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MARCH 2025

UK Risks To Create A New Guantanamo In Syria

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UK Risks To Create A New Guantanamo In Syria

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Submitted by Khaled Iskef

The international human rights organization Reprieve has warned of the risk that a new Guantanamo-like prison would appear in Syria.  The claim was made after, on February 26, the British Supreme Court rejected the appeal of Shamima Begum, a former “Daesh bride,” to restore her UK citizenship. Begum traveled to Syria in 2015 when she was 15 years old. In 2019, her British nationality got revoked on national security grounds.

Ms Begum was not allowed to come to the UK, so that she has no possibility to effectively appeal against the decision from the camp in northern Syria.

The Reprive director, Maya Foa criticized the decision of the British Supreme Court. The Guardian newspaper quoted Foa saying that the Supreme Court had allowed Begum to submit an appeal against this ruling again if she found a way to consult with her lawyer.

“The court said that it can submit an appeal against the ruling of revoking the nationality, but it did not say how it can do so, which leaves her in the hands of the British government, which does not wish to help it,” she said.

The organization’s director described this as “not a policy but an evasion of responsibility, unless this policy aims to establish a new Guantanamo in Syria.”

According to the assessments of the Guardian newspaper, citing the paper of the Edmond Institute, about 60 people, who left the United Kingdom to join ISIS, including 35 minors, are still detained in Syria, mainly in al-Roj camp run by the Syrian Defence Forces (SDF) in north-eastern Syria, where a big number of foreign women and children were transferred from the overpopulated al-Hol camp the last year.

UK Risks To Create A New Guantanamo In Syria

Al-Hol camp in Hasakah province, Syria. Via Reuters

Britain is not the only country that refuses to return its citizens from Syria. Rather, all European countries follow the same means of indifference and avoid returning of the ISIS family members who were detained in the SDF camps in Syria.

According to the statistic of the International Committee of the Red Cross, about 80 women and 200 children from ISIS families, who have foreign nationalities, reside in the Al-Hol and Al-Roj camps alone. They suffer from very poor living and health conditions, especially children who are malnourished.

In the result of the spread of murder crimes and regular breaks from the camps, they risk to turn into centers for the restoration of the ISIS resurgence in the region.


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She should be turned over to the legal Syrian authorities,its that simple,but we know they won’t do that because my Government and others have Hitlerized Assad.


I don’t think the Syrians want these retards. Let them rot.

Furkan Sahin

I also think many Syrians hate white helmets but they can do nothing about when they are in Syria maybe 20-30% Syrians love white helmets


Those 20% to 30% going in a death pit soon. you understand mr guppu?

Furkan Sahin

true bro ;)


yeah, we know doc…….you’ve been running the contra battalion here for a while. Got all the moozlims fooled…..lol. I gotta give it up for your efforts. Very slick.

Clarence Spangle


Furkan Sahin

White Helmets is also retard


They should put the bastards on chain gangs and get them to build the Country they destroyed.


Get off the meth doc. You see that wahabbi hendu-pak muzlim girl that’s you hendi parsi now! What a disgrace you are doc. You letting me down. It’s just goin be real hard for you to reintegrate into Yazd because if you look like her…….Iran not taking you back. Shame on you.

Clarence Spangle



Guantanamo is one big psyop CIA testing ground and hatchery of USA controlled Islamic terrorists..


100% true statement. Wahhabi terrorism is a cornerstone of US, British and French military and foreign policy.

Clarence Spangle

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b73c5c65fb1f918db934f2dff48e05dcfe15512c18a489b9eb0bcaf0aa2cc37.jpg

Jens Holm

And they have 8 legs too:)

Clarence Spangle


Tommy Jensen

A clear evidence that Russia made a mistake when they kicked the Khazars out in the cold from their promised homeland in 965AC. The Khazars have been waiting for revenge in over 2000 years, tried 3 times to conquer Russia and not yet succeeded. But this time will be different!!!

Clarence Spangle

Notice the shape of the defeated dragon . . . and the map above. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60d02414de61af07087c712123dc3df835ae05be3139f09b46e9e25868ff2f0f.png

Tommy Jensen

As General Dunford said it: “We can do it, but it will take time”…………….LOL.

Clarence Spangle

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cbd6f42d9e179f08b921694b7dc5016a68ccdf5b1260df9566c35878ae5ad455.jpg


not just gitmo but the entire KRG/ NE Syria and Kabul gubment areas. However, Iran backs the Kabul gubment because the alternative is wahabbi talibs running the show and that’s just unacceptable.

