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MARCH 2025

Ukraine And UK To Build Warships, Establish Naval Bases Together

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Ukraine And UK To Build Warships, Establish Naval Bases Together

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Ukraine and Great Britain have agreed on the joint construction of warships and bases for the domestic Navy, the press service of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine announced.

On June 21 in Odesa aboard the HMS DEFENDER missile destroyer of the Royal Navy, Defence Procurement Minister of Great Britain Jeremy Quin and Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Myroniuk signed “a memorandum on maritime partnership projects between the UK industry consortium and the Ukrainian Navy,” the ministry said.

In particular, the memorandum provides for the joint design and construction of warships in Ukraine and Great Britain, the reconstruction of Ukrainian shipbuilding enterprises and the construction of two bases of the Ukrainian Naval Forces.

The signing ceremony took place aboard one of the most modern ships of the Royal Navy, HMS Defender, and was witnessed by the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov, the First Sea Lord Admiral Tony Radakin and the British Ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons.

They also observed joint training activity of Ukrainian, UK and US Special forces.

HMS Defender arrived in Odesa on Friday. This magnificent warship is the second Royal Navy ship to visit Odesa in the last couple of weeks after HMS TRENT.

Joint naval projects and regular warships visits are important examples of the close ties between the UK and Ukraine, as partners and friendly nations.

The HMS DEFENDER destroyer arrived in Odesa last Friday, June 18. This is the second Royal Navy warship to visit Odesa in the last few weeks, after HMS TRENT.

“This is another step in the development of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the UK, which is aimed at strengthening the Ukrainian fleet as it continues to face danger in the Black and Azov seas,” the Ukrainian defense ministry said.

The UK will help Ukraine revive its shipbuilding industry, the Ukrainian defense ministry said. The two countries will design and build warships in Ukraine and in the UK and set up two bases for the Ukrainian navy.


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Chess Master

Where is the Russian ‘red line’?

A clown like you

Ukr joining NATO you ape…also, why would Russia care British looting Nazi-run country? “projects between the UK industry consortium and the Ukrainian Navy”


Ukraine cannot realistically join NATO as member, they don’t have the economic means to reach required compliance. They can however be a NATO vassal state – and vassals pay patronage to their rulers – ie, buying US and UK hardware they can’t afford.

Last edited 3 years ago by PlanetWaves
Chess Master

Why would they officially join when they can just host 77 NATO bases?

Last edited 3 years ago by Chess Master
Raptar Driver

It’s more like a squiggle. Putin is doing his job quite well?

Raptar Driver

You are the most idiotic and 1 dimensional poster on the site. You never say anything of consequence . Does baby need his bottle?

Last edited 3 years ago by Raptar Driver
Chess Master

The same like when he lost Ukraine and Armenia to color revolutions. Spending too much time in company of Ashkenazi oligarchs made his ass lazy.

Abraham Lincoln

I expect Russia will fund a counter coup in Ukraine through proxi forces once Nord Stream 2 is finished. So the red line will be by the end of this year after the German elections.

Raptar Driver

Not as long as Putin is in power.


You’re a chess master and you ask an asinine question like that? “red lines” “lines in the sand” etc are for speech writers and consumers of mass media. What triggers a military response is entirely situational. It could be a single event or a combination of events that warrant a response. What gets a response today may not get a response tomorrow

Chess Master

6 years ago an american official said something like this: “we will not use a hamer sgainst Russia but a sickle, to make small cuts”. Building NATO bases in Ukraine, without them being part of NATO is even worse for Russia as there will be no rules. All you’ll hear will be only complains.

Raptar Driver

You need to get off the Krocodile. You’re very addled.

A clown like you

Loot Nazi ISH country before they are gone…British 101.


The British are giving just enough military aid so the Ukronazi’s don’t lose hope of being accepted by the west and continue to be a thorn in Russia’s side but not enough that it actually costs them anything or that they have to accept them as peers and actually have to sit and break bread with the nazi thugs.

Hope can be a very cruel, very expensive gift.

Chess Master

Uk has a ton of old ships – too old for the ocean. Black Sea will be like Florida for them.

Lone Ranger

It will be equipped with state of the art rubber duck drones and pink magic wands…


Also will be equipped with quorters for “comedians and LGBTQ+WTF” . State of the (F) ART.

Chess Master

And still Russians will cry and rage about it ;)


Nothing says bring all shipbuilding jobs back to the UK like signing a contract for “joint construction” with Ukraine. Just more proof that politicians are completely insane and crooks.


UK Navy just finished building two oversized capital carriers that they can’t afford to actually stock with the original planned fleet of F-35’s, as latter’s ticket and lifetime costs are far too high. So these big carriers are going to have lot of empty real estate on flight decks with far fewer actual aircraft on them. Apparently the UK Navy went big on this project because they wanted to be taken seriously by the US, meaning it was a giant vanity and image project. Not exactly a great recent track record of naval procurement and efficiency.

Raptar Driver

How can Lesser Britain help with ship building when they have no ship building industry themselves?

L du Plessis

Both are bancrupt lol


More propping up of the Jews’ Jew run puppet state. Oh, the poor, poor Ukrainians.

Lance Ripplinger

So the U.K. locks up its entire island under the pretense of “stopping the spread of covid”, but wastes time and resources propping up a corrupt regime in Ukraine. The U.K.’s navy is also joke to begin with. Their new aircraft carriers don’t even have actual combat capability yet, to my knowledge anyway. They have yet to get full complements of F-35’s on them, since those planes are a joke. The idiots are like the U.S. and much of the West in general; fighting the last century’s wars. Hypersonic anti-ship missiles from Russia in a potential Black Sea conflict would send the flat tops to the bottom of the sea. Ukraine itself is a desperately poor, economically depressed country. Any ability to produce anything at all ended when the Soviet Union collapsed. Their army is a demoralized, conscript, undisciplined joke. All they can do is terrorize the people in the Donbass region at this point. They are also delusional if they think Russia will ever leave Crimea.

Arch Bungle

Neither the Brits nor the Ukies are capable of the kind of technical cooperation required to build any complex system in this era.

They’ll have to pay China to do it with Russian designs.

Last edited 3 years ago by Arch Bungle
Marcelo Rodriguez

Esta es una nueva provocación de la OTAN hacía Rusia, que si quisiera actuar con reciprocidad, tendría que colocar bases Navales en Venezuela y Cuba, aumentando la cooperación militar con estos dos países en todos los ámbitos de la defensa y permitiéndoles a estos países producir armas, ya sea drones, misiles balísticos y de crucero. Con este tipo de cooperación, la OTAN tendría que pensarlo varias veces antes de andar construyendo bases y alianzas ofensivas cerca de las fronteras Rusas.


Creo que Rusia, No necesita bases en cuba Debe concentrarse en USAR la Bomba Atomica, en cuanto Su poder solo que Ante un Momento Clave Hay que usarla y Usar La ventaja Reino Unido Ya No es De La Unión Europea y apenas tenga Oportunidad Usar Armas atómicas contra Ellos……. Y eso calmara La Arrogancia de lo EEUU y OTAN que es el Autor intelectual, Acuerdate como Japón se Arrodilla ante esta Bomba Nuclear………Esta vez es Mejor Ir A la Guerra para Rusia Nunca Humillado como japón.

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