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MARCH 2025

Ukraine On The Verge Of Debt Collapse

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Ukraine On The Verge Of Debt Collapse

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Western constant sending of money to Kiev will have a serious side effect.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

In recent months, many Western countries have offered financial assistance to Kiev, with billions of dollars and euros being sent to assist in the purchase of weapons and military equipment to be used against Russian forces. For the Western media, such aid is a “humanitarian effort”, and for Ukrainian propaganda it is an “example of cooperation between Ukraine and the West”. But none of this is real. It is just simple business. Kiev is taking loans it will have to pay back in the future. And, certainly, payment will only be possible at the expense of a major inflationary crisis.

One of the largest global risk analysis agencies, Moody’s Corporation, recently issued a report in which it downgraded Ukraine’s credit score from Caa2 to Caa3, which corresponds to “poor” or “high risk”. At the same time, the agency’s perspective on the credit situation in Ukraine changed from “under review” to “negative”, with expectations of significant deterioration in the short term.

Among the justifications for such classification, the agency emphasized the widespread debt situation that the country is currently in. Loans recently taken by Kiev from Western countries as a result of the military conflict have now reached a highly worrying level, which precludes the existence of any optimistic expectation of rapid economic and social recovery. The company predicts that Kiev’s debt will jump from 49% of the national GDP – last year’s rate – to 90% in 2022, forming an absolutely catastrophic scenario in the coming months.

In fact, Western loans are acting as an important form of aid in the immediate purchase of military material, which allows Ukraine to continue fighting for an extended period of time, despite the zero chances of victory. The problem, however, is that the constant taking of loans is creating an unsustainable debt for the Ukrainian economy, which will result in default.

This scenario aggravates a series of previous factors that were already harming the country’s economy. Ukraine was already in debt for almost half of its GDP before Moscow launched the special operation. Now, with the general costs of the current conflict, there are already estimates by the World Bank in economic losses around 45% of the country’s GDP. Furthermore, with the current situation, the Ukrainian government has lost a considerable part of its tax revenue. Adding all this to the current loans, there really does not seem to be any good expectations in the economic area in Ukraine, regardless of the outcome of the military conflict.

Recently, the G7 announced a new aid program for Ukraine, which includes several billion-dollar packages sent by each of its members. The public objective of the measure, this time, is to “save” the Ukrainian economy, not just to encourage militarization. However, the practice of offering loans is maintained on a large scale. Donations to Kiev, although existing, are few and of low value – as, for example, the recently announced German donation of one billion euros. In general, loans remain the norm, both for immediate aid and for long-term macroeconomic recovery planning. Obviously, the propaganda effect of this is immense, both for Zelensky and his allies. But the seriousness of the real situation cannot be ignored by analysts: Ukraine will not have enough money to pay for all this.

If Russia ended its special operation today, the result would be a Ukraine militarily defeated, politically disorganized and economically indebted, dependent on constant Western aid – which would result in new debts, in an endless cycle. The best way to handle the situation is through a formal surrender on the part of Zelensky, accepting the peace conditions demanded by Moscow, and initiating negotiations for the restructuring of the country. With a neutral and demilitarized Ukraine, there would be possibilities for cooperation with both Russia and the West for economic reconstruction. But, apparently, this is not the desire of the Ukrainian president and his team.

The most likely scenario is that Russia will be forced at some point to increase the intensity of the operation to achieve its objectives of neutralization, demilitarization, and sovereignty for Donbass, which will make Kiev leave the conflict in a much more disadvantageous situation and much more economically dependent on the West. Post-special operation Ukraine will only be able to pay off its debt in the long term, after successive renegotiations, and through a large tax rise and inflationary crisis, with the final consumer being punished for the mistakes made by the Kiev Junta.

In the same way that the UK only paid off its debts to the US for reconstruction after WWII in the 2000s, Kiev will face long times of debt in the coming decades. And this may be even worse if this “aid” – which only benefits Western creditors themselves – is not cut now.


