were considered unacceptable, motivating Russian nuclear mobilization.

“There were unacceptable statements about possible conflict situations and even confrontations and clashes between Nato and Russia. I will not name the authors of these statements, although it was the British foreign secretary”, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said at the time.

There is another fact to be mentioned, which is the widespread connivance of the Western powers with the nuclear crisis. Truss’ case appears to be the most serious of Western nuclear responsibility, but it is not the only one. It is Western aid that is causing problems in Zaporozhye, for example, where Ukrainian forces are constantly bombing the local nuclear plant with weapons sent by NATO members, creating high risks of radioactive contamination. It is possible to say that in the current security crisis the Western posture has been absolutely destabilizing, promoting risks in the nuclear issue unnecessarily – only in the name of the unjustified objective of “defeating Russia”.

Civil society in Western countries must mobilize to prevent their leaders from continuing to foment war and nuclear instability. A solid stance by the UN is also necessary, since condemning Truss’ speech is an obligation of all humanity, not just Russia. Also, in the UK, it is essential for the Conservative Party to rethink its internal structure and for Parliament to act responsibly, as it is unacceptable for a candidate for prime minister to say that she is “ready” to promote global annihilation.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter.


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Finally some good news.

Retired Troll

This dumb bimbo bitch does not know that tiny freezing Britain will sink in two nuclear weapons strike. The limey cunts are delusional.

Karl Pomeroy

Quite an interesting adjective. Are you British?


What he means Karl is two RS-28- Sarmat missiles or maybe even one as each has at least 10 nukes and I am Scottish not British.

There are worse things in life than being killed by a bomb.


The Scots are by definition ‘British’ and so are black Africans and sub continental Pakistanis..

who apparently can also be swarthy Scots men too and currently run your government…

bashing the wee bawbags in kilts for ‘racism’… and shepherding them to Euro obscurity..

Over the border the gloves are off between a corrupt lndian dwarf and the demon doll chucky truss.. who with Nickerless sturgeon up north will constitute a child’s playset..

for the last gristle on the bones of the dying ‘British’ bull dyke.. and vaccination’s and free panty pads for all…


You know zero of Scottish history and ancestry and how they fought alongside other nations .

I have NO English DNA Western Scottish Islands which was ruled by the Vikings- Tiree /South Uist .

I would never fight for Big Business USA – ask the Germans in WW2 if the Scots were good fighters – vaccinations for COVID ?? never took them as I knew the American side-effects – fights your own bodies defences – lowers your immunity to disease – and what has an English bulldog got to do with a Scot —zero !

Even the Romans had to build two walls – Hadrian,s Wall and the Antonine Wall to stop the Scots attacking them .

The English were sly when fighting they sent the Scots into battle first so they all were killed then used their bodies to walk over.


obviously you aren’t even a Scotsman.. some larping no nothing Yankee…

who once ate some porridge…


Too much tequila again? .tiny Britain can finish you off anytime dumbo

Bob - Enough

Hey, the normal people are good people as they are in your Country… just the globalist parasite twa-ts need hanging. So keep your gob shut or at least think next time.


Well what do we expect from this ignorant kitchen-grade mentality pussified by her delusion that the dead duck still rules the waves.

famous last words

Britannia rues the days……….that it decided to pick a fight with Russia


Truss is an idoit


An idiot.

Karl Pomeroy

However you spell it, same result.

Bufford T Justice

She’s also an eyesore.

Ivan Freely

Do it so that Russia have the excuse to wipe Britain off the face of the planet.


Nuclear conflict. Reduce the world to molten glass, and someone can say I told you so as their eyes melt. It won’t matter who is right.


Not here in Patagonia, far far south 👍🏽 only problem to survive is to avoid other survivors


Send Truss to the crazy asylum.


She’s already in the crazy asylum.. Also known as house of parliament.

Kansas advanced LGBT School of Pain

she has nuclear dildo for jens


This psycho bitches make me hot. Hopefully we get nuked in wintertime to help with the heating

Bufford T Justice

Dude , get some help .


I’ll take a Kinzahl/Zircon hypersonic warhead taking out ANYTHING Angl0-Zi0ni$t in Washington D.C. and London with a “First Strike” before anything reaches Moscow!…

Bring it on(very desperate) https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uk-government-warned-civil-unrest-over-peoples-inability-pay-energy-bills British Bitch!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

This is what you get, when you let certified idiots take office. BoJo is a bad joke, but she is dangeroulsy stupid. She should be put into a mental hospital.


This is what happens when you give women rights.


Too costly, ineffective, put her and her kind, Biden, Zelensky, Macron, Scholtz, Merkel, Soros, Trudeau, Schwab, to name a few on a boat similar to the one in Sylvester Stallone ”Escape plan” movie in the middle of the antarctic region. No possibility of escaping alive. Use them as laboratory rats for the betterment of mankind. I love it !


“This is what you get, when you let certified idiots take office. BoJo is a bad joke, but she is dangeroulsy stupid. She should be put into a mental hospital.”…

Where exactly have you been ???… https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11 https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/845-nist-confirms-its-building-7-report-is-indefensible-part-1-of-5-the-omitted-web-stiffeners

More importantly… Where has Putin been https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/ ???..

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

It won’t be a bad idea to use nuclear weapons against that shitty isle: imagine the swim races from Normandy to Iceland in a straight line.

The only good truss is the trussrod in my guitar. Neocons must have been stopped when they were starting to seize power.


use nuclear by tiny country ? oh, it won ‘t even exist within a second by missile from russia


She has Kamikaze mentality, obviously


HARAKIRI you mean?


