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UK, Slovakia, Sweden, Czech Republic Among Most Probable Sources Of ‘Novichok’

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Originally appeared at RT

The substance used in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal may have originated from the countries studying the “Novichok” nerve agent, including the UK, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Sweden, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

“The most likely source of origin of the toxin are the countries which have been carrying out intense research on the substances from the ‘Novichok’ program, approximately since the end of the 1990s until the present time, and this project is not the creation of Russia or the Soviet Union,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday. She listed the UK, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Sweden among the countries involved.

The US should also “be put under question,” Zakharova said in an interview with the state broadcaster VGTRK.

“How did they come to the conclusion about a Russian ‘footprint’ if they didn’t give us those samples? Logically they shouldn’t have this substance. Which samples have they compared with to draw such a conclusion?” she went on. “Questions arise: then, they should have samples, which they conceal, or it is a lie from start to finish.”

“If the UK prime minister and other British experts give the formula, then it will be clear which countries have been developing these agents,” Zakharova said.

“Questions arise: then, they should have samples, which they conceal, or it is a lie from start to finish.”

Zakharova’s remarks echo those of Russia’s representative at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Aleksandr Shulgin, who said the ‘Novichok’ research was taken out of the Soviet Union following its collapse. While Shulgin didn’t name where the program was smuggled, he said the source of the substance used in Salisbury is “concealed in one of the countries where this research continued and achieved certain success.”

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Unfortunately the whole affair has been set up from the outset so there’s no real official inquiry, no adherence to established procedure of international law and no real material evidence ever presented to the general public. Somebody said that the west is trying to “pull Iraq” on Russia. Well Iraq never had WMDs as we learned a few years later. And I’m sure that in a couple years we’ll learn that Russia didn’t use and obscure nerve agent to kill ex third rate GRU agent after he was jailed, pardoned and released and didn’t posses any classified info and posed less threat to Russia that when they pardoned him. Problem No. 1 is that – unlike Saddam – Russia, among other hardware, owns nukes and knows how to use it. Problem No.2 is that – unlike Iraq – and no matter what Neocons hope, Russia can not be defeated in a Desert Storm style blitz without Putin retaliate with conventional and nuke assets…And after that there won’t be a Problem No.3 nor any other number for humans anyways. On the other hand, the cockroaches might be in a bit of a pickle – inheriting a nuked out planet without knowing or caring what to do with it..


With any luck ” the cockroaches ” will be cremated exhibits with a charred Talmud :)

I would pay to look at that :)


Florian Geyer made in UK. Putin was right. :DDDDDD

John Brown

When a state wants to kill someone it is by car accident, heart attack etc. so no one will know who did it or even better no one will know that there even was a murder. It was only done this way by the UK under orders from their Mossad masters as a false flag to blame another in this case Russia. For those who are so stupid to think the UK doesn’t do these things remember Dianna.


Sometimes States will Kill opponents in broad Daylight with plenty witnesses… then it is meant as a Warning to others not to make the same mistake…. (JFK for instance)….or you can go swim with the Fishes and simply disappear, never to be heard of again…and they have the means to cover everything up….

John Brown

Wrong Kennedy was killed the way he was because of his position and security it was the only way at the time with the technology of the day,. The kind of public message killing you talk about is admitted to not denied, like Kadafi and Hillary Clinton saying “we came, we saw, he died” laughing. That is a message killing. Class over.


JFK wanted to Tackle the Deep State… Power of the Fed, cut budgets on Israhell….That’s what signed his Death Sentence…and it happened to become a very nice Warning to Future Presidents… when inaugurated you get presented two Options on the table: A suitcase with Money & The Picture of JFK with his Brains shot out, up to the new President to chose…..No source, I am delivering this explanation of occurence on my own behalf….


This is true for other countries, not for russia. The tsars, stalin and also later russians killed in abroad in theatrical style.


Mossad is the agency of ‘message’ spectacle – telephone receiver bombs, innumerable car bombs, bloodied bodies left in public hotel elevators etc.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Assassinations leaving .22 caliber shell casings is the norm with a gun.


The British have a long history of killing, or allowing people to be killed to advance their political agenda. Dr Kelly comes to mind, he exposed the lies about Iraqi WMD’s, and was suicided.

Sidney Riley, Britain’s most famous spy, the guy the James Bond character is based on and also a Russian. To expose a Soviet spy group that was getting US funding, the British sent Riley into Russia, and arranged his capture. The Americans finally realized that the money they were paying to overthrow the Russian Government was actually helping to fund the Cheka. The British denied all knowledge of Sidney Riley, and he was executed for espionage.

John Brown

No British leader for at least 60 years has even been allowed to go to the bathroom without the permission of their Jewish racist supremacist confederate global slave empire masters. which started back in 1812 when the Rothchilds took over the British economy and it took racist genocidal Jews about 100 years afer that to totally eliminate all resistance in Britain and to destroy the Anglican church. enough evidence to prove it . Now see some real evidence. Part 1 the following video evidence in Britain again totally destroy the Anglo / Zionist empire world empire narrative. It’s just the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. The Anglo Zionist empire term is like calling apartheid South Africa the “Africans Boer / Zu Lu black / empire”. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, such an argument is basically a joke.