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The Jews funnel money to their NGO’s and Zelensky white washes billions more in the name of “war” while dumb Ukrainian fighters and western mercenaries go in and throw their lives away.


Better to surrender as a coward and live when being run by Jews than dying for them.


I wouldn’t call it being a coward, more like just having common sense, not being a tool and a fool.

jens holm

Ukras certainly has not showed being cowards.

They are runned by an elected Ukraine President. Thats no Jew. Its a citicen just like the nazis there.

Planting Ukrops in the Garden

Your posts get dumber and dumber by the day.


I agree. Ukranians are not cowards. Their leadership however is just doing what the USA tells them. They don’t care for their own people.


Not a single Jew should be allowed in administration of any country aside from Israel. Besides – all properties of every last jewish oligarch should be nationalized all around the globe to destroy fake democracy run by oligarchs and their manipulative media.

Regarding Ukrainians – their courage is used against their nation for the sake of Jewish global tyranny. So better call it suicidal stupidity.

Truth Hurts

The USA Consulate in Kiev has picked all high ranking Ukrainian public officials since 2014. And that includes who they will ALLOW to run campaign for President. Since 2014 Ukrainian has entirely been run from the USA Consulate in Kiev.

jens holm

Not everyone is like you.


22 век


Idiots believe nazi propagandas and die as idiots.


The evidence proves the only idiots whom died a dozen fold are they whom believed in degenerate homosexuals like you,bio lab loveth fascist punkass on suicide watch,pfft!


Surrender to the russians aint being a coward but rather the priviledge,churchills just a wanker!

jens holm

Only eveil propganda. NOt even a kind of comment. Much as bad stomach and the rest is not well as well.

White trash parade in its best.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

A majority of African and Arab Muslims in Denmark is probably your big dream.

You can also convert to avoid special tax when sharia law is introduced.

Becomes a win win situation for you.

AFU - a house of cards.....

After getting a good look at the Danes, I’d say that’d be an improvement.

Planting Ukrop

He’s one of yours though. One of Zelensky’s best.

FUCk illuminati

you literally never make sense… you type words together, that do not make sense

AFU - a house of cards.....

He’s probably a bot that’s put together from ukranazi snot.

1488 was the year of locusts and locos

Is that name for real? Why aren’t you fighting for Zelensky then?

Planting Ukrops in the Garden

I saw a video one of those dumbass azov fighters being searched. When he dropped his pants, he had 14 tattooed on one ass cheek and 88 tattooed on the other.

God was playing a serious joke on the world when he planted Ukrainians here.

Planting Ukrops in the Garden

You sound just like one of those dumb Ukrainian fighters though, probably with the tattoos to match.


Grow up.

flush goes the nation

Its more than just the Jews a lot more the western corruption is out of control. Its a multitude of corrupt, compromised, bribed, people of a lot of faiths and its sickening.

Truth Hurts

Meanwhile in USA Senator Paul Rand is criticized by MSM (meaning media owning Jew oligarchs) for asking why there is NO oversight committee to review what the Kiev Gang will spends ANY of this money on!!! Just $100 Billion handed over to a wildly corrupt Regime with no strings attached. That is a MASSIVE public money laundering scheme cooked up by USA Deep State Gang and its client Kiev Gang.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts

You are wise.

Rodney Loder.

The EU is said to be going guarantor for Ukraine, the corporate farmers are the owners of the farms probably these companies will sellout to EU or US corporate bodies for next to nothing.

jens holm

You has no knowledge for what farming is in Ukraine. I will not try to explaon much for You.

But the farms You mention has no values for those who lives there and own them. They have had the land for 30 years and still has not organized it, so at least they can grow the land in the Russian way.

They are raised to be non deciding poor lazybums.

If Danish farmers by help of the Danish Goverment send in experts and even machine for good plans. its not possible to follow those plans. People cant even go to work by the hour. Thye dont understand that work is rewarded after what You do or dont at all.

