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UK Names Two Russians Suspected Of Poisoning Skripals

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British police have charged two alleged Russian citizens, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, with the attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal on March 4 2018.

At a private press briefing, the Metropolitan Police claimed it has enough evidence to charge Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov with conspiracy to murder over the alleged Novichok attack on ex-Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The suspects were allegedly identified via CCTV footage cross-checked with border entry.

“Prosecutors from CPS counter terrorism division have considered the evidence and have concluded there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction and it is clearly in the public interest to charge Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, who are Russian nationals,” Sue Hemming, the Crown Prosecution Service director of legal services, said on the issue. “Those offences include conspiracy to murder Sergei Skripal; the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey; the use and possession of novichok contrary to the Chemical Weapons Act; and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey.”

“A realistic prospect of conviction means the CPS is satisfied on an objective assessment that the evidence can be used in court and that an objective, impartial and reasonable jury hearing the case, properly directed and acting in accordance with the law, is more likely than not to convict these two individuals of the charges.”

According to the provided datea, the suspects arrived at Gatwick airport on March 2, visited to Salisbury on the next two days, and left the UK at 22.30 on Aeroflot flight SU2585 from Heathrow to Moscow on March 4. In the UK, the suspects stayed in City Stay Hotel, Bow, London. British authorities claim that minute traces of Novichok were found in their hotel room.

The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the report saying that the UK’s accusations over alleged involvement in the Salisbury and Amesbury incidents are groundless.

“Names as well as photos [of the suspects] published in the media don’t mean anything to us,” foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said.

She added that Russia is calling on the UK “to abandon making public accusations and media manipulations” and opt instead for “practical cooperation between law enforcement agencies.”

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Here we go again with more concocted bullshite, fake fotos, fake details to be enforced with fake reports and Propaganda. You would think these bunch of ioosers would have quit since it was almost forgotten about


Even ‘Novichok’ itself weren’t real. May watch drama series too much and She’s not even teenager anymore.


Here is a nice Skripal piece… http://freewestmedia.com/2018/04/11/skripal-affair-real-reason-is-capture-of-200-sas-soldiers-in-ghouta/ The Western Intelligence got Brutally Chopped Up…. Big Panic among Western Traitors…who thought they were going to win this War….Suckers


This is very amusing Merijn.


The UK gets caught out again faking CCTV of the two ,supposedly at the airport.




I laughed as well Lupus. Rather a lot actually :) :) :)


yeah and i really pissed myself when i saw witch May in parliament today: https://youtu.be/kTl9C-Vyd8E

Empire's Frontiers

It’s strange the way demonic possession causes the skin to sag.


Comment of the thread!


Funnily enough Russian aircraft have been bombing terrorist facilities in Idlib today as they were on Douma when the Scripal saga began :)

What a coincidence and if the Chinese Military assessment of the Douma operation is correct, hundreds of US Coalition of Terror special forces and technical specialists were killed or captured, including the SAS.

That being the case, the UK government and elite is in a quandary. Dig the hole of lies even deeper or risk a backlash from the UK Military. I know for a fact that many in the military are unhappy to be fighting in these conflicts.


Haha cant fool the Ruskies!


Read somewhere a while back that the Brits asked the Russians to help them get them released and the Russians told them to talk to Damascus. :-))


Yes, I read that as well. I would think that Syrian jails are better run that UK jails at the moment as well :)


You pissed yourself – and I loved it! Next time I see Jules Malema and his redcap EFFs creating havoc and mouthing twaddle in our Parliament I’ll be remembering – the real monkeys are in England.


How Stupid Can People Be?! No Wonder the West is losing on all Fronts…they Only Got Retarded Mental Patients to Select their Secret Agents From…. Dumb & Dumbass 007..Bwahahaha… wot a Fuckwits….


I laughed yesterday when the OPCW said they ‘Had found what Porton Down had found in the (recent ) Amesbury attack’ on a pair of addicts :)

It is a fact that a book was published and is , or certainly was, available on Amazon and elsewhere. A friend of mine involved legally with that sort of material has a copy of the book.

