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MARCH 2025

Ukraine: American Bomb In Europe

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Ukraine: American Bomb In Europe

A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon from the 510th Fighter Squadron taxis on the flightline at Andravida Air Base, Greece, April 7, 2021. F-16s from the 31st FW arrived in Greece to participate in INIOCHOS 21, a Hellenic air force-led, large force flying exercise focused on strengthening partnerships and interoperability. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Thomas S. Keisler IV)

Written by Manlio Dinucci, originally published by Il Manifesto. Translated by ThomasST exclusively for SouthFront.

US F-16 fighter jets, sent from the Aviano base in Italy, are participating in “complex air operations” in Greece, where the “Iniochos 21” exercise began on April 12.

They belong to the 510th Fighter Squadron based in Aviano, whose role is featured on its emblem: the symbol of the atom, with three thunderbolts hitting the ground, framed by the imperial eagle. These are nuclear attack aircraft deployed by the US Air Force in Greece, which in 2020 granted the United States the use of all its military bases.

Ukraine: American Bomb In Europe

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F-16 and F-15 fighter-bombers from Israel and the United Arab Emirates are also taking part in the “Iniochos 21” exercise. It is conducted in the Aegean Sea on the edge of the region, including the Black Sea and Ukraine, where the US Army Defender-Europe 21 exercise is concentrated.

These and other military maneuvers, which make Europe a major military training range, are amping up the tension with Russia, which is focused on Ukraine. NATO, after the disintegration of the Yugoslav Federation by inserting the wedge of war into internal rifts, is now consolidating as the crusading knight of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

The chairman of the NATO Military Committee, British Air Force Air Marshal Sir Stuart Perts, met with Ukrainian President Zelensky and Chief of General Staff Khomchak in Kiev and said that:

“NATO members are united in their condemnation of Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and its offensive operations in eastern Ukraine “.

He reiterated that Russia annexed Crimea by force, forgetting that it was the Crimean Russians who decided in a referendum to secede from Ukraine and return to Russia in order to avoid attacks by Kiev’s neo-Nazi battalions, as it was the case for the Russians of Donbass.

Those neo-Nazi battalions that were used in 2014 as a strike force in the Maidan coup, launched by Georgian snipers who fired on protesters and police, and then engaged in a series of atrocities: villages slaughtered and set on fire, activists burned alive in the Odessa Trade Union House, unarmed civilians massacred in Mariupol or bombed with white phosphorus in Donetsk and Luhansk.

A bloody coup led by the United States and NATO, with the strategic goal of provoking a new Cold War in Europe, to isolate Russia and at the same time strengthen the influence and military presence of the United States in Europe.

The conflict in Donbas, whose people have self-organized in the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics their own militia, had gone through a period of relative calm with the opening of the Minsk talks for a peaceful solution. But now the Ukrainian government has withdrawn from those meetings, under the pretext of refusing to go to Minsk because Belarus is not a democracy. At the same time, Kiev forces resumed armed attacks in Donbass.

The head of the Ukrainian General Staff, General Khomchak, who was congratulated by NATO’s Stuart Perch on his “commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict,” said that the Kiev army was “preparing for an attack on the eastern part of the country.” in this operation “the participation of NATO members is planned”.

It is no coincidence that the conflict in Donbass erupted when, along with the Biden government, the post of Secretary of State passed to Anthony Blinken. Of Ukrainian origin, he was the main organizer of Maidan Square putsch in the role of Deputy National Security Adviser to the Obama-Biden administration. As Deputy Foreign Minister, Biden appointed Victoria Nuland, in 2014 assistant director of the US operation, which cost over 5 billion dollars, to establish “good government” in Ukraine (she said).

It is possible that they now have a plan to launch an attack by Kiev forces in Donbas with the support of NATO. It would put Moscow in front of a choice that would in any case benefit Washington: to leave the Russian people of Donbas a victim of the massacre or to intervene militarily to support them. A game with fire and not metaphorically, lighting the fuse of a bomb in the heart of Europe.


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Jihadi Colin

Here is something I just wrote on Unz:

Suppose Ukranazistan attacks the Donbass.

Scenario 1: Putin does nothing.