I will remind You China also need food and has bought land there.

The reasons are the same for EU farmers. You can make much more grow there cheeper.

Its exacty the same for most of the Oligac farmers. The dont produce much and many lives in vlllages hardly doing anything. No jobs are created.

Its no use to try to blame us from EU for those traditions in minds and morale made by USSR and all its stupidities.

Planting Ukrops in the Garden

So, now all you have to do is teach Zelboy how to raise his million man army from all the dead ukrops being planted.

And to think, all he had to do was follow UNSC Res. 2202. Hindsight, man it’s a bitch sometimes.


Вся промышленность Запада в Азии. 21 век это век Азии. Запад хочет владеть АЗИЕЙ на 100 процентов. Азия хочет быть независимой.


They cannot guarantee anything for Ukraine, for what? EU would pay off the American debts for almost $62+ billions if they default and cannot pay it off? They are not that stupid either. Don’t forget that they also loaned billions collectively to Ukraine. They’re in no position to “guarantee” anything, as they cannot. First of all, those farms you talk about are all located in the East and parts of Central Ukraine, where they grow wheat, barley and all of those crops. Ukraine we know it on the global map would not exist by the end of this war. All because of these these crooked Presidents in the past 8 years who do nothing but be a puppet of the US Democrats of Obiden administrations and been attacking people in the East and South in the name of Nationalism while they were hard core Nazis with white supremacist believes. Don’t forget that these two Republics have already separated winning 90% of vote to separate, even Mariupol it was more than half voted to separate, yet the West (especially the US) did not approve their independence. And there’s nothing that justifies them not to approve these Referendums under Democracy and international laws. But the US doesn’t approve? Lol Look at Taiwan, that is a hardcore rebel state of China, but conveniently the US is backing up the Separatist rebel state Taiwan against China. The US cannot be any more corrupt than any other countries in the entire world, and their dirty doings need to be punished very soon. Ha, they are crumbling anyways inside out due to their corruptions and lack of sane leadership in the US. Any time now they would be nothing but empty meaningless shell and Khama would catch them real soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by RedKitten
steohan williams

This was the plan all along… Depopulate Ukraine while forcing the country into debt slavery…forcing them to pay for their own extermination.

I wonder who might be behind this monstrously criminal act…Hmmmmm….

Gimmee a minute…

jens holm

A minute. You should be reborn and raised into knowledge.


Either it came with birth or it doesn’t,you certainly don’t have it,but as a bbc/cnn anchor,for sure!

AFU - a house of cards.....

a minute more. You should be raised by your ankles and beaten senseless by the residents of the Donbass like a pinche puke-filled pinata for supporting fascist baby killers.


And letting them be Nazis while Jews march them to their deaths against a more powerful foe. Who didn’t see this coming? I know. Non Antisemites.


Let this be a cautionary tale. Don’t let Jews run your country or they’ll instigate unnecessary wars, run up the debt and flood your country with third world people while promoting homosexuality and transgenderism. Wait a minute. I live in America and the same thing is happening here.

jens holm

Jews dont run that country as well. If some 100.000 run up to 44 millions those 43.900.0000 deserve it.

They elected Zelimsky because he was the best Ukraine for the job. Its the same for their parlament where nazis not even are represented. How can those Nazis run it too.

So the nazis har curly hair or what ???

The problem for is which they dont like. Thats Your kind. You are OUT. FINITI. KAPUTINSKY


You better take a look at the Biden administration. It’s like a synagogue there. Many of the key positions are held by jews.

Truth Hurts

USA Democratic Party: Here’s Chucky!…and his even more scary off-sider…the corruptest insider trader of all time, the San Fran horror show that is Nancy! The Dem-ZOG Congress.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts

You cant have one without the other there,all neo-liberals of this century are sodomised fascists! Denying the fact does not nor ever will work,it will only make you personally dumber than dumb!

