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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Attempted To Disrupt Visit Of IAEA To Zaporozhye NPP, Firing At Civilians In Energodar

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Ukraine Attempted To Disrupt Visit Of IAEA To Zaporozhye NPP, Firing At Civilians In Energodar

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On the evening of August 28, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled civilians in the city of Energodar located in the part of the Zaporozhye region which is under control of the Russian military. Seven civilians were wounded and hospitalized after the artillery shelling.

According to the local reports, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the city with US-made M777 155 mm howitzers. At least four artillery strikes were recorded. Seven civilians were hospitalized, two of whom are in serious condition.


Ukraine Attempted To Disrupt Visit Of IAEA To Zaporozhye NPP, Firing At Civilians In Energodar

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Ukraine Attempted To Disrupt Visit Of IAEA To Zaporozhye NPP, Firing At Civilians In Energodar

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Earlier today, the local authorities reported that a Ukrainian UAV was intercepted over the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP, later Ukrainian troops opened fire on residential quarters of Energodar.

The administration of the region called the shelling a provocation aimed at disrupting the visit of the head of the IAEA to the Zaporozhye NPP located in the city. Earlier, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi said that the agency’s mission will arrive at the Zaporozhye NPP in the coming days. According to him, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the agency’s mission at the Zaporozhye NPP and maybe establish its permanent presence on the spot.


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Hook Nose Jew

We love money


you amerikan then

Censors KEEP OUT

MSM has now started to claim that those Ukrainian workers “under duress” were being threatened by RF forces to make “favorable statements to Russia” regarding IAEA inspection of ZNPP.. fukkin msm anticipating the disclosure of the facts on the ground and already releasing their lies to discredit the truthful revelations.

Censors KEEP OUT

Am l banned? MSM has now started to claim that those Ukrainian workers “under duress” were being threatened by RF forces to make “favorable statements to Russia” regarding IAEA inspection of ZNPP.. Fukkin msm anticipating the truthful revelations already releasing their lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Censors KEEP OUT
jens holm

Circular mental mastrubation?


The Ukrainian attacks on the Nuclear Power Plant, as well as on Donetzk, Lugansk and even Crimea, reveal some weaknesses as lay observers from a distance. Either Russia is hiding its capabilities from NATO, or Russia’s satellite coverage is still fragile. As a world power, Russia would have to be able to detect in time any launch of rockets or missiles from any place on the entire planet in order to be able to defend itself properly and attack the places where the launches originated in response. We are concerned that Ukraine, which is not a power, can attack Russian cities and regions and strategic areas under the control of the Russian army without being seen in real time by satellite eyes.

jens holm

I see no consern. I see russia has invaded ukrain and west in a more and more sliding version are holding them back.

Its very difficult for me to see Russia as You descriebe. They even are much weaker then that. Furthermore Ukriane are not given attack weapons, which we have in Nato.

If I decided, I would take every road, bridge and railroad into Ukraine as number one. That includes the ones to krimera and ater to there.


US has been killing and genicide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.

John Wallace

I see your mental capacity hasn’t improved with age jens. Dementia seems to have wiped any semblance of a working brain forever but never mind , you can waffle as much as you like.


English. This is an English-language website. Please, spare the readers this gibberish and instead spend some time learning the language.

Russia is a paper tiger

Does Wagner exist Mr boom boom clide? 🤣🤣🤣


I quit performing at shoprite and currently I create $80h – $120h…how? I’m operating online! My work didn’t precisely make Maine happy thus i made a decision to require an opportunity on one thing new… when four years it had been so onerous to quit my day job however ;Zl’13} now I couldn’t be happier. Heres what I do……….𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐩𝐚𝐲𝟐𝟒.𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Last edited 2 years ago by Gloria

The RF doesn’t have the extensive satellite coverage that the NATO countries do, something that Ted Postol has been frantically pointing out for ages because it significantly increases the chances of an accidental nuclear war.


Even so defending against artillery weapons is still very hard, however good your coverage. The Ukrainians are hitting civilian targets out of spite because they cannot stop the RF military but realistically the attacks cannot be completely halted if the Ukrainians have weapons with the required range. That is why so much fuss has been made about the HIMARS (and the range of those can be increased still further)

If the Ukrainians are trying to level civilian areas, doesn’t that imply that they don’t expect to get those places back? It looks like a scorched earth policy to me.


I hope they bring hot chicks!

jens holm

It seemes the russian soldiers are using ukra civilians as human shields. No civilians would be hit, if thoe russians was in their own country.

Thats what IAEA says about it:


There are not a single sign for ukras hindering things. Maybee the Russian spy was supported by cocain by Zelinsky:( or his nice looking wife being attracted as Heroin.

And yes: The Ukras do shoot back. They now has more quality weapons, which are accurate in western style.


