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UK War-Games Massive Cyber Attack On Russia: British Media

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UK War-Games Massive Cyber Attack On Russia: British Media

Illustrative image: AP Photo / Mindaugas Kulbis

The British Armed Forces are training for a massive cyber attack on Russia in case of the military conflict between the UK and Russia, according to The Sunday Times citing senious security sources.

The report speculated that in case of the conflict, the British cyber capabilities are one of the most useful options to deter Moscow. Security officials have also vowed to step up the current cyber capabilities of their country.

This weekend 5,500 UK troops took part in the biggest military exercise for a decade showcasing their readiness for an open conflict with Russia.

The exercise in the Omani desert involved 200 armoured vehicles, six naval ships and eight Typhoon fighter jets. The Household Cavalry played the role of an enemy using Russian T-72 battle tanks.

U.S.-led Bloc Uses ‘Russian Hackers’ Narrative To Justify Preparations For Global Cyber Conflict

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The sun has set on the British empire long ago, mere pretense and being a US lap pooch is not a very convincing effort to fight off the Russians.

“””The Household Calvary played the role of an enemy using T72 tanks””” Camels or horses compared to T72 tanks? Who in their right mind make such comparison?

Promitheas Apollonious



Yea the Brits, being like,Pomeranian US lap do trying to be revleavant by hisssing and barking against the bear.

Promitheas Apollonious

I fail to see, how a lap dog of the city of london, (US) can have lap dogs, but if this is what you like to think so do continue to believe that, as in the bigger picture it does not make any difference.

Bottom line shit is shit no matter by what name it goes with. But that is the lap dogs of western NWO meaning the governments. I hope you dont confuse also the good people living as slaves in those countries, with the politicians they rule them. Even though one wise man said once, the people always get the leaders they deserve and represent them, that is not absolute, as always in every rule there are the exceptions.


New York is the main dog, London is the lapdog, the dollar is the reserve currency of the world, not the British pound. The old world order and the new world order operate within these guidelines. The British pound reigned until the end of the first WW, excessive debt caused by the two WW’s bankrupted the British empire. They are second or third fiddle now. Excessive debt is going to bankrupt US as well.

Promitheas Apollonious

k one day you wake up to reality and the truth. Out of curiosity, do you know who collects the taxes IRS is charging every tax payer in the states and why?


I see reality as it is, here in the US and world wide, I am not prone to conspiracy theories unless they are factually justified. The employers send the withheld taxes to IRS. If at the end of the year I owe taxes, I make a check payable to IRS.

Promitheas Apollonious

no you dont but is not my business to alter your mind in any way. as for conspiracies stop sucking on words mass media feed all of you and search what I told you, then I take you serious in the mean time walk in peace. To me make no difference either way.


What do you mean…I don’t? The check is transacted by the entity it is made up to. I do not listen to MSM media, I have an extensive knowledge of history and other subjects including the Bible, I view events from my individual perspective. I think my foundations are established on truth.

Promitheas Apollonious

do you really have an extensive knowledge of history? No IRS collect it I did not say it does not. I ask you if you know what they collect where it goes to and why. If you did know what you telling me then you also know the answers to this, as well you knew who sets policies, for wall street that controls your economy.

As I said answer this simple questions, simple for any one who knows what you say you do and then I will take you serious. One more thing learn to separate, rumor and assumption from fact. You mention conspiracy to me. That is something only ones who live in denial of fact use in a discussion, in order to cover two facts their ignorance of fact and to render the discussion as not worth their effort to know the truth.

Do your home work and hen you do an you know let me know what you concluded. Forgive me if I don’t respond to you again on this subject unless you stop thinking you know and learn. I answer you out of respect to your posts that are balanced and sort of go to the right direction. The choice to learn is yours and knowledge come only if one actually learn it himself and not feed is ears with someone else voice the evidence should you like to find them is on record and is to some of us common knowledge.


IRS is the tax collecting arm of the Treasury, everything IRS collects goes into the Treasury of the US government, and the government spends the money. The Fed controls the monetary policy in the US, regulates the money supply and interest rates, helping Wall Street from any catastrophic outcome. Wall Street is inhabited and populated by parasites and vermin, driven by greed and excess of greater returns. The Fed, the big banks and Wall Street are run by Jews.

Conspiracy theories can have some element of truth, however, a lot of it is based on defective or willfully distorted assumptions as a result of some agenda.


This week could be the end of the beginning. Since US treasuries went over 3% the market seems to have turned


The Fed will continue to raise rates in order to have enough latitude to lower them in case of a recession. The stock market did not like the spike, and Treasury has to pay more interest for the bonds they sell, while existing bond holders see their bonds go lower in value to make up for the higher interest rate increases.


Privately owned.. i.e. the multi-millionaires with their grand toys got to play with the regular army.. I’m surprised that there wasn’t a ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ also..


There was no charge of the Light Brigade because it would set a negative precedent of British mixups and resulting high casualties.

Nigel Maund

Agree! The UK has for always been the US sidekick referred to by the French as the US pet poodle. Before you laugh at the T72 have seen the latest SF video on the Russian’s modernisation of the 10,000 tanks in their arsenal. Hence, the UK parctising against T72’s is actually a lot more sensible than it looks. The latest Challenger II tank is actualy a very good battle tank. Problem is that the UK only has about 250 of them. By the way the Household Cavalry is the UK premier Armoured Regiment and a part of the 7th Armoured Brigade armed with Challenger II battle tanks. The horses are purely ceremonial.


Thanks for the clarification and explanation.