Rick Jefferson

Zelensky was elected as a peace candidate who would stop the war that was being waged against the new Republics in the east. He confronted the Uke-nazis and told them to lay down their weapons. They laughed at him and told him to get lost. He cried like a baby and ran away with his tail between his legs. The nazis and US own him and most everyone knows it.


Евреи это самая умная нация среди других. Евреи не виноваты в ситуации в мире. Евреи знают, как жить в мире на планете.


I could argue to you on this one. India have had its own culture and illuminated beings also Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia. Every culture develops its owns illuminated beigns according to his own culture and traditions… Also the G0ds plays a role on every culture, the G0ds who are in favor of mens and also the others G0ds who protects nature and living things on earth, those G0ds hate modern days men’s because we’re against their creation. The universe is full of spirits and G0ds its a shame our advanceds civilizations only haves Monoteistic Imperial Religions that only want to slave us all and achieve the uniformity of mankind and traditions and cultures and races…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar ZETAR

It helps to vote them out of power,insomuch as destroying the disease scamdemic sure helps too.

hans raus

,,Russia’s economy is imploding. We forecast a GDP collapse of -30% by end-2022. Russia has stopped publishing data, but our tracking of exports from 20 countries to Russia give a clue. Those exports are down over -50% in April 2022 from a year ago”

Putin is 5D chess player

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
steohan williams

Really, Hans?

Last edited 2 years ago by steohan williams
jens holm

Not yet. He hope so. I do too.

stephan williams

Really, Hans??? That’s all you’ve got? heh heh heh

jens holm

Yes, its not yet. It a long term.


Long term, Europe living on stale WWI crackers and singing yankee doodle and begging, where’s your cookie lady?. We hungry here, boss.

Edgar Zetar

You can be the best 5D Chess player and win on one against one match but if you are in a four player 5D chess game and have the other three players attacking you, you can only play defense and will lost at the end because a three direction 5D attacks, unless you can expand and add players to help you out


Россия это лучший шахматист в мире в прошлом и настоящем. Потому что сильное государство.

Edgar Zetar

And also the main Allies and West objetive is to have in Russia a new Perestroika, so Russian military would be forced from inside to lay down all their weapons and become Democracy on a Western Style and you known what will be the next objective after the West achieves this main objective in Russia. I dont like Davos, WEF, Great Reset, 2030 and human “metaverse slavery”, so please Russia be strong and be wise to overcome this madness they are casting against your land citizens and Goverment

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

“Western style” democracy? aka- government owned by the corporate and other economic elites. America- the Derek Chauvin of nations…

Edgar Zetar

Western style democracy where you sell and export all your resources to almost nothing and get in exchange a Hegel Philosophy Dual Goverment always in crisis, also get an open society were secrets sects elites and evil groups could achieve anything they want over your innocent citizens… where you send the best of your people to foreign lands to work in the lowest level of EU USA UK societies, there are plenty of things to discover if you want to dig under Western Style Democracies. Its like the XX XXI century soft power slavery… and next they would get us all inside the “metaverse” so humans would be flesh slaves mind controlled and their souls would be sleeping for milleniums until our flesh and body wouldnot resist the metaverse slavery anymore and even the Masters of this would be extinct by then, no even their corrupt science could save them and achieve salvation of mens, the heaven would be empty and only IA and machines would survive at the end of the times.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
jens holm

I hardly know any here in the west I am aware of, which expect democrasy in ussia. peopel not evne know what it is.

The hopes are Russia inside itself can put running things to many more people. If those are not good, they as routine should be able to replace them to something better.

West is like that. We are mainly doing well. Too often its 5 steps forwrds and sometime 4 back almost to start all over again.

But we can. The results are very visible compared to many other systems or lack of systems. One brain in the top is not a clever solution unless its in Emirate seize.


Jens Holms… Buddy, i don’t want to argue to you, please give us a gesture of goodwill, write your comments on a paper, then lay down on the floor and next put your paper comments inside your as*


Russian imports are down too. Their exports are less but the price of said exports are more.