Ukrainian army’s residential bases endangering civilians: Amnesty Right group says Kyiv’s forces have turned ‘civilian objects into military targets’ by taking up positions in hospitals and schools


US has been killing and genocide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.

Karl Pomeroy

“No civilians would be hit, if the Russians was [sic] in their own country.” OK , Jens, lets take that logic one step further. No civilians would be hit if the US had not instigated a coup in 2014 that ousted democratically elected Viktor Yanukovich and left Ukraine with an illegitimate government.

You think their government is not illegitimate? The Ukrainian constitution allows 3 ways for a President to exit office: he dies, he resigns, or he is impeached. None of these happened to Yanukovich. He was chased out of the country with threats to his life. That means all subsequent leaders—Turchynov, Poroshenko and Zelensky—have been illegitimate. The Donbass people would not put up with this illegitimate government. Hence the war.

John Wallace

Can’t use logic with jens. It doesn’t compute at all. A brick works better especially if dropped from a great height so it doesn’t bounce off that thick skull.

Karl Pomeroy

I agree, John. My logic was for the benefit of other readers. Jens gets nothing. Is he human?


ukies like uncivilized moron amerikan


I’m against all forms of discrimination, when it comes to trolls, therefore I treat all the trolls the same. I don’t read their “comments” as I already know its garbage, instead I just hit the minus sign underneath their “comment” and move on. This is what I urge everybody else to do. Together we can rid SF of this horrible troll problem. So remember to hit the minus sign and then move on. Simples!

Florian Geyer

I agree. I down vote Jens and his NATO troll mates in seconds.

Slava Rossiya.


Well done. If everybody does it there will very quickly be nowhere for the trolls to hide. We will instantly see them by the high numbers by the minus sign. Soon they will isolated as nobody interacts with them, leaving them only to converse with each other, until SF will have no other choice than to remove them all from the comment section. Hopefully forever!

Karl Pomeroy

Permanent presence would be good.

John Wallace

Yet Russia was condemned for firing towards where this was coming from. Once the inspectors have finished , if they ever get there expect Russia to be accused of being the problem and their need to hand the plant over too Ukraine for safe keeping.


USA #1 monkey pox humiliated by Russia…..”Russian victory in ukraine…only mopping up remains”. Col Scott Ritter


The idea of some people that the Ukrainians are winning because they’re capable of firing at civilians is lost on me.


Then secure other side of river and create 50km buffer zone around NPP out of artillery/rocket range. Until then deploy some 42S6 Morfey designed to destroy artillery shells and low radar signature targets. Never deployed once and is the most advanced short range Russian AD. 100x better than pantsir or tor. Pantsir and tor could barely intercept grad rockets let alone smaller artillery shells. Time to test 42s6 Morfeyus – uses AESA radar and active radar homing, similar to iron dome.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth

last time that was attempted successfully was in 1943 and it cost the Soviet peoples 1.2 million Soldiers to push hitler out. It was a turning point in WWII. I don’t think the modern Russian Army wants to statistically do worse, so “wear and tear” the Ua. When more women than men stand in ukropt trenches as fodder, then you know its a rotten, hollow balsa wood door just waiting to be kicked in.


Unfortunately Pantsir/Tor are unable to intercept artillery shells (too small radar signature) since they use pulse doppler radar/pesa from 80’s/90’s. Shame since the missiles are extremely capable, but the electronics are shit. Russia has the best missiles but poor microelectronics industry/cheap electronics components. Meanwhile USA has shit missiles but amazing electronics industry with help from Taiwan/Malaysia. So they have more advanced radars. Time for Russia to ask China to help them upgrade all their air defense radars/fire control radars for Pantsir/BUK/TOR/S-300 to 100% active phased array technology. China can definitely accomplish this for a good price. Russian AD is already good, but with AESA technology it would be 10 times better. China understands this and that’s why they are converting all fire control radars for HQ-2 and HQ-12 to AESA. AESA is much more capable and longer range against stealth targets, drones, artillery shells, quad copters. PESA is also much more easier to jam and detect with radio frequency finders (RWR/ELINT). Valuable lessons learned from Karabakh, Syria and Ukraine have demonstrated to Russian Military how valuable AESA upgrades to their air defense radars would be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth

Those that supply weapons to terrorists are terrorists and will have to be confronted directly. It is inevitable because direct violence against the filth in Washing town is the only message they understand. This will not end before Natostan is burning. Prep for total collap$€ in Slumville proper and its occupied vassal, the evil and disgusting EUSSR aka Natostan. It is guaranteed to go very very hot when the USSANS blow up the nuclear power plant and destroy central Urupp. That will rightly be considered a nuclear strike against Russia by the filth behind the rump Ukrop terrorists and then it’s game over for 50% of humanity most certainly among them 200 million Slumvillains and their owners.

Party as if these were your last days.


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