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MARCH 2025

UK Is Preparing Evaucation Of Intelligence Personnel From Syria’s Idlib?

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UK Is Preparing Evaucation Of Intelligence Personnel From Syria's Idlib?


The UK is reportedly preparing to evacuate its intelligence personnel and military instructors backing militants in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone.

On November 15, David Quarrey, the UK Prime Minister’s International Affairs Adviser and Deputy National Security Adviser met with Russia’s Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the sides discussed topical developments in the Middle East, including the situation in Syria and the political settment and the humantiarian situation there. Especially interetsing is that the sides discussed the situation on the ground in Syria’s northeast and the Idlib de-elscalation zone was discussed “in details”.

David Quarrey is a British diplomat, who joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1994 and previously directed its Near East and North Africa Department. He also served as a British diplomat in Harare, in Delhi and at the United Nations in New York as well as was the United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Israel from 2015 to 2019. Additionally, Quarrey for two years was a private secretary of Tony Blair when he was the British Prime Minister.

During his entire carrier Quarrey has been promoting a strong pro-Israeli point of view. According to reports, his actions has often been linked to those of the British intelligence services.

UK Is Preparing Evaucation Of Intelligence Personnel From Syria's Idlib?

Former British Ambassador to Israel David Quarrey (right) and his husband Aldo Oliver Henrique in the video ahead of Tel Aviv’s pride parade. IMAGE: British Embassy/Facebook

The meeting between Bogdanov and Quarrey is a strange development itself because the Russian representative has a much higher position within the government than the British one. This violates the principle of symmetry (equivalence) between the negotiating parties. It becomes even more strange if one tries to clarify what kind of “intersts” the British side may have in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

The only prominent organization linked to the UK in Idlib is the so-called White Helmets, the propaganda offshoot of al-Qaeda and other radicals founded and trained by the UK’s MI6 officer James Le Mesurier. Since the start of the war, the White Helmets have been involved in multiple provocations, including those involving chemical weapons, and served as a powerful propaganda tool to support the agression against Syria. MSM still tries to paint the White Helmets as some kind of “humanitarian organization”. However, the facts about the real goals and actions of this entity cannot be hidden. Accidentally, Le Mesurier recently died in his home in Turkey’s Istanbul after he fell from a balcony. Turkish media described his death as an accident.

At the same time, Russia and Turkey continue to boost their cooperation on the tactical, in Syria’s Idlib and northeast, and regional level. The rapprochement between Ankara and Moscow apparently endranger British personnel involved in clandestine activities in the miltiant-held part of Syria.

Therefore, it’s highly likely that the UK is now trying to get a kind of open corridor to withdraw its intelligence officers and military advisers involved in propaganda operations and training of militants in the Idlib zone. 


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Tudor Miron

Those UK agents hide in real hospitals knowing that Russians would not bomb them. They also know that something might fall on their snake heads from the sky on the way out of Syria. Also they know that they may themselves fall from a balcony if they know a little too much. Ouch! I just realised that он еще и пидор…

You can call me Al

Have a check of this – http://markcurtis.info/2018/01/26/syria-declassified/


Perfidious Albion in action ,Al.

John Wallace

Did you read that Understanding the Deep State article on here I think which makes sense of it all , The people are happy electing their governments and democracy is alive and well , except the governments are told what to do by those in charge no matter who is the PM or President. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2019/11/14/understanding-the-deep-states-propaganda/

Jens Holm

Thats partly correct. Here You forget, that the base for Democrasy is the Constitution, laws by the parlament and agreements with other countries and organisations.

Thats the stability making vital factor for Democrasy. Some random politicians cant do as they please, but are kept in line by the keepers.

In the other hand vital changes are possible, if there is a parlamental agreement as well as the upperthings can be changed by all voters vote about it. This is a contrast to many things in many parts of the Islamic world.

I allow me to add that Dictators is about the same in all kinds of the world no matter almost what.

I also allow me t write for the 1001 time, that most tak here about the socalled “DEEP STATE” is deep, because You dont know and even try to understand, how complicated ours are compared with Yours.

Much of the deep stuff actually are written down and You can see light, if You read our laws, which are public and fx in Denmark can be written for free in any Libraryas well as bought in any bookstore here.

Many parts also are to find at the internet as well as comments from many about the decissions and the background for they are good or bad.

Your version of deep state is much more deep for You then for us. Of copurse we do have secrets as well as “secret-secrets” too.

Tudor Miron

Thanks for the link!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

off topic, hey dude :) did you get a grip on dissenter?

You can call me Al

Yes and No. The place I wanted it for was the Daily Mail and Express, the Mail really; but it seemed that they banned it. Still got it. A big thanks for that.

PS “Dude” …. first time I have been called that, cheers.


de-fenestration is not good enough for those charmless and witless morons – suggest big size wood chipper.

John Wallace

The window method doesn’t make as much as a mess as the wood chipper and also a lot quieter , except for the short term scream,


Its a disgrace that the British Corporate Media has said as little as possible about British troops and spooks being involved with US proscribed terrorists in Syria , especially Idlib and North east Syria.

The fact that the media is silent actually means that the UK government realises that the majority of UK public would be opposed to UK troops in Syria, as they were with the Iraq wars.

The fact that the Brits are pulling out suggests that Russia and Syria will not be taking prisoners of any of those within the ranks of the US Coalition of Terror.

Dead Brits would concentrate the minds of civilians and when these civilians start to use their brains , it is a danger for the UK Elite.