See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this Nothing beats the voluntary confession from Jewish sources . Even the most brainwashed Goyim will get it. Here is one for you. Racist supremacist Jews confess to running African and the Americas slave trade enslaving Goyims. This link Jews enslaving blacks the video with the 6 pointed star of Satan in it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

Part 2 See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/stop-everything-you-do-and-watch-this So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/the-plot-against-britain Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg

John Brown

Part 3 This Al Jazeria investigation has dealt a massive blow to the racist supremacist Zionist global empire and its propaganda by exposing it for what it is. Evil needs darkness and dies under the light of day and transparency. While watching part 2 you may want to ask yourself why the Jewish lobby and Israel are so influential within the Left and the Labour movement, is it really a coincidence? The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc Then you watch Part 3 you may want to ask yourself what is it that drives the Shabbos Goy within the labour party and beyond? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes Brits to become servants of a foreign despotic state? Al Jazeera Investigations: The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA When you watch this final episode you must ask yourself how is it possible that British media has remained silent? Would it also stay silent if Shai Masot was a Russian or an Iranian’s agent? Asking the above questions may suggest that you are at the footstep of the understanding of Jewish Power and its negative impact on our society. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY What drives is it that drives the Shabbos Goy? if they are not a racist supremacist Jews? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes people like to become servants of a foreign despotic state? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg

John Brown

Part 4 Below great video confession explained in great detail by a racist supremacist Jew; of the racist, supremacist, Jewish, dictatorship;,global, slave, empire of the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race and why Jews are the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race to rule the world in a global, dictatorship, slave, empire. The following is a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim whose biography, and gently smiling face, you can find on Wikipedia. For our purposes, just the first paragraph will be enough. It says that Bar-Hayim is an “Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute (Machon Shilo), a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel”. Not a lightweight by any means, and a man with established credentials.I strongly encourage you to take the time to carefully listen to his entire lecture (1h47m) to not only convince yourself that my chosen excerpts are not partial or taken out of context, but also to get an emotional “feel” for the man who not only is an articulate speaker who is clearly used to teaching, but who also conveys a coherent picture of a man who gave these topics a great deal of thought and who has to courage to call things by their names rather than to “remain silent” like so many of his “politically correct” colleges. See this link for the confession http://www.myvi.ru/watch/Why-are-the-Rabbis-Silent-about-Gaza_RMl1JJ_ftUy7fjzY7Ehgug2 Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY 7892fe78cad2c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c6bb81f8503e32d45effa246dbfedeb7dc94b83dc1f1dbc169691936f8b345b.jpg

John Brown

Part 5 Jewish Power is now British Law – It’s Official! The following laws recently passed in Britain again totally destroy the Anglo / Zionist empire world empire narrative. It’s just the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law, Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. The Anglo Zionist empire term is like calling apartheid South Africa the “Africans Boer / Zu Lu black / empire”. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, such an argument is basically a joke. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2016/12/13/jewish-power-is-now-british-law-its-official By Gilad Atzmon For years I have argued that Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. Now, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed that my observation is spot on. PM May has decided to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism and to integrate it into British law. According to the IHRA, “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2016/12/13/jewish-power-is-now-british-law-its-official https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg

John Brown

See former congress woman says USSA Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel above their oaths to America, its Israel not America first. Its not an oath of loyalty to Britain above America. So its the Zionist empire not the Anglo Zionist empire. Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel part 1 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/29/how-soon-can-we-get-aipac-owned-traitors-out-of-congress/ The only Member of the sitting US Congress we can document so far that has refused to sign the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even before America is Representative Walter Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

John Brown

Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth. Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated. Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

John Brown

Nor could America have been transformed into an Israeli slave-state, provider and war-fighter for Israel with an endless supply of American Soldiers to use as Israeli cannon-fodder in their quest to expand and create “greater Israel”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg Very few Americans know of this treasonous betrayal by all but one Member of Congress. This betrayal is a very serious, grievous violation of their Oath of Office and also American espionage laws and it constitutes Treason. Why do we know for certain this signing the AIPAC Loyalty Oath is Treason? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY We know this for certain because Treason is the capital offense of betraying one’s country and aiding or abetting an enemy of one’s own country, people and one’s government. Yes, but isn’t Israel an important ally of America?

John Brown

No, quite the contrary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY The only reason the average American does not yet know this is because the Major Mass Media is controlled by six media moguls who answer to run Israeli linked large American investment house that works through Switzerland. Together these six media mogul who are all traitors have essentially created an illegal New Monopoly, a true News Cartel that does little more than feed the American public a continuing stream of USG propaganda, USG big lies and USG false-narratives.

