Illustrative Image: Russian warships are seen during a rehearsal for the Navy Day parade in Sevastopol, Crimea
Judging by the recent developments in the southern Odessa region, the Ukrainian military command is regrouping forces preparing for another attack on Zmeiny Island (also known as Snake Island).
The Ukrainian S-300 air defense system has been recently transferred from the Artsiz area to the Zhelty Yar located on the Black Sea coast to the north of Snake Island.
5 military helicopters flew from the Chervonoglynsky airfield in the Artsiz area to the Buyalyk area north of Odessa and Fedorovka in the Kirovograd region.
4 guard boats of the Ukrainian Navy were deployed on constant patrol at the port of Odessa. 2 more Ukrainian boats are operating to the east of the village of Zatoka.
At least 2 Su-24 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force deployed in the Voznesensk airfield are patrolling the airspace in the north-western part of the Black Sea.
The Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 UAVs are also patrolling the area near the island. The reconnaissance flights are carried out from the Shkolny airfield near Odessa at least twice a day. The Russian Air defence systems continue to intercept the UAVs on a regular basis.
Only on May 13, two Ukrainian UAVs, including one Bayraktar TB2, were intercepted over the island. Moreover, three Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles were intercepted, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence.
At the same time, Ukrainian forces are closely cooperating with the US intelligence, receiving information from the US UAVs deployed in the Black Sea area.
Judging by the maneuvers of the Ukrainian military, another attempt to counter attack Russian forces on Snake Island should be expected.
Earlier, another attempt of the Ukrainian special forces to take control over Snake island on May 9 failed, as well as previous attacks. In turn, the Russian Navy is likely to reduce the number of ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the area in advance.
There is no doubt that the steady but slow grind is focused and in line with Russian goals in Donbas. Also Russia pretty well has the coast under control in terms of blockade. Therefore Ukraine needs to try to do something. Of course the likelihood is that another 50 or so Ukrainian Nazis will be dead again, like last time, coupled with loss of their aircraft… I don’t really think the Russians will mind if the Ukrainian Nazis come to them to be slaughtered again!
Not sure if it was here or on UK Column, but they coined the phrase like “lava flow” .. from a volcano and I thought that was brilliant. Slow and steady and non-stoppable. Here 25:18 or 32:19 … if you go under the show, you have the time frames and info. Personally, this was not the best show, “in my view”, the last fer have been excellent, so maybe I am just spoilt now = https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-11th-may-2022 (for the old shows, click video – top right).
Correct. It is astonishing how inapt the Ukie command truly is. That island is absolutely worthless to them. It is very accessible by Russian missiles so any attempt to put anything there will always be an easy target. You can’t hide on an island that is about 200×200 meters. So let them try to retake that. For me is it just a desperate attempt to “distract” Russian forces on the other fronts by simply creating a new one. Even if so, it is a very bad idea and won’t work either.
the AFU-NAZI are gangsters
The Ukrainian NeoNazis are going down. Z is coming for them.
Z is coming for them on giant turtles. Lol
This is just pure horse shit! South Front knows and has the info! Two su24 are patrolling and the took off from? Along with 4 helicopters that left airfield #22 and x number of drones, the four patrol boats at grid coordinates are listed here………..The S300 is driving rural route 26 at mile marker 41 where they have stopped to let the driver piss!
The Russian army on the other hand can not find these air fields? nor these s300? nor these patrol boats? Give me a break, there is horse shit then there is real horse shit! Who wrote this Jens Holmes?
If any of this was even close to accurate it would reflect very poorly on the Russian armed forces that they do not have the ability to defeat these systems. Clearly from the article they know where they are and how many they are and where they are going. They just choose to ignore all these things….. RIGHT!