The book contains the industrial components readily available for the manufacture of ‘Novichok’ that is a generic name that the West gave to the Russian developed nerve agent. The components are NOT therefore a secret.

By issuing a statement that says the OPCW agrees with the UK findings BUT not actually stating what components they found, the OPCW is in my opinion hiding the fact that the nerve agent was NOT ‘ a Novichok ‘developed in Russia but another less deadly toxin. This returns us to the findings of the Scripal analyses by the Swiss Government Laboratory that found traces of BZ that, as we know, was a US chemical weapon that was stored in great quantity by NATO for many years during the Cold War.

The symptoms of BZ are similar to those who were in contact with the chemical agent in Salisbury and Amesbury. BZ was not designed to cause death, but it could do so with a very small % of victims. It was designed to mentally incapacitate for a few days. As such BZ is far less of a danger to ones own troops than Sarin is, when deployed on a battle front of many miles.


Don’t Trust OPCW… they are Based in Holland… and The Dutch Government are Traitors… it is Falling Apart at the the Moment…. one after another Minister has to leave because of Scandals… I call it Karma… they will all Fall…I call that a Curse….

Tommy Jensen

Even IF everything in the UK Skripal case were true also the latest two suspects, it would still be one of the most ridiculous cases UK ever brought up.

M16 is killing and making quagmires everywhere, so Skripal what?


Florian, did you note the time of arrival? Supposedly it was 15.00 hrs and these alleged secret service agents are still trying to get out of Gatwick 1hour and 22 minutes later. What a fucking farce. Cock-up after cock-up and they are still trying to spin this with a twisted smirk.


Perhaps the customs were making sure they had their Equity Cards :)


this looks really ridiculous :))), but then again it is “the sun” that published this…. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7182071/cctv-russian-spy-poisoning-suspects-travel-london-salisbury/ I didn’t find those images at the more serious media…. I am not saying Russia is guilty, both sides are serious liars


The BBC showed them tonight and the pictures were issued by the UK Government staff.


Are U sure? you have a link?


It was on the TV news at about 6 or7pm I think.I was just flicking channels.


I will try to find it tommorow, got to sleep now Found a funny clip: https://t.co/e0DzqsY4Fs You might know it allready…


Yes, she looks like a complete spastic. Its not the first time either :)


I found it, but without the clock…. So it seems the SUN added the digital clock



Or the BBC removed the clock.

If you look, it is obvious the BBC has cropped the pics.

Original pics


then BBC cropped pics. They lie about everything.



They ALL lie, Russia is not some holy exception….


Generally I would agree with you, but the whole Putin plan is to show Russia as an honest broker, whilst exposing the crimes and misdeeds of the FUKUS countries.

The plan is working, whilst the mushrooms in western countries might believe the BS put out by their governments and media, most of the world, and especially the governments of the rest of the world can see the truth. That’s why the disinformation war by the US/UK is getting increasingly shrill.


So, Putin is just better in Propaganda…..He is exeptional, i have to give him that, but for me he is still a sociopath, that doesn’t really care for humans


Well I guess if you think the truth and honesty is propaganda, yes he is much better. It’s like Lord of the Rings The USA is Sauron, the UK is Saruman, Australia is an orc willing to die for them, Putin is Gandalf.


Lord of the rings is for children and/or simple people. I think all players are evil


Lets just assume that Putin randomly poisons people in Britain, how do you justify Britain and the US killing millions in Syria? Or the slaughter they committed in Iraq, how can your brain come to the conclusion that the proven mass murderers are the good guys, and someone accused of poisoning 4 people is the bad guy? I would be really interested how your brain can parse that data, in the way you do.


Lets asume he gave the order to poison this guy in England. He wasn’t innocent but a traitor….. Don’t get me wrong, the war in Syria is completely dirty, but ALL sides are extremely dirty!!


Yes and he was imprisoned for his crimes. Why did Russia release him from prison, and then wait years to execute him. You state that they are all the same, but the US would not have released him. The US would treat him just like they treated David Hicks, Bradley Manning, and what they will do to Julian Assange when they get their hands on him, doesn’t bare thinking about. You are suffering from cognitive dissonance, you cannot accept that you support evil personified


On the contrary, it is YOU that cannot accept something, namely the FACT that:

I do not support any side, and to me these sociopath politricians that are trying to control our lives should ALL be executed!!


