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Ukraine Disrupts Gas Transit From Russia. Europe Pays

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Ukraine Disrupts Gas Transit From Russia. Europe Pays

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On May 10, Ukraine notified Gazprom that it would stop receiving gas for transit through its Sohranovka gas-measuring station from 7 a.m. Moscow time on May 11. This event caused high-profile comments and also jeopardized the transportation of Russian gas.

Representatives of the UGTS (Ukrainian gas transport system operator) said that Ukraine will stop the transit of natural gas from Russia to Europe through the Sohranivka station in the Luhansk Region on the morning of 11 May. Employees of the UGTS of Ukraine claim the reason is the force-majeure circumstances, which make it impossible to further transport gas through the GMS  and the border compressor station Novopskov.

Speaking about the reason for declaring force majeure, the UGTS refers to the fact that Russia’s seizure of the transit infrastructure has led to a change in its operating modes, “including unauthorized gas withdrawals from the transit flow,” which “threatens the stability and security of the entire Ukrainian gas transportation system.”

Up to 32.6 million cubic meters per day of gas passes through Novopskov from Russia to Europe, accounting for almost one-third of supplies. The operator stated that it is now unable to carry out operational and technological control of Novopskov and other stations due to military operations in the region.

In order to preserve gas transit to Europe, the Ukrainian operator suggested considering the temporarily transfer of unavailable capacities from Sohranivka to the Suja GMS, which is located in the territory controlled by Kyiv.

On the other hand, according to Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov, “the National Joint Stock Company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” received a notice that in case of continuation of gas supply from the Russian side to the Sohranivka gas transmission system, the volumes at the exit points of the Ukrainian GMS will be reduced.

In this regard, Gazprom states that it has not received any confirmation of the circumstances of force majeure and sees no obstacles to continue work as before. Ukrainian specialists have been working quietly at the Sohranivka gas transmission system and Novopskov compressor station all this time and continue to do so, the transit through Sohranivka was provided in full, and there were and are no complaints from the contractors.

“Gazprom” fully meets all its obligations to European consumers, supplies gas for transit following the contract and the operator’s agreement, and transit services have been fully paid for. It is technologically impossible to transfer the volumes to the Suja gas metering station based on the Russian flow chart, the distribution of the volumes is stipulated in the cooperation agreement dated December 30, 2019, and the Ukrainian party is well aware of that”.

According to the transit contract, “Gazprom” supplied 65 billion cubic meters of gas in 2020 and 40 billion cubic meters per year in 2021-2024 (109 million cubic meters per day) to Europe through Ukraine. In 2021, the volume of deliveries amounted to 41.6 billion cubic meters.

Ukraine Disrupts Gas Transit From Russia. Europe Pays

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At the same time, Ukrainian Naftogaz threatened Gazprom to continue paying for gas transit at any decision, despite Kiev’s attempts to disrupt supplies.

On April 27, Gazprom suspended gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria after the countries had not paid for the fuel in rubles. On May 2, TASS reported that Gazprom had not ordered gas to be pumped through Poland via the Yamal-Europe pipeline in Q3 2022, and the auction to book additional gas transit capacity through the Ukrainian Suja and Sohranovka gas distribution stations for the same period was canceled.

The Ukrainian decision to strop gaz transition through the Sohranovka GMS was commented by representatives of other countries. The positions on this issue turned out to be different.

The head of the press service of the US Department of State, Ned Price, commenting on the reduction of gas transit to Europe by almost one-third by the Ukrainian GTS Operator, said: “What we heard today only emphasizes what we knew. We knew that we had to respond quickly to disruptions in the global energy market.” The U.S. State Department official went on to emphasize that “The U.S. and countries around the world have already taken steps, the U.S. took action last month through an executive order to ban imports of Russian oil, energy products. Other countries have followed suit in their decisions.”