John Wallace

Would it make any difference in the lives of busy people trying to survive if a few army personnel died in an accident in the ME or whatever other story they came up with. A monitoring group attacked and killed by nasty SAA . The media is controlled to tell the stories that those in control want told. They are only reporters , they report what they are told to say.

Jens Holm

Good point. Small vicories for small people sometimes is too much. So far 550.000 accoding estimates are killed and every day more are killed and wounded.

According to traditions in those parts of the world only the price for warwidows goes down.

Eduardo Cohen

You sound like a racist creep talking about “traditions in those parts of the world” and when your spewing ignorant propaganda about ‘the Assads.’ Bashir al-Assad has been protecting his country from imperialist aggressors from more than seven different nations headed by the US, NATO and Saudi Arabia. But if your moniker is ‘christian blood’, I’m probably wasting my time.

Jens Holm

You are wasting my time.

Assads only by Baathist has protected Syria as own property and has tryed for Lebanon too.

The only defence for that is France tryed to make a new country and it was too big for Your religion as well as culture. I should have been, which rhen could be runned as a kind of modern Emirates – in mild or dirty Dictatorship.

Well France made Lebanon too.


The UK public that is more interested in the plethora of inane cookery programmes would though have to recognise the fact of UK bodybags coming home from a war that the ‘oh so democratic’ UK is not proud enough to tell us all about in the corporate media.

British forces have been training Terrorists of the worst kind , skills such as Wild Camping, Orienteering,1st Aid and LGBTQ awareness.

The UK Government should be ‘proud’ of that :)

John Wallace

Plethora of inane cooking , yes we have the same on free to air TV which are probably more interesting than those other mindless shows they have. Thank god I have an alternative. I wonder if there is a mind numbing agenda in operation or just low cost programming. Our media is what I term censorship by omission or use other companies reports stating according to this report by XXX which skirts the strict truth telling rules. . Most people get maybe one minutes slanted news a day at best and remain ignorant and or indifferent to what is going on in the ME. Not really that much interest in Charles either who is visiting. Point I was trying to make was if several of your military were killed in Idlib would that be explained away as they were on an observation mission rather than an active military mission and would that many people care enough. Apart from their stints in Afghanistan we are never know where our SAS are but I know they do spend a lot of time with the Aussie and Brit SAS so chances are a couple or so are also in Idlib. We will never know.


“I wonder if there is a mind numbing agenda in operation ”

I suspect its a unified Western strategy to give the population ‘Bread and Circus’s ‘ all week and ‘ Letting them Eat Cake ‘ on Sundays.

Every programme and advert are essentially dishing out salacious drama, politically correct opinions and virtue signalling bollocks.

Real news is restricted to the weather forecasts and even that is 50% nonsense.


Well, as the French and the quebecois would say: “Touché, mon ami!”

Bill Rood

If even some of us on the other side of the pond know the Manchester Arena bombing was perped by an MI6 trainee, it’s pretty clear that UK cocineros are willfully ignorant, worse than the “good Germans” who heard rumors about the camps but took no steps to find out.


Have you seen this video? It is very ver disturbing even for those who are aware of pre and post 1945 anti German events in Germany.

” Hellstorm ”


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

am UK. it is astounding how little most people know about what is going on

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

UK are not fighting ISIS. they are there for financial transactions, equipment, food and military supplies to support ISIS


Exactly :)


These British pro-Alqaeda spies or any other Western intelligence personnel in Idlib working with the terrorists there should be captured and be summarily executed by the Syrian army and their allies. No mercy should be shown to such murderous beasts!

Jens Holm

Very well, and You forget they can do a lot back, but of course Syrians are spendables accoding to the Assads – So GO GO.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


USA created armed funded and trained ISIS. USA foreign policy is terrorism

Jens Holm

Assads create dit by ISIL in Iriaq. It came out of hand. USA and SEVERAL OTHERS supported ir vey much for a period as replacemnent for FSA. It got out od hand for them too.

Most of the rest of wholee world has been fighting it ever since. Thats why USA took in Kurds making SDFs against ISISdighting ISIS hard.

So You serve shot.

Otrher main supporters are Turks accepting ISIS mainly as a motorway for support as well as Saudis giving ISIS advances heavy weapons.

USA has stopped the last big support named Saudfi Arabia.

Your narrowminded, limited version is higly infected.

You are right about methods, but as a minimum You also shoudl include manyothers makes terrorisme or kinds of dirty guerilla. USA is only a very big one.

Assads many years wa too kind to PKKs in Turkey. Assads created ISIL in Iraq. Assads has supoorted Lebanese radicals. So even dwarfs do it.

And the meoody about Westerns are the only dirty players in ME are not correct. Things are well descriebed from a lot of money, military help to politics and who is supporting who.

The l,ocals has been fightring each other since the time of Muhammed and even before and do today.

In history Israel is a very new player. USA was nothing until WW! and became a big one duting WW2.

The try for dominance by USA also is a replacements for mainly Britts and French consolidating their own

You probatly also forget the Russian expansion by the Tzars as well after a break by the socallde Revolusionby the USSR and the counterweight by Britts in Iran and Afghanistan.

Here I allow me to add, that Osmans mainly collapsed itself and by that many new countries was made. You forget those apart from Caucasus was Osmans and has been given more indepensensy then they have had for many centuries. So its about handling this very bad themselves too – People jhere even insist in remaining neocoloniatisc borders, whicg make no sense.

Thats important reasons for everlasting disagreemenets goes on and goes one. Here Sunni/Shia only is one among many old bad reasons too. A very good one is fanatic and simple minded nationalisme of the worst kind as an extra blocker.

So please put Your biased link into the big picture. A main factor for being independent is based on modern productions as well as structures for it. I see none of that.

