An M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System fires during an exercise in September 2017 at Rocket Valley, South Korea, conducted by the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division to train on field artillery operations. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
Ukraine has received the first M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) from its Western allies, the country’s defense minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, announced on July 15.
“Long Hand Family of Ukrainian army has been enlarged: the first MLRS M270 have arrived … They will be good company for [M142] HIMARS on the battlefield … Thank you to our partners,” Reznikov said on Twitter, without clarifying how many MLRS have been received.
Ukraine is set to receive a total of nine MLRSs from its Western allies. The UK will provide three M270B1 MLRS launchers, Norway will supply three outdated M270 launchers, which will be upgraded in the UK, and Germany will supply three M270A1 MARS II launchers.
In addition, the US has committed to supply a total of the very similar 12 HIMARS systems to Ukraine. Most of these systems have been already delivered.
Just like the HIMARS systems, the MLRS supplied to Ukraine will be armed with M30/M31 series GMLRS precision-guided rockets, which have a range of more than 70 kilometers. GMLRS rockets are guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system and a have a circular error probable of one meter.
The heavier tracked MLRS is slower and less mobile than the HIMARS. However, it has more fire power. Each MLRS can be loaded with two pods each armed with six GMLRS rockets.
While both the HIMARS and the MLRS are highly effective rocket artillery systems, they will not likely have any real impact on the conflict in Ukraine. Kiev’s Western allies hope that these systems will at least slow down the Russian special military operation in the country.
Great! The Russians can’t find the HIMARS and now they won’t be able to find the doubled version. Eventually the Russians will need to actually commit to advancing more than 100 yards a day or lose.
I agree with you here 100%, this isn’t going to end well for Russia.
Russia needs to take out the GPS satellites above Ukraine ASAP, that is the only way they could win. I did read they are getting their laser satellite killer ordered to build, but that may take a long time to build.
Russia needs to advance quickly also, that could help the situation.
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The west supplies the weapons, on the other hand Ukraine supplies the dead bodies to feed the war.
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in The Middle East lol.
I’ve reported you for Internet Fraud to INTERPOL
Nonsense. You clueless muppets laughably overrate these systems. MLRS is not particularly more effective than M777, somewhat longer range; and somewhat more precise than let’s say Smerch. But not fucking Wunderwaffe. HIMARS with ballistic missile is somewhat different because it allow Ukros with better option than old Tochka to conduct strategic attacks (still prone to interception). But it’s not going to change absolutely anything.
You don’t know what you are talking about, did you read the article above. Read this quoted from above. You should apologize for misinformation.
“Just like the HIMARS systems, the MLRS supplied to Ukraine will be armed with M30/M31 series GMLRS precision-guided rockets, which have a range of more than 70 kilometers. GMLRS rockets are guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system and a have a circular error probable of one meter.”
Actually you fool have no idea what you talking about.
Ukros already had plenty of various artillery, they also received shitload of artillery from various nato countries from France, Germany, Czech republic etc etc. M-777 howitzers with Excalibur rounds have 40km range. Smerch range is 120km or even 200km, Uragan 35km-70km. Even old Grads have 40-50km with new gen rockets. Not that precise, so what? Russian Tornado is arguably better than both standard/medium HIMARS and MLRS. And Iskander is vastly superior compared to HIMARS with balistic missile. Conventional artillery is rather precise, but precision is not a problem, the problem is to identify targets.
ATACMS is not even provided to Ukraine (at least not officially)
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US has been killing millionof innocent peoples in The Middle East .
Jacob and Facts:
The new rocket artillery can potentially reach great distance, with amazing precision, and so armed, is a stand off weapon. Facts is right when he identifies target selection and location as critical and this is where US/NATO/UK will help aim the weapons. With this aiming potential and the mobility to avoid counter attack these weapons will wreak havoc on the Russian rear. Ammo, fuel, troop concentrations, and command and control facilities with brass will suffer greatly. The effect of front line efficiency will show quite quickly.
Problem is Russia has been conquering Ukraine airspace not all but more than 90% , from The past wars all ground force equipment has hard time to survive from attack from enemy aircrafts .The same as germany NAZI at The near end of WW2.