Meanwhile, the head of Moldovagaz, Vadim Ceban, stated that Moldova had not received any official notifications from representatives of Ukraine and Russia about the restriction of gas supplies.

Robert Fico, the leader of the parliamentary opposition and the “Course – Social Democracy” party in Slovakia, refused to attend a speech by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, arguing that he “would not listen to someone who lies every day. According to Fico, Zelenski, “harms the interests of Slovakia” by demanding the suspension of oil and gas supplies from Russia daily. Along with Fico, several Slovak legislators refused to attend the Ukrainian president’s speech, calling the event a “masquerade”.

Zelensky’s words cost Europe dearly. To be more precise, they provoked price hikes in the gas market. The spot price of natural gas with immediate delivery in Europe jumped by 12.4%, from $980 to $1,100 per thousand cubic meters. The Kiev’s statement about stopping the supply of gas contradicts the statement made by Gazprom. The fact is that the existing contracts and obligations are still in force and the parties will have to fulfill them.


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By acting slowly, Putin gives Ukraine a chance to move, provides a psychological advantage

Ashok Varma

As Indian finance minister had warned, these Ukrainian idiots will destroy wobbly EU economies. Russia 🇷🇺 is an energy superpower too and all these impotent sanctions will hit western bankrupt economies. More and cheaper Russian and Iranian gas and oil for India, China and Eurasia. The desperate west is suicidal as well. JAI RUS!

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

look here a russian turret breaking world records, guess where? fucking mariupol ahahaha

100% liberated that turret from the tank 😘


Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

look here what happened when the ruskies tried to cross the Donets


Last edited 2 years ago by Putin bitches tears taste like heaven
NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

You’re way out of touch. Time is on Russia’s side, not Ukraines.

Russia’s Crude Production Up In May as oil price rise buffers Russian economy.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

look here a russian turret breaking world records, guess where? fucking mariupol ahahaha

100% liberated that turret from the tank 😘


Jack Offsky

Most Ukrainians are on Russia’s side as well.


“psychological advantage” works on stupid people who hear and believe West’s MSM BS.


You’re deluded.

stephan williams

I think “insane” is a better descriptor of this facsimile of a human.


By acting slowly, Biden gives EU a chance to move, provides a psychological advantage


Russia = big gas station with no real economy and innovation, no wonder its GDP is lower than Italy. LOLZ


Thats not wrong but how will our GDP be without the gas of the gas station?

Ashok Varma

EU will suffer.EU will bleed to death without Russian energy. Germany will have massive unemployment and poverty. Russia is too big and powerful to sanction. Even Iran with a slightly smaller economy withstood sanctions and every western intrigue for 42 years now and built a self-sufficient $1.3 trillion economy. Even tiny Cuba, 90 miles from Florida has been giving the US the finger for 65 years now. Russia will just make more money with high energy prices and the idiots in EU will starve, thanks to Jews and their evil.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma

The Jews are in most key positions and have instigated this. And they make up less than 1/2 of 1% of Ukraines population.


EU = a bunch of medieval peasants with a turnip based economy without Russian gas and the scarcer gas gets in Europe the higher the price for gas adding $$ billions a day to Russian profits. Capitalism 101.

helene matz

are you insane ,is that why oil and gaz and fertiliser and goods production based currency minerals and other products not to mention sunflower oil and flour,cut off from the west and the rest will cause starvation and horror,are you insane,the west has committed collective suicide it has no more production industrial all shipped off as capitalists do to china,no food self sufficiency,etc.read a book

Ay yay yay

BASF already moved half its production to China. As soon as the next Power of Siberia pipeline’s finished, BASF can finish moving the rest.

Ukraine Kaput. EU Kaput. UK Kaput. Ay Yay Yay


Russia’s purchasing power parity GDP is a lot bigger than Italy.

Antonio Fava

Italy is a beggar failed US occupied colony and these fools compare Russia to Italy, lol

Ukraine's Gambler's Ruin

Everybody already knows that. These jokers just keep trying to play losing hands 24/7.