You mainly dominate Yourself my Emir structures, which always give Emirs the power even supported by Islam. One thing is You have good as well as bad Emirs, but many becomes bad dictators and intermal warlords by that.

The other thing is those Leaders of Yours by those very simple structures can run Emirates well but not big countries or even not so big ones beacause that few deciders never can run so many people and land.

As long as none decide to change that, those socacalled countries are excluders of millions of its own populations by stepping hard on the minorities and create uprises bt themself.

Thats what I think I see, but I have not invented the text about it. Its very well descriebed.

Some Ankara, Teheran, Bagdad, Damakus should run much less and give great påarts in trust, which can been given i several ways.

Those bad Leaderships are “control freaks”, which has a job, they have shoosen themselves, but is impossible to fullfill.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are an idiot

Jens Holm

Be proud. Even You probatly is a nothing, I take in You as a plus to my libido. Whip or cane?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

weird idiot

Jens Holm

Thats not comparable at all. Fx white helmets is NGOs.

AM Hants

So are NED, so are Integrity Initiative. Common Purpose. Statecraft, Soros ‘Open Society Foundation’s. However NGOs reliant on tax payer funding, which the tax payer has no knowledge of, is not the same as tax payer approved.

How come the same names. Can be found on all the tax payer funded NGOs and Think Tanks? Why did the Atlantic Council to from £2 million donations to £20 million donations, in just a year? Who contributes, besides Soros Open Society And Burisma Holdings, to the Atlantic Council?

Jens Holm

There we go again. Its MY TAXPAYER MONEY and not Yours.

And You really dont get, that organisations like that also are glue and base for our wellfare as in a very complicated many dimesions kind of spidernet.

As wriiten about translations and Your oppinions about English from Turkish and Arabic thinking and that not fulfiled understanding of it both its like that. its clear You dont see it also makes a lot of money and can effort to loose them, bacuse it maninly is not loose – Even if it is in Your context.

We live in an advanced network, where parts are not nice as well as parts partly are nice and not in Your ONE STRING systems found, where You are.

Those 20 millions are small compared to so much other contributions, You should be more familiar with “crowd funding”. Anybody can make an initiave and tell about the hopd and planned future. Therefore anybody else also can invest their money there.

NGO says NON GOVERMENTEL. Maybee You can understand many has to pay sukat tax to Yourt churches, but its well know many also pay extra in everything from medical care, tochildren with no parents, schools and even to bombs and tickets for seldetonators.

And states do that. The Danish state pays for churches being in good shape as a culturel tradition as well as keeping old things, so we still can see them.

Buy the Christians pay the priests, cleaning and churchyards, so You cant expect NGO only has few sources and are the same every Year.

In Our Coalision a Leadership, where an american is the upper boss, contribute as they decide. Sometimes its military equipment incl. soldiers. Sometimes its logistics. If we are used hard, we get a break and sometimes we send money only and very few. So i varies a lot.

Our world is like like. You know many of those such as red criss, humans right watch, maybee peen, greenpeace and amnesty international. I dont like all of them, and what they do, but witout them, we would be in big trouble as well.

AM Hants

Who funds the White Helmets, besides the Dutch? The UK, which is where my taxes go.

Why should I be familiar with Crowd Funding, when so much of it is basically begging? Although, there are some incidences that I approve of, even if it can be a good way to control laundering money.

NGO, yes, it means non Governmental, which relates to control. However, why are so many NGOs reliant on tax payer funding?

White Helmets for instance, now who and which Governments fund them?

USAID – via State Department – $23 million (2014-2015) British Foreign Office – $24 million (2014-2015) EU – $4.5 million (2015) Netherlands – $4.5 million (2016) British Foreign Office – $32 million (2016) British Foreign Office – $24 million (2016-2017) German Government – $7.6 million (2016) Danish Government – undisclosed amount (2016) Qatari source – undisclosed amount (2016) Japan – undisclosed amoutn (2016) DG-ECHO – EU – undisclosed amount (2016) Jo Cox Fund – $4.5 million – just after the young mother of 2 died and just before her husband got the sack for unacceptable behaviour, when working for a children’s charity. Then you have the undisclosed amounts from ‘crowd funding’ and website donations.

Soros – Open Society foundation – and how much does he make from Government funding, such as USAID for instance?

Judicial Watch Sues for Soros Documents – Files FOIA Lawsuits Against State Department and USAID for Records about Funding and Political Activities of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations in Romania and Colombia… https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/judicial-watch-sues-soros-documents-files-foia-lawsuits-state-department-usaid-records-funding-political-activities-george-soros-open-society-founda/

How much does the US State Department provide to the National Endowment for Democracy NGO, which works parallel with the various Soros Open Society Foundations? Why are so many US Ambassadors, plus, ‘Think Tank’ members, sitting on the Board of Directors of the US State Funded NED, including Elliot Abrams, the US Ambassador to Venezuela, Victoria Nuland and Anne Applebaum?

US Department of State International Affairs Budget 2019…

‘…FY 2019 International Affairs Budget BUREAU OF BUDGET AND PLANNING…’ https://www.state.gov/plans-performance-budget/international-affairs-budgets/fy-2019-international-affairs-budget/

How much does the US State Department spend on funding Russian Media, over in Russia? Remember the subsidiaries of Voice of America and Radio Free Europe? Now what were they set up to do? Which reminds me of Integrity Initiative, Statecraft, Open Information Partnership, the UK Government funded NGOs and what were they set up to do? Why do we have Bill Browder and one of the Board of Directors of the NED, sitting in the executive office of Integrity Initiative and why does the UK Foreign and Common Wealth Office fund them, using UK tax payers money?

