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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Adopts NATO Military Ranks Standard, As U.S. Approves Patrol Boat Delivery To Kiev

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Ukraine Adopts NATO Military Ranks Standard, As U.S. Approves Patrol Boat Delivery To Kiev

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Turning a new page with the turning of the New Year, Ukraine decided to transfer its military rank structure to that of NATO.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Taran signed an order according to which a list of military rank codes based on the standards of NATO countries is being introduced in the country’s Armed Forces.

This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

“These decisions are designed to change the Soviet-style career management system to the modern one adopted in the armies of the leading states. In fact, this is a guide to the actions of cadre agencies to switch to a new philosophy of work, which provides for the creation of a career map for each soldier, sergeant, officer for his training, growth and support,” Andriy Taran said.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are changing the system of codes and military ranks, in accordance with NATO standards, under a law passed by the Ukrainian Parliament in June 2020.

The impetus of the Ukrainian authorities towards an alliance with NATO manifested itself back in December 2014, when the Ukrainian Parliament amended two laws, abandoning its non-aligned status.

Subsequently, in June 2016, additional changes were adopted, which determine the entry into NATO as the goal of the country’s foreign policy.

Ukraine should also ensure full compatibility of its army with the armed forces of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance by the end of 2021.

Ukraine Adopts NATO Military Ranks Standard, As U.S. Approves Patrol Boat Delivery To Kiev

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Meanwhile, US support keeps coming for Ukraine.

On January 5th, the US Department of Defense released its signed contracts for the day.

One of them is with SAFE Boats International LLC, Bremerton, Washington in the amount of nearly $20 million for the long lead time material and associated pre-production and planning support for two MK VI patrol boats to be delivered to the government of Ukraine.

This comes in addition to Fiscal 2020 Title 10 Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative funding in the amount of $5,463,500 was obligated at award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.

According to the report, the boats will be transferred to Ukraine under the U.S. government’s Foreign Military Sales program, which involves the production of 16 Mark VI patrol boats. Some of them will be handed over to Ukraine as part of assistance from the United States.

Furthermore, as a true friend, the US Embassy congratulated Ukraine on the anniversary of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s second anniversary of receiving its Tomos of Autocephaly.

“We support Ukrainians’ ability to worship as they choose, without external influence,” reads the report.

On January 6, 2019, Ukraine received the Tomos of Autocephaly that officially confirms the canonical autocephalous status of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

So far, the autocephaly project has generally failed and has met opposition, and has had to establish its authority through repression and defacing churches of the “wrong faith.”

Meanwhile, in further distancing itself from the CIS, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft law on Ukraine’s withdrawal from the agreement on cooperation in the field of legal protection of intellectual property and the creation of an Interstate Council for the Legal Protection of Intellectual Property.

The government’s representative in the Ukrainian Parliament, Vasyl Mokan, wrote about this on his Telegram channel following a government meeting on January 5th.

“The bill proposes to withdraw from the agreement concluded on November 19, 2010 in the city of Saint Petersburg and ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on December 21, 2011,” Mokan wrote.

He noted that Ukraine has not participated in the development of draft international treaties within the framework of the CIS; has not exchanged patent, regulatory and methodological documentation in the field of intellectual property protection within the framework of the agreement; and Ukrainian representatives have not participated in meetings of the Interstate Council for a long time.


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That’s not gonna solve any of ukraines economic woes though,13 billion was stolen from treasury,if biden + co persist,ukraine will only become the next victim like yugoslavia but under false flags! Because the deep state/cia/hato are masters of lies,scams and genocides post ww2 (period)


Biden syndrome is already growing on them….they will be used to the max…

Jens Holm

Mushrooms or what :)

Jens Holm

They dont say that at all. You say and next blame. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/76471ac89886d533bca17485c8d5de264d38c8e486a43cf27276fe500061cb55.jpg

Maybee You got fried:)


How is the show with the longest dick going? Do children make fun of you now?

Jens Holm

We get help from the vegetarians but are against minaretes https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg


I’m not sure if minarets are allowed to eat long ears either

Peter Jennings

With biden in charge Ukraine will be used as a cash point for him, his family, his cronies.


Nothing burger = non event reflecting importance of Ukraine


No, Russians love to shit briks for each boat/tank, Ukraine or Baltic state buys.


your boat’s are brick size now…. and Ukraine doesn’t produce tanks any longer!!!


Why you hurt me in such way?


But it is true. Ukraine is buying only small patrol boats (from US mainly) and it is a fact that Ukraine doesn’t produce T-84 “Oplot” or even upgrade (Soviet T-80 into the “Oplot” tanks any more). Thailand has renounced to buy “Oplot” tanks after Ukraine failing to deliver certain number of tanks in agreed time frame. Only 31 tanks have been delivered over 49 agreed in contract.. Ukraine has produced ZERO “Oplot” tanks ever since for their own army or anybody else.

