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MARCH 2025

Ukraine And Poland Nearer Confederation

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Ukraine And Poland Nearer Confederation

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This gives credence to Russian intelligence reports that had been labeled “propaganda”

Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced he will submit a draft bill to parliament giving special status to Poles in Ukraine. It mirrors and reciprocates a similar bill recently endorsed by Poland. The unprecedented bill grants Ukrainians almost the same rights as Polish citizens, regarding social benefits, education, residence, and so on. Zelensky’s announcement was made during the Polish President Andrzej Duda’s visit to the Ukrainian Parliament on May 22.

In his speech, Zelensky also announced plans for bilateral agreements pertaining to joint border and customs control. Interestingly, he had this to say about Poland: “Our nations are also brothers (…) and there should be no borders or barriers between us.” He added: “The unity of our nations must last forever”. Given the complex Warsaw-Kiev history, these dramatic statements have certainly raised eyebrows. Andrzej Duda in turn said in his own speech that “the Polish–Ukrainian border should unite, not divide.” On May 3, Duda had already stated that he hopes one day “there will be no border” between the two countries.

Considering these statements and previous Russian intelligence reports, it is no wonder Maria Zakharova, official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has described Zelensky’s plan as “legalizing the Polish takeover of Ukraine.”

Since the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine in February, Polish authorities in Warsaw have been providing Kiev with support and there has been a lot of cooperation. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has projected Poland – NATO’s largest state member in Eastern Europe – as a strategic player in the region, as it is no stranger to great-power confrontations.

It is thus not far-fetched at all to interpret the initiatives discussed and the rhetoric employed by the two leaders as a kind of first step towards a future Ukrainian-Polish confederation. Such a “merging” scenario, in a very creative way, could thereby “hack” the long process of bringing Kiev into the EU and the Western bloc, a goal which the West clearly pursues by whatever means necessary – as has been indicated by Macron’s recent proposal to create a new and more inclusive European political organization, for instance.

Interestingly, this possible future development would accomplish the same thing a military “annexation” would – and even so might also pave the way for a future Polish peace mission. On April 28, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service’s director claimed Poland was secretly planning to employ its troops to partly take over Western Ukraine, with American support. The justification for that would be “to defend” the neighboring country from “Russian aggression”. According to Russian intelligence, in late April, this so-called peace mission was being discussed with Biden’s officials and was still under preliminary agreements.

Moreover, Polish officials were supposedly negotiating with members of the Ukrainian elite to change Kiev’s policies by making them more “democratic” and pro-Warsaw, so as to counterbalance its nationalist elements. These data have been reported by the Russian press and such coverage has often been labeled as Russian “propaganda” and “disinformation” by Western media. The Russian intelligence also worried that such a development, if it came to fruition, would actually pave the way for a kind of future “reunification”.

Historically, Western Ukraine was ruled by Poland a number of times, including after the 1921 Riga peace treaty, and anti-Polish feelings are part of Ukrainian nationalism today. While Warsaw has been supporting Kiev in key strategic issues since the 2014 Maidan revolution, the very way both countries perceive and politicize 20 century history has hampered their bilateral relations. During World War II, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) cooperated with the Nazi Waffen-SS and several war crimes were commited against Poles. Today’s post-Maidan Ukraine glorifies UPA leader Stepan Bandera and this fact is not well received in Poland.

Here, some older history is relevant. A large part of today’s Ukraine was once dominated by the then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After 1349, then Ruthenia, which largely corresponds to today’s Western Ukraine, was subjected to foreign domination. By 1569, most of it became Polish territory. The pressures for Polonization, which included converting to Roman Catholicism, the ongoing enserfment of the peasantry by Poland, and the persecution of the Orthodox Church alienated peasants and Cossacks. In 1648, the Cossack leader Bohdan Khmelnytsky led an uprising against the Polish King, founded the Cossack Hetmanate, and was hailed a liberator of the people. In 1654, with the  Pereyaslav agreement, this new Cossack state pledged its loyalty to the Russian Tsar. To this day, Khmelnytsky is hailed by some as a Ukrainian national hero and a precursor of  nationalism because of his fight against Polish domination – even though some criticize him for his alliance with the Tsar.

