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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Aid Program Responsible For Political Crisis In Germany

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Ukraine Aid Program Responsible For Political Crisis In Germany

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The political crisis in Germany does not seem to be coming to an end in the short term. The collapse of the government is worrying the country’s authorities, and there is also an unbalanced social scenario that puts the entire German stability at risk. In a recent speech, Olaf Scholz acknowledged that the situation in Ukraine is the main reason for this crisis, particularly due to the systematic support provided by Berlin to the Kiev regime.

The German Prime Minister stated that the main reason for the country’s political crisis is the lack of consensus among the authorities on military backing for Ukraine. He blamed former Finance Minister Christian Lindner for refusing to approve a budget plan to further boost funding for Kiev. According to Scholz, Lindner’s position created polarization among officials and broke up the coalition of the government.

Scholz recently dismissed Lindner from his post, creating strong friction between the different groups supporting the government. Lindner is also the leader of the Free Democratic Party, which is one of the three parties that make up the pro-Scholz coalition. His firing caused discontent not only among the party members, but also among the Social Democrats and the “Greens”, creating an atmosphere of distrust among Scholz’s team.

The rivalry between Scholz and Lindner started as a dispute over how to establish a policy of support for Ukraine consistent with Germany’s financial situation. The two officials had a bitter and possibly disrespectful discussion during a meeting in which Scholz tried to force Lindner to approve a new economic plan that would allow further military aid to Ukraine, thus ignoring some of Germany’s major social problems, such as economic decline and deindustrialization.

Scholz tries to disguise the nature of his economic plan by claiming that it includes efforts to promote the development of clean energy and investment in the automotive industry. However, the Ukrainian issue is the central factor in the proposal. Scholz says that it is necessary to expand aid policies for Kiev, considering that winter is coming, and Ukrainians will increasingly require international help to overcome the difficulties of the season. The chancellor also says that, with Donald Trump’s victory in the US, the main responsibility for supporting Ukraine will come to Germany and the Europeans, which is why he hopes that an economic plan establishing clear assistance for Kiev will be approved.

“The finance minister shows no willingness to implement this offer in the federal government for the benefit of our country. I do not want to subject our country to such behavior any longer,” Scholz said.

Scholz is currently in a critical political situation. His followers have become a minority in the government, as Lindner’s dismissal has also encouraged the resignation of other ministers and officials. It is possible that early elections will be called in March, and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has already spoken out in favor of this. Clearly, Germany is going through one of the most critical moments in its post-Cold War history, no longer being the stable, peaceful and developed country so praised by European social democrats in previous years.

Moreover, Scholz’s political opponents are pressuring the remaining officials in his government to establish a different agenda from that of the chancellor. For example, according to German media, Lindner has asked the Defense Ministry to impose new limits on military aid to Ukraine, justifying his request based on economic calculations that prove Germany’s inability to continue boosting assistance. Berlin has already halved its aid to Kiev, but Lindner and other realist politicians say that it needs to be cut further to overcome the country’s billion-dollar deficit.

In the end, it is clear how the conflict in Ukraine is responsible for the German political crisis. Olaf Scholz himself admits that the lack of consensus on the Ukrainian issue led to the collapse of his government, which seems to be reason enough for Berlin to rethink its policy towards Ukraine. Instead of firing ministers who think differently, Scholz should pay more attention to the calculations that expose the German reality, recognizing that it is not viable for the country to continue backing the Ukrainian regime in the long term.

If Scholz does not change his strategy on Ukraine, he will be defeated in new parliamentary elections. Furthermore, the political cost of his efforts will be in vain because German aid to Ukraine is not capable of changing anything in the conflict scenario. In the end, the Scholz government is likely to become yet another of the many European governments that have collapsed amid the crisis that has affected the continent since 2022.


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S n o w _ At _ D e n

crisis in germany is caused by the fact, that germany is an occupied state 79 years after they lost ww2. the same applies for japan. nobody in germany wanted to be flooded with muslim illegals but it was never discussed. jeewish elites from the u.s. decided it behind the closed doors. ukraine is just another scam, like afghanistan. to boost mic and make jeewish billionaires even more powerful. it is all about the world dominance and power.

S n o w _ At _ D e n II

interestingly, putin never pointed out on rotschilds, soros whores. neither did southfront. i can’t wait how they will turn trump’s victory in another disaster. will they start war in iran ? or taiwan ? or north korea ? double down on gaza lebanon and yemen ? or what about opening a new nato front in belarus ? so many options there. probably they will be able to start all these wars at once and let ukraine become next frozen conflict, just like syria.

Last edited 3 months ago by S n o w _ At _ D e n II

well israel has unfrozen the conclict in syria and seems to go all in having the support of the usa and the eu in this and and the agreed passiv stance of most arabs and muslims.

Tom the law

what a pile of crap…

Hasso von Halstenberg

…dito! the crisis in germany is composed of several points and is de-facto irreversible.

1. lockdowns during the corona “pandemic”

2. sanctions against russian energy

3. the energy efficiency law (heat pump compulsion)

4. combustion engine out in 2035

Hasso von Halstenberg

all these measures are slowly destroying the german economy. since germany is coming from a very high economic level, it will probably take 30 – 50 years before germany is economically on the bottom!

at that time, all the politicians who are responsible for this will either be retired or already deceased!