Bill Rood

Because most people in the West don’t read South Front.

AM Hants

Sad that so many still tune in and believe whatever the MSM tell them to believe.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

NGO’s pick up ‘refugees’ 8 miles from the coast of libya then ship them all the way into europe. rather than sending them back. save the children is a pedophile organisation. (note the eye in their logo).

non governmental organisations role is to push funds into private coffers while at the same time carrying out the dirty work of bastard governments and politicians

Bill Rood

NGO has become an oxymoron.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


white helmets are not an NGO. they are al qaeda combatants and part of the British propaganda arm in Syria. BBC Media Action is used throughout the world to foment chaos and unrest in other countries. Media Action even bragged about their role in the initial syrian terrorist attacks.

that link explains how USA has been funding terrorists since well before reagen.

Syrian conflict had about 117 actors funding and coordinating ISIS, around 35 of them were direct country involvement the rest being private individuals

White Helmets are not an NGO, they are terrorists. and Hollywood gave them an oscar


The media silence might be simply because the British MSS does as it’s told!

Jens Holm

Many things are possible. Another could be the article is a fake. Some brittish once upon a time officer got lost, needed a cup of tea, and saw a russian samovar.

Freethinking Влади́мир

Sure, But the reason for their silence is because they don’t want this subject to be touched. People actually might start thinking and ask questions.

Freethinking Влади́мир

We, the Netherlands, have actually commando’s in Syria. Also in Ukraine by the way. That’s “special” because the Dutch long time ago voted against Ukraine entering the EU and in general were not welcoming of any dealings with Ukraine. The Dutch secretly sent commando’s there nevertheless.

We also have commando’s (regular troops would draw too much press attention) on the continent of Africa fighting “ISIS” – IF they have the permission from local commanders.

None of this is broadly reported in the media. They’re only reported as side-remarks.

The question is why we would interfere/partake. Read on: It was revealed that the Dutch succumbed into sending token forces or else high international positions would be out of reach for the Dutch elite. And THAT’s how the process works in Europe. They send token troops or America won’t let them have lazy international General positions and other elite civil servant jobs.

AM Hants

Check out who funds the White Helmets? Same crowd who kick started events in Ukraine. Including Dutch and Uk, covertly.

Freethinking Влади́мир

Indulge me. Who does?

AM Hants

The tax payers from the following nations and charity foundations of a deceased Labour MP with two young sons. Why, would her charity prioritise the White Helmets over two young, motherless, children?

USAID – via State Department – $23 million (2014-2015) British Foreign Office – $24 million (2014-2015) EU – $4.5 million (2015) Netherlands – $4.5 million (2016) British Foreign Office – $32 million (2016) British Foreign Office – $24 million (2016-2017) German Government – $7.6 million (2016) Danish Government – undisclosed amount (2016) Qatari source – undisclosed amount (2016) Japan – undisclosed amoutn (2016) DG-ECHO – EU – undisclosed amount (2016) Jo Cox Fund – $4.5 million – just after the young mother of 2 died and just before her husband got the sack for unacceptable behaviour, when working for a children’s charity. Then you have the undisclosed amounts from ‘crowd funding’ and website donations.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


also here is a link which is valuable, (think i might have shared it before with ya)


AM Hants

Still nice to be reminded of the article.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

They have updated it again. (18 nov 2019) added Trump in the headline, represented a few more different facts in the 26 points. It is recommended link for anybody you wish to show the truth. ( keep it handy )

AM Hants

Cheers and will do.

Bill Rood

So Dutch elites are full participants in Imperial “pillage and plunder” policies? That was pretty evident as soon as the makeup of investigative bodies for MH17 was announced, with a prime suspect given veto powers and the prime victim (Malaysia) excluded. How many positions on the Burisma board do the Dutch hold?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yup, USA are shipping their ISIS terrorists to Africa, mainly around somalia

you have forces there but they are not token forces, they are instrumental in the deployment training and continued arming of terrorists, as well as financial transactions


the new ISIS fighters were trained under the ‘SDF’ brand

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

UK helped create ISIS, and has been funding terrorists in syria through foreign aid and the white helmets vehicle

you may have already seen this but just in case you havent, here is a link which is rammed with facts



The best that the UK government propagandists can hope for is to obfuscate for a few years with childish denials in the hope that all will be forgotten in a few years.

The elite pedophile exposures of the early 2000’s were largely buried by the duplicity of the UK judicial process by ALL involved in it.

However, as we have witnessed during the last couple of weeks, the TRUTH has a habit of coming back to haunt the lying zio-scum currently in power.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

When Labour were in Power early 2000’s jacqui Smith the then current home secretary wrote to every single police station in the country telling them not to prosecute mulsim rape gangs as the victims had made an ‘informed choice’ about their sexual habits. majority of victims were in labour run council care/ the establishment didnt just ignore it, they facilitated it by giving the green light to a network of criminals up and down the country in every town and city


Yes, and this state of affairs still exists today at ALL protected levels of of UK society.

People who engage in such abhorrent acts are ‘addicted’, in my opinion.


But I thought Animal Assad bombs hospitals willy nilly. Like when he destroyed last hospital 20 times in 20 different places in Aleppo.

Jens Holm

I commented that too above.

Assads and Russians are almost famous infame for systematic bombardments óf hospitals and medical care centers and even has commented about it, and ththose only are hiding places for helmets and other terrorists.

