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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Lost More Than 66, 000 Servicemen In Three Months Of Counteroffensive – Russian MoD

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Ukraine Lost More Than 66, 000 Servicemen In Three Months Of Counteroffensive - Russian MoD

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On September 5, the head of the Russian Ministry of Defence summed up the interim results of the Ukrainian counteroffensive which began three months ago but led to no significant victories.

Russian Defence Minister claimed that the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive, amounted to more than 66 thousand servicemen. The AFU also lost more than 7.5 units of military equipment.

The most tense situation remains on  the Zaporozhye direction, which is the main direction of rhe Ukrainian counteroffensive. The Russian Defence Minister confirmed that the Ukrainian military command brought the brigades from the strategic reserve into battles in the Zaporozhie region. These units were trained under the guidance of Western instructors. The units claimed by the Russian military official likely include the notorious 82nd Brigade of the AFU. Numerous reports from the front confirmed that forces of the AFU deployed on the Zaporozhie frontlines are also armed with the heavy military equipment from NATO and include a lot of foreign fighters.

However, the Russian Defence Minister claimed that significant damage was caused to these units.

Regarding the results of the AFU counteroffensive, Shoigu expressed the opinion that the Ukrainian army failed to achieve its goals in any of the directions.

“The Ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to demonstrate to Western curators at least some success of offensive actions in order to further receive military and economic assistance, which only delays the conflict,” he said.

The Russian Defence Minister stressed the terrorist strategy of the Kiev regime. Ukrainian militants attack civilian targets and pass off these terrorist attacks as military victories, trying to hide the failure of the offensive.

In their turn, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to destroy the military infrastructure of Ukraine, 34 command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been hit in a month. Over a month, more than 1,000 Ukrainian drones, 159 HIMARS MLRS shells, and 13 cruise missiles were shot down.


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yes, sergei we know 6+6=11…and ruzzia lost 660000 mean in 3 days…ahahahahaha


hehe the orc made another alias to help cope with the fact that the only challenger ever to be deployed in combat got destroyed before firing a single shot 🤣🤣🤣


2000 t-series tanks already destroyed…by the way what is armata doing? again limping back to factory? ahahahahaha


its russia* and by they way, nothing of this makes sense, just one thing makes sense and its that you are pulling information out of your ass. nato bot 300 debunked.


that’s what ruzzian morons are doing all the time

Ali Bongo

even though some information coming from rt and other sources is sketchy, the russian mod is extremely conservative about casualty reports. they never adjust up, they exercise restraint on that front. so assuming the tuvan is correct (i have my own issues with his performance and conflicting interests) this is one horrible truth you have to swallow.


the truth is loser ruzzia is fucked up

Ali Bongo

look, i don’t rate shoigu at all. how on earth they have gone from being in striking distance of kiev to bogged down in a 2 year trench war is beyond me. but the ukelele death toll is just insane. there has to be a way out of this for each nation without external interference.


after the 100th failed game changer it’s time to give up




for stupid ruzzian mobiks…smo is lost cause

Adam Kafei

“the afu also lost more than 7.5 units of military equipment.” i think this needs another proof reading.

Guy Metdrapedes

7,500 i believe.


albanian prime minister told a joke about putin and prigozhin. the joke caused laughter from those present and they couldn’t stop, even after 10 minutes.

“the prime minister goes to putin and says, ‘there’s a problem. i called xi jinping to wish him a happy new year, but he told me that they are still having an old year.” and putin replies: “yes, this happened to me too. i called prigozhin’s family to express my condolences, but his plane had not yet taken off” rama said.


tak 66 000 hm … to by šlo. to je už ozaj poriadna žatva. a koľko ranených musí byť na tých mŕtvych. počíta sa pomer 1 ku 3. to znamená, že stratili jednu celú komplet armádu. a to iba za leto.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno Brasil

505 soldados ucranianos mortos em 05 de setembro de 2023. ucrânia mais débil e derrotada finalmente.

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