John Brown


It is our job at Veterans Today and the rest of the Alternative media of the Internet to get the truth out to everyone and expose this USG propaganda, these big USG lies and USG false-narratives. Soon unless stopped the Internet, which is the World’s New Gutenberg Press, will bust the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and this truth will dissipate to every America. This will bring an end to the espionage done against America in America by AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and other Israeli-linked foreign espionage fronts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w


The Moral of this story is: Ignore Western Media Outlets…. I do that for quite some time now….. when I occasionally turn on the 6 o’ Clock News…..my Bloodpressure starts to rise and I get the tendency to Vomit because it is such unbelievable B*llshit….not watching the News or reading Newspapers is certainly a lot better for my Health….


Bullshits, Zakharova. Btw., you get older somehow fast. Putin has not good emission. :))

Politolog Externista

you know nothing. Only your lies that you wish were true and behave like they are fact.




Cui bono. Israel. Who benefits from a confrontation with Russia? Its Israel. England is a vassal of Zion. A classic false flag. The immediate response to the false flag indicate that it was carefully planned.


Who are Israhells Friends? America…. UK…France….where did the most False-Flag-Terrorist-Attacks occur…? Aight…..


They have always been stupid. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, supposedly a country(Vietnam) without a functioning Navy attacked an American warship, which allowed the US to kill 5 million people in response.


Who benefits from a confrontation with Russia? USA mostly, but the UK and France also. It’s about who controls global oil supplies, just like WWI. The Ukraine, gas, Myanmar oil. Did you know Britain trained the terrorists in Myanmar? All wars are about money, and oil is where there is a lot of money.


Dubbelagents can be Killed by both Countries they worked for….. they are Traitors and most of the time treated accordingly….. and the fact that he survived MI6 & the FSB just makes him a pretty lucky Bastard…..


Exactly, the guilty are always the first to accuse others.


According to czech reactions putin made from partial pro-russian country an enemy. Bravo, 168 cm high chessplayer!

Politolog Externista

which czech reactions ? Martin Stropnicky is a serial liar, an actor by trade. Stropnicky signature is on papers that were leaked by russian hacking. Officially refurbished T-72s went to nigeria, but an-224 went straight to Dnepropetrovsk, there was documentation of what went to the US offensive in the east. If I remember correctly, those tanks were photographed in Ostrava airfield. Yea, to Nigeria. Except it was tracked and landed in Ukr. Czech media and establishment is pro-eu,especially media are of soros dump. They wish to rule, but they have no legitimacy. Czech media are largely what youd expect of BBC. Antirussian hysteria is czech liberal specialty. You wont find better. There they have a lot of Joos, especially those who ran from Slovakia, they keep pouring on Slovakia because it doesnt want corrupt soros joos, why ? They have no airtime in Svk media, but know that Czech TV is normally accessible in Svk.



Politolog Externista

Im from here u BS :) You can lie all you want, you wont change that.




There are very big protests in Bratislava and other places today about this, you are correct also about Czech situation.


Just give it a Russian name, so we know where it comes from :) Only one question to ask: cui bono?


Here in Australia, a national Government media outlet started this story with “Russia accuses other countries” The truth is irrelevant, the west has gone to full blown war propaganda, be prepared.


Let’s hope them ignorant Western Sheeples wake up in time and see what their Governments are up to…..if they won’t, the Cliffs will appear out of the blue…and no turnin’ back….


If history is our guide, the sheeple will not wake up, they will, cheer when western forces kill others. They will claim ignorance and blame others when they themselves get bombed in return.

Cheryl Brandon


1. UK experimentation Laboratory; PORTON DOWN is located very close to Salisbury.

2. UK scientist/Dr Robin Black was quoted as saying in 2016 that, “ the composition of Novichok is unknown and the existence is dubious?

3. The place where the Novichok was supposed to have been made was Uzbekistan.

4. Ex Ambassador Craig Murray who served in Uzbekistan between 2002-2004 , actually visited this laboratory to witness the dismantling of this site in 2000 as a member of the diplomatic corp?

5. The only chemist who talked about Novichok was Dr Vil Mirzananyov and, he is in the USA since 1992. In 1995, he wrote an article for some USA magazine saying that, “ Novichok could be made by any commercial pesticide/fertiliser company from organophosphates.

6. The OPCW ; UN Body based in NETHERLANDS,HAGUE has insufficient information about this chemical compound???

7. Why is this attack not being treated as a standard crime scene? Why are the Police not asking for information on the media? Why are we not seeing photos of the 2 affected people in hospitals as, we saw when Alexander Litvinenko was in hospital? Where is the footage? Why is the hospital treating the Skripal and his daughter not giving any information about progress good. Bad or not.?

8. Why is UK shirking away from producing a sample?

9. Why is the media not asking the crucial questions about who benefits? Russia certainly does not but, Gavin Williamson; UK Defense Secretary received a £48 million promised funding, to update the government Lab in Porton Down??? 10. Where is the CCTV footage? Where are the ambulance and EMT;s interviews? Are they banned from giving interview.s? Where are these 2 Russian nationals,? Are they hostages held by UK spooks?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x