Clarence Spangle

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


Jens Holm

Clarence Spangle was very determinated and used his last mascara on the map with his tail. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/375ec31c21f64c621385b89e89d255d5fbe4faa856e1a5b7108e6ce096ad3779.jpg

Clarence Spangle



kheli to hate kardam mosalmoon…..lol…..keep at it. However, don’t confuse Iran with this shit.

Clarence Spangle



yes doc……I know……yahudian leading the camel jockey……sure thing, but don’t you include Iran in this crap. Iran is not semitic……you got that?

Clarence Spangle



I know you hate them……good on you. This has nothing to do with Iran. Keep posting this. It tells us all about your hatred.

Clarence Spangle



Ain’t happening doc……it will require millions of western troops. They got no appetite for this shit. Iran will fight back very hard……..not because of muzlem shit, but because of human rights and morality.

Clarence Spangle



mistake doc……….include all zaboon farsi in da blue please…….thank you……..mercy……

Tommy Jensen

Note the two only nations who are free, and the only 1 nation who is independent. The rest owns nothing and are happy!


which two are those doc?


Aren’t you da same JJ guy proclaiming jew khazaria on press tv?

Clarence Spangle

Press TV is a pedophile film producer . . . I wouldn’t touch them with a twenty foot pole.


Comeon doc, you were enjoying lotsa ID’s there. I even liked your Farrokh Rao Id you created to blend in with the lower caste hendu-pak….comeon doc……lol

Clarence Spangle

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


Jens Holm

You certainly didnt invent the calender :)

Clarence Spangle


Tommy Jensen

Im on the little man’s side.


having conversation with your own ID’s ain’t cool doc. I’m here too.

Tommy Jensen

Our ancient promised homeland, the heart of the heartland from where we could have ruled the world. Vodka drinkers, butt lifters and yellow rice eaters are now occupying the most virgin and powerful spot on the planet where we should have lived.

Clarence Spangle



So doc, now you turned tommy pommy jhensen?…..lol….comeon doc…..lol. yous us….and we know. Surprised you holding back like a bitch?

Tommy Jensen

Im always with those in power ;-).


The only power is Iran……Always was, always will be. Watch Iran put millions in death pits……get ready.


Frankly, I have no sympathy for these morons to threw their miserable lives for the CIA and MI6 created headchoppers and now their handlers have abandoned them. Let them rot in the desert. Nobody asked this stupid woman to go to Syria and shag repulsive Wahhabi assholes.

Ivan Freely

To be fair, she was 15 years old. Many teenagers are vulnerable to radicalization. Tough call.

Tommy Jensen

Young men until 25 too. They are so easy to exploit because their hearts are full of hope and passion.


yes, just like parsi teens…….don’t worry doc, they’re welcome in Iran.


Frankly, the Wahhabis have passion for goats.


At fifteen i knew what was right and wrong,i knew hacking peoples heads off was wrong.

Ivan Freely

You also need to evaluate who her parents and friends are. If you’re surrounded by these radicals, you as a teenager, don’t have much of a chance.

Ivan Freely

The Brits are such hypocrites. Disgusting lot.

Tommy Jensen

Thats exactly why we are showing ignorance to the 27000 children of European origin and leaving them in poor conditions after we persuaded and allowed them to travel to Syria…………………………..LOL.

After 5 years of malnutrition these 27000 kids are the best ISIS warriors trained in Syria by our advisors so we can secure Russia and Iran will not take over our leverage and influence in the region…………LOL. We won!

Furkan Sahin

Hvor lever du i Danmark ?


No fool, its the hendi parsi. You got no clue do you?…..lol

Furkan Sahin

lol I just ask him haha we live in the same country


yah, yous live in mumbai koon kon…..lol. Stop fucking around doc. Everyone knows you here now…..lol

Colleen Crouse

Hey Dawn! You are right there!

I do not believe this is what is happening. I believe it is more aligned with this:


If they do what they are told, they can get “reprogramming.”

Colleen Crouse

It was SUPPOSED to be a convoy so they could get food…I am SO GLAD that San Francisco put all that hard work to use for someone ELSE’S retirement so he could get credit for his chemical weapons dumps.

Porc Halal

So, if she left Britain for Syria, it means that she prefers to live as a sex slave … she should be proud as a muslim woman that she has lost her “infidel” passport …


yes doc, true, but that’s the cards she was dealt no? You’ve grown up around wahabbi and lower caste hendi no? Come on doc you know what I’m sayin no?

