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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Attempted New Terrorist Attack In Russia

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Ukraine Attempted New Terrorist Attack In Russia

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On March 6, the Kiev regime attempted to carry out another loud assassination in Russia. The attempt targeted the well-known Russian entrepreneur and public figure Konstantin Malofeev, who is also the head of the Tsargrad group of companies and the founder of the TV channel with the same name. The attack was carried out according to the same scenario as Kiev did in August 2022 to kill Russian journalist and philosopher Daria Dugina.

On the morning of March 6, an explosive device was planted in Mr. Malofeev’s car. It was timely discovered and neutralized by the security forces.

Two of Ukrainian accomplices were liquidated during the security operation after they provided armed resistance.




The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) reported that the attempt was prepared by a Russian citizen Denis Kapustin (born in 1984), who is the founder of the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps”. He took part in the recent terrorist attack on the Russian villages in the Bryansk region. He is also suspected of involvement in a terrorist attack on an oil and gas facility in the Volgograd region in August last year.

On August 20, 2022, journalist Daria Dugina was killed in the same way in the Moscow region. LINK

Then, the fugitive Russian opposition politician Ilya Ponomarev claimed his alleged involvement in the murder of Daria. Ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and now a citizen of Ukraine sponsored from abroad Ilya Ponomarev is currently coordinating “the ideological struggle” against the Russian government. More precisely he is one of the leaders of the so-called self-proclaimed government of Russia in exile and declared himself an ambassador and political leader of three subversive groups: the Legion of Freedom of Russia, the Russian Volunteer Corps and the National Republican Army, which are involved in terrorist attacks on Russian territories and are fighting in the ranks of the AFU. In his turn, Ponomarev is constantly calling for terrorist attacks in Russia.

The Kiev regime and its “friends” from among Russian criminals and their Western patrons continue to prove their terrorist nature, but the Western population under the influence of the MSM continues to turn a blind eye to this fact.


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Romanian yankee whore

It’s time for another ‘300.000’ mobilization. There is no time better than now. All russians are ready to do that. After those motha fucker atlantic terrorists done with those childrens, polls all over Russia tremendous increased the willingness of citizens to crush the neonazi infection and to repeat the ww2 history again. DENAZIFICATION.


Weeping like a woman, that’s what this embarrassing SF article is doing.

Seems they (Russia) forgot that they got warned explicitely:


That’s what the US government told Mr. Putin before Feb. 24 2022.

Maybe he (little Jewtin) thought they were just joking, I don t know ? Obviously he should have better listend to their words !

So now, that the war in Ukraine is a more or less stalemate (a unbelievable bloody one btw.), and more and more guerilla attack are starting to occur everywhere inside Russia, some will remember that it was Putin who caused it all, by his stupid invasion of that foreign slavic country, named Ukraine.

And the whole guerilla war thing hasn’t even started yet. As by the moment the americans throw the light into the caucasian powder keg, you’ll really see what it means to be stuck between a rock and a hard place, big time !

Another 300.000 poor little orcs for slaughter won t help out. But it says a lots about the true russian casualty rate, when even hardcore pro-communists commentators in full desperation here now panically scream for another 300.000 new conscipts immediately, haha. Ass wide open, Mr. Putin ?

Last edited 1 year ago by Boohootin
Kual Svinus

Ey retard! kill your self before we find you and kill you!

Romanian yankee whore

Really, idiot ? What about Backmut ? Invincible declared fortress Backmut ????? Another 300.000 mobilized but armed by China will make a huge difference. Taking into account that those 300.000 already are (or were) at the training grounds. UkroReich have 1.5 million cannon meat mobilized and a theoretically another 2 million (those oligarch mobs and the wealthy corrupt class having nice days in EU). In reality ZERO to come. But ukroshits rely more and more on mercenaries. Only Pulansky have around 10-15.000 there. As for the idiots of SS Gestapo launching terrorist attacks inside Russia, I would shot them if I would be ukra chief. The best free service for the russians made in KUKrainii is EXACTLY that kind of idiotic behavior, enraging peoples and pushing them to war. Stupid ukrotards without real control. Basically a gang army inside army. Only now, russians reach the point of breaking the stalemate. Watch out how your nazi cockroaches will start loosing in the north, first. Then in the south. Backmut was the door for all denazification and the start of the end of atlantic imperialism in Ukropizdan colony. I told you, watch out and start counting, motha fucker bitch !

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee whore
Chris Gr

Please watch your mouth

Romanian yankee whore

I won’t, cock sucker faggot !

Chris Gr

Stalinist fan boy, your Ceausescu is dead. Get over it.

Romanian yankee whore

You idiot piece of shit, I fought against Ceaucesco and his ”libian mercenary army”, in fact a miserable ameriscum lead coup by his own intel and secret police service, Securitate; of course with the blessing of the Imbecile traitor Gorbaschev. If I can run time back I would fight for him and not against him. And guess what: over 80% of romanians would do the same. Those amerishit globalists/imperialists crippled our country and that is knew by almost everyone.

Chris Gr

You don’t make any sense on that one.