Hasso von Halstenberg

in addition, german companies are fleeing en masse to china or the usa! the market of the future with billions of consumers is located in china, and the “inflation reduction act” is creating a new breeding ground for industrial conglomerates from all over the world in the usa.

however, since the usa has long ceased to be an economically future-proof country, the future will probably lie exclusively in asia (china and india).

Hasso von Halstenberg

p.s. just to be clear, lindner from the fdp is a big advocate of ukraine’s aid and sanctions against russia.

it was not possible to reach an agreement on the budget (which includes the sanctions against russia), because scholz (chancellor) wanted to solve the debt brake and lindner (minister of economics) was vehemently against it.

any separate decision to support ukraine outside the budget would have been fully supported by lindner


well its changed now that was under biden s crusade .now pompoeos out of favour and office .

The Roaring Twenties

sometimes, when dogs, esp. german shepherds, poop in their own house, it helps to rub their noses in it and smack them with a rolled up newspaper.


sergeant schultz took a massive dump on the german people and be like…”i see nothing, i hear nothing…” like he’s on a hogan’s heros movie set and the consequences don’t matter… sure they don’t, until schultz is strung up and the consequences flash before his eyes, like his life in the last moments he has before the gallows open up and drop his ass for being such a neocon pirate.


no africa that’s the next powerhouse china russia england eyc are all fighting over who gets control over africa

The Roaring Twenties

well, you know what germans tend to do when their economy ends in a depression.

btw: in 1929, america caused that one too.


they try to march to the east and end up dead.

Hasso von Halstenberg

…don’t panic, the german military is absolutely toothless by now! it’s still enough to bark, it’s not enough to bite anymore.

in 1929, the usa only put the dot on the i, the real problems were in the “weimarer republik”, the so-called “golden twenties”. a decadent decade in which a few lived, like the maggots in bacon, but the majority of the people were starving and vegetating.

Hasso von Halstenberg

then the austrian came! at first he did a lot for the common people, workers had steady and stable work, the money was enough to live, workers could go on vacation for the first time in their lives, etc. etc. etc., the rest is history…..

Last edited 3 months ago by Hasso von Halstenberg
knock knock

sounds like the brits. is it a saxon-anglosaxon thing?


and a hundred more idiotic ‘green fascism’ policies no one bothered to asses for value or effectiveness. the wokist policies, liberal feminism, trans-bullshit, and celebrating the selfish and unproductive useless lgtbq eaters contributing nothing but waste and dysfunction for the future to inherit.

knock knock

“what a pile of crap…”

so, you’ve been to kiev too?

Last edited 3 months ago by knock knock
The Plan is Better

a step further may be the zionists will secretly feed weapons to revolutionaries in western europe so that the illegals and the traditional europeans can be co-exterminated but probably allowing the illegals to win using the usual british think tank plans while blaming all this on putin as you will.

Massa John

hit me hard and call me olaf

S n o w _ At _ D e n III

they are the most unpopular government since merkel. despite the fact that half of germans are brainwashed and second half replaced with illegals.

Tom the law

what an idiotic blathering…


everyone has a god given, democratic right to talk complete gibberish. s. is just exercising that right to excess.

The Roaring Twenties

what’s merkel doing these days? has she committed hari kiri yet?


so, you saw me in that s&m video, on my knees wearing black fishnet stockings and a garter belt being smacked around by ursula. i thought i’d deleted it.


it’s hard being a grovelling, bootlicking poodle.

The Roaring Twenties

especially one that shits all over the living room rug.


audi and daimler benz are now going bust along with vw, bosch, basf and a who’s who of german industry. let’s all give sergeant schulz, bareback and habeck a really big round of applause.


vw owns them it’s one company


well, the germans voted for this. they are a “democracy” after all, they tell us at every moment. values and all that.

so shut up and put up with it. i dont see them on the streets in meaningfull numbers to protest if they are not satisfied. occupied or not.


are you on the streets protesting? i’ll bet not .


as an american, i dont have to. enjoy your downfall eurotards :)

The Roaring Twenties

protest? what takes a frenchman, spaniard or italian to do once a week, a german does once in a lifetime. it’s something to do with hot-blooded mediterraneans i think – or a northern european’s tolerance for pain and suffering.

Last edited 3 months ago by The Roaring Twenties

its the generell german mentality. bow down to the superiors and lash out at the subordinats..

knock knock

why not just plant a scholz gnome in their gardens and have bratwurst barbecues?


well a weak germany can’t fight russia.

peacemustbe diuscuss

this is the situation, politicians are never held accountable in criminal court for their bad decisions whilst governing.


some losers in german cabinet thought there is an alternative for deutschland…


problem with this is: current polls show 32% support for the cdu (party of former chancellor merkel) and they are promising even more aid for ukraine than scholz. their designated minister (secretary) of defense, r. kiesewetter is famous for demanding “we must carry this war to moscow” in various tv interviews, less than a year ago. so, i fear, we’ll have elections, but any hope of things changing in germany will be disappointed very soon and things will only get worse here.

knock knock

i think germany should just limit itself to sending cans of sauerkraut to the afu, to replace that smelly scandinavian fish gut concoction. so far, it’s taken out 1345 afu all by itself.



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