Very strange, because fx Islib has at least dobled its population for a long period, and we dont see a million extra soldiers there.


i followed these blogs without comment for a long time…. but Jens you are by far the most uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed commentator I have ever had the displeasure to read…..or you are simply a paid troll.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are so full of shit you must have brown eyes and bad breath


assad drops barrels on pet shelters only.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Syria has an army, it has planes, and helicopters, tanks etc. and the MSM showed once an unmarked helicopter ‘dropping barrel bombs’

do you even know what a barrel bomb is? and could you explain to me the need for a fully equipped army and airforce to use them rather than say.. regular bombs, missiles, or artillery fire.

if you believe the narrative ‘Assad the butcher ‘ then congratulations, i applaud you, you have been owned


The SAA bomb disposal teams would gather up the IED’s planted by the terrorists and then put them all in plastic containers and dropped on ghouta. No different than the millions of tons of bombs the US dropped in Laos or Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria or Korea.. GPS bombs cost a lot more than the bombs themselves. Russia uses programmed launchers to drop regular bombs with accuracy, less than 10% of Russian bombs are internally guided.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

syria did not gather up ied’s and drop them on civilians. a barrel bomb design is lots of shrapenl (a barrels worth) with high explosive, it isnt multiple detonations.

MSM used the word barrel bomb for propaganda

USA used illegal phosphorous bombs as they carpet bombed mosul and raqqa.


AGREE! They are making a deal as they did with Aleppo to get their intel guys out! This is a good sign because it means they failed and Idlib is about to be over run by Russia and the SAA! Also i agree about this man being pushed / thrown off the balcony! i doubt that was Russian agents doing that! His own Brittish intel agents would have done that in order to cover up some truth that i believe is about to be revealed soon! The Truth i am talking about is the information the US got from Bagdaddi! From what i hear, this information is going to be released! No kidding! its going to be released most likely before Christmas!


I believe you may be right someone got some dangerous information.

We’ll hopefully know who soon.

Jens Holm

Nice to see zionists is not in that part too :) 1001 holy arabic nights – Here we comes on a 2 legged Baktrian camel.

Jens Holm

So many hospitals and medical facilties has been hit there.

AM Hants

Did not realise Aleppo had so many hospitals that could take multiple daily bombings, from 2015 to present. One hospital for every civilian if the MSM is correct.


Come now, AM. Your own exaggerations are not actually helpful to anyone, are they?

How many hospitals and clinics were in Aleppo catering to the nearly 5 million men, women and children in 2015?

AM Hants

Not exaggerating, just repeating MSM media reports, supported by Timothy ‘Bell Pottinger ‘ Bell and his ‘doctors without borders ‘ spin agents.


Again I implore you to put your mind to authentic research.

The Kremlin and GRU has convinced you and a small number of “alt media” outlets that the sleazy Bell Pottinger and its Sans Frontières Associates is somehow connected with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). As a point of fact, MSF is quite independent of SFA.

How many hospitals and clinics were catering to the nearly 5 million men, women and children of Aleppo and how many of those hospitals and clinics were targeted after 2011?

AM Hants

Remind me how much does Russia spend on her media budget? Then compare to the media budgets of the US, UK, NATO Members, EU and not forgetting their various think tanks and Government funded, NGO troll departments?


Again I implore you to put your mind toward authentic research.

The Kremlin and GRU has convinced you and a small number of “alt media” outlets that the sleazy Bell Pottinger and its Sans Frontières Associates is somehow connected with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). As a point of fact, MSF is quite independent of SFA.

Now, please, wow many hospitals and clinics were catering to the nearly 5 million men, women and children of Aleppo and how many of those hospitals and clinics were targeted after 2011?


what happened to yours though? seems you left home without it.

Jens Holm

Hospitals is a relative. In Denmark we have at least 4 levels of hospitals and the smallest ones actually are doctors cllinics having fx 3 doctors, 2 nurses and 1 more for easy blodsamles and pregnasy as well as an office Lady.

In war as well in crises such as influenze they take over, whatever they can.

Thats how it is. Several if those small ones are named as hospittals because that what they have left as well as many extra patients. There can be simple reasons for it such as lack of electricity and clean water as well as relative safety against bombs(fx in narrow streets).

Aleppo to me is a big town or maybee a small city and You have to add newer facilities fir old and new refugees. I am sure fx the Palestinian very dense corner in NE has its own hospital and fx UN in fill in, what Assad dont steal from them.

Declaring “one hospital for every civilian” say You dont care. Furthermore its also true, that RAf as well as SyAF do bomb the same facilities many times. Some are very hard building and others are protected in narrow streets.

I of course forget, that many soldiers fx of the Jihadist kind often has their own facilities being experts in military damages. ………………………………………………………………………….

Jens Holm

Thats no excuse for bombing hospitals and the ones mainly using them at all. The same is for the primitive healthclinics as well as the primitive small kind of hospitals.

Bombardments like that should be a NO GO. Its very understandable those mainly civile facilities in hard buildings often with deep basements has to be taken, but then they have to take them from the ground and sometimes etage and next etage attacing rhe defended ones.

Artillery and random bombardments by barrel bombs and issils are against any sober treatment of civilians. ANY.

Even before any fightings Assads and others knew those hospitals often were overcrowded by local civilians. Here today there are even more civilians and many in tents having health problems – and of course added wounded soldiers.

I cannot not see Your argument in any way is even a corrner of soberness. Whatever they are most people there are Syrians as well.

Telling those are snake heads too is angainst anything i know and feel about. But I see the sdouble standards well in Your comment , where Assads and others almost every day loudly proclaime Syria is one country and others don treat according to international laws and even UN.


kurds are slow but you are like a turtle.. you cant seem to differentiate between them and goats it seems. yea its dark but thats no excuse.