Or the BBC redacted the clocks in both images. Which is more the case.


Check this out: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/ Don’t know if Florian already showed it It looks like they are trying to Fool us…. Photos taken at exactly the same moment… smells like photoshop


You keep making this claim that Russia lies. Could you supply examples of these lies?


Why should i bother? Your reaction will be: that all i supply are western lies and false propaganda. All i know is that i talked with several russians that told me russia isn’t excactly heaven for most russians, that is all i will say, the rest will probably be a waste of time, for you are allready convinced that putin is ghandalf :)))))


ROFL. That’s just downright embarrassing.


What do you expect from a hapless government that makes a mess of everything. Including Brexit.

Brexit negotiations would have been far smoother had the UK just said, You, the EU have a legal obligation with 26 countries to bring them together for every Brexit issue. We the UK only have ourselves.

So we will be leaving in 2 years ( July 2018) and not paying any ‘divorce ‘ fee. If anything, the EU has been raping us. From the leaving date we will abide by the WTO rules. If you ( the EU) can all agree on any issue, please talk to us and we will quickly agree of disagree.

Any obstacles you put in front of the UK , we will mirror and due to the fact that we import more from the EU in almost every way, you ( the EU) will lose far more.


Very interesting info Merijn. Many of us here were of the opinion during th Ghouta campaign that the French, Brits and other NATO advisers were imbedded with the headchoppers. While this does not prove that they were, it certainly gives credence to our beliefs at that time and goes a long way to underline the high probability that FUKUS took the BIG HIT as in ‘got overwhelmingly fucked’ by SAA, RUAF and their able allies. You really do dig up some seriously good stuff.


AM Hants Helped me… https://vimeo.com/263728681


you consider such a crappy nationalist white supremacy website a news website??

you seem to be lost big time, read what bogus this site is about:



It was this interview: https://vimeo.com/263728681

Many Western Intelligence was caught, Escaped to Idlib and from there back to Europe… very logical..


thanks for the extra info, the other website with all these idiots that get a platform works like a red cloth on me


The guy asks if we heard anything about this in the media and says no… But there was a mention – by Trump.

About a month later he had that meeting with Japan’s Abe. At the end of the press conference afterwards he mentioned a fight between US and Russian troops where many people died. … The media did not pick up on it and he said nothing more about it, then or later.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzHJxE9dEos Right at the end…. 38 minutes


Check out this interview from the same guy and afterwards tell me what you think of him…



This is a complete different subject…reading this I have to disagree with him…I think he goes in many different directions (which is good in essence)…and he can be on many sides…Reading any story with arguments written by Friend or Foe completes the picture…my Brains will create my Truth…all I know is that the World of today is one filled with Treason & Lies… and the Middle East should get rid of this Western interference…like it or not… they should Govern themselves….we Have been messing with the M.E. for Centuries and the Present situation is the Result…Hamas is a Jewish Organisation by the way http://wariscrime.com/new/hamas-was-founded-by-mossad/

Divide et Impera


hamas is far from jewish, but was used by israel to weaken the plo, just lie the americans used the mujahedin in afghanistan. In both cases, it backfired. Then again, hamas and israel have common interests, for example, there is this very interesting interview with norman finkelstein about gaza:




Nu hebben ze best een probleem in Den Haag…. gerechtigheid….


hier komen ze er tenminste nog voor uit, uiteindelijk dan….


Zegt ook iets over Nieuwsuur & Trouw.. en dat ze het überhaupt uitzenden bij de NOS….


Nou, ik ben blij verrast!!! had ik niet verwacht


Ik ook niet zo snel… maar ik ben blij dat ze er in Nederland tenminste aandacht aan besteden… Tenminste nog een greintje Integriteit!


mijn buitenlandse vrienden zeggen altijd al dat nederland een geval apart is….