Porc Halal

Hahahaha!!.. nice, thanks

Porc Halal

Hahaha!!…Yeah, doc, that is funny…now, how did you get to the part “You’ve grown up around wahabbi and lower caste hendi no“?!…what is that supposed to mean? …not sure if I understood … you know, am not an arab, nor a muslim and not born in a muslim country, thanks God!…


I know I know…..I was just playin wid ya……

Porc Halal

Ok, doc … cool

Tommy Jensen

Many women love the job as sex slaves, especially if they get their wallet filled up. LOL…………………I made that one myself.

Porc Halal

I was referring to her condition as a muslim wife … I was not talking about embracing a career or something …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No wonder Isis fighters fight like they have nothing to lose, all their wives are really pig ugly, which means all their children will be pig ugly too, so they really don’t have anything to lose do they.

Being serious it does seem there’s a misjustice if the girl was only 15 at the time, at that age she shouldn’t be held fully responsible for the decisions she made. A fair punishment that fits the offense is called for, and ideally that should happen in her country of origin. Assad has to start thinking of doing the same with his Isis prisoners, he can’t feed them forever, so he should take the offending countries of origin to international court to try and force them to repatriate their citizens. Then those countries can either pay to keep them in jail or let them loose on the community, but it’s something Assad shouldn’t have to, unless of course he wants to, he may actually want to keep some of them in jail or execute them for their crimes. The US with all it’s wealth wants to repatriate Isis criminals so they can save money, but Assad has no money and can’t afford to pay for their upkeep, yet the US are the ones crying poor, irony at it’s best.

The Objective

“but it’s something Assad shouldn’t have to, unless of course he wants to, he may actually want to keep some of them in jail or execute them for their crimes”

This blood-thirsty merciless and evil wish is the exact reason why Turkey should oppose Assad right to the point of war. Have you even wondered if the Women were lied to by their husbands, fathers, and brothers? What about those who went there as kids? You are truly beginning to show a part of you that I haven’t been aware of all this while. There is mercy even in war. Show mercy to your enemies, especially the non-combatants. That’s how to be humane. I won’t say Godly, because I don’t think you believe in God. But I know you believe in Humanity.

Sorry to have to be blunt, but I checked your profile and this comment begs for a reply.

I actually pity those poor women in those animal-like camps. Sometimes I feel like weeping when I think of how I’d feel if they were my sister or daughter. Human suffering seems to have reached an extreme. Go tell Assad to kill them all. I think it’d be a relief to the ISIS families.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Again your assuming things with no reason, in the context of my whole comment I am being merciful to the innocent, I didn’t say Assad should keep them all in jail, or kill them all, I just said “he may actually want to keep some of them in jail or execute them for their crimes”, key words being ‘some of them’ and ‘for their crimes’. And repatriating low level Isis fighters and Isis wives is being merciful to both the prisoners and the Syrian people, and also justice for the countries of origin, who may want to prosecute the Isis prisoners for domestic infringements, Australian citizens are banned form joining Isis and are prosecuted if they do join them [and are caught]. But most importantly what mercy should be shown to the people who are guilty of, Cutting out and eating the liver of a dead SAA soldier, Or trampling and cutting up the bodies of dead Kurdish women, Or the dozen men who sliced a 10 year old Lebanese boys head off because they suspected he was spying for the enemy, all while they laughed manically on the video they shot themselves, So what mercy should Assad show those criminals, the one’s who’ve disobeyed all the laws of humanity, I say hand them over to the families they’ve destroyed, let the families of the victims decide their punishment. But Assad and Syria have their own laws, and if their laws say life imprisonment or execution is the rightful punishment, so be it, all countries have laws. Don’t always look for the worst in my comments, it blinds you to the other things I say. Those evil men who sliced off the 10 year old boys head all belonged to the Nour al-Din al-Zenki group, they were actually members of the US backed moderate Free Syrian Army, but after the US ended support for the group back in June 2018, they transitioned into the Turkish backed FSA, and now they currently serve in the Turkish backed moderate Syrian National Army. So your hero Erdogan CURRENTLY has them on the Turkish payroll, so do you think that’s fair and merciful, I don’t, I think Erdogan should hand them over to Assad. You look for the darkness in me but willfully ignore the darkness from your own side, that’s not being objective. You’ve imagined offenses from me that have ABSOLUTELEY no basis according to what I actually said in my comment, but on the other hand you either have no idea or don’t care that the people who sliced off the 10 year old boys head are now serving in Erdogan’s proxy army. For me that’s not an innocent case of hypocrisy, it’s actually more indicative of a bias you hold, and bias always blinds you to the truth, so reread my comment with no bias and see if you still think I said what you believed I said.