Dmytro Yarosh, adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhny, stated in an interview on May 27, 2019 that  Zelensky would “lose his life” and “hang on a tree on Khreshchatyk” if he “betrayed” Ukrainian nationalists by negotiating an end to the civil war in Donbass. Yarosh is a co-founder of the Right Sector and former commander of the far-right Ukrainian Volunteer Army. Therefore, considering Kiev’s persistent problem with extremist violence and the blatant neo-Nazism of its key Azov battalion, not to mention the complicated Polish-Ukrainian relations historically, one can conclude that Zelensky and Duda’s plans will face some challenges, and could escalate internal tensions dramatically.


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The Poles are crooks and cowardly opportunists who have always wanted parts of Ukraine and now the Jew Zelensky is carving up Ukraine.


Internal squabbling and in-fighting is on the rise among Ukraine servicemen as total defeat looms. Morale is reportedly very low and resentment against Jew Zelensky who is selling western Ukraine to the hated Poles. Ukrainian refugees in Poland are being forced into Catholicism and speak Polish or face deportation. Ukrainian women are being forced into prostitution for US and NATO soldiers.


John Tosh

Do not hate Jews…. they are smart people.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

So smart that they fool themselves.

Elohim Kosher Bar

If the Poles would grow a pair of balls and conduct a REAL and PUBLIC investigation into Auschwitz and the other forced-labor camps, they would help free themselves from the AshkeNAZI “Holohoax” propaganda chokehold they have been living under and reduce the amount of self-inflicted Polish jokes.

The Kikes are so smart that they worship the base of an old Roman Fort, Fort Antonina. Otherwise known as “The Wailing Wall”. Ha ha ha!!!

Sorry but we are the one´s killing and wrecking for them and all for free! There are even some, who calle themselves exceptionals that are milked by billions on their wealth just to fead Israel, for nothing except the hatred of those who respect palestinian human rights.


There are no “Israelis” and no “Palestinians” these are 20th century fictional nationalities. There are only Children of Israel ( 12 Tribes) and Arabs ( also different tribes), Converts on both sides, and other groups that live in the Land of Israel ( notice I did not say “State”).

It will be up to the future King of the line of David ( Dawid ben Dawid) to decide what to do. In the past there were large communities of “Geri Toshav” ( non-Israelite people) who were allowed to live in peace, very similar to how the Children of Israel lived in the Ottoman Empire, and other Muslim lands in centuries past.

I suspect that is what will happen in the not to distant future. The Hebrew Prophets have NEVER been wrong, and it will happen.

Truth Hurts

Nice try asshole. Modern Israeli’s are well over 90% Ashkenazim Jews, meaning they are central Asian derived. A mix of Scythian-Turko-Mongols who are NOT the ancient eastern Mediterranean Semantic peoples of the Old Testament. Which is why modern Ashkenazim Jews (descended from Khazarian 7th century converts) prefer to adhere to the later Talmud texts instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts

Agreed. If the Majority would follow Gods word, then most of the hate would melt away. The fact that there is a significant minority of the Children of Israel that at least try to keep the sabbath is a testament to the Hebrew Prophets who say about 1/3 of us will be worthy survive. ( presuming more don’t repent like what happened with Jonah and Ninve).

Zelinsky baptized his children, if he was ever really Jewish by our law, he is nothing but a fat “zero” to those who live by the Torah. Zionists push him as some hero, but he has no share in the world to come. OTOH our Arab Cousins worship one God, and bring sacrifices to him in Mecca, and one day all the world will worship In the Third Temple…That Miqdash ( temple) will not be on the El-Aqsa, as that is not the correct spot according to our own Mishna, Talmud, History and True tradition.