Ukraine will fire these weapons at civilians, like they have been doing since 2014.
ultimately you hillbilly amerikans are feminized cowards—no amount of incompetent toys can protect your impotent lgbt military from defeat
Yeah, Ukrainians had 100s of multiple rockets systems but 10 Murican garbage trucks will force Russia to capitulate 🤣
us trannys advance in Cleveland ghetto—-moron ed pays me 15 rubles to slurp my sperm
are you also employed by CIA? do you prefer slurping NSA sperm?
This is not good at all for Russia.
The deal is you just plug in GPS coordinates and blow up anything you want.
The problem is, these alone are not going to change the war, but these along with NATO+USA intelligence to let Ukraine know where all the hot targets are is going to change the tide in the war.
It will get to the point where any ammo depot, any command center is going to be instantly blown up because the USA has spy satellites, and spies all over the place gathering this information.
This will force Russia to the negotiation table very soon, just watch and see.
Laughable and utterly clueless nonsense.
amerikans are morons–you are proof
This would be the perfect time to tac load a bunch of Tupolevs and carpet bomb the Nazis into the stone age.
I think Nato people are operating these systems,Russian special forces could be a way to track them on the ground and destroy them,i mean how the hell are they even getting into the Country? not in the back of a car.
Almost certainly they have Nato crews or at least Nato officers. It’s not easy to destroy them, they are deep inside Ukr territory tens of kilometers behind the frontline and probably hidden in urban areas and surrounded with friendly troops. But then that’s nothing new, Ukros are massively using MLR systems since day one. There is nothing that HIMARS and M270s are going to drastically change.
IMO the biggest problem is not artillery but reckon drones: Ukros are supplied with incredible number of drones of various sizes and capabilities, even cheap drones could be very effective and difficult to spot. Drones + internet = fairly accurate battlefield info in real time. Then you only direct artillery on enemy positions. And that is a problem for Russians, but it cannot be easily fixed; no matter how many drones they destroy Nato supply Ukr. with more. Same with artillery.
It’s incredibly sad to see so many duped people making ignorant and misguided statements based on MSM propaganda. Russia is kicking the Ukrops, Azov, Aidar, Right Sector as well as the other Nazi groups. The genocide being carried out by Ukraine on its own people with dead in excess of 15,000 many children while the ‘West’ looked and said and did nothing is why Christian Russia will win and all the West is doing is killing more people unnecessarily, many children.
amerikans lesser species….”we are never deceived; we deceive ourselves”. Goethe
Nobody is duped, since HIMARS, Russia is not able to advance and my youtube is flooded with videos about HIMARS blowing up supply depots, command centers, many Russian troops.
Ukraine is basically plugging in GPS coordinates in and blowing up any high value RUssian target.
Russia is also not able to shoot down these missles.
Right now Ukraine is winning, its all over the main stream news, does Russia even have any ammo after all of these huge ammo depots have been blown up?
You are nobody. And your monkey head is flooded with crap. I occasionally watch pro-ukro channels, propaganda bullshit as usual, nothing new or spectacular as you delusional crazy idiot hallucinate. Russian advance, slow as it is for various reasons, is not by any means showered by himars, it’s moronic to even suggest so. So keep spamming bullshit, probably that loser troll hans raus with another moronic nick.
Ed is right. There have been no advances for the Russians and the Ukrainians have been hitting strategic targets.
While we’re saying this, Russia still hasn’t hit a single decision-making centre and are desperately shelling Mykolaiv, Vinnytsia and Kharkov with zero tactical gain.
Also, troops are suffering from low morale after taking Lysichansk because their advance has been atoppee and their back lines are getting hit.
Not saying there will be a counter-attck by the Ukrainians because that is just impossible right now, but this enough to create a stalemate and send Russia to the negotiating table.
As I’m typing this, a negotiating table ia being set up for the middle of next week.
Russia hasn’t developed enough drone capabilites and anything to counter American satellite and observation technology.
Ukrainians have been getting smarter about hiding their NATO supplied weapons and Russia is running out of time because it cannot mobilize enough voluntary soldiers.
They refuse to strike at American surveillance aircraft because they know this will mean all-out war and Putin knows he can’t have that.
This is gonna be challenging.