Promitheas Apollonious

Reading what the brits saying I could not help laughing. I am certain now that all of them are much more stupid they sound like. It seems this multicultural societies they breeding in europe and america produce with every generation more and more retards that reality for them is beyond their comprehension.

I hope some Englishmen have remained there and take care of the retards.

AM Hants

We rely on Belingcat, plus, old Ukrainian malware for our cyber security. So guess, Russia will be upto speed, with regards whatever Williamson, send to Russia.

Nigel Maund

You love denegrating everybody don’t you and always with your lack of any analysis or understanding. I find your commentary offensive and essentially lacking any sensible balanced analysis of anything. God knows where you actually come from, but your lack of any real education to all except the intellectually challenged. Can’t you buzz off to site where’s there’s loads more of you to witter on endlessly talking tripe?


Kim Jong Un agrees to hold second summit with Donald Trump ‘at earliest date’. Pompeo and Kim also discuss denuclearisation steps to be taken by N Korea and the issue of attendance by US govt. They don’t know that Trump have sharpen knives for the throats of Kim’s nation. After Mideast countries the next number is of North Korea.


Switzerland is a haven of black money account holders.


Switzerland also harbored Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin before the Russian Revolution. They were both plotting and preparing their evil plans upon Russia with financing and guidance from the west and “neutral” Switzerland.

Nigel Maund

jj – both Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) and Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) were funded by the Rothschild’s and Warburgs. Czar Nicholas II kicked the Rothschild’s (and Nobel’s) out of their immensely rich oil fields at Baku and Maikop on the Caspian in modern Azerbaijan without compensation. For this reason, they financed the overthrow and killing of the Czar and his family by the Bolsheviks who were largely led by Zionists; a fact pointed out by Hitler in his book “Mein Kampf”.


The point I think is that it was not just Jewish banksters or Zionists imposing communism on so much of the world, although in light of the spread of cultural Marxism out the Frankfurt School in Germany before WWII the evidence certainly points in their direction. The other fact is that there is also a non-Jewish set of extremely rich and powerful banksters in Switzerland and in other nations who can be described as secular humanists to some extent. However, it also should be remembered that Zurich, Switzerland, is the capital of Satanism or Luciferianism, and when considering the implanting of communism in Russia we also have to include the Illuminati in the picture who really control the West.

Nigel Maund

Good comment Rob. Switzerland was left neutral and not attacked by Nazi Germany as it was a conduit for gold and other valuables stolen during their conquest of Europe and looting of the Jews and other unfortunates in their 6 year reign of terror. Swiss bankers have no morals whatsoever. This is why the Lac Geneve’s entire northern shore is covered with lake front mansions of the international hyper wealthy from Geneva to Lausanne (Google Earth). They have all laundered their ill gotten gains through numbered Swiss Bank Accounts.


Every elite either in the West or in Asia promoting this next war, has to be brought to justice and pay the price with their own lives, and all of the wealth in their oligarchic families confiscated and used for reparations because of their abuses of that wealth and power. Better to do this before than after the bastards blow up the world. That is the only sane solution.

Promitheas Apollonious

Justice………… interesting notion. The only justice they deserve is at the end of a barrel. Rabid animals as they are you just shot them and get it over with.


So you are a rabid animal, just like them?

Promitheas Apollonious

no kid just not an idiot like you are.


Some people exaggerate the usefulness of virus’ but this usual Cold War style activities. The Russians and Belarusians were training for a simulated US landing on the Arctic coast, the US and Finland were training for a simulated invasion of Finland, and so forth. There’s nothing really surprising here because these are symptoms of a conflict that exists whether or not they happen.


Cyber attacks, are a big thing in the west, because everything is connected to the internet, and in America millions have top secret clearance. The lack of intelligence, especially in the US was the reason why Bradley Manning, a low level functionary had access to so many secrets. Many years ago I read a document by the Defense Signals Directorate advising Government departments on cyber security. The key point was, if you don’t want to get hacked, don’t connect to the Internet. I doubt if Russia is as foolish as America.


“The key point was, if you don’t want to get hacked, don’t connect to the Internet.” Well stated, a stand alone computer “no external connection” can communicate with others with USB drive if required, sounds like a great “firewall”.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

This weekend 5,500 UK troops took part in the biggest military exercise for a decade showcasing their readiness for an open conflict with Russia.

The exercise in the Omani desert involved 200 armoured vehicles, six naval ships and eight Typhoon fighter jets. The Household Cavalry played the role of an enemy using Russian T-72 battle tanks.

So the UK is practicing desert warfare against a country with tanks…

Sounds like Iraq again, possibly Iran. (has a large number of MBT’s, including T-72)

Nigel Maund

Dick good observation!! Possibly Iran ?????…….Seems plausible although the British Army, whilst good, is very modest in size. It can only serve as support for the US or a combined NATO Army. Against the Russian Army they would be quickly destroyed, possibly during the first 48 – 72 hours of a conflict breaking out?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Obviously without the U.S. the British forces would be hurled back into the sea. Perhaps they are thinking about the PMU?


Or El Alamein? Fighting over other peoples oil is a British tradition.

Carlos Correia

Using cyber war only in the DARPA project called internet will not help west countrys. Russia military don’t use Windows… Now F-22 uses windows vista xD.. I wanna see this.


This sounds like a desperate attempt by some geeks to preserve or increase their budget. “Yes Sir, our cyber attacks will definitely ‘trump’ those new Russian super-bombs!”


So in case of WW3 Brits are ready to troll russian facebook accounts… btw in case of WW3, Britain will be completely annihilated in 1 or 2 hours, something these completely braindead and equally bloodthirsty british army cretins fail to realize.

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