The Objective

Every crime should be punished, but effort should be made to separate the guilty from the innocent. I’m pretty sure most of those 15-year-old girls didn’t know what they were walking into following their husbands and brothers to Syria. Arab women rarely have any say in what their husbands or family decide. I very confident that most of the ISIS women prisoners are innocent. they don’t fight, neither did they receive any military training. they are in Syria because of their husbands and brothers, not because they want to fight Assad. ISIS was and still is a plague that harmed everybody, including their own blood relations. They are actually a curse on the world. But even if there is just one innocent person among 1 million ISIS members, effort should be made to save that one person.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I agree with you and will even go one step further, most of the Isis fighters should be freed, but only if they haven’t committed any major crimes. Now I want to ask you something, why don’t you condemn the people that slit the 10 year old boys throat, why aren’t you calling on Erdogan to reject all the terrorists joining the SNA and call for him to prosecute them for their war crimes. If I was in your shoes I’d be one of the most vocal calling for that, I have no qualms about criticizing the side I back if they do something wrong. The Turkish proxies committed 12 verifiable war crimes in just the first 2 weeks of the Turkish incursion into north east Syria, but I didn’t hear you condemn those atrocities. I condemn Assad and Russia if they do something wrong, I don’t hesitate.

The Objective

I certainly won’t support any crime against humanity. I’m a pure Muslim and know that all humans are equal as long as they’re alive. No one has the right to fight another person unless in self-defense or in protection of your wife/family and property (say from robbers). Islam forbids all the crimes you mentioned, and if they indeed happened, then it’s compulsory on Erdogan to punish such crime IF HE CAN. But if Erdogan neglects such crimes, then he certainly answerable to Allah. Erdogan is not a saint. There are aspects of his behavior that I disagree with. For example, he and the Muslim Brotherhood tend to support revolutions in Muslim countries. I don’t agree with such bloody and violent way of taking power because its likely to cause more harm than good in the long run. But I think the Egypt experience has taught Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood to tread carefully on encouraging revolutions. Sisi is today worse than Hosni Mubarak. The MB could easily wield influence even on people like Assad if they followed the right method. For example, they could encourage stability and for people to obey their leaders. Turkey and Qatar could have invested in Syria and become its top trading partner. If much of the Syrian economy depends on Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, these countries will have the influence to alter Assad’s calculations, especially with regards to oppressing Sunnis. I’m not saying that the Syrian revolution was Turkey’s idea. No it wasn’t. The U.S and Israel started it, but Turkey joined them later. However, I do not blame Erdogan even for a second about this. Assad was and still is pretty stubborn. He could have agreed to negotiate a political settlement with the opposition since 2011. He could have simply changed the Syrian system to a more democratic one and run as president or support one of his people to do so – just like Ben Ali of Tunisia did. But Assad felt that because this was a U.S engineered event, he wasn’t going to negotiate with anyone. His stubbornness affected Turkey as well. Millions of refugees were flooding Turkey. Today, Turkey alone is PROTECTING and even feeding up to 9 million Syrians. Erdogan had to do something, especially when the Syrians keep begging him to help. Erdogan is a Muslim by heart not name. He is certain to feel the pain of seeing so many Muslims suffer. His tolerance and continued support of the refugees is testament to his love and compassion for the Syrians and Muslims as a whole. that’s why he’s the most popular Muslim leader in the world. To be frank, Turkey hates oppressive dictatorship and monarchy. And the Assad dynasty is one of those oppressive regimes. I’ve researched deeply about the Assad family right from the time they took power. Bashar Al-Assad may not be as bad as his father, but he certainly made a mistake holding on to power instead of sparing his country this death and destruction by simply negotiating a political transition. Coming to Libya, you must realize that it wasn’t Erdogan’s idea to overthrow Gaddafi. It was America’s idea (Obama in particular). Erdogan moved into Libya not to worsen the situation, but to make sure democracy survives. Haftar wanted to do to Libya what Sisi did to Egypt, but Alhamdulillah, the Turkish leadership was and is still bravely standing up for fair governance in Libya. Qatar would have been another U.A.E had Turkey not moved in to fuel a Saudi/U.A.E engineered coup.

So overall, I agree with Erdogan 95%. Attempting to punish some crimes may worsen a situation. In such cases, it’s permissible in Islam to suspend such punishment to a later date, or even let it go altogether. These people who slit the throat of a boy should have their throats slit in the same manner. That’s the Sharia punishment for that. An eye for an eye. Not jail for an eye.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Long before Islam many people from all ethnic groups and all other religious groups believed, “all humans are equal as long as they’re alive. No one has the right to fight another person unless in self-defense or in protection of your wife/family and property (say from robbers)”, It’s a universal doctrine of humanity, there are abhorrence’s from time to time but humanity has steadily followed that path since our inception. Islam allowed the enslavement of non believer for many centuries, they don’t anymore, so we’re all on the same path to betterment, EVERYONE is, not just Muslims, please remember that.