Poll: Who do you think is more stupid? A) Annalena Baerbock B) Liz Truss

Bufford T Justice

Truss , hands down .

Michel LeBlanc

I will add C) Chrystia Freiland.


The US had their sociopath Hillary Clinton, now the Brits have their sociopath Liz ” cannot” Truss. Both are women, I thought men were crazier but not that stupid enough to brag about using nuclear bombs for global annihilation. Are we being attacked by an ET race who wants to annihilate the Human race ? Are we watching a sci-fi movie ? Is it possible that some of the world leaders are ET disguised in the human body ? If the answer is Yes to all those questions, we’re in big trouble ! I cannot imagine a FEMALE HUMAN BEING ready to destroy this world for A RUSSOPHOBIA delirium. This is insanity and I just hope the Brits will wake up and put that SOCIOPATH out of politics.

Last edited 2 years ago by JPJP

Gender equality..Leading us in the wrong direction, Look at those screaming policewomen putting the lives at risk of their buddies, Liz bitch who l would bet does not even have any clue of what hypersonic missile is. Look how ugly are the white House spoxbitch and US ambassador landwhale at the UN.

Last edited 2 years ago by HINDOT KABAYO
Karl Pomeroy

She’s an air head trying to compensate for that unfortunate fact by sounding “strong”. Lavrov said talking to Truss was like talking to a deaf and dumb person. Bad as Johnson is, we need him now.

John Wallace

More and more world leaders taking control of their countries with no concept of war between super powers. There are now those that think they can win a nuclear war by making it limited. How do you fire a few nukes and expect only a few back. Fire one and it is total destruction coming back. Those that will survive are those in power that know the button is about to be pushed and have nice fancy bunkers to retire too. The rest of us get vaporised or die a horrible death from radiation or the nuclear winter that will follow and kill almost everything on the planet. She is just appealing to those that prefer a Churchill rather than a Chamberlain as leader.

Playing to the camera

Gee, what a tough broad. What will she say I wonder 15 minutes after the UK begins to sink into the Atlantic and floods her bunker….gurgle, gurgle?


Plain madness for everyone to see..in the open. She is crazy

zelensky mortuary services

racist anglos prefer immoral sexually repressed greedy females like biden, obama killary arden, the danish witch moron that ignores retired janitor jens….Schopenhauer observed females to be inherently immoral and deceptive and observed that when females were prevalent in government justice and freedom disintegrated…the stupidity of amerikans obvious—in a recent comparison a kardashion new US immoral laws better than killary

Bufford T Justice

Just what we need , this bimbonic eyesore, UK Prime minister. WTF ? Could they have set the bar any lower ? For God’s sake , bring back Boris !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bufford T Justice
S Balu

RULING WHITE ESTABLISHMENT HAS DECIDED THEY HAD ENOUGH WITH LOCAL anglo saxons WHO HAVE BECOME BRATS AND ROWDY UNABLE TO HANDLE MICRO SECOND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS OF THE TIMES THEY HAVE STUDIED THE PAST AND PRESENT AND COME TO CONCLUSION THAT INDIAN BABUS AND BABIES ARE WELL SUTED TO JOB READ THE FOLLOWING AND UNDERSTAND HOW THEY CAME TO THIS CONCLUSION Reading the history of East India Company Englishman observed at Varanasi that Indians would make EXCELLENT BABUS and CAN EASILY HYPED UP BY RELIGIOUS FERVOR ie India is ripe for colonization based on religious divide and rule game What he meant by Excellent Babu was that Indians under Englishman command will meticulously obey the order Work under him and follow the written instructions to the last dot BUT AN INDIAN IS UNABLE TO HANDLE POWER AND DISPERSE IT EVENLY This can be observed how Indians Behavior at recent UNSC debate on Afghanistan under Indian Presidency whereby It stooped so low as to deny Pakistan right to address UNSC Debate as Pakistan is stake holder in stability of Afghanistan It is evident in Britain with Priti Patel as The Home Secretary And her behavior and arrogance and see how she leading the campaign to send Refugees to Rwanda Same with Rishi Sunak,Alok Sharma etc * In India you can observe the Modi’s behavior and BJP arrogance towards minorities Remember that Indians have always been ruled for last 5000 years By outsiders only last 70 years they are ruling and you can see the mess they are making BUT THEY ARE STILL GOING TO BE INDIAN BABUS FOR WHITEMEN FOR MANY CENTURIES

Peppe il Sicario.

Liz Truss would be better off working in a Lagos Nigeria whore-house 24/7 with no breaks!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario.

The article on another (so called ) pro Russia website said it will be a cold winter in the EU/UK some will die .

I posted ( or tried to post ) –“not that LIz Truss cares ” — BLOCKED – changed words –still blocked makes you wonder who runs those “supposed ” PRO Russia websites”.

Up till then I was getting Pro- Russia posters agreeing with me in posts but somebody has taken offence ?

AND it was Blocked here as well -the USA obviously love LIz Truss.

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

Posted a number only on the other website -blocked — looks like I am BARRED from a so called “pro- Russia ” website elsewhere –some are operating under a false premise,

First this year .

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

Another pathological Cnt. prostituting for the globalists elites.


The British people are extremely stupid to allow someone as stupid as this to run for any office, let alone PM. Her words and decisions are going to destroy Britain very quickly. Providing Ukraine with military aid is stupid enough. To say what she is saying is beyond stupid. May God protect us in Britain but I think Britain doesn’t have His protection because we have turned our backs on Him. Time is all that stands between us and annihilation and this is real.

helene matz

even a bird has a bigger brain than this excuse for a female so stupid no geography and ugly like sin,send her on the streets if somebody covered her mug she would make a fortune

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