Zo Mag Nederland best een apart geval zijn….Gewoon alles op straat gooien wat de Politiek in achterkamertjes regelt….Top…moeten ze eigenlijk overal doen..


niet eigenlijk, dat moet!! en gelukkig zijn er ook in andere landen dat soort helden, zoals glen greenwald: https://theintercept.com/

kijk, ook assad is geen fris mannetje


Ik heb geen Favoriete Leiders…Maar Westerse Landen die andere landen binnenvallen leegroven, vernietigen en de bevolking afslachten dat is klaar…Laat het Midden Oosten dan zijn eigen Koers bepalen… dat hoeven wij niet meer voor ze te doen… Ander beleid in Iran… prima… Maar dan één van de Iraniërs en niet van ons….


Ik heb wel een favoriete leider, Evo Morales, president van Bolivia. En als Bernie Sanders een eerlijke kans had gehad, zou de wereld een grotere kans hebben om in de goede richting te bewegen…


waanzinnig! dat ze dit uitzenden! bij de fucking NOS!!! Ik irriteer me wekelijks aan de NOS (ik kijk niet elke dag, slecht voor me gezondheid ;)


ken je deze site? interessant voor nieuws uit latijns amerika



Nee kende Ik nog niet bedankt…:)


The Russian journalist was reading a translation of the Chinese government military assessment that has NOT been broadcast in the Corporate Anglo Saxon media.

I doubt that you have seen it before Matt, so why denigrate it, whether you agree with it or not.


I denegrated the website, read more carefully Florian


I am talking about the content and by denigrating the website you denigrate the content of the Chinese report by association. Whether you do that intentionally or not, only you know for certain Matt :)


I wasn’t talking about the content, don’t try to twist my post Florian


In that case its better that you use words more carefully Matt :) Utilising Trumps dictionary does not enable detailed expression.


That is funny, once you told me never to trust a jew, yet this satanovsky is a jew…. weird name by the way ;)


There are a few trustworthy jews and most of them have been ‘ostracised ‘ by the cult followers for ‘ saying things as they are ‘.


Oh, is that so? Did you read what he said on israel? they are the only ones not supporting the terrorists in syria???? and you trust this guy?? read that article, he even stated that Ghadafi and Arafat were jews, he is fucked up if you ask me, although he says some true stuff


He wrote that in 2016. A lot of water has flowed through Syria since then.


That was a fascinating read Matt. I agree with most of what he says and bearing in mind that he wrote this in 2016, his prophecies were pretty accurate.


I just saw you approved gassing of peasants BY SADDAM living in the iraqi mountains, SAD, it seems you are a wicked person after all,,,,,


Perhaps you’d be kind enough to point out to silly me exactly what on their About page makes you call them “such a crappy nationalist white supremacy” site?

Also, while I understand what crappy about “white supremacist,” what’s crappy about “nationalist?”


That would be a waste of time, because you are probably a crappy nationalist and a white supremacist


I am probably nationalist (I love my country – it’s beautiful) but I see little point or intelligence to judging people inferior or superior because they happened to be born into this or that religion, skin colour, tradition, culture or nation: being born is something we all did or we wouldn’t be here.

Now please answer my question.


Because they present populism ass a grassroots movement that brings in new ideas, while this is nonsense. Nationalism is a ghost from the past, and it brings absolutely no answers for the challenges that lie ahead. Their economic votings in parlement are always in favor for the rich and big companies. They thrive on fear for immigration and changes. Globalization is not something that can be stopped by populism. It is a natural force and humanity will eventually have ONE culture. The only thing that is true about their story is that the traditional parties have no story either. The media has always been propaganda, the difference is that now people can find anything that suits them on internet. The problem with internet is that its mostly full of shit. This website is a good example.


Hmm…. that’s quite a mouthful – lot of angst there. Not possible is it that your nationalists and populists want to ensure their countries remain something they recognise? I mean, if they wanted to live in the MENA they’d be the ones doing the emigrating, wouldn’t they?

Populist – popular – population —– democracy? Or doesn’t your democracy have room for what a great many people want?

So. Why are you on this full of shit website? …. Privileging us with your … erudition?


angst, for sure, history teaches us what happens when nationalism is on the rise……..


I am trying to find out how popular nationalism is nowadays, how extreme it is progressing and i am curious if there are still some sane people on websites like this. And you know what? Not everyone here is that bad…..