@Romanian liar

Haha, you, same as SF cannot stand the truth. That’s why you cowards always delete my posts. You’re frightend of a discussion with me, since you’re not able to withstand the facts i am forcing broad-dicky into your throat. And you can t do a damn thing about it, muthafukas ! So it’s : Ass wide open you Liars ! God cursed you already and your satanic jewish friends will lead you into total destruction ! Blessed be those who fight for the sake of God Almighty against Shaitan and his hook-nosed ugly deciples, resp. the Jews.

Gott mit uns ! Vor uns kommt Deutschland, in uns marschiert Deutschland und hinter und kommt DEUTSCHLAND !!!!! Peace and blessings upon all true believers, the Mujahedeen, the National Socialists and the Japanese Samurai and Kamikaze !! God sees their holy sacrifice !!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Boohootin
Chris Gr

These people are supporters of Stalin and Kim Jong Un. However, no to Hitler, no to ISIS, no to Unit 731 and these kamikazees. Samurais were like Knight Templar not like SS. Kamikazees and ISIS are like SS.

Chris Gr

Most Caucasian nations don’t dislike Russians. Only Chechens, Circassians and Georgians.


You need to be arrested and questioned.

Kual Svinus

1.5 million is not enough for you? lol

Romanian yankee whore

From that, already 500.000 are OUT of SERVICE and denazified, totally or…partially. Wagner meat grinder is working at full capacity.

Chris Gr

Destalinization also. Czars please come back!


You must not get out much. Stalin has been dead for seven decades. Communism in Russia and the failed Ukrainian CIA project was eliminated in 1991 when the states were created in co-operation with the American speculative finance class, and the economies handed over to the dual-citizen oligarchs, who looted the former Soviet states and ploughed the money into Anglo-American financial institutions.

Romanian yankee whore

Not only in Russia. All along the former Warsaw Pact countries, same script.

Chris Gr

You should realize that both CIA and commies are bad.

Romanian yankee whore

There was no such a thing as ‘commies’. Only opportunistic perfidious idiot peoples in majority, which called themselves ‘commie’. All who were lived in ‘communism’ knew that. Coomie means ONE damn thing before anything: social EQUITY and EQUALITY ! And there was NOT. Period.

Chris Gr

Equality and gulags

Romanian yankee whore

As idiot ukroshits ameriscum whores are, that is running very fast away…….yesterday a miracle happened in Red Square in more than 70 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thousands of russian citizens made a huge queue to Stalin grave to honor its 70 years death. No less than 6400 carnation flowers were put there in commemoration. https://t.me/boris_rozhin/79754 Those retard imperialist trash and theirs hohol nazi pricks just throw a large number of russians in Stalin arms, percentage of Stalin sympathizers dramatically grow from 12% in the ’90’s to an astonishing 70% in 2019. Just google ‘Stalin Is More Popular Than Ever in Russia, Survey’. Those dipshit Kiev faggots succeed where numerous russian parties failed. Bravos, kukrainii fucking assholes !

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee whore

It is essentially impossible to get an accurate historical picture of Stalin as Commisar and Chairman. The historical record is entirely polluted with Anglo-American propaganda fantasy and revanchist tripe from both communist and post-communist Russian sources. CIA analysts certainly presented a very different picture internally than the British mind warriors and the Mighty Wurlitzer in the US. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf

Chris Gr

His own daughter disowned him. What revanchists?

Romanian yankee whore

That’s another anglo-imperial myth.


gay greek moron tiresome

Chris Gr

Where did you see the gay? Do you have Stalin derangement syndrome?

Romanian yankee whore

Stalin was the best defender of the russian interests in history. Extremely intelligent. He get rid of vast amount of traitors, disloyal peoples, foreign agents, cultural/social/economic/military saboteurs, and useful idiots. The only problem was he don’t know when to move his foot from the acceleration pedal. He hurt so much the imperialist cabal global movement from its beginning that this evil movement was postponed 40 years at least.

Chris Gr

The only good thing he did was that he killed Trotsky.

Chris Gr

What Ukraini and bullshit like that? Stalin is still low in popularity. Only some basement dwellers like you, Clyde and Yuri support him.

The US is a terrorist country killing ru civilians

These two fucking coward Neonazis could have been in a Yakutskian jail for life or even better , six feet under. The RF is to blame for them to be still free and still terrorizing: By the end of the 90ies and begin of the 2000’s (I would say until 2010) Russia was castigated by a infestation of Neonazis (attacking migrants, gays etc.) terrorists, and the police response at the time was weak. As we now see – TOO WEAK. These guys could have been arrested more than 10 years ago. Now your are paying the price for not punishing them. I hope you have learned your lesson.


whine some more

Neonazis and anarcho-terrorists are lumpenproletariat.


“anarcho-terrorists”? You don’t say, Golden Shower Child.

Chris Gr

ANTIFA and BLM gutter guy.

Fabricio Lustosa

Russian forces should catch these terrorists alive and then use the cruelest interrogation methods. After removing all information, they should make public what these worms released. By the way, Ukrainian government buildings must start to be targeted as well as Zelensky bigwigs also have to be targeted.

Wayne Gabler

Americans ended all protests against Gulf War II when the Govt promoted that gas would be $2/gallon. Americans ended Vietnam War protests when American ground troops would not be use for Brussels wars. They were quite willing to make weapons they know would be used on women and children.


One day, this scumbag will end up dead or jailed in Russia for treason, first degree murder(s).

jens holm

nobody will terrorized my senile anus unless I pay

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