Russia imports down what would you expect their sanctioned from half the world because of USA sanctions which mean you sell or buy from Russia we will sanction you too. ( Though we will make exceptions for products we can’t buy anywhere else ). Oil , Gas , Wheat, Uranium, Rocket engines, Neon, Precious metals, fertilizer ………

But if one shop refuses to sell to you, in the long term Russia will buy what they need from China, Russia, Brazil, India, or make it themselves.

jens holm

I dont see its visible yet.

Its very much about their ability to compensate what and when and how long.


56 rub to 1 dolla,russia has a strong future,much stronger than us/eugeddons hyperinflation vax.

Last edited 2 years ago by SOROS THE ASKENAZI GOY:

Just look at the exchange rate of the Russian currency you dimwit. What a bunch of crap you wrote. None of that is true. So pathetic.

Every time one of you useless morons can’t handle reality, you spew some lies in here. Must be a pretty crappy day to see all those unfortunate Ukies getting slaughtered like pigs. Word of warning … brace yourself for more. Russia is just getting warmed up :-)


To be honest and from an objective pov… The only parts our friend hans raus was correct were “tracking of exports from 20 countries to Russia. Those exports are down over -50% in April 2022 from a year ago”… But you get the wrong conclusion that Russia economy is imploding and it’s so wrong. Maybe the EU USA and the western allied countries stop selling goods amd exports to Russia failed because USA demanded to isolate Russia, and not because your false conclusion. Also I can bet your data and statistics were taken from a Western source.

Planting Ukrops in the Garden

Oh my, now you’ve really scared me. I never would have guessed. I guess it’s time to sell everything, move to the dacha and plant potatoes then?

Felix Dherzhinsky

That’s why their currency is worth 50% more on the international markets today than it was 5 years ago huh? Meanwhile the price of gasoline in America is up by more than 100% in the past year. Get a life. Go get your next booster imbecile.


56 ruble to the dollar,it’s over rover fkn bendova bandera nazi scum,iq of your shoesize,nwo dumbass!

The West's house of cards.

I wonder what the hryvnia would be without artificial western support. 300 to the dollar maybe? And I mean the Zimbabwean dollar. LOL

Edgar Zetar

Where I’ve read that every amount of years the creditors must have to forgive all his debts… where i’ve read this… please someone refresh my memory… hahaha lol! I known the answer but need to check if someones knowns where this words were written… “blood is like the wine, unconcious all the time, or most part of them”

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
jens holm

Its a vtal build in for the Western System named bankrupt.

You get loans for investmenet in Production and service. You also can use them as private person.

But You have to sell product best to the price. Here You compete. By that there will be loosers.

That can go bankrupt. Here You sell whats left cheep tpo someone, which can use some of it. The competer also can bu the whole thing cheep and use the best parts of it and throw away the unproductive parts.

Here are rules for the ones in bakrups has to oay back what they can fx for 10 years. After that they are forgiven and can live a normal and have choises for being just hired by someone or evenstart all over again.

Its the same for a state or the privates inside it. It makes no sense to demand money back, if there are none. And loans also can be bad investments. You took a chance, but it did did not pay back wirth interest. Sometimes money also can be stolen by coruption. here it can be difficult to find thr thieves.

So You have to have people, which are controllers for the money flow. Money also can given as a helping gift never expected to be paid back.


Jens Holms… Buddy, i don’t want to argue to you, please give us a gesture of goodwill, write your comments on a paper, then lay down on the floor and next put your paper comments inside your as*


On the verge of “debt” collapse?… As if this JUST HAPPENED (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV9J6sxCs5k)!…


Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

How the mainstream media shifted people’s attention from the meaning of the conversation to the “f**k the EU” remark as if it was the punch line. Nuland and or Pyatt needs to be taken out (period)

jens holm

I font read it.