Russia’s GDP is partly military industrial complex. One of the reasons why over 30 million Russians don’t have e.g indoor toilets.


I don’t know where you got these numbers from, but according to Rosstat data for 2020, only 4.9% of Russians do not have indoor toilets, in 2018 it was 5.8%, so this figure is decreasing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey

It actually ranks 11th in the World for GDP and the lack of many natural resources throughout the world can be tied to the illegal non-UN backed sanctions levied against them.

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

That’s the most untrue and debunked statement I’ve been reading over the last 10 years. Keep living in your delusion as Russia grows stronger.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

look here a russian turret breaking world records, guess where? fucking mariupol ahahaha

100% liberated that turret from the tank 😘


Ukraine's Gambler's Ruin

I’ll bet you’re going to post that for every city/town/village the RF takes.

Well, whatever helps you cope.


Now, are you talking about before 2014 or after 2014?


It’s Europe and the US who are paying the price for Russia’s resources. In fact Russia sends less for more. Win, Win for Russia.


Could all this be part of a staged plan?

Russia gets parts of Ukraine and the western leaders get a good reason to do what they were talking all along about.

Lower the domestic energy consumption.

Persoading the people to have less to safe the climate did not work.

Now they will be poor cause russia evil and the eu / us leaders wont be responsible while getting what they wanted.

“Make the Western workers poor gain.”


It could, but we must always note that some s**t really happens spontaneously, or if not spontaneously than at least not completely intentionally. All parties involved do have interest to keep the gas flowing, but someone might just lost nerves due frustrations that war induces.




If I am not alowed to write anything, why not say so.

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

Shut up


Are your comments also getting blocked from being posted? because some of mine are.


Biden’s Ministry of Truth has long legs.


Zelensky again showing his true intentions by blackmailing EU, because they refuse to take his failed country in. That was somehow logical that he would do something to pressure them. EU announced this week that a quick entrance to the block is unlikely. They lied to him, now it is his turn to screw them over. What a blow to both sides. Two crooks trying to screw over each other. Who would guess this was ever going to work? This is epic … more pain coming to EU and Ukraine and they both do this to themselves :-)

Ukraine's Gambler's Ruin

Was that because the EU came back and said Ukraine MIGHT be ready in 5 to 10 years for EU entry? In other words, they’re getting the Turkey treatment and even were told that Turkey is in line ahead of it.

Wiley Coyote Zelensky

It’s called kicking the can down the road. The EU’s done it so many times, most fatally as an excuse for the 2014 coup d’etat, that they’ve finally kicked it over a cliff.


EU was never a block with member on the same level like they say. It is a club to rule all European countries from one centralized hub. Now it has evolved into a debt club where its members can refinance themselves while others are making the guarantees. It is a failed state and it is forced on people. EU is the opposite of democracy and it is here to enslave all European countries for the sake of the few mega rich corporations. We saw it during covid. EU bypassed everyone and made secret contracts with big pharma.

EU is doomed as it becomes more and more the new ghetto of the world inviting refugees for a free ride paid by it’s wale-fare system. It will only get worse. Sweden already recognized that their refugees are not willing to integrate, but to my surprise they stated that this is due to the government failure to integrate them and not their unwillingness. Whoever did came u with that crap should be thrown out the country.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

3elensky is provoking EU to fight for him and his vision of the free world. This time message is for Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Greece and Macedonia and possibly Serbia and Kosovo.

Yet more Hoholograms

Ha Ha, Zelensky’s cocaine stupors are now visions of a ‘free world’? Thanks for the chuckles.

Sounds pretty much like Bandera’s vision of a fascist state free of ethnic minorities.


That’s cute. You avoided using Z in Zelensky by using the cyrillic 3 instead.


Another proof that Ukraine is a dangerous terror-state. Putin has to liberate all of that territory.