Result: Donbass armies put up a stiff fight but are overwhelmed, as they will be with no air cover and only a 100 kilometre wide territory to defend. Columns of destitute ethnic Russian refugees, including tens of thousands of Russian passport holders, trek into Russia, creating a nightmare for Putin. Ukranazistan is enormously emboldened, joins NATO de facto if not yet de jure, Russia is tremendously weakened, loses all allies and prospective allies. Win for Amerikastan.

Scenario 2: Putin intervenes.

Result: Amerikastan leaves the Ukranazis high and dry, but shrieks about Evil Russian Invasion; NordStream II and all other economic connections with Europe are severed. Amerikastan immensely reasserts its control over Europe, sells its LNG to Germany at much inflated prices, and its useless weapons to everyone to “defend against Russia”. Hands Russia the unenviable burden of the ruin of Ukranazistan, which Amerikastan has looted for 7 years till there is nothing left. Win for Amerikastan.

You can read it here, the article and responses are fairly interesting.


Rhodium 10

Scenario 3: Russia enter in Donbass to protect Civilians..deployed heavy artillery ( included guide Krasnopol) and MRLS( included Smerch and TOS A1)…also air defense to activate a Non Fly zone, beside IskanderM/K and Toshka missile and some Loitering drones….if Ukraine forces retaliate….then Russia will smash them until remove them from Donbass!

Supreme Blyat

Scenario 4: no war at all but Nord Stream 2 falls victim.

Rhodium 10

China has approved Power of Siberia 2 which are under construction.

Supreme Blyat

This is very good. Russia is Asia.


Europe is Asia too. There is no valid geographical reason for Europe to be separate continent, except for their bloated, false sense of superiority, based on hundred years of stealing and plundering the rest of the world.

Lone Ranger

Europe is a peninsula to the Eurasian continent.

Supreme Blyat

Amd Atlantic is Pacific. Same water.

Jens Holm

Greeks made that name. Asia then covered only Turkey of today. Later on Turkey of today became “Minor Asía” and Asia the big one.

Those are not defined by Geografi but is a describsion for what world they knew well.

Africa is those days also was Tunis of today and around it because of the bread there was made there as well as the caravan routes from there(and several other places).

…And yes, some are able to expand and many has during time. Her we today find winners and loosers. Some loosers not even exist anymore.

I dont buy Your version for theft and plundering even it also makes sense. Many oithers did too in other parts of the world. You might have forgotten it wa the Mongolians´which evaporated Bagada dn the Bagdad Khalifat. You seemes not aware of ther Mongold also plundered Russaia and took Moscow,

Very strange You not include Russia taking al the way to Alaska maiking borders to China by war after war building fortressed against muslims and others there.

Whats oil theft??? Until those expansionist came oil hardly was used for lamps and heading up. The insommers added work into it. You be´ner has heard aboiut work.

Its exact the same for Arabistan. Local not even try to take over. They cant because they have decided to be proud people which by initiave cant.

..But of course their corrupt leaders get the money too.

Oliver Eitel

Russia is neither Asia nor Europe, it is almost like an own contient with all its people

Supreme Blyat

Almost… But not

Lone Ranger

East from the Urals. West from the Urals its Europe.


Who is going to nix it? Germany? It’s basically Germany’s project.

Supreme Blyat

All the German companies that had to build the underwater installations pulled out one month ago. It will be just an empty pipe.

Oliver Eitel

it will be finished or more Germany companies will close and move eastwards to produce cheaper and getting cheaper engery….thats what captialism is about profit….

Supreme Blyat

Sorry it won’t :)

Lone Ranger

According to cia news network…

Jens Holm

Much as You only know networks from fishing, catching birds and tennis.

Lone Ranger

Can you taste numbers while tripping… What taste does blue has…?

Robert Ferrin

The German companies have pulled out nothing, they are still all involved in it and once it’s completed and if Germany turns it down they will be liable for the complete cost of laying the pipeline, along with the fines and the cost to Germany will run into the billions it’s a win win situation as far as Russia’s concerned and even trolls can’t change the facts..

Supreme Blyat

Yes they did. Check the news.

Robert Ferrin

Already have they aren’t pulling out and lose hundreds of millions you’re a troll trying to spread propaganda and with you the truth becomes lies and lies become the truth. that pipeline will be completed, and then it’s up to Germany as to what they wish to do, pay the fines or buy the gas but either way the Ukraine will lose billions of dollars in gas fees,

Supreme Blyat



It looks like you can’t use the search function.