Ukraine is not in in any kind debt. If needed we will buy all deabt and give Ukraine back with none.

The main problem for Ukraine right now is it cant contribute by what they have. In importance its food export. Parts of the world need it very much.

Until next year many countries suddenly cant produce extra. Western Europe can produce much more then needed. That easy but not enough at all. We probatly can feed some 10 millions more.

The price also will go up.


What a bunch of crap. Ukraine is finished. All they do is ask for more, every day. The article is 100% correct. The Ukies are trapped and will never recover without external help. They did not get anything for free. Zelensky has betrayed his people and sold their future. No wonder millions have left already. They will never return. US has produced another failed state. Europe has acknowledged already that they can’t survive without Russia’s exports. They already failed with sanctions. No embargo coming, not even anything else. They pay in Rubles as demanded and they will never ever abandon Russian energy resources. No one wants to sell them their stuff and even if they would, EU just doesn’t have the infrastructure for that. They relayed for decades on the Russian pipeline system. It is too expensive and too late to switch now. EU is indebted has a rising inflation and is pushing hard for poverty, food shortages and high unemployment. All because their sanctions fired back at them in an epic way. Russia winning on all fronts.


How many people will even be left in the rump Ukraine? I read today something like 5 million have already left. Then subtract all the citizens of Donbass, Kherson and whatever else Russia gobbles up and there ain’t much left, population-wise or resource-wise. Even more will emigrate during the rest of the war and afterwards. Could almost end up as a ghost country like the Chernobyl exclusion zone on steroids.

Finally, Poles good for something

Whatever’s left will be hard core banderites and the Poles will take care of them in short order.

Zelensky demands.......

Germany owes us 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 euros in war reparations.

I want it and I want it NOW!


Zelensky is a Jew. His people are Jews. Not Ukrainians. A Jew in Ukraine will mourn the death of a Jew in Russia more than the death of a Ukrainian gentile. So as for selling out his people. Zelensky didn’t. He got the Jews out of the war zone right away. And as for screwing over the gentiles, the bible tells them to do that very thing.

The West's house of cards.

Ah, he’s not even a real Jew, just by his father. Has to have a Jewish mother, like Nudelman to be a bona fide member of the tribe. Guess that makes it easier for him to lick neonazi and neocon boots simultaneously.

Last edited 2 years ago by The West's house of cards.

It’s not whether we think he’s a Jew. it’s how he sees himself and his identity. Either way, never put a Jew in positions of power.


You sound like a Zimbabwean economist trying to explain something while standing on his head in a bucket of water.

Last edited 2 years ago by LOL
The West's house of cards.

Did you ever think of just writing your gobbledegook in Ukrainian and translating it in say..Yandex before posting it here? I’d say Google, but they won’t let you copy and paste without their marking it with google piss.

Be careful though, Yandex might red flag you as a total idiot and refuse to cooperate.

Last edited 2 years ago by The West's house of cards.

Didn’t frank templeton debt trap them so the Rothschilds will be able to buy land from Ukraine to own their natural resources?


Wars and debt traps, two demons on the same coin. The black beast and the red dragon.


Under senile Biden, the US, the world’s largest debtor nation will offer to assume the Ukranian debt. Just wait an watch.


If Russia takes over the entire nation of Ukraine, surely Russia and Ukraine would no longer be liable for that debt. Debts ARE written off and loaning money in war time is a RISK. Investment is not risk free. This entire shenanighans by the Western world has been to create DEBT slavery of every nation whilst looting all of the nations assets in order that the enslavement by debt continues. Debt holders are in debt to other debt holders and almost all of the money in our world is debt. It is time for the MONEY lenders to be put on trial, as well as the warmongers and those who willfully spread false witness against others. This latter can be likened to murder and to serious assault.


Russia doesn’t want most of Ukraine, there’s nothing worth having, especially in the Banderite west. They will take the ports, the Black Sea oil producing areas, grain producing areas and leave the rest to the losers in NATO.