Wrong on the part of liberation. If they want to be part of a free society they should do the same as DPR and LPR and officially declare independence. No need to liberate people who may not want to be liberated. In any case, if people declare independence then this would be a different issue and I would agree with your statement. But at first they would have to use diplomacy. If that would fail, then Russia would have their legal ground to send in troops.


Well, if Ukraine wants to shut off Europe, Russia should shut off Ukraine.


Why? Ukraine is doing the “bad” thing here. Let them see what new friends are capable of. They will be sorry they let NS2 go bust. Russia is not eager to support the EU. But with contracts in place why be the bad guy in here? Just jack up the price and let them feel the pain for their wrong-doing. All was good for many years but look what EU did to itself. They deserve no better. In the end EU wants something, not the other way around.


If you depend on a foreign country for energy, I would think that you should treat the energy providers with respect, and not send weapons to their adversary in a war. And yet some European countries are doing that very thing. So I hope Russia shuts off all energy to countries that are providing arms to Ukraine. Europe needs to freeze since the Donbass is so important to them.


Stupid Germans abandoned nuclear energy unlike French and Finns. The future of energy using in diversity. Geothermal heating is big thing and rising fast. Those houses don’t need to buy 1,5 – 2 ton oli or equivalent mount of natural gas annually. Heating pumps using is growing even faster. Using oil for heating is dying. Next step will be reducing natural gas heating. At the end nations need smaller storage of LNG for some special periods (mostly winter). On windy day Germans need no gas to produce electricity. Wind +solar capacity is twice bigger that German need for electricity.


I think that the way France and Germany double-dealed over Minsk II, Russia should just pay them back the favor.


The score will be settled eventually :-) Russia was always the winner in any scenario. They have the resources other want to buy. Now they have to buy Ruble to be able to get the stuff. Things can change further. It all depends on how they treat Russia. But EU already made big mistakes that will cost them more than they can imagine. This was just the beginning.

Muhammad your Prophet

Don’t start crying now just because Ukraine just issued a blockade on Russia. Putin the terrorist cockroach is the one disrupting world grain supplies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
mike l hutchings

Russia is playing a long game… the US and its NATO vassals will come apart….



Last edited 2 years ago by Skull322

Not a big deal for Europe, a catastrophe for Putin haha haha haha


Are U Fucking American Retard

Last edited 2 years ago by Skull322

Russia is now a gas station but outside the highway. Like Bates Motel in Psycho. The Europe is anyway removing in longer run but now only faster to new energy. For instance just 1% of new houses in Nordic countries are using oil and not much more natural gas. Generally speaking this Russian gas station is just a after glow of Breznevian dementia and Soviet nostalgia. Russia need peace and indoor toilets.

Dick Von D'Astard

Looks like Nord Stream 2 needs to be operational if the Eu wants to avoid economic recession.


The European weakness is leaning too much and too long on natural gas. This is partly the legacy of Soviet system of the past. The other blunder was abandoning nuclear energy. German Energie Wende was another proof of German attitude to run after foolish romantic ideas. French were not as naive.


Let’s make it clear: there is no global price for natural gas. They are regionsl. Most common is long term contracts. Never dream that Russia is getting almost 1 €/M3. Long term prices are much much below these rather fictional extreme prices.

1 MMBTU = 28,26 M3 natural gas.

US natural gas now $7,6 per MMBTU which is less than 27 sents per M3 or with euros less than 26 sents.


There are more pipe lines from Russia.. And the Ukraine is already exporting wheat… Russia is not that stupid.. They went thru many scenario’s, planning, preparing before they started this thing… Only question is, who is on top of the pyramide???


Cut all the gas supply to Europe, put them on a diet.

Abhik Basu

Very useful reporting

Roger Dodger

Are ukro nazis pissed off because NATO sends them old expired stockpiles of weapon/ammo and taking their grain for it?

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