Jens Holm

I think I commented about Assads and Russians bombarding hospitals and facilities like that mainly meant for the overwhelming majority of civilians.

Thats not even in the old SDF areas.

You are still in the old days, where Kurds actually came from “the mountains” plundering and taking wifes very little entligtned and in small tribes.

They havnt been like that since Kobani and now has build good relation with moderates in the areas. Maybee You should update Your information, if Your slow Win95 can do that.

I compare and dont see them as slow. They are well organized and do well even they dont have much for it.


They know that big offensive is coming to Idlib, and that’s its day are numbered hence the rats fleeing the sinking regime change terrorist occupied territory.


Well, only speculations in the article.

A meeting with the UK Prime Minister’s International Affairs Adviser and Deputy National Security Adviser means nothing, the UK is still on board with the US Regimechange agenda, nothing will change that.

You can call me Al

“British Ambassador to Israel David Quarrey (right) and his husband Aldo Oliver Henrique” God help us all.


you gotta be joking! david and aldo!


Not even that will help


David Queer and his mate – what an ffing joke! They call Aldo his husband – is David the wife then?

Jens Holm

Gays are the best. They pay high tax and make no children.


Well, they have to be on board, once Brexit happens the UK will become completely dependent on the US for its economic and political standing in the world. There’s obviously not much love for the UK from Brussels Getting a good trade agreement with China? Fat chance after the former UK defense secretary felt he needed to act tough by threatening to send his Fleet carriers (a.k.a. floating targets) into the South China Sea.

Whose bread you have to eat, whose words you have to speak. Have fun becoming the 51st State. Without representation.

klove and light

man o man…….here is a Question for u to answer and think About…..

Where is the centre of MONEY in the world???????????????????????????????

CITY OF LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they Control ALLLLL!!!

read read read read…of if u rather watch TV……watch RT Keiser report……

the epicentrum of Money is the City of London!!!!

ps. the USA was created by the british Crown, and is still controlled by the britsh Crown.,..

start reading books!!!! best advice i can give u..and stop believing CNN etc…

John Wallace

USA made a corporation of City of London which ended the Anglo- US war 1781 .The elected President is actually the CEO of the corporation who does as he is told internationally by the super rich of City of London / US / Fr / Israel who care not about country but the control of the world. Those that do as they are told are basically left alone , those that don’t end up with big problems.. Members of Five Eyes are colonies of the City of London who do as they are told by London. Just before America allowed NZ back into the fold ( Clarke 2008 ) after their anti nuclear stance ( Lange 1984 ) they had a powerful visitor from London. Adhern stop criticising Israel after she got a powerful message delivered by an Aussie. There are also books that those that control us all are Lizards with Queen Eliz the head Lizard. Plenty of books to read but which of them are true and would we be allowed to know the truth and even if we ( few ) did what can they do apart from jump out of windows at inconvenient times.

Jens Holm

Hahaha. Israel wasnt made until a littlel later – wasnt it – hahahaha.

John Wallace

So Denmark is still under control of the NAZI’s. Really Jens are you incapable of understanding that TODAY is a little different to 1781 and of course Israel didn’t exist then but it does today. The generations past of the super rich and powerful living in Israel TODAY most likely lived in European capital cities yesterday. Always going off on a tangent of ignorance. Thank god Caroline is visiting soon .

Jens Holm

Apart from WW2 Denmark has never been under any nazis because of we added influence to more and more as voters and by building a middle class also avoided any communisme.

We also have advanced and high taxrates, so the the ones owing a lot of money also pay a lot of tax as well as the employed are well paid.

So we dont give space for too rich or at least keep them down. Lats Year we had world record in low corruption as well even we do have very bad people now and then and some are not punished.

I dont see Israel as very rich and the shekel as hard stuff. Well compared to Turkish Lira, Syrian pounds, Iranian Rial and like that, thay all sleep with gold in their beds.

You compare Israel with Your own low level made by Yourself and insisting. You also dont understand how we as westerns gets wealthy even so many has told You why again and again.

If we stole from most of the others in ME, we would be poor and dum…

Denmark is a part of the world as if we are a part of a car or computer and we owe more then 11.000 dollars pr capita then Israel. Your big Iran are so low, so You hardly can find the numbers on Your compuyter or Android = We are 2,5 times them.

We should replace our living with teadrinking and oil is only for lamps oh no.

John Wallace

Still have no idea of what I am saying !!!!! Not a clue .. I don’t have a week to explain it to you.

Jens Holm

Denmark never has been under control of nazis apart from WW2. Your knowledgelevel of what nazis are is very rudimential.

You are like midguided sheep about it, and I live here.

John Wallace

What the fuck do you think I am talking about idiot. You misunderstood my comment ASSUMING I meant Israel existed at the time America was fighting the British which of course I didn’t. Israel started 1948 so NOT in existence in 1782 Go back and read until you understand what I said. That is why I said according to your ideas of time the NAZIS still control Denmark. Of course by 1945 they were defeated. Talk about misguided sheep. Total fucking moron with no comprehension at all. Learn English before assuming you understand what is being said.