Edgar Zetar

Now you are being thoughtful Mr. Thoughtful. I like the part when you comment about “debts ARE written off and loaning money in war time is a RISK”… but you should also see there are elites and billionares owning multinationals who makes millions on selling weapons and killing populations… war profits should be a crime against humanity


or not, if a pro-BRICS government enters Ukraine, they can say they won’t accept the Western debts, as the governments before were simply illegal, and then the West does what? XD


They will never pay those debts. It won’t even be the same country. Russia will have the oil producing areas, the ports, much of the grain growing regions. Then how much will Poland grab? This is all a sick joke and the debts will only end up costing citizens of the West. Of course, Zellensky will be enjoying his stolen millions in Florida.


Course Same old.

Muhammad your Prophet

Moscow’s special moronic operation is praying that any outstanding debts magnified by the atrocities Putin the terrorist cockroach is committing aren’t forgiven due to the situation of having a horde of rapists destroying all their buildings.


Delusional,mental dyslexic you must be a sodomised multi vaxxed skilled of nothing lieing poof!

Muhammad your Prophet

Look here. Two more Putin faggots who want to rape Yamil Perez. I hadn’t seen many of those lately. Most of them are raping each other at Ukranian prisons by now.


Zelensky goes on stage in the big screen: “we are losing ground and money but we are winning on social media.” *Everybody applauds*


They can put on their 3d goggles and claim victory in the Metaverse.


hahaaaaa its exactly how it is, bunch of cucked puppet politicians throughout the EU, US and the west.


It continues to baffle me that both people and nations do not understand that a loan is literally the exact opposite of money. It really is astonishing. If someone gives you a loan they are giving you a negative financial balace. That is literally the opposite of wealth, measured by any metric. It’s weird, really weird, that people keep doing that.

flush goes the nation

Ukraine On The Verge Of Debt Collapse, Who cares as Zipalesky the puppet makes his rounds on the world stage promoting his puppet masters as the people of Ukraine die. This green pajama top fake fraud installed puppet has to go. Zelensky is an embarrassment to himself and the decent people of Ukraine who are fooled by Green Pajama boy.


Only the males. Ukrainian females will be quite available to any man with means that wants them. That’s what the Ukrainian men are dying for, that their women will fuck foreigners as they die for their Jew leader.


Whatever will be left of the landlocked rump state of Ukraine will now be Poland’s problem lol. Poland is already making food stamps and preparing government cheese a la US of A for the wanna be EU Ukrainians. Literally all the hard working, productive Ukrainians will now be living in part of the Russian Federation. Russia is taking the best and leaving the rest for Poland to deal with since the Poles all of a sudden are claiming that Poland and Ukraine are inseparable and indistinguishable from one another. This is going to backfire on Poland more than any other country in Europe. Ukraine is so in debt to the IMF, World Bank and the rest of the blood sucking vultures, they will remain the poorest nation in Europe for decades.


Ukroppers are the polaks…polaks…. Every collection of apes needs to laugh at the dirty apes next door and the polaks have been the krauts apes for so long….well you can imagine. Now that Polakville is a Pentacon nuke parking lot waiting to get crispy crittered the dumbest polaks imagine they are living in …….Slumville, proper.

Polaks are not the butt of every dumb Uruppean joke for nothing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
Robert Thorpe

A superb analysis.




Zelensky’s job was to bankrupt Ukraine and destroy as much as possible


The economic situation in Ukraine is worse than anyone can imagine. No, it is not a 45% reduction in GDP, it is more like 80%. The young women and their children in Europe are NOT coming back, especially not those with a good education. The young men are or will be rotting corpses. When this is over, the average age will be over 50. There will not be jobs for any of the returning soldiers and many of them will be incapable of productive work. Crime is going to skyrocket.


Only Global Communism can heal those wounds.


All those debts will be paid using the confiscated reserved totalling $300bil in western hands. At least that is the plan.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x