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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Is Recruiting Iraqi ‘Volunteers’ To Fight Russian Forces With Promise Of $4,000 Salary (Video)

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Ukraine Is Recruiting Iraqi ‘Volunteers’ To Fight Russian Forces With Promise Of $4,000 Salary (Video)

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Ukraine is trying to recruit Iraqis to fight against Russian forces by promising them a monthly salary of $4,000, the Sabreen News channel on Telegram revealed on March 4.

According to the Iraqi channel, Ukrainian authorities have been using social media networks to reach out to Iraqis with military experience, especially those currently studying or working in Ukraine, since the beginning of the Russian special military operation on February 24.

While Ukrainians authorities are claiming to be looking for “volunteers,” they appear to be searching for experienced mercenaries.

An activist of Sabereen News team contacted one of the numbers which were provided by Ukrainian authorities to Iraqis wishing to join the fight against Russian forces to unveil what was really going on. The activist was asked by an Arabic-speaking individual to submit a “résumé” detailing his military experience and promised him a monthly salary of $4,000 if he was accepted. The channel released a video documenting the call.


Iraq is yet to take action against Ukraine’s attempts to recruit its citizens, despite claims that the Kiev embassy in the Baghdad is directly involved in these attempts.

Ukraine appears to be ramping up its efforts to recruit mercenaries from the Middle East. Recent reports revealed plans by Kiev to recruit Turkish-backed militants from Syria. Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service also warned very recently that the US is preparing to send “terrorists,” who were trained in Syria, to Ukraine.


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I hope Middle Eastern countries get involved and we see PMU and Hezbollah in Europe. Why NATO thinks having Syria and Afghanistan next to Europe will improve their security is hard to understand.


@Club of Info

Please wake up. There are not 2 sides in this game (USA & RU). It’s all one. Both are owned and controlled by the international jewish cabal, the international jewry. They want global chaos and World War. That is the answer for your question Quote: “Why NATO thinks having Syria and Afghanistan next to Europe will improve their security is hard to understand.”

This ia all part of World War 3. It is not a war between Nations, also it is camouflaged like this. No, it is the global power-elite ( which is controlling USA + EU+ RU + CHina and nearly all other countries with Rothschild Central Bank system) fighting against mankind and its natural populations, nations and culture, demographic etc. The aim ist to eradicate large portion of mankind. It is done with different items. Corona-mRNA-poison-injections, poisoning of the air by chemtrails, poison the people through frequencies (5G) and mobilphones etc. Forcefully injecting large amounts of foreigners for example asylumseeker from all over the world into ethnically and demographically stable countries in order to destroy the people there and bring massmurder, civil war and demise to it etc. etc. Hybrid-warfare or talmudic warfare is the name of what is taking place. And now we enter the finishing phase, the last phase of the 3rd World War, the hot one, which is artificially constructed open confrontation of the nuclear superpowers of the earth, to wipe out the rest of the people still living and not injected with the gene-poison.

Plan is to – apart from the jewish masterrace (see speech Ex-Primeminister Menachim Begin) – leave only 500 mio people left on earth, who then will become the miserable genetically degraded slaves (Imps /see also the game Dungeon Keeper) of the new world(dungeon)masters, the jews. Only one religion, and one subhuman mix-race they want to keep alive. All ethnically white people, the jews they want to exterminate them (see: https://bit.ly/35O4kho ), and after m-RNA genocide and the multicultural clashes only a light-negroid intellectually and genetically downgraded mixgrace is wanted, as the slave-race, and above it the jewish-masterrace as rulers of this then “New World” the NWO – NEW/Jew World Order. If you think I am mad, please countercheck everything I just told you, and you’ll see I am not telling lies. Putin, Merkel, Biden etc. are all just small dependend puppets of the real diabolic jewish masterminds https://t.me/ftaolv2/1313 (Rothschild & Chabad Lubawitsch) behind them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sörenson

Russian gov is on the right on this one, tho. The “ukraine” was always a part of Russia.


nazi frizzy–new name, same lies


“by promising them a monthly salary of $4,000”. Only 4k for dying…WOW what a deal, send all g0y and Kurd-zion and Turk-isis. ah, the good old Zion deals. They know they die before they get anything for that matter, that money never would get to their families as well, trust me.


“Check comes in at the end of the month… we swear…”


Yi-yi-yi-yi-yi …heil allah!!


Did they tell them that they need to actually survive for a month for that salary?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Oy vey, shut it down…


“When Amani al-Attar left Dnipro in southeast Ukraine on the second day of the Russian invasion, she thought it would be a matter of hours before she crossed into the safety of neighbouring Poland.” “Instead, the 25-year-old Moroccan student described a harrowing, days-long journey that was riddled with discrimination from Ukrainian soldiers, military volunteers, and ordinary citizens along the way.” It is from Al-Wahhabis-Qatar new network, but the story is true.

Do you really think Ukraine has the money to pay anyone anything? They aren’t KSA or Qatar to pay for far-right/hardcore Wahhabis to fight in Syria or Iraq for them. They have a Zion as their “leader” set by Zion-Yanuqis. Zion-Turk-isis-Yanuqis are there to loot Ukraine, just remember Hunter Biden.

Also, most of them would be used as meat bags for UAF. The word they use says it all, “promised”, ah yes Zion are known for what again?


Oh and bring your own gun and ammunition


McDonald’s pays more and won’t send you home in a carrier bag to your beloved mother


But it is important to remember we are talking about Iraq here not the US or a Western country. The cost of living in the West is higher so are the wages but in Iraq, a person typically earns around 2,050,000 IQD per month, 1398.35 USD.

But you are right, 4k to be used as a meat bag by UAF – that’s a hard way of going out – fighting with Neo-Nazi and Wahhabis, fully knowing Russia going to win anyway. Yeah Nah, they better find some far-right Nazis in the West.


Nazis aren’t known for their bravery. If they were, they wouldn’t be sucking US/EU or their local capitalists’ dick al day long.

Peter Jennings

The only people in Iraq who would be remotely interested in a deal to fight for the NWO in Ukraine, would be the US/nato trained terrorists who still roam the area, and the border with Syria.

Iraqis wouldn’t be seen dead there fighting for the same pricks who ruined their country.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Most Muslims like money better than Allah who has not done a shit since he was created.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps CIAisis away 🤗

Chechen Ukrobot Annihalator

Let them come i will fucken show them what Jihad becomes when Allah and Jesus unite in one nation.

Cyric Vigilius

Ukraine’s neighbours most be loving this. Streets of Bucharest and Warsaw and Budapest just got a lot more dangerous.

Trevor Lorenz

Just as in WWII the best thing for the world and Germans would have been for someone to place a bullet in Hitlers head. Same goes for the poor Russians and Putin. May a independent thinking patriot facilitate this.


They won’t be in Ukraine long before they’re on the train to Sweden

john mason

You want to make sure you get paid well in advance.


toorkys do this in Syria Libya and fail…Russia has stated that any foreign mercenary will not be provided POW status

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