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Ukraine: NATO in the Constitution

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Written by Manlio Dinucci; Submited via Global Research

The day after the signature of NATO’s membership protocol with North Macedonia as its 30th member, Ukraine did something without precedent: it included in its Constitution the engagement to enter officially into NATO and the European Union at the same time.

Ukraine: NATO in the Constitution

On 7 February, on a proposition by President Petro Poroshenko – the oligarch who made himself rich by plundering public properties, and who is once again a candidate for the presidency – the Kiev parliament, by 34 votes to 35 with 16 abstentions, approved these amendments to the Constitution.

The Introduction pronounces “the irreversible movement of Ukraine towards Euro-Atlantic integration”; articles 85 and 116 state that it is a fundamental duty of the parliament and the government to “obtain Ukraine’s full membership of NATO and the EU”; article 102 stipulates that “the President of Ukraine is the guarantor of the strategic decisions of the State aimed at obtaining full membership of NATO and the EU”.

The inclusion in the Ukrainian Constitution of the engagement to enter officially into NATO bears with it some very serious consequences.

On the interior, it alienates the future of Ukraine from this choice, by excluding any alternative, and outlaws de facto any party or person who might oppose the “strategic decisions of the state”. Already, the Central Electoral Commission has forbidden Petro Simonenko, director of the Ukrainian Communist Party, to participate in the Presidential elections to be held in March.

The merit for having introduced into the Ukrainian Constitution the engagement to enter officially into NATO goes in particular to Parliamentary President Andriy Parubiy. Co-founder in 1991 of the Ukrainian National-Socialist Party, on the model of Adolf Hitler’s National-Socialist Party; head of the neo-Nazi paramilitary formations which were used in 2014 during the putsch of Place Maïdan under US/NATO command, and in the massacre of Odessa; head of the Ukraine National Security and Defense Council, which, with the Azov Battalion and other neo-Nazi units, attacked Ukrainian civilians of Russian nationality in the Eastern part of the country and used his squadrons for acts of ferocious abuse, the plunder of political headquarters and other auto-da-fés in a truly Nazi style.

On the international level, we should keep in mind that Ukraine is already linked to NATO, of which it is a partner: for example, the Azov Battalion, whose Nazi character is represented by the emblem copied from that of the SS unit Das Reich, has been transformed into a special operations regiment, equipped with armoured vehicles and trained by US instructors from the 173rd Airborne Division, transferred to Ukraine from Vicence, and seconded by other NATO members.

Since Russia has been accused by NATO of having illegally annexed Crimea, and of launching military operations against Kiev, should Ukraine officially join NATO, the 30 other members of the Alliance, on the basis of article 5, would be obliged to “assist the party or parties under attack by adopting immediately, individually and in agreement with the other parties, any action that it should deem necessary, including the use of armed force”.

In other words, they would have to go to war with Russia.

These dangerous implications of the modification of the Ukrainian Constitution – behind which are most certainly strategies by the USA and NATO – have been met with political and media silence. Including that of the Italian parliament, which, in 2017 established an agreement with the Ukrainian parliament, supported by Laura Boldrini and Andriy Parubiy. Thus cooperation has been reinforced between the Italian Republic, born of resistance against fascism and Nazism, and a régime which has created in Ukraine a situation similar to that which brought about the arrival of fascism in the 1920’s and Nazism in the 1930’s.

This article was originally published on Il Manifesto. Translated by Pete Kimberley.

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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>>Since Russia has been accused by NATO of having illegally annexed Crimea, and of launching military operations against Kiev, should Ukraine officially join NATO, the 30 other members of the Alliance, on the basis of article 5, would be obliged to “assist the party or parties under attack by adopting immediately, individually and in agreement with the other parties, any action that it should deem necessary, including the use of armed force”<<

Exactly why this is NOT going to happen. Just like why Georgia is not in NATO. NATO countries are not that stupid. This is why in the past the colonies of the European NATO countries were not included into NATO territory, otherwise all the members would be dragged into every colonial brush war.


However in the past the effort was to avoid war, but now is seeking war. Ukraine is “Little Russia”, this sovereign interference becomes mindlessly dangerous.


People say the US is seeking war, but I have yet to see any evidence that any leader in Europe is seeking war. If only because A: European armies are basically non-existent, so there is nothing to fight with, and B: such a war would mean the end of Europe, cause nukes.

And you can say but, yeah its the deep state/rothschild/DA JEWZ who want this, but there is no money to made with nuclear war. There’s lots of money to be made with conventional war bombing 3rd world countries back into the stone age, but seeing all your assets wiped out because the Russians nuked London and Wall Street, and an EMP wiped out all your digital money, no, I fail to see the profit in that. Paper money and gold are useless in a post-WW3 apocalyptic world, because the real currency then will be food, tools and knowledge.

Titel Gogurion


Jens Holm



Is it true that Belorussia wants to solve many problems with Russia quickly otherwise they will fly with wind?

Jens Holm

The problem is none seemes able to solve anything. Both sides are totally infected. A good solution seen between Denmark and German after WW1 was voting about the areas with misted german/danes.

We did and had peace and understanding until Hitler had to use Denmark as stepstone for Norway. Even so we were treated very well until 1943 and because of that.

So the 2-3 Counties given to Ukraine in 1956 should be allowed and repsected to come home to Russia. Krimera is a trade thing. It never was Ukraine. So Ukraine should have compensation for that trade.

Easy – isnt it.

I have asked them several times – no answer…

The Farney Fontenoy

Macedonia is entirely Greek-recognition of “North Macedonia” is treason. Correct name is ‘Lesser Yugoslavia’.

Jens Holm

When Serbia took Macedonia in 1913 there was not a single Serb in it. So much for that in Balkan war 2,


So basically they are declaring in their constitution that they will for ever be a pupet state to NATO-CIA. We know there are a whole lot of Ukranian neonazis over there which explains some of this attitude but are the rest of the Ukranians no different …?

Jens Holm

They – and only some of them – say INTENSIONS TO. And Nato will say no.

We know there are about 3 groups and those are nazi look a like. The others fx are old commies.

But all 3 are just copies of Russia and more like mafiosa mode. Dont forget the rest is not better. Ukraine hasnt improved since it got independent and has gone worse in economics.

What a waste for the normal Ukrainians.

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