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MARCH 2025

Ukraine, It Was All Written In The Rand Corp Plan. “The U.S. Plan Against Russia Was Formulated 3 Years Ago”

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Ukraine, It Was All Written In The Rand Corp Plan. “The U.S. Plan Against Russia Was Formulated 3 Years Ago”

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Written by Manlio Dinucci. Originally published by GlobalResearch

The strategic plan of the United States against Russia was elaborated three years ago by the Rand Corporation (the manifesto, Rand Corp: how to bring down Russia, May 21, 2019). The Rand Corporation, headquartered in Washington, DC, is “a global research organization developing solutions to policy challenges”: it has an army of 1,800 researchers and other specialists recruited from 50 countries, speaking 75 languages, spread across offices and other locations in North America, Europe, Australia, and the Persian Gulf. Rand’s U.S. personnel live and work in more than 25 countries.

The Rand Corporation, which describes itself as a “nonprofit, nonpartisan organization,” is officially funded by the Pentagon, the U.S. Army and Air Force, national security agencies (CIA and others), agencies in other countries, and powerful non-governmental organizations.

The Rand Corp. prides itself on having helped devise the strategy that enabled the United States to emerge victorious from the Cold War, forcing the Soviet Union to consume its resources in a grueling military confrontation. This model has inspired the new plan elaborated in 2019: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia”, i.e. forcing the adversary to overextend itself in order to unbalance and knock it down.

These are the main lines of attack outlined in the Rand plan, on which the United States has actually moved in recent years.

First of all – the plan establishes – Russia must be attacked on the most vulnerable side, that of its economy strongly dependent on gas and oil exports: for this purpose commercial and financial sanctions must be used and, at the same time, Europe must be made to decrease the importation of Russian natural gas, replacing it with US liquefied natural gas.

In the ideological and informational field, it is necessary to encourage internal protests and at the same time undermine the image of Russia outside.

In the military field, it is necessary to operate so that European NATO countries increase their forces in an anti-Russian function. The US can have high probability of success and high benefits with moderate risks by investing more in strategic bombers and long-range attack missiles directed against Russia. Deploying new intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe aimed at Russia assures them a high probability of success, but also carries high risks.

By calibrating each option to obtain the desired effect – Rand concludes – Russia will end up paying the highest price in the confrontation with the US, but the latter and their allies will have to invest large resources to divert them from other purposes.

As part of that strategy – the Rand Corporation’s 2019 plan predicted – “providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability, but any increase in U.S.-provided weapons and military advice to Ukraine would have to be carefully calibrated to increase costs to Russia without provoking a much larger conflict in which Russia, because of proximity, would have significant advantages.”

It is precisely here – at what the Rand Corporation called “Russia’s greatest external vulnerability point,” exploitable by arming Ukraine in a manner “calibrated to increase costs to Russia without provoking a much larger conflict” – that the rupture occurred. Caught in the political, economic and military stranglehold that the US and NATO increasingly tightened, ignoring Moscow’s repeated warnings and proposals for negotiation, Russia reacted with the military operation that destroyed more than 2,000 military facilities in Ukraine that were actually built and controlled not by Kiev’s rulers but by US-NATO commands.

The article that three years ago reported the Rand Corporation’s plan ended with these words: “The options in the plan are really only variants of the same war strategy, the price of which in terms of sacrifices and risks is paid by all of us”. We European people are paying it now, and we will pay it more and more dearly, if we continue to be expendable pawns in the US-NATO strategy.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

The writings of Manlio Dinucci are subject to censorship by Il Manifesto

Below is Manlio Dinucci’s Response
Ukraine, It Was All Written In The Rand Corp Plan. “The U.S. Plan Against Russia Was Formulated 3 Years Ago”
On March 8, after having briefly published it online (see link), the Manifesto’s editorial staff made the column The Art of War disappear overnight also from the paper edition, because I had refused to comply with the Ministry of Truth’s directive and had asked for a debate on the Ukrainian crisis.
Thus ends my long collaboration with this newspaper, on which for over ten years I published the column.  
A warm greeting to the readers, whom I will continue to inform through other channels.


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Andrey Melnuk's son NOT at the front but in the EU

3 Years Ago? I would say 9 years ago to be more precise


None of these are accurate. The overarching strategy was nicely encapsulated by Brzezinski in “the Grand Chessboard” almost thirty years ago: prevention of the rise of a rival to US power on the Eurasian land-mass. That fit right in with the “Arc of Crisis” strategy of firing up the Moslems on the southern borders of the USSR which was launched in the summer of 1979, meaning the plan itself predates that by some time. There is little to distinguished Ukrainian nationalism from radical Islam, so the Ukrainian project fit the bill for an escalation of the “arc of crisis”. The Grand Chessboard business itself stems from the previous British failed hegemon. Mackinder clearly spelled out the requirement for the maritime hegemon to control both east and west ends of the Eurasian landmass, and to do that required control of the “heartland”. The 2019 Rand flatus is just the latest version of Mackinder’s strategy.