Robert Ferrin

I can use it very well but I stayu away from known propaganda sites I leave those for folks like you..

Supreme Blyat

You mean Tass? That’s Russian :)

Robert Ferrin

Tass! I thought that’s where trolls like you hang out, now run along and play and have a nice day, and oh by the way I see Merkel just stated that the pipeline will be finished.

Supreme Blyat

I never trust politicians promisses ;)

Tommy Jensen

It depends on whether people believe in facts. If they believe in the moon landing then the moon landing is a fact…………..LOL.


if it is a fact it does not require belief.

Tommy Jensen

A nuthead can believe a fact is a fact. It happens when nutheads hit the right nail.


Biden has already conceded that they have no way of stopping Nord Stream 2

Supreme Blyat

She’s dead

Gregory Casey

You really believe Germany will cut the throat of German Industry and of Germany’s future merely for Ukraine? You’re joking.

Supreme Blyat

Yeah, Hollocaust will happen if this pipe won’t start working. NO! It will be the end of the world if NS2 won’t start. Somebody save us!

Gregory Casey

Dear god! A Ukra concerned by the lack of Transit fees for Russian Natural Gas transiting Ukraine on its way to a place whose industry might need and use it …….. unlike Ukraz Industry which has disappeared ever since Maidan. Now that Vicky Nuland is back at State I’ll bet you’re hoping for a repeat performance by her – unfortunately that ship sailed when both US Destroyers balked at the prospect of entering the Black Sea.

Supreme Blyat

Ruskies concerned about German and EU economy… What will they do without our gas? They will freeze to death in their homes, it will be suicide for them! :) don’t worry about US ships also, they are replaced by two UK ships. Anything can be replaced.

Tommy Jensen

Ursula has been trying to allocate €1 trillion to destroy the rest of Europe’s industry with stupid green projects. Die Grüne has 25% votes. So yes Germany will make suicide and cut the throat of their industry…………..LOL.

Jens Holm

Lets see how it is with those “Grünen”. It semes parts of Germany do need changes and those ones at least has something different.

Its no destruction fx to use as much windpower and sunelkectricity as it goes. Its no destruction to spend less energy by better heatsystms, electric cars and equipment using much less electricity.

As dane I dont like Nordstream too, because its also makles theat needed change in delay.

Denmark for the moment has a Governess only having 25% of the votes 100%. By that they are forced to compromize with others and makes many good and needed compromized.

We also has had Governess with many more %. Some has not worked as well as hoped for, so to me its very much about who those “grünen” actually are in realisme.

Jihadi Colin

That goes in Scenario 2. I don’t think a limited Russian intervention is possible, and it isn’t what the Russian government has been warning. If they go in they’ll go in all the way.

Rhodium 10

Of course but instead of Russian army…Donbass army will take all East Oblasts with the support of Russian air force in a scenario similar to Syria with SAA….

Jihadi Colin

They don’t have the manpower. They only have, at best, 30000 troops put together, and only now have begun training conscripts. The Ukranazis already outnumber them 8:1 by the Donetsk army’s own figures, and even if half are neutralised by Russia the rest are still enough to stop any advance westwards beyond, at best, Mariupol and Slovyansk. And if the Ukranazis dig in for city combat, 30000 won’t be enough to take those.


i’ll bet on Donbass. if the ukies thought they could beat Donbass, they would have already tried it. there maybe 200k of them but most are drugged, drunk, conscripts. total cannon fodder, going nowhere except to a shallow grave. Zelinsky’s own military brass are telling him it would be a slaughter.

viktor ziv

Mate, but don’t forget why militias are fighting for, and why ukrops are. The very same odds were present before and played in militias favour after all (kindly remember Debaltcevo). Am pretty sure intel is all what militia needs from Russia as before. You have the point where 30k are not enough to expand toward west, howevere those might be enough to initiate domino at least to Dnepr.

Rhodium 10

Once Ukraine army have been destroyed….30.000 Donbass troops are enough to advance!…. one example in Syria ..SAA is a useless army and have been able to advance vs strong armed and motivate terrorists because they have to flee to avoid be liquidate by Airstrikes!