Jens Holm

And if anything goes wrong, Denmark will buy You back …


Here’s a question for you to answer, does money obey countries or do countries obey money? What does it matter that the City of London has a lot of banks when Westminster is owned by the banks? Bankers know no national loyalty. We see that with Brexit already as these banks move some of their operations to Frankfurt. As it is the British government has no influence on international finance, it does whatever it wants too and all the British government can hope for is that it and the US government will throw them a bone post-Brexit. So 51st state it is for the UK. Without the senators and congressmen in Washington to give it some actual influence.


get them before they are out and then parade them down the street to the gallows and hang them high. english or french or american or even better, squatters from the illegally occupied palestine, those can be given a gruesome send off.

klove and light

fairty tale……………………………….and nonsense……. “The UK is reportedly preparing to evacuate its intelligence personnel and military instructors backing militants in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone.”

first Point: this would mean that the Agenda of Regime Change has been stopped by the Evil US/UK etc.. Governments……….you cant be serious SF on this one….. second Point: it is pure nonsense and laughable that the UK intelligence Services would ASK the russians for help to evacuate their personal….tottaly dillusional utter nonsense…sorry but that could not even be made up in a fucking James bond movie……..Idlib-afrin -Turkey- —if they want to leave they will leave through Turkey their NATO ALLIED NATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


James Bond preparing to fly over the long Turkish border. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8bdde3ba8beed7583a094af36acadab1623c1c2dc82464728cc10ed829fd004.jpg


I wish them to meet bullets rain on the way out of Idlib.

Dušan Mirić

Wow! With so long Turkey’s border with Idlib it would be gruesome task

Tommy Jensen

UK leaving their Kurdish allies to the wolves. Home to mom. Sneaking off the ship running home to mom, drinking tea and laughing their arses off, while seeing the vulnerable defenceless Kurds being killed.

Derek Johnson

while seeing the vulnerable defenceless Kurds being killed.

You sure? they are cosying up to Israel, wonder why no mention here? https://www.timesofisrael.com/official-israel-providing-aid-to-kurds-since-us-pullout-in-syria/

‘We are proud of our taking a stand alongside the Kurdish people,’ says Deputy FM Tzipi Hotovely, adding the Kurds provide a bulwark against spread of Iranian influence in area

Jens Holm

Its not mentioned because Your dirtbag filter only sees Israel. SDFs has asked anyvody in the whole world for any kind of help.

Jens Holm

Typical hostile argimentation. If they are there, they are blamed for it, and if they leave, they are blamed for it as well.

And of course they are running too

AM Hants

Interesting if true.

Common Purpose Member, Tony Blair. Funny how one of his Private Secretaries, during the Iraq War, ended up as the UK envoy to the UN, before he was replaced by Cambridge/LSE graduate Karen Pierce, who like Mathew Rycroft used to work at the Foreign Office. Or should I say thecIsraelbOutpost, over in the UK. Another one of Common Purpose Member Blair ‘s Private Secretaries, is the above and ex-UK Ambassador to Israel.

James Le Mesurier, the Blackwater mercenary, who set up the White Helmets, who tried on funding from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and NATO member States

Timothy Bell, the brother of David Bell, who set up Common Purpose. Timothy set up ‘Bell Pottinger ‘ and ‘Sans Frontieres’, who were heavily involved in spinning the Iraq War and not forgetting the human trafficking cruises from Libya to Europe.

Common Purpose, who are heavily linked into Statecraft and Bill Browder’s Integrity Initiative. Now who benefits from the demise of James Le Mesurier, when they need to get the special forces out of Syria?

So why would somebody heavily connected to those demonising Russia, be seeking Russia’s help?

Ralph London

I wonder why Orwell changed his name from Blair for his novel 1984, maybe he was a bit of a visionary and didn’t want to be associated or thought of in the same way that the mass murdering shit phony bliar is. Reminds me of camoron whose father was born at blairmore House, just what the world did NOT need: more bliars. And then the surname epstein, is one of the oldest ashkenazi jewish family names. But you know all that, don’t you AM?

AM Hants

I did not. Do remember Blair Witch Project, without seeing it. Did read as Animal Farm and 1984, as a teen. Ironically the reason I used to vote Conservative. Owing to the logic they were both as bad as each other, but, the ,conservatives more honest about being out for themselves haha. Plus, when I started working, we could not bury our dead, courtesy of the union’s.

With Epstein, always think of the Beatles. Brian or Jeffrey. Cannot stand McCartney and he comes across pure Common Purpose.

Ralph London

Sgt Pepper’s cover had satanist crowley on it. Now why would they have included HIM??? And why this?: ‘Sorry, this clip is not currently available

Sgt. Pepper – Meet the Band: Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley’s life and work are explored on BBC radio in 1986.

As The Beatles’ iconic album turns 50, discover its cover stars through the BBC archive – a presentation by arts series Arena, for BBC Music.’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p054dt6m

AM Hants

Believe it was a couple of years ago, following some comment, it was so obvious The Beatles were a little all part of the Tavistock script. Do think Lennon and The George Harrison were the talent and McCartney milked the ride. Linda Eastman and wasn’t her family heavily involved in Kodak and not forgetting Yoko, who so reminds me of Hilary Clinton.

Jens Holm

Ypu think anything is sick and not as it is and should be. You and several others here are the sick part.

And Yes Pul McCartney did write a lot of their songs and got extra for it as well as invested it well. It was hard work. He also has continued for many many years being very active. No wonder he has money.

But I think they are hard to compare. In the money part John Lennon was killed and were not able to expand as Paul was.

But its the same kind of akward logiscs here from many. Even Kurds didnt uprise and helped knocking ISIS out, they get the opposit of credit for it.

AM Hants

‘Frog Chorus’, ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ came next. Compare those two McCartney wonders with say ‘My Sweet Lord’ Harrison or say Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.

Jens Holm

Its seemes You are not familiar with most of his many productions:


AM Hants

Those that he co-wrote, including with Dennie Lane, not just John Lennon or those he wrote with no help. Which takes me back to ‘Frog Chorus’s and ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’.