Just because they are smart, does not mean they consider us as their people. And so Jews will act as foreigners in all gentile lands. Jews do not assimilate, and hence the problem with Jews.

Uh, btw.....

On a smaller scale, if you used that same argument against the Russian-speakers in Ukraine’s east, you’d just have justified Kiev shelling them for 8 years and refusing their reintegration, preferring ethnic-cleansing and genocide.

So, is that your spiel?


It’s the Banderites who refuse to assimilate. Instead they feel they must conquer and dominate a predominantly Russia-speaking Ukraine.

Truth Hurts

YES. The Kiev-CIA sponsored militant Banderite pigs TRAVELED from west Ukraine, and using systematic violence they tried to suppress (via their ASOV Battalion) the free will and political voice of the eastern Ukrianian ethnic Russians and Russian language speakers. Political supression and ethnic cleansing is the Ukrianian Banderist Right-Secktor policy, and the US Consulate was 100% supporting this – via the cookie bag cunt Victoria Nuland – from the Neo-Con clique in Washington.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts
Stephan Williams

I’ll bet you thought you were being clever with your comment.

You failed.

Truth Hurts

Hang on there…The US politically and militarily sponsored a separatist breakaway minority within the rump Yugoslav Republic of Serbia in 1999. Under Bill Clinton, the then US Jewess Sectary of State Madeleine Allbright was driving engine for a US/NATO “militarily intervention”. Meaning a direct US war against rump Yugoslavia. After that happened, Allbright ended up as a major shareholder in the former Yugoslav state owned telecom and mobile assets, in the now stolen province of Kosovo. Funny how US military based “humanitarian intervention” always ends up with the plundering of the targeted state’s assets by the US elite/1%.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts
Stephan Williams

I think your comment is almost 100% spot on but what was it made you believe that jews were smarter than anyone else?

Could it be that you received that information from a jewish controlled media or government agency…or from a text book published by a jewish publisher of school books?

I worked closely with more than my share of jews over the years and I can attest they are generally no more intelligent than any other group of humans with a comparable education and, in many cases they are actually less intelligent than those they control/mismanage due to their unspoken ability to screw with you on a personal level if your challenge their bad management styles or their smug assurances of their own moral superiority.

In fact, a large proportion of them only gain their positions through nepotism, NOT because they’re the most qualified person for the positions they’ve been rewarded with by OTHER JEWS.

The “fix” is always in with them. In my observations their “rewards” are hardly ever earned. They are stolen from the more deserving as a matter of course.


Why should Jews assimilate? To feed your Ego?

Florian Geyer

Real jews perhaps, BUT not the fake Khazar jews who are descended from bloodthirsty Asiatic tribes who Lied, Cheated and Stole for a living , plus a bit of rape and murder as well.

Stephan Williams

“Jews” didn’t exist until the mid 1800’s.

There are no “real” jews.

There are authentic Hebrews and there are fraudsters better described as “International Finance” gangsters. They co-exist for financial reasons but they are not remotely the same.

The gangsters are the creation of a criminal cabal taken over by an even more repulsive philosophy we popularly describe as Khazars – a band of bloodthirsty, cut throat thieves, liars and conmen who historically infested the regions we now recognize as modern Crimea and Ukraine.

They described themselves as jews simply as a matter of convenience.

They bear no more physical similarity to the hebrews of 2000 years ago than I do to a turtle. Not that the hebrews of 2000 years ago were worth more than spit but let’s not forget that it’s 2022 and its time to do things differently.

We need to shake these parasites off our backs before they suck out the last vestiges of our connections to sanity. You have to know by now that the plan is that they deliberately exterminate us “without a shred of remorse”.

I see some Solzhenitsyn in your future…if you’re truly interested in learning some truths.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stephan Williams

Really, no Jews until the mid 1800’s???