RU does not have to set a foot on Donbass soil to eliminate the Ukies. Missiles from RU borders + EW. Missiles from Crimea + EW. Donbass armies are highly trained and motivated. Ukies are offing themselves with drugs and alcohol. The pitiful PL, and US mercs are road kill. Black Sea fully defended. Sea of Azov blocked.

Gregory Casey

That’s the only scenario I see short of Ukraz withdrawing completely. For so long as Zelensky sticks to the script handed to him by Victoria Nuland, the Ukra-Blinken (creator of the Maidan) and the other psychos in the rotting concrete coffin that is the State Department, there will be no withdrawal and no compliance with the Agreement signed in Minsk by Porky which on his insistence included a pre-conditional requirement for talks between Kiev and the elected Representatives of Donbass. Everything will therefore continue to teeter on the edge of outright war – dependent on whether a drunken Ukra-Terrorist Corporal decides to let off a few Mortars just to show who’s boss or similar example of 21st Century UkraNazi discipline – all until such time as Biden Macron and der female Furher order Zelensky to withdraw the Ukraz. Whether Biden has enough either brain or ballx to instruct the War-Machine to step back and to instruct Zelensky to comply with Ukraine’s Obligatiosn under Minsk is the unknown in all of this. Meanwhile, the best laid plans of the NeoCon Rats to trigger outright conflict in both Donbass and Belarus came to a shuddering halt yesterday when the State Dept- and CIA-planned assassination of the Belarus President during the first week of May was wound up by Russia’s FSB. Accordingly, Chess-master Putin need no longer worry about having to deal with simultaneous crises in both Belarus and Ukraine, something which may influence the NeoCon Ukraz in the State Department to order Zelensky to back off and wind down his disastrous mobilization of Ukraz Armed Forces throughout March. Putin has wiped the board clean for the time being but final victory can only be enjoyed in the forests and lakes of Siberia when the lunatics who pull the strings in London Washington Paris Brussels and Berlin take theri beating and retreat. Are these NeoCons & EuroLunatics stupied enough to really want outright war in Donbass and/or Crimea? We will see.

Jens Holm

Most of that is only Russain propaganda in its most funny versions.

So far only a few oppoositions in jail and Krasnordarsk has died laughing. All Is a test for driven from the burried in sand plastic Armata in Syria. Assads is kept in it for safety matters.


Well said. There seem to be a number of commentators (Scott Ritter for example on RT) that are picking up the theme that the neo-cons, with their growing list of disasters have reached their high-water mark. The obvious flaw in their approach is that it is not repeatable. Once people are savvy to the game the game is over (eg Belarus).

RU’s latest sanctions on the ussa wherein they are shutting down various NGOs is a step in that direction.

But as you say, “We will see.”

Ricky Miller

I think that’s right. A third option might be for Russia to threaten consequences elsewhere in order to increase the costs to the United States and Europe if they loose the neo-nazi’s in Ukraine off the leash. Exactly where and how, though? Russia really doesn’t have any designs on European territory and so would have to play the western game and create an issue to back up on their threat.

One area could be Georgia. The Georgians have been sheltering an American BioWeapons Lab outside Tblisi for some time now. Russia could launch a full scale invasion of Georgia in retaliation in order to remove the threat to Russian security and to remove the Georgian political system which permitted that threat a home. Problem: the United States and the EU really don’t care about Georgia and might see Russian involvement there as more cost burden added to Russia for it’s stand.

There’s always Svalbard. Norway, in violation of treaty, has installed a military radar there. While I’m not sure Russia would want to land on the island group and take it, if Russia threatens the West with additional consequence for instigating a Ukraine war, and the West proceeds anyway, why not execute a strike on the Radar? Russia backs up it’s threat, and places a fracture in NATO. A NATO state was attacked: If the West does nothing NATO and the USA look weak. But if they strike at Russia, the extremely capable Russian Air Defense system might repel a limited strike in full, making them look doubly weak. The destruction of the radar would be a small win, but the rendering impotent of NATO and the American war machine could have subtle geopolitical consequences, which grow large over time. And importantly Russia backed up it’s threat by exacting some cost to these hegemonic games and to the people who play at them.


RU will stay focused on the task at hand. It is holding all the cards. Why disrupt relations with other countries? Why create war situations elsewhere? Norway? Georgia? really?