Erdogan is fully aware of the crimes his militias are guilty of. The group that sliced the young boys throat are serving in the SNA right now, you can google search for Nour al-Din al-Zenki and find out what they did and where they’re currently serving. Erdogan isn’t just answerable to God, he’s answerable to you too, you support his cause so you’re also guilty of turning a blind eye if you don’t call him to account. I would think that would be the duty of every good Muslim, or Christian, or Jew, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or any other denomination. In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood won the election fairly with a small majority, and then they set about forcing their will on the 45% of the population that didn’t vote for them, that was the problem, you can’t win an election with a small majority and then expect the rest of the population to comply to your radical demands, you can only do it if you have a large majority, hence the massive backlash from the opposition with the assistance of foreign powers. Now as I keep saying a Muslim Brotherhood supporter can be burned alive in Egypt and no one bats an eye, if the same thing was done to any one else anywhere else around the world there would be rightful condemnation from the international community. But sadly from most of them there’s nothing but silence, and I think it’s mainly because most of those silent Nations rightfully fear the Muslim Brotherhood, but wrongly fail to condemn the atrocities against the Brotherhood, and they fail to do it because those atrocities serve their own selfish ends. But you reap what you sow as they say, so their neglectful silence will come back to haunt them some day. And everything else you said I can’t argue with except for this comment which I find reprehensible, “Attempting to punish some crimes may worsen a situation. In such cases, it’s permissible in Islam to suspend such punishment to a later date, or even let it go altogether”, I was going to say give me an example of when that’s actually applicable but you don’t have to, the brutal murder of Khashoggi and subsequent silence from the US is the perfect example. Some people think turning a blind eye is just as bad as committing the crime, I do to, and that’s why you sometimes like some of my comments and fully support them, but only when I say something you want to hear. But sometimes I also say things you don’t want to hear, and your job then is to use your God given conscience and decide for yourself if you disagree with me because your conscience tells you to, or is it because you’re turning a blind eye to something because it harms your cause or goes against your long held beliefs. I think your a good person but you sometimes wrongly believe Islam has all the right answers, but if it really did have all the right answers we’d all convert to Islam willingly, no one would refuse perfection. People like me pick and choose what we believe from all religions. My willingness to obey my conscience I attribute to the Zoroastrian faith, my respect for my fellow creatures I attribute to the Buddhist, Hindu, and old Hebrew Written laws that Adam and Eve [as well as Jesus] obeyed, my charitable and merciful nature I attribute to the Islamic faith, and my respect for nature I attribute to the pagan religions, that I also sometimes despise for obvious reasons [sacrifice], and there are many other doctrines I’ve adopted from many other faiths. I like having a choice, so do you feel as a Muslim you have any real choice in what you believe, for example, if you were given the stones to use against a woman who was RIGHTFULLY convicted of Adultery and admitted her guilt, would you use them to stone her to death according to Sharia Law. I wouldn’t, in fact if God appeared in front of me and told me it was the right thing to do I’d still refuse. I’d tell God I wouldn’t do it because that’s not the way God brought me up, Gods only taught me to do the right thing and be merciful, that’s the way God made me, God gave me a conscience and I listened to it. The Prophet Muhammad made the required evidence to rightfully convict someone for the crime of adultery nearly impossible to prove, a very severe punishment with virtually no ability to prove it’s offense. Do you ever wonder why he did that. Cheers.

Zulubal Andre

uk uk…

Porc Halal

You know, sometime in the future, this will be labeled by the political class and the fake media as a holocaust, just like the biggest jewish farce in history about the so-called jewish holocaust during World War II…in fact, the jews killed more people than hitler did (and here I am not referring to how many jews hitler killed, but to completely different other nations or etnicities) … so similarly, these cold-blooded criminals imprisoned in this camp in Syria , they will be cleaned and whitened by the fake media machinery and presented to the world as victims …


“In the result of the spread of murder crimes and regular breaks from the camps, they risk to turn into centers for the restoration of the ISIS resurgence in the region.” “Risk”?! That’s what they’re for. If you speak out that the Brits&friends are in Syria to support terrorism, which is of course true, only to permit them to build bases there–what can you expect.


Your citizenship means nothing. Some petty gangster can make it go away at a moments notice with their pen.

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