So who did the English burn in York? Who did the Spanish burn in Auto de Fey? Why do the Germans have lists of Jewish families in the Frankfurt am main Ghetto dating back to the middle ages? Why do early Polish Gold Coins from the time of the Polish King Boleslaw II ( 1100’s) have Hebrew on them ? Why are their old Cemeteries with Hebrew inscriptions in Munich and Poland that predate the 1800’s? What were the Magdeburg Laws ( Magdeburger Recht) that granted Jews certain rights by Otto I in the 900’s, later used by Polish Nobles….

Your ignorance is glaring. Learn some history, there were Jews in Rome and Greece before the destruction of the Second Temple, and many more came in after the destruction of the Temple. You should study Roman history, German History, and Polish History if you don’t trust the Jews.


Yet Ashkenazi Jews are closest in Genetic similarity to Sephardi Jews:


( you can download the pdf and read)

The Khazars mostly converted to ISLAM in the 9th and 10th centuries, many centuries before the growth of Jews in Europe in the 16th to 19th centuries . Only the Nobles of the Khazars decided to become Jewish.

Truth Hurts

Bullshit. Not according to leading geneticist in Israel who debunked the whole Ashkenazim perpetuated “Rhine theory” bullshit. Turns out Koestler was right all along. Bunch of convert Khazarians – made up of central Asian Scythian-Turk-Mongols.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts

They are a predatory parasite.


Turd World welfare warfare khaZar dogs squatting in Palestine being an example I suppose?


There are many Jews in world. But in US there is a toxic but influential small cabal of Jews called the Neo-Cons who push for US aggression in foreign policy, and try to leverage ethnic/social divisions in targeted foreign countries to create tensions and fractures in those states. Their basic playbook is divide and conquer. But they are very dangerous because they seek to recruit and arm the most extreme minorities in these places – like Islamists in Syria and neo-Banderist fascists in Ukraine. This is actually not smart at all, as is the short term thinking of a zealot, and it has backfired on them repeatedly. Like Neo-Cons pushing the US into toppling Saddam Hussein, which merely freed up Iraq to have much closer relations with Iran (who are the Jewish Neo-Cons arch nemesis!).

Last edited 2 years ago by BobbySays
USA incompetence helps Russia

Now watch a new Ukrainian army manifest and then turn on the newly integrated Polish/Ukrainian part.


Everyone has been using the situation. Poland has its eyes on Ukrainian land, UK has its eye on waring with Russia through others, US wants a weakened Russia and Z-lensky just wants a billionaire exit built on lost Ukrainians and lost Ukrainian land. It’s all a mess in the west as interests are the only thing they are fighting for. Russia on the other hand is just fighting Ukrainian Nazis and freedom of people to live free from them. Yes Russia has interests in a broken globalism and multipolar world, but its the west who is delivering that by fighting globally over what is two regions exiting a nation following civil war. The west are giving that on a plate to Russia!

nom de plume

Good. Ukraine doesn’t deserve to survive intact.

Florian Geyer

It will be a true popcorn moment when the Poles and the Stepan Bandera thugs restart their genocides that began in the 1930’s when circa150 thousand Poles were murdered, circa 40 thousand Banderites were murdered and a few thousand jews were murdered, plus a few thousand from other borderland states. LOL.

There is NO way that Poles and Bandera can coexist. The justifiable hatred felt by ordinary Poles toward Bandera is still there.


I truly like how you played that one, saying the hollow hoax was, well, a hoax.i agree.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Most Pollocks are Juden and so dum they don’t even know it.

Stephan Williams

The leader of Poland is a Russia-hating jew. Does it make more sense knowing that?