Yup Clyde, you nailed it, I have seen this for decades, and have awaited it to happen and it did, I didnt expect it, to be frank because I knew Russia was everything but week, and their Military capasity is and have always been formidable. I have dampen my critics of Putin in that sense that they knew obviously more than what we know, but its always been in the open. I hope people suports South F.


You nailed it !! cap down !!

Edgar Zetar

Great comment Clyde.

John Smith

Excellent comment & all true. I would add Ziggy is from Poland, Tri-Lateral Commission, ran the Carter admin, set up the Current SES COG program in 79’. Between Two Ages, Putin’s not giving up his Black Sea Fleet in Crimea which he needs to get to Tartus base in Syria.




Where ya bean?


Go back to your cave mate !! Don’t come our until you read at least a 100 books in history of Russia !!


”Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure Satanism. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.” ~ Vladimir Putin (Source)


Edgar Zetar

Agree with you but NOT when you mentioned Jesus Christ … Jesus was a naive man who thank to him give the Rabines the great oportunity to disguise as Christians Fathers to spread their governance over masses… in the IV century by decrees they raise the figure od Jesus to a God Level. In the WEST the Bible was the book chosen on how to do Civilization from scratch in every conquered land. Religion is controlled by Church Institutions… if you put Religion on reverse, on how bad they do over the centuries and the millions of people they killed in the name of Jesus Christ its quite easy to understand that Jesus Christ never existed… Religion its all about mass manipulation and if you dont believe in Christ they just kill you on his name until recently… from IV Century until XIX century if you say something against Christ the Churches would kill you for sure.

Boxwood tree

Edgar Zetar,

That is because the Jews got hold of the church early on. If you remember correctly, the Eternal Father told the serpent in the garden, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between her seed and thy seed. She will crush thy head and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. Jesus, and his Christian faithful, is the seed of the woman, the Virgin Mary. The seed of the serpent who is/are he/they. I think they are the Jew. Remember what Simeon said upon the presentation of Jesus in the Jewish temple that he (Jesus) would be for the rise and fall of many in Israel and for a sign that would be contradicted. I believe that sign was that the Jewish hierarchy was wrong.

Boxwood tree

Let’s pin it down a little further. John 8:44, Jesus said to the Jews, “You are of your father the devil and the will of your father you will do. He was a MURDERER from the beginning and he stood not in the truth because truth is not in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own because he is a liar and the father thereof.”

The Jews are in control of everything through their control of the purse strings of the world. They have purchased their control through their control of the world’s money.


Stop trying to blame this on the Jews. You have to see things in the context, and you clearly don’t seem to understand what is actually going on. Granted, many jews are atheists, but to pin evil on them is just incorrect.

Who are the evil ones? Well, who runs this world and how? And do it so?

The whole jew thing is just distracting you from reality. And the quote you made have to be understood in context, a context you and many others clearly don’t understand.

Andrey Melnyk's son NOT at the front but in the EU

Andrey Melnyk’s son NOT at the front but enjoying party life in the EU


George Orwell knew it: “All are equal. But some are more equal.”

This is never the case in any war no matter what side. It is allways the children of the lower classes dieing in wars to benefit the higher classes.

Romanian whore

What can be said about those RAND morons ? They treat Russia like Congo or any other powerless afrikan state not like the FIRST nuclear power in the world capable to erase Terra 9 times alone. A syphilitic patient have more brains than those Soros funded asshole wankers. They believe Russia will never use them but they are very wrong. The 22 october ww2 Odessa romanian HQ blast when a party of suicide russian partisans emerged from the catacombs and blast themselves together with almost all the romanian HQ staff + a lot of other german nazi officers tell nothing to RAND imbeciles. Russia ALWAYS had a ‘dead man hand’ strategy and will not allow anybody to suppress its sovereignty even with the price of own destruction.


Putin has been building destroyers since 2005. His fleet is vast!


There is one very minor problem with the Rand’s plan. The article states:

“First of all – the plan establishes – Russia must be attacked on the most vulnerable side, that of its economy strongly dependent on gas and oil exports: for this purpose commercial and financial sanctions must be used and, at the same time, Europe must be made to decrease the importation of Russian natural gas, replacing it with US liquefied natural gas.”

Yet, since 2021, the US has shut down pipelines, drilling, mining, i.e. energy production under the delusion of saving the planet with green energy. The logical question is:

“If the US is producing much less energy in 2023 then in 2020, with current moratoriums on energy production, where is the US liquified natural gas going to come from?”


Huh? “The previous natural gas production record in December 2019 was essentially tied in December 2021, but average monthly production this year has exceeded all other years. In fact, average 2021 monthly production of 2.85 Tcf beat the previous 2019 average monthly record of 2.82 Tcf. However, the monthly average through the first half of 2022 was even higher at 2.89 Tcf.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/09/25/us-natural-gas-production-sets-a-new-record-but-dont-expect-relief-on-your-heating-bills/?sh=27876aff15f4


Rand corporation, the British crown corporation City-D.C.-Vatican ultimately subjugates every decent person on this planet.