These words from Wikipedia are simply not true: “A 26 March 2018 press release by “Ukroboronprom” stated that the 2011 contract for supplying Oplot-T tanks to Thailand had successfully completed and that the last party of tanks had passed checks by the customers and would be sent to the buyer in the near future .”

Thailand has rejected “Oplot”contract on basis of faulty equipment and voided delays. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-84


They will produce drones together with Turkey, these toys are trendy now.


True, lets wait and see what happens… License produced Turk drones, since Ukraine has engine know how that Turkey needs.

Tommy Jensen

lol……….. you got a point.


Subtle hint that parasites on both sides tending flames of war?

Tommy Jensen

Not really. Its a psychological game. To make the counterpart look more aggressive than they actually may be. Its a little boat and Russia is using it to make a big story.


Russia as in Kremlin or their media?

Tommy Jensen

Its not important who.


I think it is. Unless you want to carry responsibility for everything English propaganda broadcast.

Tommy Jensen

The time is not worth it. I learned that in third world countries. They receive some bs from UN, Government or Ministry, then they go out in real life and look if it fits. If it doesnt fit to real life, they know some dumb politician, corrupt official or theoretical academic have been at it again, and then they send some filled papers back to feed the desk, and continue as it fits with real life. No room, place or time in life for academic discussions in negative.


They haven’t been in the business of shitting bricks since Napoleon was sent back to Paris with his balls frozen off.


Every time a Balric state has Nato exercise, Russian media cries: Nato at only x Kilometers of our borders! Like those 2-3k of Nato soldiers can take Moscow by surprise


It’s great for domestic consumption though, you’ve gotta admit . .


I agree with you more than yourself.

Jens Holm

I didnt know, we have a Nato Standard. It must be commas.

My best wishes for standards in EU are, that all cars only could drive 130 km/h and use 1 liter fuel pr 25 kilometer – and engines was for that seize.

Well apart from police, fire. ambulace and sea rescue.


And also psychiatric emergency vehicles Jens. That way they can be sure to get you back in the institution and the straitjacket as quickly as possible . .


Tropical Ukraine does not make own decisions. It is an occupied territory since 2014.

Potato Man


LMFAO NATO standard – being dog of US/Zion and obey them before their people.

Tommy Jensen

This patrol boat will patrol the Black American Nato Sea and our resources against Russian aggression and Putin’s eternal attempts to gobble new landmasses to Russia.


Are you feeling ok?

Black Waters

I think that Tommy it’s writing from a mental asylum, and sometimes he has more spare time to write freely (because the male nurse allow him to sit for a moment in the backyard, just to take some air), but sadly, every time he writes he’s highly medicated.


He missed his meds this morning . .

cechas vodobenikov

soon chesapeak bay ceded to Russia, SF bay to Mexico which sells it to independent LGBT republic, Maine joins Canada, Baltimore becomes colony of Liberia and Portland becomes autonomous antifa monarchy. China considers colonizing New England—refuses due to amerikan sexual repression and bizarre amerikan dating ritual.

Peter Jennings

Isn’t arming locals so they can attack other locals one of the oldest tricks in the book? Why is it that beautiful people are usually quite dim. Let’s hope they concentrate on their training otherwise they will be target practice. Second thoughts, they probably will be target practice.


I feel somewhat sorry for the Ukraine, Its like a mentally challenged youth taking orders from parents with a grade 8 education coupled with a meth problem,


LMAO. Beautifully spoken . . :)

Lone Ranger


catalin zt

EXTERMINATE anglo-saxonkhazarians two SCUM RACES from baby capitalist-fascist to adult MORON and the NATIONS of Earth will live peace and harmony FOREVER! AMEN!


Thank you for your input Adolf . . .

Fog of War

Remember folks ? Ukraine was supposed to collapse and fall any moment now. Really almost there. Be patient. Any day now. Its running out of money. The collapse is imminent. Russia just needs to be patient. Any moment now.

cechas vodobenikov

Ukrainians have lost all self respect—their chief export are prostitutes. It is estimated that Ukraine’s population has reduced by 15 million since 1990. the healthiest creatures remaining are the rodents in Chernobyl….when Ukrainians sleep w amerikan dogs the get their fleas


Pathetic Ukrainians think imitating the west will make them powerful. A common mistake among ex-Soviet republics.

AM Hants

Talking about the US, isn’t Biden very ‘hands on’ over in Ukraine?

Has anybody seen this article, and there is a sworn affidavit to go with it, from the person who did the switch? No doubt the story the MSM will ignore, no matter how big it grows or who else it involves.

Conte, Leonardo SpA and the US Embassy Were Behind The Election Switch Data To Take Out Trump…. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yNnkTEuiDkrqnLa-rHEQKcBBIziNIlAn/view

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