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Ukraine Preparing Another Meatgrinder For Its Soldiers

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Ukraine Preparing Another Meatgrinder For Its Soldiers

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Apparently, Kiev has not learned from its recent mistakes on the battlefield and is planning new vicious maneuvers that will certainly bring humiliating defeats. According to information provided by an important local official, Ukraine is planning to launch a new counteroffensive against Russia in 2024, thus trying to prevent further territorial advances by Moscow. Obviously, such a measure will have serious consequences for the regime, further harming neo-Nazi forces.

The statement was made by the head of the Ukrainian land forces, Lieutenant General Aleksandr Pavlyuk, during an interview with local TV. He stated that the country’s army wants to prevent Russian territorial progress, which will allow Ukrainian troops to be regrouped, removing the most exhausted soldiers from the battlefield and deploying new units capable of operating counterattacks and offensive maneuvers.

“(We need to) create a strike group and carry out counter-strike actions (…) I think we will stabilize the situation shortly. (We) do everything possible to prepare the troops for more active actions, and to seize the initiative,” he said during the interview.

As well known, recently, the Ukrainian army has suffered heavy losses on the battlefield, with the territories controlled by the Russians increasing more and more. The main recent defeat occurred in the key city of Avdeevka, where the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, Aleksandr Syrsky, was forced to withdraw his troops to avoid suffering even more casualties, given the high lethality of Russian operations in the region.

Syrsky, who had previously been the top Ukrainian commander during the Artymovsk “meat grinder” (called “Bakhmut” by the Ukrainians) certainly did not want to retreat his troops so easily. But the material and human circumstances of the Ukrainian army forced the commander to make such a decision: simply, there are no longer enough people to fight in Ukraine, with the country’s military mobilization power being affected by the demographic consequences of the war. With a shortage of troops, it is not possible to engage in prolonged battles of attrition, which is why retreat is the only option.

Faced with a military situation like this, it is obviously not appropriate to plan any major offensive. Ukraine is simply not in a position to choose what to do on the battlefield, as Moscow is the side that controls the actions of the conflict. The most Kiev can do in its current situation is to try to minimize heavy damage by withdrawing troops and trying to implement asymmetric combat techniques – if there is no possibility of surrender or peace negotiations.

The main problem, however, is that the regime needs to continue drawing international media attention if it wants to receive more weapons and equipment. Without military assistance from NATO, Ukraine is not able to fight – and without psychological operations with a high impact on Western public opinion, NATO countries have no argument for sending weapons to Kiev. So, as a “solution”, the regime continues trying to promote “major offensives” without any relevant strategic value, with the sole intention of generating a psychological impact on global public opinion and legitimizing military aid.

In fact, any other “counteroffensive” will inevitably have the same result as the last one: Ukraine will be neutralized during the first moves of the counterattack, will lose a massive number of troops and will have to retreat from strategically relevant regions in the face of the Russian advance. However, unlike previous attack attempts, this time Ukraine will face an even more serious situation to replace its losses, as its human reserves are increasingly scarce. In practice, the move will be truly suicidal. Kiev will simply be taking a deep step towards its own definitive defeat.

The details of this supposed new “counteroffensive” are still unclear. Syrsky has not yet commented on the case, with Pavlyuk only making a personal statement during an interview. More information on the topic will certainly be revealed in the near future. It is important to remember that the previous counteroffensive attempt was repeatedly postponed, given the adverse conditions on the battlefield – which is why it is likely that the current move will also take a long time to occur.

The only certainty for now in this entire scenario is that, if it actually launches a new “counteroffensive”, Kiev will be taking a suicidal measure, with devastating consequences for its troops and their positions on the battlefield. Ukraine is unlikely to be able to recover again from a new “meatgrinder”, which is why the country’s officials should be cautious before launching dangerous military measures.


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will zelensky demand troops from south africa and africa🤔, on his upcoming visit?


they can send the white boer afrikaans – they are nazis after all.


we love the russians.

Gneaus stapo

u do, everyone else knows they are subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum and up to no good. the only thing positiv since 1918 is,that they kill/ eliminate themselves by a rate only genghis khan achieved.

bernie nato sanders

stupo inferiority complex—now germ economy dies russia thrives


what the f&&k would you know


go back to your banana tree kaffir that’s where you belong


we like burger meat but americunt economy bad so i only can hunt squirrel steal from taco truck

gestapo mctaco

taco truks…


justifica bursa primita din vest


>the details of this supposed new “counteroffensive” are still unclear

no maybe they are unclear to the author of this article. it was clear from day #1 that it’s all a depopulation ritual.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
jens holm

inspired by russia or what?


inspired by the fat jewish lady that just retired out of embarrassment.


the jewish president of ukraine zelensky and the jewish prime minister of ukraine shmygal using the sbu mossad agents to hunt down ukrainian orthodox slavs while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally. this was always about killing as many slavs as possible.


more identitarian rubbish.


we should not use the word counteroffensive anymore. they only touched the first defense line of rf out of 3. and rf always fights with one hand on the back because all the battles take place in russian speaking areas. the ardennes offensive was a real offensive where defense lines were breached. the germans had 5 days during which the allied airforce could not fly because of weather conditions. they almost reached their objectives but ran out of fuel.


grind nato soldiers now!!!

Gneaus stapo

dont sing it bring it,but we both know fluffer gobnik wont try to.


ball’s in your court, stupo. time to come out from under the table and join your dead nazi brethren on the front line.

get you ass in gear. the grim reaper’s waiting for you. ha ha

nothing like a big nazi blowhard to make their day. maybe they skin you, stretch you over a drum and make war drum music. bam, betta bam, betta bam, betta bam bam boom! ha ha

Last edited 1 year ago by Apocalypto

oh, i forgot. germans don’t have much rhythm to speak of. let me replace that with something you can understand.

oom pah oom pah oom pah. bwaaahaahaahaa


manpower shortage? no problem you zio-nazi heimy heeby jew fuhrer. just call one of your pimps like uncle shnuel in washington, dc. he’ll send some of the latino illegal invaders that are pouring into the us from the south. they will have jobs and if they survive combat, give them ukro-nazi citizenship, a passport and a ukro-nazi whore. problem solved.

Gneaus stapo

lol u mean like ruskie empire? getting soldiers from whereever,by whatever fake promises?


poor german nazi, grandpa built a 1000 year reich that lasted a few years. probably about the same ratio with their women.

tell me, stupo…why do all the german women go south on vacation? you know what i mean. it ain’t for the weather.


syrsky is a russian plant. a venus khokholtrap to be exact.


the truth behind ukraine leadership and nato to kill as many military aged and capable men is to prevent another uprising once the war is over and people are finally allowed to speak their mind about all that happened without fear of being imprisoned, beaten up or killed by the rogue regime.

Gneaus stapo

sure ivan, whatever fantasy/ delusion floats ur boat

bernie nato sanders

communist trump dislike me cuz i fascist—he will cut off ukies and russian humiliation of nato will be complete

Gneaus stapo

lol dream on flathead

Barba Papa

the ukraine acts more and more like the bad people from germany that it loves so much. which also launched costly counter offensives right until march 1945, which pissed away valuable manpower and resources for no gain.

Gneaus stapo

whatever fantasy floats ur boat dawarish

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