Truth Hurts

All Ukrainian-Lithuanian-Polish Jews routinely hate Slavic Russians for two inter-related historical reasons. And, this is the most tedious and long running grudge of all fucking time. Firstly, because the small medieval Slavic Fiefdom of Rus, along with some forces under an adventuress Finnish Prince, destroyed the Khazar Khaganate. Which was a medieval Black Sea Kingdom of mass Judaism converts, that was a perennial bandit problem to the regional trade roads, and thus its inhabitants were finally scattered far and wide. They would end up scattered towards Ukraine-Lithuania-Poland, while others would be restricted within the expanding Russian Empire to the area of the Pale Settlement. Secondly, because the expanding eastern Russian Empire was the heir to the eastern Byzantine Orthodox Christian Empire – and Jews were completely banned from any high office in ancient Byzantium. Not because of any “religious oppression” bullshit, but rather for pragmatic reasons, because Jews had proven entirely distrustful as Ottoman agents and vassals operating against Byzantium – in service of its long term primary enemy the Ottoman Empire.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts

Correction: It’s the US based Jew Neo-Con cabal and their current puppet Ukrainian Jew Zelensky who are trying to carve up Ukraine. Just like this same gang, basically the Washington based Kagan Clan (US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is married to Robert Kagan, the head honcho of this Neo-Con cabal) tried to carve up Syria, Libya, Iraq and Serbia since they came to prominence in US foreign policy circles in late 1990’s. Know the real trouble makers, this Neo-Con/ Kagan cabal always pushes for war and are obsessed with gaining global hegemony by the aggressive use of US military force.


I’m sure Zelensky got a nice, fat cheque for selling those millions of goyim off to Poland! If there’s one thing a Zionist knows how to do, it’s make a profit at the common man’s expense!

hunter bidé lab pork !

its nice no borders !! once one take a big bomb in is nazi anus the other will want also !! xáu united nazis of european monkeys


A Confederation of two countries means that each will come to the aid of the other in times of war. Poland being a member of NATO means that Russia will be up against –NATO forces . Its getting near an all out Nuclear war.

John Tosh

Time for NATO to go puff! Radioactive


If NATO goes radioactive, so will Russia.


Russia has a dispersed population, with plenty of bunkers for it’s citizens. They are prepared. As for the west, very few nations are prepared. So Russia likely wins.


Your right Paul Russia has already went through Nuke attacks with the public. OTOH the UK has nuke shelters for Parliament & Army groups to control the survivors ( if any ) . Before it starts Millionaires will have jetted off to New Zealand where they own homes as the American elite has done till the NZ PM put a stop to it A secret agreement transfers “ownership ” of the UK to America–post nuke war.

USA incompetence helps Russia

Nope. NATO can’t touch Russia. They couldn’t even blow wind in their direction if they tried


We’re talking about nukes, no? So what do you mean they couldn’t blow wind even if they tried

Truth Hurts

Russian federation has well OVER 6000 nuclear weapon missiles in Europe – the US European bases/UK/France all have under a thousand EACH in Europe. This would be a total massacre of all western/central Europe if these NATO/EU twats sleepwalk their way into a direct war with RF all because of US based Neo-Con Jews.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts
10 Dead Generals

That’s what Putin wants actually. He doesn’t care about NATO, he was leading the Russian nation enough to know them and went to the logical conclusion that they all need to die like rats. So he will attack NATO to see the rats burnining together with him.


Stupid, a guy using is telephone, in war, is an useless, iets say, humble caporal, or a piece of stupid shit, evolution law. Anyway, shlomos are fucked, there’s no even Colombia.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
Nom de Plume

Wouldn’t quite work like that but, frankly – with the numbnuts that are NATO, you never know.


Have you checked out who is giving advice or more to the point who is Telling Biden what to do ?


Does anyone know who (or what) is telling Biden what to do?

Truth Hurts

Bi-Nation confederation…until…it all goes very wrong. Who remembers the Polish-Lithuanian confederation??!! This has been tried before and always ended in failure. No doubt the Soros/Joo’s/ NWO/EU want to demolish European national sovereignty and independent nationhood, and see an opportunistic moment here. But history tells us where this will all end up – another political failure. Only the truly myopic fail to see this, because they are blinded by their globalist/ NWO ideology.


what difficult history ?