The actual it doesn’t reflect poorly. The transit of an AA battery can be tracked through intelligence. Likewise, the radar signal emitted by one can also provide clues to its whereabouts. Aircraft are also easily tracked, and it may not be beneficial to waste a missile to take out a single Aircraft that isn’t posing direct threat. It lures the enemy into using them in force which allows for a them to be neutralized in groups rather than picking them off one at a time with the risk of missing, or having missiles intercepted. Additionally if the aircraft fly low, it makes it difficult for missiles to effectively track and neutralize. Same actions are used by Israeli aircraft to avoid fire, using the terrain to their advantage. Likewise the boats patrolling Odessa do not pose any direct threat at the moment, and as such they won’t be struck until they do. Likewise leaving them alone at the moment may entice Kiev’s forces to come out from their defensive positions and attack, exposing them and further attributing to their attrition. As for Southfront reporting on them, there are numerous sites that have reported on the movement of troops and armaments across Ukraine, both pro Russian and Ukrainian. There were videos of a small convoy of a half dozen vehicles traveling south to Odessa this morning on Twitter. So it is likely Southfront could rope these together and surmise the transit of a anti aircraft battery.
SF is posting info, let it be. A few years ago under the name “Call me Al” <===me, and I still have no understanding how the f'ck my log in name has changed again. ANyway a few of us got p1ssed off, like you and started to ask questions like – 1. This is Western BS, why is this here ?… and 2. Well you know the answer to this, what are you playing at ? (it was concerning Syria at the time) … now I can not remember the exact answer, but it went along the lines of my first 4 words above (SF – help me out, will you please ?). Remember that they, like all web sites need to be "clever" nowadays …
Ya agreed, I usually give them the benefit of the doubt. Even defend them. I know its a couple guys working on donations. . Its just a little over the top for me. My bad! I get it, its like me going to baskin robins and bitching about only having ice cream, forgot where I was for a min.
I remember you! I miss those simpler happier days!
LOL. Yes, they were good times and we also had some good banter on here; with jokes, images etc, but always with that common theme (apart from the usual suspects that still seem to be on). In fact they were the times I think that made SF.
I do not comment much now, because I hate this comment section / program – get email every time asking me to confirm subscription or something, then another .. ah FO, cannot be arsed. GET US BACK ON DISQUS or whatever it was called and give me my name back.
Do you still “meet” or “come across” some of the ones from the good old days ?; I have met only one so far, maybe two – excluding the trolls. Take it easy and keep in touch. Cheers.
Hello and so agree with you regards the old days, full of banter, jokes, images, and not forgetting informative debate. Where did it all go ha-ha? Take care and have a great weekend.
and you mate Cheers.
Good to see you still around AM Hants. It is still me, “call me AL” and “Red Tick Alert” … but somehow my name got effing changed again. Yep, I am still obnoxious, a prat and whatever. Take it easy and catch you soon and have a good weekend.
Agree on this comment board. Having to ‘edit’ to get a comment to post is strange to say the least. Don’t know why they left Disqus, maybe because an Israeli outfit owns them now? But whoever is running this one is suspect as hell. Anyway, I remember you, it’s been quite a long time from the early days of Syria. I see a couple who have stayed, but most I remember are gone now. There were several Russians that used to post, but haven’t seen them for some time. I miss their input. funny how the trolls have stayed though. Remember Jacob Wohl? he shows up once in a while. I wonder where Wohl’s Nose went.
My memory is sh1-te, but Jacob Wohl rings a bell … but then again so does a Jan holmes (troll) or something similar – talked utter crap. To be honest I do not remember the Russians, but I remember some Dutch, Brits, Yanks and Syrians having some banter together + even with the paid trolls; it was such a laugh. A site called Russian Insider was similar. At the time, I would rather stay in, buy a bottle and chat on the sites with you lot than go out.
I am sure we can get this site back to what it used to be, but I dislike this comments section; both in format and operability. Give me Disqus back and I would be here daily and for hours.
Right, I am off; have a good weekend, catch you whenever.
“You can call me Al” — I remember you! Greetings from quarantine… Yes, somehow by ditching Disqus (I assume they’ll have had their reasons) they killed the community. Of course, the Syrian war was going nowhere for years, so interest was bound to die off anyway I reckon. This new comments system is very glitchy, and no edit button.
Take care.
I also have problems with this comment section. Sometimes i can write out a comment but cannot post it for the life of me. I heard that Disqus has isreali management, so maybe that’s why it was ditched? Anyway, it’s good to see you are still around ‘bob’.
The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.
First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !
God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !
It’s probably no good to find glee in death, even those you may think your enemy.