Populism is not the same as democracy AT ALL. Populism is political charlatanism and never has ANY solutions, can you give me some examples of populist governments that proved to be successful on the long run?


Well the New York Times is a crappy Jewish supremacy website, and they get believed?


Not by me…. or by most people here….

Gary Sellars

In time for the Idlib offensive against the Western-backed Wahabbi terror-rats….

Is their no act too low for the UK to stoop to?


Absolutely Not, Brit, Yank and Zionist use infinity as their guide.


Bullshit. We all know it’s the infamous KGB golden age era agent ‘Gordon’. Gordon is the equivalent of James Bond so it’s no wonder he’ll get caught. Although he seems to leave little civilian infrastructures damage in his wake compared to his counterpart.


Well, on the plus side, if it were to go to court we FINALLY get to see some evidence.


Possibly. The question is….. would it be falsified evidence as in an operation performed by MI6 in cooperation with the CIA to target the Russian government.


Like the Birmingham 6 finally got the chance to see the evidence in a British court?

That didn’t work out well, they all were convicted on false evidence, which was discovered by sheer luck over a decade later. They spent nearly 20 years in jail. The judge who convicted them lamented that if he could have given a death penalty, he would have.

There is no fair and free trial, anyone the British charge with politically themed offences will definitely be convicted and jailed for decades. The pictures are probably of two ISIS guys, who have already gone to collect their 40 strippers in jihadi Heaven after an unexpected trip to Britain arranged by their handlers.


False evidence presented in court is still way more then no evidence we’re currently getting. ;-)


Great thinking Barba, false evidence when there is no evidence, shows the Brits in a better light.


The legitimacy of the UK is a joke. Better start looking for the “White Helmets”.

You can call me Al

Hold on a mo, look at this ……”Those offences include conspiracy to murder Sergei Skripal; the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey; the use and possession of novichok contrary to the Chemical Weapons Act; and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Yulia Skripal and Nick Bailey.”

But what happened to ………. “UK woman dies after being exposed to nerve agent novichok Police launch murder inquiry after death of Dawn Sturgess, who was taken ill last weekend” ?????

More BS tosh.


You know hard to keep good count on imaginary sheeps. They even forgot about Gordon.

Promitheas Apollonious

conveniently forgot……


I don’t know. I started to believe they run on 2mb memory diskette. They forgetting way too much lately.


Take a look at Craig Murray’s website Al.


The UK cannot even construct a viable fake anymore :)


They are such amateurs.


The BBC are still having a ‘Gotcha Moment’. :)

Valerianus Maximus

Wow! Scotland Yard got them both to sit in front of the same back drop for mug photos! Impressive police work!


Much improvement than pixelated Gordon.


It took them all that time to pour over airline records to find two Russians that arrived on the day of the planned false flag attack. One wonders if they checked those records first before performing that false flag event and then sat on it for a period of time to give it an air of authenticity. Sounds familiar with the Russian woman who’s crime was having been born Russian and coming to the US to study while also being a gun rights activist. Unlike the US where lack of evidence is labeled as classified, the UK realized it’d get plenty of heat so I would think that the Skripal event was well planned in advance. This should be a warning to any Russians visiting the UK, US or any EU states for that matter as one still remembers Russians being grabbed off of the streets of Europe and being funneled to the US to sit in prison using ‘classified’ evidence before staged trials.

One thing most people having a functioning brain understand, the ruling aristocrats/plutocrats of the ‘west’ are avid liars, schemers and just plain old psychopaths. If anything, upon hearing these psychopaths throw accusations, one can easily and accurately believe that they are projecting their own behavior onto others. Another thing one should never do when these psychopaths state something before an audience, believe that there’s a shred of truth in anything they say.

Tommy Jensen

London doubling down on their stupid false farce.

The Skripal case happened just after Russia killed 200 Royal British Forces in one night in E-Ghouta, captured a similar amount of UK/US “Advisors”, who for years were assisting Al-Nusra in bombing Damascus, killing Syrian Generals and Russian officers.