Assad must stay

I hope russia does both if war breaks out

Robert Ferrin

Or stir up the affair in Afghanistan turn the Taliban loose on the NATO forces give them weapons like we did when the Russians were there, arm those in Iraq with a few good missiles do the same in Syria in many ways that Russia can make their lives miserable..


Neither scenario has much validity. Lavrov has already provided the answer. ” If UE invades UE will be destroyed” (paraphrased) Lavrov has also said that “Relations with the EU are finished.” (paraphrased)

Nordstream II is a done deal according to j. biden. Read his statements. Nordstream II is an overwhelmingly German project.

RU will not occupy UE and get bogged down like the murikans in Afghan.. and Iraq.

FR, DE, NATO, USSA all demand UE to follow Minsk ” to the letter. Read their statements

UE will probably be partitioned. See (for it used to look like): https://www.visualcapitalist.com/2400-years-of-european-history/

Jim Allen

Not bad. The Zionists will leave a way to weasel in again later. Restoring Khazaria is what they’re up to, I’m thinkin’. They’re not going to just give up.


Scenario 0: Ukraine pulls back their forces on the contact line and abides by the Minsk agreement by starting self governance talks with the leaders of Lukansk and Donbass and amending the Ukrainian constitution..

Zelensky had a meeting yesterday with Macron and Merkel and that’s what they told him to do.

Assad must stay

If you go to halturnerradioshow.com you will see war is certain

Ivan Freely

Please stop listening to Hal Turner.

Assad must stay


Tommy Jensen


Assad must stay

The second scenario would not really be a win for amerikastan, they will lose any chance for attack on russia, russia will have eliminated the nazi threat for the past 7 years


Scenario X: Russia takes Ukie army over the Dniepr river, and creates friendly Eastern Ukraine country, from mostly Russian speaking provinces. This country would take full access to Black Sea, and border Moldova to the south. Newly formed Eastern Ukraine gets into ODKB (CSTO) alliance and it is game over forever.

Gregory Casey

Yep! A Coastal strip stretching from the Romanian Border through Odessa and inland to Moldova to then travel eastwards approx 70 miles from the coastline all the way to Berdyansk from where it can run due north to Kharkiv. This coastal strip is actually the entire of the lands of NovoRossyia which existed prior to WW1. People need ot remember that Ukraine is actually 3 separate countries stitched together incorporating NovoRossyia, Kievan Rus in Central Ukraine and running north to Belorussian border and East Prussia in the west – home of the founding fathers of Banderist Ukrazed Fascism – surrounding Lviv – never forgetting that Slovakia, Hungary Romania Lithuania and Poland all want their slices of territory back.

Raptar Driver

Good post but I disagree with the results of scenario two. I firmly believe that is a complete win for Russia.

Jihadi Colin

Did you see that the Belarusisn KGB and Russia’s FSB foiled a coup plot against Lukashenko? This might finally cause the merger into the Union State, for Belarus ‘ protection if not any other reason. Either way it’ll immediately be called another “Russian invasion ” in the Amerikastani media.

Raptar Driver

Yes I have heard that story. They should unite, they should have never split.

Jim Allen

There’s no guarantee NordStream II will be affected one way or another in this. Nothing but speculation. Russia will act if Ukrpnazi’s attack. It’s unlikely Russia’s going to target Ukrop personnel so much as material destruction. Particularly if UAF isn’t in the mood to fight, destroyed military hardware, logistics, etc., without too heavy casualties won’t generate the outrage everyone is so hoping for. Russia can then leave Ukraine to it’s own devices. In NATO’s lap. Get popcorn.

Jens Holm



New York has a stronger economy than Russia lmaooo

Supreme Blyat

Yes but less nukes

Rhodium 10

Really?..send Nueva York army to fight vs Russia…


i understand that Maxine Waters is going to address the ukie troops sometime this week

Ricky Miller

Yet, New York doesn’t manufacture very much anymore. That’s why nearly everything America consumes in terms of actual manufactured products is imported, as reflected in the trade figures, especially the massive trade deficit. Russia actually makes most of what she consumes and is self-sufficient in food.


+ 50% of their food. what a 3rd world muckhole

Jens Holm

His article is far out. He seemes not allowed to leave his home and there is no windows.

Jens Holm

Thats barking madness of the worst. They produce things, You deny to exist and by that You are low in so many things and remain like that too.

Your version for tarde deficit dont reflect those imports are and addiction to and already high level in the top for the world.