What about the dozens of shitty Russian tanks Ukranian forces just destroyed in a single day east of Kharkiv? Why hasn’t Southfront reported that humiliating Russian military catastrophe? Satellite pictures show at least 58 tanks destroyed. How many dead Putin cockroaches are those? Like a thousand? https://www.yahoo.com/news/photos-show-dozens-wrecked-russian-214718844.html
Russia is losing tanks so fast that they gonna have to bring the T-34 back out of storage to fight soon. Hopefully NATO will come in once Russia weak enough and help to push them all the way back to Crimea again.
Bla bla bla … Zelensky cried for weeks to get stuff. He is still loosing and gets mostly old decommissioned junk. You are a sore looser and clearly in denial of real facts on the ground. NATO in Ukraine, yeah right … they were the first one that ran away in February. What a joke you are.
not one of those tanks are marked with “Z” = all ukranian…?
Marked with Z? They’re all destroyed. These fucking morons have gotten even more moron lately.
Even the intact ones have no markings, there’s a few trucks untouched, no markings 🤔
Pathetic. This was already debunked as Ukrainian losses portrayed as Russian. Same as those on Snake Island. You dumb-asses believe yahoo now? How sad.
What is the point of this? Is the only benefit of this island just PR “for morale”?
Yes, senseless PR stunt as konashenkov stated
Zelonsky rato lgbt clown jew nazi needs more 33 tons of digital cocaine in the anus !!!!!
Russia is the gay capital of Eurasia, and there’s more AIDS there than in California even. You’re a bunch of projecting butt sex boys.
Let them have that tiny rock, they can’t bring some heavy equipment. Then bomb them every day.
The Island might be tiny, but, Ukraine desperately needs it, in order for NATO alliance to get access to Odessa. Which is why Russia needs to keep it out of Ukraine’s control. It is of strategic importance to Ukraine and come to that also Russia.
The helicopters and planes are flying from romania just like the drones. The boats probably as well. Just like whatever hit the moskva.
Ukrainians are just their so nato can hide behind them while in reality they do all the heavy lifting.
Ukraines army is basically an integrated nato army by now and no unit moves without order from a us or british commander sitting safe in a comand unit in poland or romania.
Russia invited these things by letting british and us avacs flying in the meditaranian off the syrian coast remote control the drones who hit russian and syrian targets all the time.
If the first avacs would have had an “accident ” while commanding hts (just another name of al quaida) in an attack then perhaps the west would have realised it goes too far.
Now they believe russia is weak and they can get away with anything.
It does not matter how much the russians talk about nukes now the west will not believe the russians will use them until the russians hit the red button and then wonder what went wrong in their 100% failsafe masterplan to rule the world.
Go read Ivan the fool, by Tolstoy.
Russia is weak actually because their current leadership is a bunch of rich imbeciles who are always afraid of risking their lavish lives.
Because CNN and the BBC told you so. Meanwhile, Russia keeps the lava flowing, with 80% of the population, who only own 20% World Debt, supportive of her. The 20% of the population, which owns 80% World Debt, is the minority that is cheesed off – the declining sector of the planet – US, UK, EU, Japan and remaining ‘5 Eye Members’.
Yea i agree, risking an awacs is a much safer bet than hitting the button
More target practice for the Russians. More Ukro-Nazis to be eliminated in the name of triumphal crap published in the BBC…..
Why is there a single functioning airfield in all of Ukraine?
Turkeys gobble.
Ukraine continues to waste human life by these pointless attacks. They will just lose more equipment and men, for literally nothing. The way things are going, I am waiting for Odessa to the be the next target of the war, cutting Ukraine off from the Black Sea permanently.
Before attacking Odessa, Russians need to conquer Micolaev and maintain a bridge over Bug estuary… These look to not been easy tasks !
I thought the Russians had already vacated the island?
Protected by Bastion and Russian Defence Systems, who are working well.
Why hasn’t Russia’s black sea fleet already destroyed every ship of Ukraine navy?
They have. All they got left are some boats.
If the Russians know where all these assets have been moved, why haven’t they destroyed them?
The same reason Russians leave the western cities with electricity, same reason they pay Ukraine to transit gas / supply gas to EU.