“Ed” and you are the same clueless and brainless idiot
RobinHood You said “Russia is running out of time because it cannot mobilize enough voluntary soldiers.” This is a blatant lie, there’s hundreds of thousands of active duty Russian troops on standby that never even participated in the initial invasion, this narrative that Russia is running out of troops, supplies and ammo is an unfounded talking point regularly being repeated in the U.S. media. I just don’t understand how anybody thinks Ukraine isn’t fucked in the long run, even if they somehow “win” they’re gonna be in a permanent debt trap that they’ll never be able to pay back. How many successful counter attacks has Ukraine had against Russia so far? There’s no conceivable scenario in which Ukraine successfully claws back all of the territory they lost to Russia, the international community is also seeing Ukrainian war crimes as well because their military is only targeting civilians a lot of the time, not Russia military targets but only civilians.
Ukraine is also doing forced drafts for not only men but women now as well, can the same be said for Russia? This alone should tell you who’s losing more ground troops between the 2 countries.
We can safely assume that the US probably think they will scare Russia off. The Himar system cannot operate alone. To use a GPS guided missiles you need GPS. They promise Kamikaze drones and other sophisticated drones but none yield any results. The Himar is not an automatic system that knows exactly where the target is. Someone needs to program the missile and you can’t hide all the equipment needed. I would say to the US please send them.
I also forgot to mention that within the next month or so, Russia will be doing a referendum for the cities it’s already taken to decide to join Russia or not. In the grand scheme of things, Ukraine is going to permanently lose territory to Russia and that’s all there is to it. Chances are they’ll resort to terrorist attacks when they lose the war like trying to target the Crimean bridge, which is fucking stupid and pointless because Russia already has land access to Crimea with the areas of southern Ukraine already being taken. I hate seeing you people constantly talking about Russia taking territory slowly when it’s a deliberate tactic. Russia can easily defeat Ukraine in a conventional war setting if they want to, the reason Russia didn’t firebomb the fuck out of Kyiv within the first 30 hours of invading is because they’re trying to capture it, not destroy it.
moron amerikan– send a US battalion or US Air Force in ukieland—your humiliation by taliban will seem like the cherry flavored sperm you swallow
Yuri please stop talking bad about Americans, PLEASE!
Ed Theman Don’t agree at all. Cost is not an issue, the west just prints money. If you look carefully Russia is adapting to the envelopes of these anti aircraft missiles and also the battlefield scenario is changing for Anti Tank missiles – there is less cover in an open battlefield with the terrain encountered in eastern Ukraine. Russia is now deploying decoys to suit every layer of Ukraine’s air defence systems. They are also getting valuable real world test and evaluation of western weapon systems, by generally offering the most minimal countermeasure. BTW these rotary decoys are very hard to spot with look down radars when they fly slow at low level, which is an added benefit. The ground has to engage them without that intelligence, and that gives away positions.
Lastly, you outed yourself here when you said “Right now Ukraine is winning, its all over the main stream news, does Russia even have any ammo after all of these huge ammo depots have been blown up?” I’m completely flabbergasted that people like you still only get your news from CNN and the like about this war and then come on here to spew debunked talking points without evidence that Russia is “losing”, sorry but I’m highly skeptical of this bullshit proposition that you have presented here, thank you kindly.
The nato military equipment will be located and destroyed. Wherever it is hidden.
How idiots believe all this shit is beyond me. What kind of Defense Minister constantly tells Russia when they have received new weapons? You guys fall for this shit? Let me guess, you all live on a baby blue clown ball floating in space?
More game changing fancy expensive usa equipments ,which are always sold as “game changing but, Ukraine is losing territory! by eu the way, where will these nazis hide these very large bulky equipment, which can be spotted from a mile???
Just a matter of time until the Russians figure out how to render these new weapons useless. Just like the switchblade and bayraktar drones.
The West/NATO is only helping Russia find countermeasures against their weapons by supplying them to incompetent ukrop monkeys.
Let’s hope Russia finds them and destroys them quickly before they can do any real damage.
Pricy USSAN tax cattle garbage already on the auction block. Rump Ukrops would sell their mothers to khaZar pimps abd frequently do…if they could get half as much for them as their daughters. So there are enough disgruntled rump Ukrop grunts to sell these overpriced canons to Mr Bear at the first opportunity. Let Natostan send all its “Wunderwaffen” for Mr Bear to dismantle and destroy. It makes the road back to USSAN owned Berlin and on to Brussels an easier cruise if it has to come to that
Onward ever faster to Odessa, a Russian city since 1785. Z