Ralph London

Don’t know, AM, I lost interest in them at a very early age.

AM Hants

My brother was obsessed with them, so automatically I was never a fan. So love sibling rivalry haha.

Ralph London

As it was, so was my brother.

AM Hants

Haha, no wonder we are not fans.

John Wallace

I thought Linda was part of the Kodak family but apparently not. “She was born Linda Louise Eastman on September 24, 1941, and grew up in Scarsdale, N.Y. As she often pointed out, without ever dispelling the assertion entirely, she was not related to the Eastmans of the Eastman-Kodak photography empire. In fact, her father had changed his name from Epstein” “Her father actually changed his name to Lee Eastman, having been born to Jewish Russian immigrants as Leopold Vail Epstein. George Eastman, who founded the Eastman Kodak camera and film company, was not related to anyone in Linda’s family.”

Read More: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Linda McCartney | https://ultimateclassicrock.com/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-linda-mccartney/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

John Wallace

I seem to remember a band member in Wings complained he wrote a/number of song/s ( Band on the Run ) but Paul took the credit and sacked him from the band. That would have been 70’s sometime.

AM Hants

Believe it was Danny Lane. Used to read the Murdoch rag, News of the World, as a Sunday morning ritual. Remember the interview and actually liked Band on the Run. McCartney set up Wings with Danny Lane. When he got rid of him, McCartney came up with Mary Had a Little Lamb and Ruperts Frog Chorus. Funny how his true musical genius could not be found, when not working with others?

John Wallace

That would be right. I am not sure where I was at the time (Aus/ Africa) but wouldn’t be reading much in papers anyway. I heard it and thought sour grapes and never thought of it again until your post . I liked Band on the Run. There was a pub in the back streets of Paddington Sydney that had a live band sat afternoons and all night. It was in an area where many new Poms ( British immigrants ) settled as a bit like home with terraced houses narrow streets , older part of Sydney. Good music and they played BotR , sounded great. I was taken there by a couple of travelling Canadians who I worked with in the mines in West Aust and they took off across the Nulabor ( 3/4 day drive) in an old Holden stationwagon . A few months later I jumped on a plane and ended up in Sydney ( Bondi of course being a Kiwi ) and I went to a pub in Bondi Junction , old British type pub called Cock and Bull where lots of just arrived young Poms first went and hello who should be there but these two Canadians. They had a knack for finding the best places to go so they introduced me to lots of top spots in Sydney. Band on the Run brings up those great memories. Didn’t like the music of wings after that and now I know why. Thanks.

AM Hants

Funny how the comments from these sites send us back in time. To the days when we were allowed to laugh and enjoy ourselves. My son spent a lot of time in Australia and loves ‘open mic’ nights. There is some Australian multi-percussionist that he raves about, and has seen a few times. Think it is Xavier Rudd. He spent a few months in Sydney and your comment reminded me of him. Must admit, never been a McCartney fan, but, did like ‘Band on the Run’ and still do.

AM Hants

Epstein – interesting and thanks.

John Wallace

That sort of made my eyes pop a bit as well.

AM Hants

Will have to ask Ralph to supply me with the Epstein Family Tree. Wonder if Linda and Jeffrey were cousins and just where Brian fits in?

AM Hants

Aleistair Crowley and was he connected to Granny Bush?

This one for fun:

ALEISTER CROWLEY AND THE BUSH CONNECTION… http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/11/aleister-crowley-and-the-bush-connection/

Ralph London

Beat you to it, AM. I have an article on that from 2013. Rense did a report, so did another site back in 2006. So there.

AM Hants

Brilliant and I am off to have a peak at them. Forgot all about him, till you mentioned him. Do like the Rense reports.

Ralph London

I started reading Rense I think in 2002, but it got a bit much with his chemtrails and other stuff, so I hardly read his articles unless someone else refers to his site.

AM Hants

I read his report into the MH17 and although disturbing, owing to the cadavers on board, it was an interesting and an informative read. So, only visit the site when prompted.


Cowardice perhaps?

Jens Holm

I agree. Its posible its fake and spam but not impossible. Britts hardly send in 3 stars generals and ministers into there.


I hope they kill them all.


Capturing British intel officers would be a boon to Syria!

Jens Holm

Really. I would say that makes trouble.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Brits want to save their personnel from Erdogan’s big cleanup, 2 prominent members of the White Helmets dead already, half of Baghdadi’s family locked up in Turkish jails, so Erdogan’s well on his way to erasing evidence of his past atrocities. And that latest airstrike in Idlib still doesn’t have a guilty party, the US hasn’t owned up to it so I can only surmise it was a Turkish airstrike cleaning up some more of Erdogan’s incriminating evidence.


Russia should let those traitrous to humankind limeys leave the area on just one condition:that the british government declare officially that the White Helmets are murderers of children and women,and the so-called “chemical attacks” were staged by them….

Ron Chandler

Since the early days of this war, the British spy bases in Iskanderun and at Gaziantep have co-ordinated the infiltration of terrorist murderers into Syria, from Turkey. Syrian military intelligence operators are familiar with all the accented Arabic spoken by the MI6 ”James Bonds” as they guided the movements of the death squads by satellite phone, keeping them a step ahead of the Syrian security forces (whom the Limeys have plentiful satellite photos of) in order they might descend on unsuspecting Syrians towns, to rape, pillage and be-head. This is the behaviour of the Anglo savages. At recent reports, despite 8 years’ of plaintive wailing about the West’s ”shared values” and ”the rule of law”, those spy-bases, filled with both CIA and MI6 spooks, are STILL OPEN. They should have bombed them in 2011, and killed these psychopaths.

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