GDP says so. Import and export says it too.

USA mqakes its own food. They do export a lot as well as they import ofther thing. And You forget they also export a lot of food based on that import and makes benefits.

Ypu are in the old days. Western Economies has left that low level many years ago. Food is very cheep and can be bought forn amlost nothing, but You of course has to pay for it by products or money. They do.

Danes import advanced food products from USA as well as a lot of pigs food. BUT we also send them food and andvanced food products.

Robert Ferrin

Hmm first you say that we produce all of our food and turn around and say that you export a lot of food to us, sounds like your primary export is bullshit from reading some of your post. But the truth is we import much of our food it comes in from all over the world. American corporations sold out here and ran to Mexico buying up thousands of acres because the chemicals banned here are not in Mexico which means we don’t have the inspection of our food that Russia does, so who cares the most about their people certainly isn’t the U.S. for after all the U.S. is the only country that permits its people to be unknown to them used as test subjects, and we won’t even get into the use of depleted uranium..


sounds like you write Zelensky’s jokes. lmao

Lone Ranger

Time to put down the LSD ukrotrash. U.S. has no economy its a non economy same as indebted Ukropisstan. With $28trillion state debt, $87trillion national debt and a $900trill trade deficit. The U.S. is broke busted and disgusted and so is Ukropisstan…

Robert Ferrin

Yep just about it..

Jens Holm

If any of that was true, we were collapsed again and again decades ago.

Are we.

USSR collapsed and hardly was possible to sell for liras and rials.

When I write why, because it very will descriebed the only explanition is we do things. Yes we do things. We dont put Our behinds in the sky for Purin and anybody else 5 times a day open for free entrence.

Our systems described by him is not like that at all. YThere are great lacks and worse in his way.


Robert Ferrin

Don’t be in a rush all things happen in their own time, the crash of 1929 didn’t happen overnight so why do you think this one will, and you will join it as most of the world will..

Jens Holm

You can comapre Yor bad economy system and its debt withe the USA and West ones.

The base for Our Economy is debt made for investents.

You compare horses with cars insisting they need more and better hay. Our world do work well. A minimum would eb to divide intro bad and good debt. A minimum is to compare livingstandards and the reasons for them. They are veryvisible inside Our houses and well as in the streets.

You porobatly not even can effort windows:(

Lone Ranger

Never go beyond full retard jens… Its counterproductive…

cechas vodobenikov

Jens living standard= homeless junkie in arhaus China/Russia—zero extreme poverty USA–3 million families, UK terrible—and backward Denmark one of many in Europe with extreme poverty—more psychologically and culturally empty jens believes Hollywood mitchti amerikanski


There is not a country in the world without extreme poverty. The problem you provincials have is that such things are based on the local economy. Russia is loaded with extreme poverty. It tends to well hidden in the cities, but get out into the provinces and it’s quite easy to find.

Robert Ferrin

LOL living here in New York I can tell you first hand New York is broke in debt billions of dollars crying for uncle to bail them out looking for more ways to tax the people so you better use a better example tho I can’t really think of one for other tates are broke as well.

Jens Holm

There we go again. New Your is not broke because of lack of money. Its not feeling fine because so many taxpayers deny to pay, what their many services costs. They also are bed in economies, because they dont upgrade unimployed.

Thats bad economy for that State but not for the private parts at all.

Its a general problem for not only USA. If the products becomes too cheep, they cant work well.

ts very visible, there is too little safety matters, when they are needed. The police seemes to be a very good example. In to many parts of it, they are behaving as they are the laws. Plice are not. They has to do whats decided by their Goverments.

Robert Ferrin

Well you got some of it right for years in every budget they handed out billions to the business sector, and now they are BROKE which means more is going out than coming in (thought I would explain it to you seeing you can’t quite grasp it) everything is going up including the cost of services people are leaving in droves the state is broke just like Washington and the bills are coming due..

Gregory Casey

NY’s “economy” is a house of cards built on deranged financial instruments that are traded on the exchanges daily for deluded prices and price differentials by “Banks” and “Investment Houses” that remain liquid for only so long as the Fed can print Dollars that Countries and Corporations in the rest of the world will buy and trade. Once Dollar hegemony begins to slide as China, Russia, Iran and other countries begin to trade in Yuan or Roubles, the dollar’s day is done. Lula’s victory in Brazil’s Presidential Election next year may prove the perfect opportunity for those nasty Chinese, Russians, Iranians and Latinos to pull the plug on America.