Let me guess: London/May have another bunch of Royal British Forces in Idlib assisting Al-Qaida.


Yes I think so, those British troops won’t escape this time.


Nothing But Lies United Kingdom! Nothing But Lies…. You Dirty Headchopper-Supporters….Filthy Terrorists…. I Hope Russia Bombs all Your Intelligence Officers to the Hell where they belong…Bloody Traitors…Tag’m & Bag’m



It has been suggested, that if the US pushed Russia too far, Russia could totally destroy England, to show the Americans it was serious. Would anybody miss England, the Irish and Scots would probably cheer.


If the U.S. pushes Russia too far…I’m afraid the U.S. is going to be Obliterated together with the U.K…it is Up to FUKUS & NATO what kinda Game they want to play… Russia is just Following its Own Course: Destroying Headchoppers & Foreign Intelligence in Syria…


Russia is the only nation capable of obliterating the US in 30 minutes. The US and Russia both have underground preparations for their citizens. In Russia it’s a well stocked NBC shelter. In the US it’s a grave, if there’s anyone to dig them.


The Irish, Scots and Welsh wouldn’t be pleased with the radioactive fall-out, never mind the economic disaster and deaths of millions of families members who were forced there by lack of good jobs at home.

Outside of that, I’d prefer the Russians to strike the US first, they need to see first hand what total war means. The Europeans have suffered enough from that madness, let the WASPS live among the ruins and devastation.

Tony B.

The UK is so full of shit the whole Rothschild corrupted island is in danger of sinking into the Atlantic.


My local Pronto-Mart has better quality video than that. These blurred photos and foggy vid are what UK calls evidence? Piteous. Why don’t they stage a seance and ask Gozer the Gozerian to name the culprits?

Dušan Mirić

Failed in Idlib?


OPCW disproved the US, France & UK false flag attack bombings in Syria and is raising serious questions about this alleged CW attack in England, when the identical agent was used in another attack of unrelated civilians:

“The story comes on the back of a report by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) which stated that the chemical agent which poisoned a couple in Amesbury in June was identical to the one used to poison the Skripals in March.”

– Names of ‘Russian suspects’ in Skripal case published by UK don’t mean anything to us – Moscow –


Carol Davidek-Waller

Novichok was never manufactured in Russia. However Porton Downs, a few miles away from the incident does have Novichok. No wonder the Brita are refusing to cooperate with the Russians.


The British look more pathetic everyday, such amateurish disinformation.

Empire's Frontiers

How about the faked security photos?

Two men in the exact same place at the exact same time, with no evidence of the following man in either photo. Physics are loose these days.

Or two men achieving the greatest coincidence the world has ever witnessed, two professional assassins on assignment being separate from one another crossing the exact same relative point in two different jet bridges at the exact same moment.

Or photoshop.

Occam’s razor instructs us here.


We don’t need small talk here, we are grown men, we speak Sanctions.


Yes, sanction the UK and US supply of prescription opioid drugs. The ruling classes are all barmy.


Including Putin’s close friends?


Proof please ?


You said the ruling classes are all barmy and I asked you if that includes Putin’s friends / Russian ruling class.


I thought you meant the US data that 70% of Americans are taking prescription opiate drugs :) The insane in Russia are the Khazar Oligarchs in my opinion. Insane with greed .


The most opiate drugs are for backpains, sleep and things like that, they used to be very popular in the communist block also. Also there was amphetamine at drug stores. Hollywood made a great deal of drugs and of course, banning them.

The life expectancy of the average american is 8 years longer than average russian, so don’t need to worry about their health.

Most of the jews have not kazarian but western european origin, there are dna tests, look it up, yiddish is west germanic / visigoths language, many returned at some point in the east.


Theresa May et al are just digging themselves in deeper … the only evidence they have is the ridiculous soap opera quality of what they have made up … and according to Zerohedge, the quality of fabricated evidence is still laughable …. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-05/russias-alleged-skripal-assassins-caught-breaking-laws-physics


Ms May doesn’t know who these people are (aliases and false passports etc) but she knows they are current officers in the GRU?

And not one person in her Parliament questioned this.




And their names are, drum roll, Theresa and Boris.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x