Hatred – Original title: Wolyn – 2016 – 2h 30m https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6068960/ Despite being in love with a Ukrainian boy from the same village, Polish girl named Zosia is forced into marrying a wealthy widower. Soon World War II begins and ethnic tensions arise. Amidst the war chaos Zosia tries to survive. Director / Writer : Wojciech Smarzowski

film about the wolyn masacre Very Impressive film recommended viewing.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The Zionists and capitalists have no fatherland.


Only Israel.


And they will likely not have that for much longer.

Stephan Williams

…except that pissrael is not their fatherland.


Then Belarus must get they army ready to claim what ever pierce if territory in Ukraine they have claim to be part of Belarus.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Germany must do the same.

Thought Criminal

Belarusian army is way too weak, they would need Russia to do it for them.


I saw a lot of possible scenarios here, one of them is the nuclear 🏜 as a buffer zone. Originally ukraine was designed by soviet as a nuclear 🏜. They have a lot of atomic plants scattered all over the country if nato attacks they blow the facilities annihilating nato army’s, great battle thinking. Now the situation could be similar to a nato invasion at a low scale. So this nuclear 🏜 could be set in the Poland border or even in Poland. Today Poland is what ukraine should be, the buffer zone. This way nato army’s are denied movement, same could be done with another Baltic country, not in war yet but asking for it. That way the pole ice should be melted reshaping counties and creating another denied zone. If you are thinking in what action nato could do is a simple preemptive attack. So the first making the move could be the potential winner. Happy end of the world.


go see if outside is raining,

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

“Our nations are also brothers (…) and there should be no borders or barriers between us.” So people who speak Russian within Ukraine are worthy of tying to posts, pulling their pants down and beating them, but Polish foreigners that speak Polish are treated as equals. Imagine if Ukraine had treated the people of Crimea and the Donbas as they treat the Polish, and all of this would not have happened. This Jew has got to go.


Polacks too.

nom de plume

Didn’t want to give ‘special status’ to Russian-speakers in Donetsk and Lugansk and shelled their civilians for 8 years instead but will readily give it to Poles.

And they wonder why Ukraine is being drawn and quartered.

If Europe’s lucky, the Poles will finish the denazification in Ukraine’s west. Knowing the Poles though……

Nom de Plume

Pole: You pitchforked my grandparents to death and threw my newborn uncle down a well but we’ll help you fight the Russians and afterwards, we’ll take our pound of flesh.

Ukrainian: Ummm, let me get back to you on that.


Zelenesky is the first jew who glorified Nazi Azovs. Ukraine is a Slavic land. This Jewish man who glorified NAZI Azov is going to sell Ukraine to the Poles. Slavic Ukrainians, it is time to STOP Zelensky before the profit maker Zelensky sold Ukraine to the Poles.


Hyena of Europe feels the opportunity to feed on yet another carcass (Ukraine)..

Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

BLDM – banderaLivesDon’t Matter Biden and Zelensky will go down in history as presidents who staged a holodomor on the planet In Lviv, subpoenas are handed out in QUEUES at gas stations. Residents of western Ukraine are being driven to slaughter without weapons and training. Zelensky sold Lviv to the Poles, they can do everything there now. And now Zelensky is clearing western Ukraine of Ukrainians for Poles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?
Von Tzu

War, always the best time to start a confederacy. I have a feeling nobody asked the Pole in the street what he/she thinks about this confederacy.


I support nations having rational borders. Poland take the Polish part of Ukraine, Russia the Russian, Hungary the Hungarian, Romania the Romanian.

Russia should trade a land bridge to the Black Sea to Moldova in exchange for Transnistria. It would act as a buffer to NATO (Romania).


NATO and Russia are starting to divide up the chunks of the Ukraine they want.