Jens Holm

You only descriebe a very small corner of a state and any state. Most of that is very incorrect, but as written before, they got Biden but in many matters needed Sanders much more cleaning here and there.

Its a joke including Iran and Russai in this. You also forget China also makes the cake to share bigger, which mainly benefits their own population, which was treated very bad by their own (and neocolonists too).

cechas vodobenikov

new Tommy identity—CIA pay you in shekels or crack cocaine?

Tommy Jensen

Come on. Im clean. Independent of all economic, political, religious, usury influence. I havent selected any sides as I love everybody who give me dollares…………………….LOL.

johnny rotten

Russia is able to crash the remains of the Ukrainian army without putting foot in Ukraine, and as a bonus the elimination of each foreign force, the fire of heavy artillery is sufficient and the establishment of a no-fly zone on all Ukraine would make the denazification of all Donbas quick and rapid. Ukraini’s lever soldiers have no reason to go to war against their brothers, will do as in 2014, or will march with raised hands or abandon military means to the republics, this is a war that only want the Nazis and Westerners, but they will not fight it in the first person, it would be an epic defeat and they lose their face. P.S. Immediately a troll proposes me his BS that I can’t read, but how stupid these f*cked trolls are?

Supreme Blyat

Lots of strategy games you played


what would you suggest?

Supreme Blyat

Drink at least 1l of water per day

cechas vodobenikov

schluhya bacon lose brain cells claims victory

Supreme Blyat

Yurta boy speaks his goat language

Gregory Casey

They all came out to getcha Johnny and all trolls fell flat on their arses. Rotten luck :) ))))


Iniochos 2021 is concluded at peloponesus Aegean and east Mediterenian…not black sea…and Target is Turkey not Russia


Range of F-16 = 860km to target and 860km back (in the best of all possible worlds) Air distance from Greece to Ukraine = 1277km (straight line) flyover Romania, Moldova & within range of RU missiles from Crimea and Black Sea when finally crossing into UE

How is this going to work?

Lone Ranger

Aerial refueling and 3drop tanks in theory. In reality they will be blasted from the sky by S-400, Su-35s, and Mig-31, well before getting into strike range. Loaded the F-16 is very slow around Mach 1.2 tops. If they attack they will be sacraficed for nothing.

Assad must stay


Jens Holm

…And they have sandwitches with them. No more men. Vomen here runs the world.

Lone Ranger

You had one too many LSD laced sandwiches this morning I can tell.

Jens Holm

They all has wheels. Western has made some motorways ther:)

cechas vodobenikov

jens wheels surgically implanted in brain, but no engine …jens drift backwards to village

Tommy Jensen

Super duper. Do I have to say more?

cechas vodobenikov

Tommy dribble like girl—but say nothing

Tommy Jensen

Its because you dont read. You are not intellectual. You live in a bar with your beer! Everybody knows Trump boasted about a super duper weapon invented recently, which Trump claimed would be a surprise for the world. A super duper surprise where nobody can do a shit.

Lone Ranger

Blinken is a neonazi jewish terrorist. The worst sort. Shameful…

Gregory Casey

Blinken’s family also derives from the Ukrazed part of the Kievan Rus.

Jens Holm

Yes, we all are all Russains included. Noah landed there. They all got drunk when they landed by very good wine. Thats why Islam later on was such a great succes only using Vodka for medical care and tanks in Syria.

Stalin and even Krustjof was their neighbors.

Gregory Casey

You do realize Kruschev was a Ukrainian!

Jens Holm

Who is Blinken :) :(

Lone Ranger

Your moms pearl necklace… Go try to find it…

Lone Ranger

Its time to defuse that bomb. Destroy Ukronazi retards and give uncle sam a bloody nose to remember…

Raptar Driver

Bifurcation is the only solution at this point!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Several months of big mounting pressure upon Ukraine now, simply because they can’t understand they lost their country in 2014 to a failed U.S. color revolution… That pressure will bring about an east and west schism within Ukraine and make it even more useless to the Anglosphere West!