Russia wants to be friends with EU / NATO and can’t quite believe or understand why EU / NATO hates them and have spent eight years building the Ukraine army to attack them same as they did in Georgia. The Russians think if they act reasonable and offer friendship it will be reciprocated.
Listen Russia, USA government are insane and hate you ( Both Democrats and Republicans ) you are not dealing with rational people who can be swayed with reason or self interest but mad dogs who need put down.
The EU / NATO are members of the USA gang they will do as they are all told even destroying themselves to prove loyalty to USA. The actual populations are either brainwashed with lies or are powerless as the politicians are all bought / blackmailed or threatened. USA is willing to destroy EU / NATO and the rest of the world to try and bring you down no price is too high.
Nothing you can do will change this situation you either kill these mad dogs or they will kill you. ( I’m sitting in one of these countries near a military target and have accepted the fact that you will probably nuke us at some point for my politicians disgraceful behavior over many years.)
Russia is not like NATO. They want friendly relations with the people of Ukraine, when it is all over. Plus, have no desire to pick up the ‘rebuild budget’. Compare Russia de-nazifying Ukraine, with NATO invading Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc, etc, etc.
rubber dingys are hard to hit from 1/2 mile up
Great, reinforce failure, and provide a target rich environment.
ukie failures as stupid as amerikants
Very costly, strategically worthless.
Oh joy of joys, Russia is waiting patiently to have some fun and target practice when or if the Ukrops try and get onto Snake Island. What a worthless and foolhardy attempt by Ukraine to gain some propaganda. It will not end well for them. Russia will “deNazify” them all and take out some good military hardware in the process. The UKrop body count is about to rise. I need to get some popcorn.
let the ukros attac and capture the island. then send a bomber with the father of all bombs: Авиационная вакуумная бомба повышенной мощности (АВБПМ)
So Zelensky, who is Jewish-owned, is sending Nazis to be slaughtered by white Russians? Let us not forget Putin’s Jewish heritage. Both sides profit from sending white males to die.
That’s exactly the point. But the simple-minded people on this forum here (mostly so-called pro-russians) don t want to see this obvious truth. They desperately try to cling to the cheap jewish gamble and do not realize that they are tricked and cheated by the very old “good cop, bad cop”-game. Saying them that “russia and Putin” they are the good ones. But they do not realizes that there ARE NO GOOD ONES on that whole thing. Both sides are jew-controlled, both sides are evil. It’s a theater, a movie, a trick – they pose as if there was a “two-party war going on – Russia vs. US/EU” when in fact there is only one party. The Jews. And they play it. Because if the dumb masses believe in their scheme and think the two-sides presented to them are real adversaries then the following takes place, as the saying goes: ” If two are at odds/argueing then the third party wins”. Therefore the jews make this theater – posing as two different sides. The aim is to get stupid people to support one of the “two sides”. And as soon as people swollow the bait, they are in fact supporting the Jews. And the jews using that support, energie, money, and humans of the dumb people to draw them into that game, and then forcing them to kill each other.
So that in the end white christians are slaughtering white christians, and the jew stands by the side, (as the commander on both sides) gives orders and counts his gigantic profits(shekels), which he makes from that bloodbath.
But lots of people, sadly also in this forum here, are not clever enough to look through the fog of jewish desinformation, and childishly believe in the propaganda of eighter the russian or the american side, and therefore swallow the bait, and fall into the hook-noses’ trap. Russians should read “Alexander Solschenizyn – who is russian literature nobel prize receivers famous book 200 Years together – The Jews in the Sowjetunion”. There they can find the truth and would understand who the real enemy is. But likey most of the russian masses today are illiterate, artificially illiterate same as most youngsters in the US or the EU are not reading books anymore but just watching TV (jewish propaganda), smartphones or youtube stupid cat-videos.
its almost as if leadership has been handed over to three mental patients at the ‘Kiyv retard centre for excellence’ because everyone knows the definition of insanity is to keep repeating same failure and expecting a different outcome.
If they know where there forces are, as it’s pointed out by SF here in this article, why don’t they destroy them?
I don’t understand the Russian High Command.
I see this not ending well for the Ukrainian regime The Russians must be waiting happy to destroy them Whilst the Ukrainian regime is desperate for a win