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

Nope, not Crown. Crown kicked them out.

It is company, not corporation. Correct name is British East India Company. What country is flying their flag?

While Brussels is trying to be Dutch West India Company.


The great theorists Mckinder and Brzezinski, of the creation of the American empire ………….. have not been right once! Rand Corporation can predict what it wants, the fact is that the twilight empire is at an end. The forces of evil never had the ability and intelligence to emerge victorious…….. so they are losers.


Rand should write a piece on how to soften the inevitable collapse of the US and how to avoid US polarization from turning into civil war.

50% of the US pretty much stands ready to bring down Washington DC and re-establish the constitutional US. Any major conflict will become a major issue for the US.


In light of this document everyone in the US/EU/UK must now view themselves also as victims to be used up in this useless cause by these few psychopaths that have captured their governments who seem willing to sacrifice everyone and not just Ukrainians in their personal scheme of world government.


Over here in Europe we are ruled by traitors to our nations who act on behalf of a foreign nation (the US). In times past these kind of crimes carried the death penalty.

There is less opposition in Europe than in the US, but once people realize how brainwashed they have been by the traitors and their agents, I think Europe will be far more united than the United States.


These think tankers are funded my military companies and the “government of the US” follow it to the end. Do you think Biden can still think? That old ape can’t even talk anymore.

Both party in the US are bought by big companies and what big companies love to do? Make money. Now you know most of those companies make? Weapons. How would they make more sells? Wars.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345
USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Victoria Nuland planned to “FUCK EU!” long time ago by the same direction.


The Russian mentality is to give the morons the option to honour agreements. Do not think that the Russian mentality will appease the morons. However, i would ensure the morons pay dearly, and not allow the option to refer to past agreements.


This will end when RUSSIA decides to END IT, they will deliver an ULTIMATUM to the NAZI USA saying surrender in NAZI UKRAINE or your NAZI USA HOMELAND WILL EVAPORATE FROM HYPERSONIC NUKES which the NAZI USA or anyone else DOES NOT HAVE AN ANSWER TO. Russia WILL launch if they Russia deem it necessary to END THIS ON THEIR TERMS, and NAZI USA will simply CEASE TO EXIST. =Z=


Yet, the idiot in Kremlin, aka Putin did nothing to reduce its dependency on the west, nor did he destroy Ukraine when it was disintegrating back in 2014.

The only thing he keeps doing is crying and whining that he was fooled.


Rand Corp + ISIS !! Its a terrorism planning at its best !! Some secret services be that of Russia or China should consider taking these people out of business !!


“3 Years ago”???… It was preordained after Yugoslavia was destroyed 30 years ago… And the CIA and Mossad were in Chechnya looking for “new recruits”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Hasn’t really worked out for em and not likely to. Russia has really smart people in it and if they have to they will make the ukraine flat and lifeless to prevent installation of a NATO nuclear missile base in their back yard. What’s more, asia seems to be generally declaring its independence from the west. And, they have nookers. Fighter jets. Bombers. Computers. Smart people. And some other stuff.

Isser Harel

If Russia is destroyed then the Son of Man will return and those responsible for this Cult of Death will be given their Just comeuppance. These criminals have committed crimes against humanity upon the whole world and upon the Creation itself. We shall find out if the bible is right or whether the satanic freemasons shall win. My faith is in our creator.


freemasons and their grandmaster (satan) are pulling all tricks they can and final countdown is well underway….. their time is very limited and they need to rush…


I’m pretty sure Russia knows what it’s up against and what it needs to do


Well, despite what westerners might think, wishful thinking doesn’t bend reality. You can think something is so, and it becomes so just from you thinking it.

That is, the western iron fist of lies and propaganda directed at our own people will not do anything, nor change anything. The only real outcome of it is in the bending of the will of the victims of the propaganda. And I think if/when they realize they have been had for fools by the tyrants who rule us, then the consequences will be extremely severe. That’s just to say the risks outweights the benefit.

But for those who think wishful thinking does bend reality, combined with the will of the people, the benefit might seem bigger than the risk. But that has something to do with the occult basis of those concepts and the tyrants who rule us.



Captain Hohol

Hillary Clinton was beating the war drum screeching about wanting to go to war with Russia back in 2016, and all the democrats did nothing to criticize her.

Hating Russia is going to become a thing for leftists and will force non-neocon conservatives to take an opposing position on the basis that it is a dangerous and futile endeavor.

For the last six years the only idiotic criticism I’ve ever heard from idiot westerners about Russia is leftists bitching about gays and their lack of privilege in Russia.

This is what the left will go to war for, and this is why civil war will start in the U.S well before the U.S is ready or able to do anything to Russia.


“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Robert Burns

Paul Citro

The fig leaf is off. Now Russians know who their real enemies are and can choose their friends more wisely.


It’s all about the shekels.

WT Baker

Sure that may be news to some so why not go back to Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri on March 5,1946?

Last edited 2 years ago by WT Baker
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