Gregory Casey

Hopefully! Sooner the better. It’s actually 3 countries anyway. Find yourself a map of Ukraine pre WWI and you’ll discover NovoRossiya stretching from the Romanian Border and perhaps 70 – 100 miles inland through Odessa and east to Berdyansk where it stretched north to Kharkiv. In addition, there is the Kievan Rus in central & northern Ukraine while in the west, you have the remains of East Prussia and of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth where the Banderist Fascists first stomped the streets around Lviv or Lvov for Polskis or Limberg for the Prussians & Hapsburgs.

Jens Holm

I really love they and we are doing like that, if we and they do. Asusual the NEON are involved to. If they wernt enemies cpud not hit those stealth jets:( :( :(

Russai jhas deplyed SAM 1, 2, 3, 4,and 5 close to the Oracle of Delphi to protect the source as well as it and all greeks are evacuated too Crete parashuted be old German equipment.

They al are fishing with good results and now eat tuna fish sandwitches. Most of the witches is sand.

cechas vodobenikov

jens LSD improve her english

Tommy Jensen

Precisely. We cant continue to meet in Europe’s last dictatorship as Belarus is not a democracy. We will only meet Russia in Bagdad Airport, Dallas, or Ramstein, if Kremlin sincerely wants to contribute to peace and freedom for Ukraine……………………………….LOL.

cechas vodobenikov

dimwit live in police worse that DDR Stasi—Thomas drake, where election laws only exist in dictatorships like azerbijian—Seth Ackerman your boyfriend train you to believe freedom dildo from black lies matter

Tommy Jensen

Nice international empire English you got there :-).

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Now NOTAM notifications for pilots say Russia has closed the airspace over southern Crimea between Sevastopol and Feodosiya, as well as over the region’s adjacent waters and parts of the Black Sea, for the period between April 20 and 24. For military drills. https://liveuamap.com/en/2021/20-april-now-notam-notifications-for-pilots-say-russia-has


This article is simply another installment of Putinist propaganda. A ton of lies about Ukraine, and more about Russia itself.

By the by, there was no coup in Ukraine. That too is Putinist propaganda.

Robert Ferrin

Well I’ll be damned you found your way over here from Utz Review where you made an ass out of yourself with your steady stream of propaganda which is your main concern must be the life of a troll isn’t that rewarding after all.


That’s Unz Review. If you are going to play the sort of juvenile games you like, you could at least show the intelligence required to copy and paste the name.

The only people that have spewed propaganda are morons like you and Saker. I’ll leave trolling to the low IQ sort you represent.


unz review – the Jewish space laser publication. Your swastika is showing, gramps!


Well, you’ve started following me around. How pathetic you are. No life. Full of hate and lies. especially a hatred of the truth. You’re simply another pseudointellectual. A typical left wing nut.

By the by, I just happen to be a grandfather. I also have an historical view that looks far beyond the pseudo-education you received. What you push is nothing less than destructive. The hard left, through out history, have done nothing but destroy. Your heroes Stalin and Hitler would be proud of you.


I don’t need safe spaces from morons like you. My skin is rather thick to the lame attempts of the extreme left to insult me and if you want to be a pathetic individual, and follow me around the places I comments, have at it. Others note your stupidity and simply write your ilk off as a person to not take seriously.


And yet, you can’t help but respond. Where are these “others” you refer to? You just make them up, just like the imaginary “facts” you burp out.


Anyone that sees your posts, if they have two brain cells to rub together, can see you are simply a mindless troll and not to be taken seriously. They only imaginary “facts” being “burped out” are those you post. Like every extreme leftist, you live in a fantasy world.

Did I not mention something about a thick skin?


trump really brought it home for you cons. In four short years he lost the White House, the Senate and the House. Nice work! He was winning all right, winning for the D’s!


Unfortunately, for you, he bought nothing from conservatives. He certainly lives rent free in you moron’s heads, however, and has driven you more insane than you were before he walked down that escalator.


A year ago today your favorite moron trump suggested injecting disinfectants into the body to attack Covid. Think about. This is the clown you worship. And I love reminding you MAGAts what unbelievable suckers you are.

Robert Ferrin

Lol got ya knew you were the same troll that was posting here that was over there and you will get just about as much attention here as you got there…little to none.

cechas vodobenikov

1/4 brain with LGBT/CIA MASTER needs new rehab counselor


Hilarious. Lame attempts at deflection are always funny.

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