Poles, get rid of polacks, because to be or not to be is the realistic matter, Kaput spiritz, kaput drunk polacks. Make another revolution, but Soros will not give any money (the son of a bitch is speculating with roubles).

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Look, I told you guys there would be a proposal for union, now SF bring it up, what next? Will there be a pretext for Belarus entering the war soon?


China has already entered, et coetera et coetera. you are really an imbecile or what? Son, go read a simple principle: Occams razor.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Bro there is no need to be toxic, i do not attack anyone tho


Okay, i’m only commenting, bro.

Wayne Gabler

Will the big River be the dividing line between ‘Russia’ and ‘Little Poland’?


Take care of you, we never know what will bring the next, well, choose the times measure, but there is no Zenons arrow, only speedy Sarmats. Schlomos, get wise.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Lets laugh, these two guys will land and conquer Moscow on a civil airplane, with all the euroasiatics more the chinese wellcoming them as their angloschlomos liberators, second the Soros bibbbbeellllee.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

If Poland and Ukraine merge then Russia should TAKE ALL OF UKRAINE right up to the pre-merge Polish Border as Ukraine CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO MERGE WITH A NATO COUNTRY as this would put NATO RIGHT UP ON RUSSIA’s BORDER which is the very reason for Russia’s actions now to not ONLY de-nazify Ukraine but to STOP NATO being on it’s borders. IF THIS GOES AHEAD RUSSIA WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO UNLEASH FULL MILITARY AND ANNEX UKRAINE. – Z –

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba

this is NATo and USAS response to being thwarted from having Ukraine in NATO so they could station their missiles right next to Russia, Russia STOPPED them dead in their tracks with their Liberation operation of Ukraine and this is their plan they have come up with is to have Ukraine merge with a NATO country so they can still station their missiles against Russian border so Russia has no chance at retaliation because reaction times would be down to less than 5 minutes. If they try and MERGE then Russia has no choice but to ANNEX Ukraine FULLY and unleash the FULL MILITARY FORCE of Russia instead of the small 150,000 – 200,000 troops they are using now. – Z –

AM Hants

How does it work if the Poles, invited by non-NATO Ukraine, upset the Russians and take a hit? Is it a con, to try and kick start Article 5, by devious means? Remind me, but, how much does NATO members spend on defence, against the $47 billion, Russia spends (which is decreasing). Funny, how Russia, has the most nuclear warheads on the planet, the best Missile Defence System, when compared to any that NATO members can supply and not forgetting the Russian hypersonics, in active service. Russia, can provide all that, for less than the UK budget and NATO has got nothing, that can stop Russia. Weird, how so many more leaders want to join NATO, ignoring the wishes of their people.


Russia can destroy, first, the USA, and one or two minutes later, almost all the rest of the clowns, including that piece of shit of Japan..


article 5 CANNOT be enacted if Poland and Ukraine merge as this conflict is against Ukraine and was raging BEFORE they merge IF they do merge, So ARTICLE-5 CANNOT BE ENACTED as Russia has NOT INIATED battle against Poland, so if they merge and polish troops get fired on that is NOT Russia attacking Poland that is Poland interfering in a conflict already going on. It is NOT the same, Polish troops getting hit would be Poland’s fault NOT Russia as Poland would have put their troops in harms way, so Article 5 ONLY activates if a NATO member is attacked BUT if a NATO member is the one to initiate conflict which would be in the case you put forward then sorry old Poland would be on their own as they would have attacked Russia or put their own troops in harms way themselves.

mike l hutchings

this has been tried…. a hundred times and the Ukrainians came out on the short end of the stick every time… lack of vision was the problem…. they lived in horse hide tents and stealing from each other was their version of tax collecting and predictably when they ran deficits, and they stole themselves back into the dirt where they came from…. Again…. my tongue is very much in my cheek…


Give them rope… they will hang themselves.

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